April 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E541 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNITION OF 25 YEARS OF Carolina Air National Guard who were lost apparatus. The U.S. government has an an- THE MAFFS MISSION SUP- during a MAFFS mission in White Draw, South nual internet freedom budget of $55 million PORTED BY THE 302D AIRLIFT Dakota on July 1, 2012. and Congress still has little idea how this WING AT PETERSON AFB, CO Today, the Reserve Citizen Airmen from money is spent. Colorado’s Peterson Air Force Base along Over the past year or so, Chinese compa- HON. DOUG LAMBORN with their Air National Guard counterparts con- nies were ordered to close websites that hosted discussions on the military, history, and OF COLORADO tinue to provide the surge support to wildland firefighting efforts when requested by the Na- international affairs and crack down on ‘‘ille- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Interagency Fire Center at a moment’s gal’’ VPNs (in response, Apple was forced to Thursday, April 26, 2018 notice. To make it happen, we seek the best remove VPNs from the China App store). New Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in and brightest minds from across the nation to regulations were announced restricting ano- honor of the Citizen Airmen serving in the Air fill critical career fields such as Air Force Re- nymity online and the Chinese government Force Reserve’s 302nd Airlift Wing, Air at serve pilots and maintenance technicians. rolled out impressive new censorship tech- Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Today, in 2018, the continued bravery, sac- nologies, censoring photos in one-to-one Today I recognize their 25 years of dedi- rifice, expertise and dedication to this mission WeChat discussions and disrupting WhatsApp. cated support of the Department of Defense’s by our Reserve Citizen Airmen has allowed for Beijing has also deployed facial and voice C–130 Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System, 25 years of unwavering support of the MAFFS recognition, artificial intelligence, and other or MAFFS mission. mission by the Air Force Reserve at Peterson surveillance technologies throughout the coun- In 1993, the Air Force Reserve portion of Air Force Base, Colorado. try, but particularly targeting the Uyghur ethnic the MAFFS mission was moved to the 302nd f minority, where between 500,000 to 1 million Airlift Wing, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo- Uyghurs have been detained arbitrarily. IN RECOGNITION OF PAULA The Chinese government and Communist rado from March Air Force Base, California. LINKER On October 28, 1993, two aircrews from the Party’s attempts to enforce and export a digital authoritarianism poses a direct threat to Chi- 302nd Airlift Wing’s 731st Airlift Squadron and nese rights defenders and ethnic minorities maintenance personnel from the 302nd Main- HON. DAVID SCHWEIKERT and poses a direct challenge to the interests tenance Group departed for Point Mugu Naval OF ARIZONA of the U.S. and the international community. Air Warfare Center, California for their first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The U.S. must recognize that we are en- MAFFS activation. Thursday, April 26, 2018 gaged in a battle of ideas with a revitalized Since that first activation, hundreds of Re- Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise authoritarianism—online, in the marketplace, serve Citizen Airmen have trained, supported today to thank a very special member of my and elsewhere—and we need up our ‘‘com- and executed the Defense Support of Civil Au- community. For as long as I have been in- petitive game’’ to meet the challenge. thorities Mission assisting in the tireless efforts volved in working for Arizona, Paula Linker The Administration’s National Security Strat- of ground firefighting crews through reaching has been a friend and supporter. Those who egy says quite clearly that the Chinese gov- inaccessible areas by air, supporting the con- know Paula admire her for her courage and ernment and Communist Party (along with tainment of hundreds of wildland fires and determination. She is forthright and depend- Russia) seek to ‘‘challenge American power, saving lives and property throughout the able. She works every single day to make influence, and interests, attempting to erode United States of America and Mexico. sure that the causes and people she cares for American security and prosperity. They are In addition to supporting fire suppression ef- most have all the support she has to give. determined to make economies less free and forts across the U.S., 302d Airlift Wing Re- And, it is in that spirit that I am so pleased she less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control servists have responded to fires in their own is being awarded the Lincoln Lifetime Achieve- information and data to repress their societies backyards supporting suppression of major ment Award from the Maricopa County Repub- and expand their influence.’’ Colorado fires including the Hayman fire lican Committee. [The Chinese government and Communist (2002), Waldo Canyon fire (2012) and Black The community celebrates Paula, and it is Party] is using economic inducements and Forest fire (2013). with great enthusiasm that I include these re- penalties, influence operations, and implied Innovation is in their DNA, and it comes marks into the RECORD of the U.S. House of military threats to persuade other states to from the diverse experiences our Reserve Cit- Representatives. heed its political and security agenda. izen Airmen bring to the mission. We honor all f China gathers and exploits data on an who work tirelessly to support and make this unrivaled scale and spreads features of its au- special mission possible both in the air and on DIGITAL AUTHORITARIANISM AND thoritarian system, including corruption and the the ground. We recognize the hundreds of THE GLOBAL THREAT TO FREE use of surveillance.’’ hours of labor expended by the Reserve air- SPEECH The Chinese government and Communist craft maintenance crews who ensure the Party want to shape a world antithetical to MAFFS-equipped C–130s, call-signs MAFFS 2 HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH U.S. values and interests and to export its and MAFFS 5, are mission ready. We honor OF NEW JERSEY economic, political, and censorship models the highly-experienced Air Force Reserve air- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES globally. crews flying one of the most challenging mis- In response, the U.S. and like-minded allies Thursday, April 26, 2018 sions in the U.S. Air Force. must stand resolutely for the freedom of reli- When not supporting the wildland firefighting Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, gion, fairer and freer trade, labor rights, free- mission, the 302nd is always ready to answer today we held a hearing on China’s digital dom of navigation, the rule of law and the our nation’s call with the agility to shift to its authoritarianism. China has the world’s largest freedom of expression—including online. tactical airlift mission supporting rapid global number of internet users as well as the world’s A coherent and engaged internet freedom mobility. most sophisticated and aggressive internet strategy must be a critical part of the U.S. dip- Today, it is also important to remember the censorship and control regime. The Chinese lomatic toolbox. This strategy should have at six Reserve Citizen Airmen who lost their lives government, under the leadership of Xi its core a commitment to protect fundamental in support of the MAFFS mission, specifically Jinping, views digital controls as necessary for freedoms, privacy, and promote the free flow the crew of SUMIT 38, a MAFFS support mis- its political stability and control of core digital of news and information. sion from Boise, Idaho that did not make it technologies as necessary for its economic fu- But it is not a matter of just having a strat- back to Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado on ture. egy; it should be the right one. The Bush and May 13, 1995; and four members of the crew The Chinese government spends $10 billion Obama Administrations pursued cyber diplo- of MAFFS 7 from the 146th Airlift Wing, North on maintaining and improving their censorship macy; yet internet freedom has declined ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Apr 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26AP8.001 E26APPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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