A Camera For All Reasons! Saturn "75" Accepts Many Backs - Sheet Film, Roll Film, and Polaroid®; Takes Variety Of Lenses; Converts Quickly Into A Reflex Copy Camera! A camera for NOW - readily adaptable to your those interchangeable backs and lenses. future needs! The Saturn's oversized monorail assures you of That's the new Saturn "75" Monorail Camera exceptional steadiness for sharp pictures. The camera engineered to accommodate itself to your most chal­ itself is sturdily built of select hardwood and metal lenging assignments in virtually any field of modern and its chrome hardware is distinctive and practical. picture-taking. Maximum sharpness is obtained through precise rack­ and-pinion focusing. Your choice of interchangeable 4x5" or 5x7" back is supplied with Saturn "75" - but it accepts Generous swings, tilts, and other movements more than a dozen different backs, including Pola­ (see specifications on back page) qualify the Saturn rOid®; 35mm, 70mm, and 90mm magazine backs to meet any call for close-up or wide-angle work. (manual and electric models); and sheet film backs. Whatever you'll be doing in photography - Mounted on a copy stand and equipped with portrait or commercial, architectural or nude - you a reflex viewing hood, the versatile Saturn becomes can do it with just one camera - Saturn "75" - the ·s 4x.5" Reflex Copy Camera - again accepting all camera for all reasons. Magazine Roll Film Back Backs To Meet Your Every Need You May Use Sheet Film, Roll Film, Polaroid® Film and Choose Formats From 35mm to 5x7" - Saturn "75" Accepts Them All Name your need and Saturn " 75" 2-on and 4-on 5x7" backs. All of them, will accept the back to meet it! of cou rse, readily interchangeable. Do you want to shoot up to 792 No matter how your equ ipment re­ exposures on 35mm without chang­ quirements cha nge, t he Saturn "75" 2-0n 5x7 Sliding Carriage ing film? Use either a manual or elec­ adapts quickly and su rely. No need t o tric model 35mm magaz ine back . load you rsel f down with several cam ­ eras. Saturn does it all. Here is true, Do you want to use Polaroid ® roll long-ra nge economy that makes sense. f ilm or pack f ilm? There are backs for those, too. You'll do better work sticking to one camera ... becoming familiar with it... There are 70mm and 90mm maga­ making it a part of yourself. Make that zine ba cks... lantern slide and Graflok ... one camera a good one - a Saturn "75". ---- Interchangeable Backs ---- Polaroid®4x5 Sheet Film Back The roll film backs listed below will 70-24MG7HU - 311 70mm pictures on accept either perforated or unperforated 100-foot roll film Same as above, but with ~~~~----fil'm.~ F or-precIsion. sprock et foInve-J ' -kJaGl-. k s---70-24EG7HU i electric drive for the Saturn "75", see your Burke & 90-EG7HU 200 90mm pictures on James Dealer. 75-foot roll film PR-G7HU Polaroid ® Roll Film 1-4GG7HW Graflok Back - 4x5 Back for 3%x4% pictures 2-5G7HW Two 3 Y:. x5 on 5x7 PP-G7HU No. 100 Polaroid ® Pack 4-5G7HW Four 2%x3% on 5x7 Adapter on Sliding Car­ 8-5G7HW Eight 1-5/8 x 2% on 5x7 riage with grou nd glass 1-4G7HW 4x5 Cut Film Back panel - 3%x4% 1-3G7HW One 3%x4% on Lantern G2G7HW 2%x3% Sliding Carriage Polaroid® Pack Film Back Slide G4G7HW 4x5 Sliding Carriage 8-RG7HU Eight 2%x3% on 120 roll 10-RG7HU Ten 2%x2% pictures on film 120 roll film 35-2MG7HU 792 35mm pictures on 12-RG7HU Twelve 2%x2% pictures 100-foot roll film on 120 roll film 35-2EG7HU Same as above, but with 20-RG7HU Twenty 2%x2% pictures electric drive on 120 roll film ---- A,ccessories ---- Your Burke & James Dealer can sup­ pods, and many other th ings, along with ply you with dozens of accessories for virtually any darkroom need you can Polaroid® Roll Film Back your Saturn "75" - film holders, tri- name. Ask to see t he B&J Catalog. Wollensak and Schneider Lenses For YourSatum WOLLENSAK PRO-RAPTAR AND and studio applications. They offer a RAPT AR - Lenses combine the most high degree of correction for distortion advanced design approaches with more and vignetting loss. The wide coverage than 70 years of Wollensak craftmanship of the Pro-Raptar and Raptar Lenses to achieve maximum picture sharpness (400 on the 210mm f/5.6 and 51 0 on and a high resolution of detail. Wollen­ the 160mm f/5.6) allows the view sak Lenses are an excellent choice for camera user full advantage of extreme professional results in all commercial swings and tilts. SCHNEIDER SYMMAR - The Symmar SCHNEIDER XENAR - For color and SCHNEIDER ANGULON - A moder­ is eminently suited for any assignment, black-and-white. Excellent Iight trans­ ately priced lens of symmetrical design in color or black-and-white demanding mission, fine definition with brilliant for working in confined areas, inter­ needle-sharp definition. The Symmar contrast and separation of tones. Meets iors, narrow streets. The angular field has an angle of view of 650 at full every requirement for news, portrait, of 800 increases to 900 when stopped aperture, which increases to approxi­ fashion, commercial, and studio work. down. High Iy corrected and free of dis­ mately 700 when stopped down. Its The perfect general purpose lens. Pro­ tortion. At the smaller apertures, ex­ large image circle permits wider use of duces negatives that can be enlarged to tensive use may be made of camera corrective tilts and swings found on tremendous proportions without loss of movements. modern view cameras. detail. Saturn Reflex Copy Camera The Saturn "75" converts instantly for use as a Reflex Copy Camera. Available for this conversion are the Saturn Copy Stand, which firmly grips the camera's mono­ rail; a set of copy lights; and a reflex viewing hood. The copy stand column is of structural-channel aluminum, 46'1," high. Copy board is 23'12X26%" . The stand weighs 42% pounds. Standard lights are four 150-watt reflector type floods on metal suppOl!S that mount on the copy board, although other lights may be substituted. The Saturn Reflex Copy Camera may be pur­ chased complete with Copy Stand and Lights, View­ ing Hood, and 5%" f/5.6 Schneider Componon Lens­ or without lens (see back page). Saturn Cameras Sold Prices - Saturn Cameras and Accessories Only Through Dealers Saturn "75" and Saturn Reflex Copy Order No. Description PriC!! Cameras are sold only through author­ ized Burke & James Dealers. Saturn View Camera 300·634 Saturn "75" with 160mm f/5.6 Wollensak Pro-Raptar in Rapax 352.50 Your dealer can supply you with 300·635 Saturn "75" with 210mm f/5.6 Wollensak Pro-Raptar in Rapax 382.50 many other photographic products man­ 300-637 Saturn "75" with 210mm f/4.5 Wollensak Raptar in Alphax 351.50 ufactured and/or distributed by Burke 30()'056 Saturn "75" with 150mm f/5.6 Schneider Symmar in Compur 366.50 and James. 300·057 Saturn "75" with 150mm f/5.6 Schneider Symmar in Copal 320.50 300·058 Saturn "75" with 180mm f/5.6 Schneider Symmar in Compur 384.50 300·059 Saturn "75" with 180mm f/5.6 Schneider Symmar in Copal 343.50 He can assist you in determining 300·060 Saturn "75" with 210mm f/4.5 Schneider Xenar in Copal 447.50 your needs for the many accessories 300·063 Saturn "75" with 90mm f/6.8 Schneider Angulon in Copal 258.50 available for the Saturn, in obtaining 300·064 Saturn "75", (Jess lens) 139.50 300·065 Saturn "75" with 4x5 Graflok Back No. 1·4GG7H 172.50 factory-repair service if needed, and in other ways. Camera Backs For Saturn 1·4GG7H Graflok Back - 4x5 70.00 Your dealer's interest in you does 2·5G7H Two 3%x5 on 5x7 48.00 72.00 not stop with your purchase of a Saturn 4-5G7H Four 2%x3%·on 5x7 8·5G7H Eight 1·5/8 x 2% on 5x7 96.00 camera - it begins there if you are a ·1·4G7H 4x5 Cut Film Back Specify Back "For 40.00 new customer and increases if he's 1·3G7H One 3%x4% or Lantern Slide Saturn Camera" 40.00 already serving you. 8-RG7H Eight 2%x3% on 120 Roll Film 116.50 35·2MG7H 792 35mm Pictures on 100-foot Roll Film 264.50 35·2EG7H Same as above, but with Electric Drive 301.50 70·24MG7H 311 7Dmm Pictures on 100·foot Roll Film 264.50 7()'24EG7H Same as above, but with Electric Drive 301.50 9().EG7H 200 90mm Pictures on 75 foot Roll Film 374.50 PR·G7H Polaroid® Roll Film Back for 3%x4% Pictures 169.50 Specifications PP·G7H No. 100 Polaroid® Pack Adapter on Sliding Carriage with 169.50 0 Ground Glass Panel - 3%x4% SWINGS - 12 front and back. G2G7H 2%x3% Sliding Carriage 72.00 0 TI LTS - 30 front and back . G4G7H 4x5 Sliding Carriage 72.00 FRONT RISE - 3" up, 1" down. 10·RG7H Ten 2%x2% Pictures on 120 Roll Film 116.50 HORIZONTAL SLIDE -7/8". 12·RG7H Twelve 2%x2% Pictures on 120 Roll Film 116.50 20·RG7H Twenty 2%x2% Pictures on 120 Roll Film 137.50 FOCUSING - rack-and·pinion. MOUNT - sliding quick·release tripod Saturn Camera Case mount. 300-196 Saturn Camera Case (holds camera with monorail along with MONORAIL LENGTH - 25%".
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