|S e 5 1 & v.; THE ONLY COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ''A 1 •r. n &** A NBWBPAPSE DEVOTED TO OEN£SAI JfBWS, BVXXtSZNa. CONTBAOTEHT*, ECTQXZTEXaxJrO), FBOTXWOXAX, CITY AND BABBOB X&EPKOVXKEITTS. PubUabed Monday y Offlo* and Plant PBICB—Per Yaar In Advance - % 10.SS- ti& VOL. XVI, No. 73. Wednesday and Friday VANCOUVER, B:C.,$l0imW, JUNE af.1919 ,683 Komer-Xilonafda I>an« Var Month - - - - - ljM Building Material PACIFIC SHEET METAL DOMINION WORKS, Limited Pressed R (J | (^ 1^ Common ROOFING CONTRACTORS KETAL WINDOWS riBE DOORS SKYXXOHTS ^> JOBBINQ BLOW PIPINO SMOKE STACKS Gabriola Shale Products, Limited 1 Wm. N. 0' Co., Li Granville Is. Seymour 2172 Vancouver Office Phone Sey. 8057 Tel. Sey. 4795-6. 548-550 Seymour St. 425 Standard Bank Bldg. J.T.A. Ritchie, Representative It UII.DINO PSBMXT8 AMOVMTMO TO tSOO OB OVEB ISSUED AT TES VAJfCOTTVXB CITT BALL TBBT1BDAT 1 ..... •" - ..:' ;.- . .'_ - -..'.- Number Daacrtpttoa Coat Gtreat Addraaa Xot and Block Subdivision f robJt^ot nort-Ttd* » 7l1-<wn Owmr Addraaa MUNDY, ROWLAND & CO. " - - • ; ' .- - • • • '••• •-,-• • •• " ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND f . '•• ' ' • , . CONTRACTORS —— • —-.... — - - I. _ - — i'.''V:.r,.T'1. ° Roofing, Building Clayburn Firebrick, Special PHONE FT.OF COLUMBIA AV Shaped Firebrick, Pressed >M Papers, etc. 2988 Brick, etc. Vancouver Brand Cement, Reinfor­ Building Partition ced Steel, Hvdrated and Drain Tile Lime, etc. BUILDING AND INDUSTRIAL NEVirs f RANK DARLING & CO. HARD WOO PNEUMATIC TOOLS m Lumber Veneer Panels, Etc. * ••TI-IOR" Our Stock ia tho MostComplete on th* Pacific Coaat TO BUILD SCHOOL ADDITIONS f each, hardwood floors,: built in fixtures^ Ma Beariig Drills -Close Quarter Pistil Air Drills—RrrtttiRC ItMirs Wo aro also Solo Acejits for the Plans are under way in South Van-N* air heat etc., and will copt |3,500 Clippiif Hammers-Wood Binrs-TiriiM aai Electric Drills CeJekrated "Beaver Brand" Maple ea n and Birch Floerlag. couver for the erection of a two-room ^ - NigkSpiii Still-Drills-RiMirs. Etc frame annex to the McBride school and a four-room addition to the Mac- i- PREPARING HOUSING Complete Slock of Accessories J. FYFE SMITH CO. LIMITED kenzie Scliool. AGREEMENT 1144 HOMER ST. Phone Sey. 4100 1120 Richard* St Vancouver, B. C. Actual results are at last being I CONTRACT IS AWARDED achieved by the city council in con­ FOR $6,000 RESIDENCE nection with the local application of the Soldiers' Housing Act. The coun­ Architect Bernard C. Palmer, 616 cil has placed Mr. J. B. Williams, city Structural Steel For Every Purpose THE HOI-DEN CO., Ltd. Credit Foncier," Building, has awarded claims agent, in charge" of the legal a contract to Mr. E. G. Baynes, for OKNtftAL RAILWAY * CONTRACTORS work in connection with the construc­ •— ^? the construction of a residence in SUPPLIES tion ot the. new houses for so'diers. Magee for Mrs. E. B. lirown at a cost •*•!• In Cami da ror A^.tart on. the first dozen of the new 6)UHa, of $6,000. * * ' • Tool Co; houses' is expected .to be made shortly, CHlceiso -end Mr, Williams is now preparing,-* v '-vvj'.-y'. •-'•»-. ->•-«" »: - K Bevarillve%lna «^t^»i * Mammero; "fUtlle mknt /BrHIa: paattey RECEIVING TENDERS " form of agreement to be- filled out by Eleotria Ta*ls; ^ _ ._ . TOR GASOLINE ENGINES the soldier-applicants for new homes CAMDMN NORTHWEST STin COT, Lht 7Feel Oil" and Oas Engine*.. Sealed Tenders endorsed "Tender for under the provisions of the Act. 81 NeUr ft ».. lmmml: C.T* Gasoline Engines for Mission Ferry" J nm uj. ins will be received by,the Honorable the RUSH FOR HOMESITES |S. 'Minister of Public Works up to noon PRECURSOR OF BOOM IN on June 12, 1919. - ; BUILDING OF NEW HOUSES % WE MANUFACTURE Toronto rt is almost like the gooa old days London, Bmf. Wlnaipar Vanaouvar, ». or. INVITE TENDERS FOR of 1910-11-12 now out in .any of the REINFORCING STEEL FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW *< popular residential subdivisions as far IN ANY FORM OR LENGTH AND Robert W. Hunt & Co.,Ltd. | 'iThe Hon. the Minister of Public as the demand for homesltes are con­ I SUBJECT TO ALL TESTS ; Works is inviting.tenders for the erec­ cerned. Any fine Sunday now sees dozens of prospective home-seekers, INSPECTION - TCSTS— CONSULTATION tion of a five-room Bungalow in South Submit your requirements Vancouver. Official notice of tender in the majority of cases, convoyed by L CEMENT. BUILDINGS, BRIDGES. PIPE, RAILS, CARS, appears elsewhere, in this paper. an enterprising real estate agent;' in- STEEL, LOCOMOTIVES, SECONDHAND EQUIPMENT. OREOSOTEO Tenders arec'a'so being received for pecting lots around Kerrisdale, Strach- MATERIAL. LUMBER, ETC. HYAH STEEL PRODUCTS, LIMITED the: erection of a four-room Bungalow cona Heights, South Vancouver and on the government demonstration plot Capital Hill, all intent on picking the Phone Seymour 3066^067 Office and Laboratory Granville Island, Vancouver, B. C. 21B Standard Bank Bids. Phono Soymour 2199 near Pairview, in the Similkameen best location possible for a new home. Electoral District. And the purchase of the lot will inevit­ RaauUnt Inapectera at Large Manufactuiiuf Centers ably be followed by the erection of a CONTRACT IS AWARDED more or less pretentious dwelling, in ./.- --.. FOR SHAUGHNESSY HOME any event, there will be a home of Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Satlnxataa Olvaa Beyaiour 7200 some kind built. •V,'^ Architect Edwardes Sproat, 303 Dun­ BUILDING MATERIAL DEPARTMENT Within the last two weeks, since the can Building has awarded a contract REINFORCING STEEL: — BUILDER'S to John L. Dunn. 2245 Trafalgar street return of the last four large parties of Largest stock of Mild Steel Bars in Western, Canada. We «ut to for the construction of-a residence for soldiers from overseas and the conse­ length. Cold Twist and Bend Bars. & WB OAB1CABBT A COaTLETCOl S UKX OT BOLTS:— • -K-:;\"-' Mr. E. P. Hey wood, to be erected in quent . re-union has arisen almost a boom owing to the demand for new Drift Bolts, Machine Bolts, Tie Bolts. We are prepared- to fur­ 16th- Ave. west. Shaughnessy Heights. nish large orders of Special Bolts on short notice. homesites. Failing to find suitable FINISHING HARDWARE - CONTRACTOR'S SUPPLIES The new home will be a 1% story 8PIKE8—CAST IRON WASHERS, ETC. houses, either for rent or for sale, structure, with half timbered front and i Vancouverites are. resorting to the MERCHANT IRON and STEEL BARS gabels. containing six-rooms, and will Wovaloid Roofing only outlet left to them—that of build­ PORTLAND CEMENT — LIME — HYDRATEO LIME — FIRE CLAY coat $4,000. SCOTCH FIRE BRICK — BLACKSMITHCOAL —COKE ing their own homes. But the first The contractor is open to receive SEA COAL — PIG IRON — MANILA ROPE, ETC. WOOD. VALLANCE & LEGGATT, LIMiTED step in carrying out that intention is ' Wnolaaal* Haa-ry ana SHalf Kardwara bids on sub-trades covering brick, San Francisco, Los to secure a residential lot. 6" VANCOUVER VICTORIA VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA plastering, electrical work, etc. WINCH BUILDING Angeles, Portland BELMONT. BUILDING The first results of this movement Private Ex. S«y. »&»7 Seattle, Tacoma T«U»HOM soar was to create a sudden demand for THREE BUNGALOWS PLANNED* the services of surveyors to replot FOR KITSILANO DISTRICT various sub-divisions which in the Plans for a housing scheme consist­ We have just received a large shipment majority of cases had been laid out in Vancouver Lumber Co., Limited ing of three modern bungalows to be of - V.J> 25 or 33 foot lots back in the boom erected on the corner of ISth Ave. and XAjnnrAOTXTBSXui or days, but for which there is no de­ Stevens street. Kitsilano, are under I FIR, CEDAK#|d SPRUCE LUMBER mand for that, size of lot now. The COMMON BRICK way in the offices of architect Fred. new brigade of home-makers and ' •'••: '.: "^iir'Sou Want L. Towniey, 325 Homer street. builders want, a 50 foot lot at least, ;or • Can make prompt delivery These modern homes will be erected THE BEST LUMBER and THE BEST SERVICE a 66 if they can get it—for they want • •---j - -j j^ ...,..•• j for Mr. F. G. Evans of this city, who in any quantity a garden as an auxiliary to every one i has appointed G. M. Champion, 4350 REASONABLE PRICES of these new homes. With the sur­ ! 14th'Ave;, west to supervise the work OaU ama.aaa ua, o* aaaaa. veys completed, the owners of some Ritchie Contracting & Supply Co. Ltd. of construction. Work has Just been of these choice sub-divisions soon S'$' , South Bad of Gonnaugal Bridge \ Phone Seymour 91*3- 1361 Granv||lt Street Phone Fair, f le-919 ' Vancouver, B. C, started on one of the new bungalows; found that they were moving rapidly. and the remaining two will be started There was not the slightest need to just as soon as the-present one under impose building restrictions on . any construction is completed. THE JAMES BROOKES WOODWORKING C0..LTD. The new homes will have six rooms (Continued on Pace 4.1 I Seymour 4660 ORNAMENTAL IRONWORK Millwork Contracts Our steam heated plant •n»bl©» ua to maJiufaoturo Veneer Work at any. Reliable Electric Vmtom Z»apot ^.._..... - 19:l6 aeaaon tt tba yaur. Caau Hortaara XWy. "Oapot lSlf We ara BOW manufacturing interior Company J. SMITH. Manager Oalffaiqr Ana»ry 1918 flttintfu Cor the nuw B. C. Teleub«D« Buildlnc'e h«ad •ttlos in Quartar Cot Westminster Iron Works Boaaland Klffa Baaaol. ^...191» Oak. 152 Alexander St. Vancouver, B.C. TraamnUla BaaMarlnm J®18 Office and Works Tenth Street Twenty Year*' Experience In all Branchea of Electrical Work. Inapectlon—Expert Phone 53 1259—6th St., East Burnaby Advice — Tronble Wori—Installing — Ba- New Westminster, B. 0. Phono Wo8tnriinat©r 473 Wtnrtinsr-^All Work Onaranteod.
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