NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 IMSA Project gains momentum PAGE 4 Premiere at the World Mining Congress PAGE 5 7 Golden Rules online PAGE 12 Photo "Beginners" courtesy of EU-OSHA/Miran Beškovnik. See page 15 for story. NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 | NEWSLETTER Version 3 Theodor Bülhoff John McEndoo Bui Hong Linh Helmut Ehnes Presid ent Vice-President Vice-President Secretary General We are proudly presenting the fourth edition of the We hope you will find the latest information help- ISSA Mining Newsletter. Thank you for your highly ful and, as always, appreciate your feedback and encouraging feedback on the previous issues! input for the next issue! Feature ISSA Mining and MoLISA Vietnam to continue successful cooperation on OSH Prior to the launch of Vietnam’s National Safety Week, 120 inter- national leaders and OSH experts met at the conference “Promot- ing Decent Work: Occupational Safety and Health, Prevention and Labour Inspection – Chal- lenges and Solutions” in Đồng Nai, Vietnam, 15-18 March, 2012. Jointly organized by ISSA Mining, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Inter- national Labour Organization, the International Association of Labour Inspection, and ASEAN- OSHNET, the conference served as an excellent platform for in- formation exchange on OSH and labour inspection strategies. To continue the successful coopera- tion, Vice Minister Bui Hong Linh on behalf of MoLISA and ISSA Mining President Theodor Bülhoff signed a cooperation agreement for the period 2012 to 2015, preceding a Memorandum of Understanding which had been serving as a foun- dation for sustainable exchange for three years. More information in the next issue and online: www.issa.int/prevention-mining ISSA MINING-NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 PAGE 3 Feature IMSA Project gains Momentum – Joint efforts to bring improved productivity and safety to Turkish mines Significantly reducing accident fre- Practical Results Support by Turkey’s Government quency and severity, and improving economic performance: these are In a meeting with TTK’s manage- Next to TTK’s management, the au- the aims of the joint Independent ment board, the international team dit report has also been presented Mine Safety Audits (IMSA) con- introduced its findings along with to Faruk Çelik, Minister of Labour ducted by ISSA Mining and Turkish hands-on recommendations for and Social Security, Turkey on 11 coal producer Türkiye Taşkömürü optimizing safety, health production September 2011 on the occasion of Kurumu (TTK). and productivity. the XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Istanbul, and After initial meetings with TTK’s The analysis covered the aspects to Taner Yıldız, Energy and Natural management as well as representa- · OSH policy and targets Resources Minister of Turkey who tives of Turkish ministries, authori- · leading an organizing fully support the joint project. On ties and the miner’s union, ISSA · planning Mr Yıldız initiative TTK also joined Mining’s experts examined the · authorized personnel and experts ISSA Mining. technical situation together with spe- · qualification and training cialists for mine safety of the Ger- · information and communication Currently a Memorandum of Un- man industry in 2010 and 2011. As a · checks and audits derstanding is designed and project result, checklists and auditlists have · risk assessment drafts have been laid out to improve been designed and used to docu- · business disruptions and emergen- the applied technology and the level ment the results of visits to TTK’s cies of organization in aspects of ma- mines in Kozlu, Üzülmez, Karadon, · contractors and service providers chine safety, ventilation/explosion Amasra, Armutcuk, and Üzülmet as · site inspection concepts protection, explosives as well as well as to the Center for Mine Res- training and qualification. cue. Interviews with the local mine TTK initiated the implementation on supervisors completed the picture. the operational level. ISSA Mining-President Theodor Bülhoff (left) and Secretary General Helmut Ehnes (middle) hand over the the audit report to Burhan Inan, Director General TTK, and Mustafa Simsek, Deputy Director General TTK (second from right). Right: Project member Nevzat Bagli. ISSA MINING-NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 PAGE 4 Interested in joint projects? Contact us! ISSA Mining offers knowledge exchange, consultation and expertise in systematic opti- mization of mine safety world wide including audits by inter- national teams. Countries and regions interested in improving the level of mine safety can contact ISSA Mining for joint projects. Taner Yıldız, Energy and Natural Resources Minister of Turkey (middle) agreed upon a sustainable cooperation with ISSA Mining and initiated TTK’s membership. Taner Yıldız, Energy and Natural Resources Minister of Turkey (middle) agreed upon a sustainable cooperation with ISSA Mining and initiated TTK’s membership. ISSA Mining in dialogue Focus on mine safety: ISSA Mining premieres at the World Mining Congress & Expo in Istanbul For the first time ever in the long on international cooperation to the mining industry. history of the World Mining Con- systematically improve mining Helmut Ehnes, General Secretary gress, ISSA Mining joined and safety. of ISSA Mining, has been part of the brought the aspect of safety and congress opening with his keynote health in mining to this important The major event for the mining address "Vision 2020: Safe Mining event for the industry, thus being industry took place 11. - 16. Septem- Worldwide!", stressing the importance able to reach the more than 1,500 ber, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. The of mining while pointing out the need participants with an information 22nd World Mining Congress with its for safe workplaces - to protect lives booth, a keynote at the congress guiding theme “Innovations and Chal- and to improve economic perform- opening and a session. ISSA Min- lenges in Mining” proved again to be ance. Ehnes called for international ing's delegates initiated a dialogue one of the most important events for cooperation of all stakeholders. ISSA MINING-NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 PAGE 5 The next day, ISSA Mining ran its safety culture (Gye Wan Bae, Oc- session chaired by ISSA Mining’s cupational Safety and Health Agency Vice President John McEndoo. (KOSHA), South Korea), Biological Ehnes introduced the “Seven Golden Monitoring of Aromatic Amines, Ben- Rules” to an interested audience – a zene and Benzo[a]pyrene in Workers framework that according to leading of a Modern European Coke Oven OSH experts is the prerequisite for Plant (Dr. Tobias Weiss, Institute for successful occupational safety and Mining engineer and safety expert Dieter Prevention and Occupational Medi- health and should be applied world- Mantwill of RAG Germany gave insight cine of the German Social Accident into impressive safety records and wide. The special responsibly and explained how improvements have been Insurance, Institute of the Ruhr-Uni- commitment of the management, achieved. versity Bochum (IPA), Germany), and targeted risk assessment, a system- the application of personal protective atic approach and the qualification, Hans-Georg Beyer and Ramazan equipment in extreme climatic condi- training and motivation of everyone Karaaslan gave insight into the joint tions (Prof. h. c. Karl-Heinz Noetel, involved in mining operations are the project focussing on lowering the high Expert Commission PPE of the keys to this programme. accident risk in Turkish coal mining German Social Accident Insurance, on the basis of jointly performed safe- Germany). Is mining without any accidents an ty audits. ISSA Mining aims to share Typically for congresses of this illusion or a realistic aim? This ques- the know-how gained in this project nature, the opportunities from meet- tion has been discussed by Dieter with other interested countries. ings and discussions on the side Mantwill, manager safety at German The benefit of systematic procedures were significant as well. In a discus- coal producer RAG. Impressively he and safety management systems sion with Turkish Minister of Energy described the road of his company’s were described by Dr Andreas Grim- and Natural Resources Taner Yıldız safety efforts, leading to a reduc- meiß who showed the significant dif- a sustainable cooperation with ISSA tion of accidents of no less then 93% ferences between businesses with a Mining has been agreed upon. Yıldız during the last 15 years – currently certified system and those who have also initiated TTK’s membership in 4.3 accidents per one million hours not implied such a system yet. ISSA Mining. worked. Further presentations discussed Vice President John McEndoo chaired ISSA Mining’s session at the Word Mining Congress. ISSA MINING-NEWSLETTER | # 4 | April 2012 PAGE 6 Information & media on safe mining ISSA Mining's Holger Imhoff and Gerold Soestmeyer have been ready to share first hand informa- tion on safe and economic mining. Next to offering the latest media on safety and health protection in mining, ISSA Mining showcased an example of best practice miner's equipment courtesy of RAG Germany. Presentations are available for download at: Holger Imhoff (left) and Gerold Soestmeyer have been the focal point of information on www.issa.int/prevention-mining safe mining and tied contacts to international mining experts. ISSA Mining in dialogue Symposium “Vision 2020 – a one world approach for a global preventive network in mining“ In September 2011, Istanbul was as methan concentration can be con-
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