OceanTEFFH O icial MAGAZINEog OF the OCEANOGRAPHYraphy SOCIETY CITATION Pullen, J.D., A.L. Gordon, J. Sprintall, C.M. Lee, M.H. Alford, J.D. Doyle, and P.W. May. 2011. Atmospheric and oceanic processes in the vicinity of an island strait. Oceanography 24(1):112–121, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.08. COPYRIGHT This article has been published inOceanography , Volume 24, Number 1, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society. Copyright 2011 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved. USAGE Permission is granted to copy this article for use in teaching and research. Republication, systematic reproduction, or collective redistribution of any portion of this article by photocopy machine, reposting, or other means is permitted only with the approval of The Oceanography Society. Send all correspondence to: [email protected] or The Oceanography Society, PO Box 1931, Rockville, MD 20849-1931, USA. downloaded FROM www.tos.org/oceanography PH ILIPPINE STRAITS DYNAMICS EXPERIMENT BY JULIE D. PULLEN, ARNOLD L. GORDON, JANET SPRINTALL, CRAIG M. LEE, MaTTHEW H. ALFORD, JAMES D. DOYLE, and PAUL W. MaY Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes in the Vicinity of an Island Strait 112 OceanographyOceanography | Vol.24, No.1 AbsTRACT. In early February 2008, the mean flow through the Philippines’ Mindoro Strait reversed. The flow was southward through the strait during late January and northward during most of February. The flow reversal coincided with the period between two Intensive Observational Period cruises (IOP-08-1 and IOP-08-2) sponsored by the Office of Naval Research as part of the Philippine Straits Dynamics Experiment (PhilEx). Employing high-resolution oceanic and atmospheric models supplemented with in situ ocean and air measurements, we detail the regional and local conditions that influenced this flow reversal. High-resolution air-sea simulations captured the flow reversal and agreed with measured currents from two moorings in the vicinity of Mindoro Strait. A short (January 24–27) easterly monsoon surge and a longer (February 9–16) northerly surge were represented in the model as well as in QuikSCAT and underway wind data taken during IOP-08-2. Mesoscale oceanic dipole eddies off Mindoro and Luzon islands were formed/enhanced and subsequently detached during these wind events. The cyclonic eddy in the dipole pair associated with the easterly surge was opportunistically sampled during the IOP-08-1 cruise, and the modeled eddy characteristics were verified using in situ shipboard data. The predominant geostrophic southward flow through the strait was interrupted by a strong and sustained wind-driven (by the northerly surge) flow reversal in early February. Enhanced upper-ocean stratification in winter 2008 due to anomalously high precipitation served to isolate the observed near-surface flow. INTRodUCTion Experiment (PhilEx) research cruises, Local, regional, and remote oceanic and designated Intensive Observational atmospheric conditions drive ocean Period (IOP)-08-1 and IOP-08-2, plied circulation through the Philippine the waters of the Philippine Archipelago Archipelago. Here, we survey the contri- during boreal winter 2008. In the period butions of these processes, acting on between the two cruises, the flow in different scales, to the dynamics of a Mindoro Strait reversed from southward strait. Mindoro Strait (Figure 1a) is an to northward. Our work synthesizes important conduit of exchange between observations and modeling to probe the the archipelago’s interior (Sulu Sea) and role various forcing factors, including exterior (South China Sea). We aim to winds, eddies, and stratification, play in elucidate the various factors contributing the evolution of the flow reversal. to the flow through Mindoro Strait, so as to create an integrated picture of the Wind JETS and MEsosCALE mechanisms involved in a reversal of the DipoLE EddiES mean current through a major pathway. As previously described in Pullen et al. Two Office of Naval Research (ONR)- (2008), monsoon surges (intensifica- sponsored Philippine Straits Dynamics tions in the near-surface winds) lead Oceanography | March 2011 113 to the formation and detachment of pathways of transport, and the implica- et al., 2000; Flament et al., 2001). In a pair of mesoscale oceanic dipole tions for biology. They found that coastal these locales, wind-driven dynamics eddies in the coastal waters adjacent to waters near Mindoro and Luzon islands, contribute to the dipole formation via Mindoro and Luzon islands. The eddies including Manila Bay and waters near Ekman pumping (Chavanne et al., 2002; move away from the coast and travel the western entrance of the Verde Island Sangrà et al., 2007). More recent research westward across the South China Sea, Passage, were source waters for the suggests that in different places in the interacting with the complex offshore eddies. Waters located deeper inside the Hawaiian Island region (Yoshida et al., eddy field along the way. Pullen et al. Verde Island Passage did not significantly 2010) either the wind or the instability mechanism dominates. Furthermore, at various times of the year in the Canary Islands (Piedeleu et al., 2009), the wind or the instability mechanism may play IN THE PERiod BETWEEN THE TWO CRUisES, a stronger role in the Von Karman-like THE FLOW in MindoRO STRaiT REVERSED FROM sequential shedding of counter-rotating eddies. Other processes associated with soUTHWARD TO noRTHWARD. the motion of island lee eddies include “ self-advection of the eddy pair, advection by the background current, and west- ward drift via the beta effect (Cushman- Roisin et al., 1990). (2008) used high-resolution oceanic contribute” to eddy formation. These During the first of the winter 2008 and atmospheric modeling to document discoveries are further evidence of the research cruises, we used Coupled the generation and migration of these uniquely wind-driven origin of the Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale eddies in response to the atmospheric Philippine dipole eddies. Prediction System (COAMPS) real-time surge events. Satellite observations of By contrast, in other volcanic island forecasts to guide our sampling strategy. sea surface temperature, winds, and regions of the world (including the The model used 9-km resolution for the chlorophyll were used to verify the wind Hawaiian, Cabo Verde, and Canary atmosphere and 3-km resolution for the and eddy characteristics produced by the islands), instabilities and fluctuations ocean. In the simulations presented here, ocean and atmosphere models. In that associated with ocean currents chan- the basic configuration is the same as research, it was hypothesized that the neled through island straits are impor- described in Pullen et al. (2008), but now oceanic eddies are a robust response to tant in oceanic eddy generation and includes tides specified at the boundaries episodically enhanced winds (monsoon detachment (Lumpkin, 1998; Barton from the Oregon State University tide surges) arising from displacements in atmospheric pressure systems over Asia; Julie D. Pullen ([email protected]) is Director, Maritime Security Laboratory, the synoptic meteorology of monsoon Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA. Arnold L. Gordon is Associate surges is detailed in Chang et al. (2006) Director, Ocean and Climate Physics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia and Wu and Chan (1995, 1997). University, Palisades, NY, USA. Janet Sprintall is Research Scientist, Scripps Institution Rypina et al. (2010) further charac- of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. Craig M. Lee is terized the Philippine dipole eddies of Principal Oceanographer and Associate Professor, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Pullen et al. (2008) from the perspective Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Matthew H. Alford is Senior Oceanographer and Associate of chaotic advection—revealing the stable Professor, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. and unstable manifolds (special mate- James D. Doyle is Head, Mesoscale Modeling Section, Marine Meteorology Division, Naval rial curves that guide water dispersal Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA, USA. Paul W. May is Research Scientist, Computer over time) of the flow structures, their Science Corporation, Monterey, CA, USA. 114 Oceanography | Vol.24, No.1 model (Egbert and Erofeeva, 2002). a) QuikSCAT (easterly surge) b) COAMPS (easterly surge) 19°N 19°N The boreal winter IOP-08 cruises occurred during the northeast monsoon 18°N 18°N period in the Philippines. An easterly 17°N 10 m s-1 17°N 10 m s-1 monsoon surge was predicted near the South 16°N 16°N end of the IOP-08-1 cruise by our real- China Sea Luzon time atmospheric forecasts. Figure 1a,b 15°N 15°N Verde compares the model-predicted wind 14°N Island 14°N Passage with QuikSCAT ~ 25-km resolution Mindor 13°N 13°N Mindoro o winds. The atmospheric wind jets were Strait oriented easterly, as best evidenced 12°N 12°N Tablas Panay by the downwind portion of the jet 11°N Strait 11°N originating between Mindoro and 10°N 10°N Panay islands (the Panay jet, cross in wan ala 9°N P 9°N Figure 1b) extending westward across Sulu Sea the northern tip of Palawan Island. The 8°N 8°N 118°E 120°E 122°E 124°E 118°E 120°E 122°E 124°E model wind orientation is in good agree- ment with the satellite-derived winds. In c) QuikSCAT (northerly surge) d) COAMPS (northerly surge) the Panay jet, easterly surge mean winds 19°N 19°N of 12.7 m s-1 and standard deviation of 18°N 18°N 1.3 m s-1 were produced in the model, 17°N 10 m s-1 17°N 10 m s-1 with maximum winds of 14.5 m s-1. This 16°N 16°N particular wind surge lasted ~ 3 days, as determined by model winds exceeding 15°N 15°N -1 the model wintertime mean (~ 11 m s ) 14°N 14°N by one standard deviation (~ 3 m s-1), 13°N 13°N with diminished intensity intervals lasting less than 24 hours.
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