Calendar of Irish Events, 1942 Horse Racing in 1942 By lIIa111'ic~ Kell,1J t::eAnAm 5° 'Ou1l)neAcA lets An SeAl)Ac tb~ Sea Utr Carrtu Angling in By Eamon Otlhttnara O'Neill,T.D. ()t , • . -<:)..VII. _TO. 4. january, h'42. COl\IPLIMENTARY ~ - .............-...: ----:=-----===:..:==========================::::::::::::=::=~....w~E IRISH TRAVEL January, 1942. ' r=TIffiOUBUNMAGAZINE! ~ Established A Q U ARTERL y RE V JEW OF I 192.3 LITERATURE,nSCIENCE & ART Ediled by SEUMAS10'SULLIVAIl I!> ~ SOME PRESS NOTICES ~ "This fine quarterly review."-b'ish Times. BANK OF IRELAND " An excellent medium of expression of the best or IftAaLIIBU 1.!!!;. 1 Ireland's creative spirit."-1I1ancheste,. Guardian. FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS " Has kept a high standard and m~intained a distinct personality."- The Spect.llo;'. AT I " The reader will find in this journal all that is best Head omoe: COLLEGE GREEN,DUBLIB or Irish thought, and its list of contributors BBLJI'AST .• OORK .. DERRY includes the name~ o! all the best-known Irish writers."-New York Herald Tribune. I~ ~ Price 2/6 ~ IIVBRY DBSORIPTION 01' 1'0RlIlIGN J1XOHANG. Annual Subscription 10/6 (U.S.A. 3 Dollars) RUliINl!I88 TRANBAOTlIID ON ARRIVAL 01' LINlIIR8 ~ BY OAT OR NI9HT ....T OOBH (QU:IIlllN8TOWN) lm_2 Crow Street, DUBLIN ....ND G....LW....y DOOK:8. " "..............................,. -J"\. J" A TWIN SET Or Singly for your pleasure for your taste ~ ~ranb MOUNTAINEERING in IRELAND By c. w. WALL ~tar With an Introduction by Dr. R. Lloyd Praeger. jf!tltl 88 pp., map and approx. 20 pp. illustration.. (( It is a pleasure to commend this admirable, , practical handbook." [LYNN DOYLE.] ~tft • • CANOEING IN IRELAND What about sending your friend, at home By MAJOR RAVEN-HART or overseas, a present of IRISH TRAVEL With map and illustrations. for twelve months? It costs only five tt The author of this useful wee volume has shillings, and it lasts fo,r a whole year- paddled his own canOe on every considerable until January, 1943. river in continental Europe." [tt RODDY THE ROVER " in The Irish Press.] Just send along a Postal Order. We shall do the rest. PRICE 1/- each. POST FREE 1/2 From all Booksellers or direct from: Address it to:- The Irish Tourist Association The Irish Tourist Association O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN I \ TRAVEL January) 1942. Wbolesale from tbe SUBSCRIPTION: frlab Tourlsl AssoelalloD aDd from 6/- PER ANNUM. Pest Free. IRISH E»OD & SOD. Lld. Retail from COPIES FREE all lIe"saReDts aDd TO ALL MEMBERS fro41 Ihe OF THE ASSOCIATION AND Irbb TOllrlJl AssoeIalbD. or ITS ASSOCIATE Prlee Bd. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association and of the Irish Hotels Federation JA VARY, 1942, No. 4 VOL. XVII. ------- -------- On Other Pages Holiday Re-Unions new year Wish of this Issue HEN pl30ple who have IliI't To all Our Readers on holiday" organise a "get. CHRISTMAS HOTELS ... , Read the reporb W together" after their returll of several Irish hotels which ran special programmes for Chlistmas, 1941. home, it surely indicates that the :.Vlany more reports had not rt>ached vacation has proved entirely congeninl us up to time of going to Press. Mav and enjoyable. Anll thi" has been they all join in the gay chorus of .. good business" , On Page 5't happening-unofficially and on a small >;cl\lo in many. officially and on 3, •* :jl: EYE"TS .... in In'land, for Hl-l-2. Two well-planned bash; in at least two big pages packed with the .. doings" casc,;. Consicler the Port-lw-BIayh.,. of the coming ~-ear's Calendar. La t Xovemher, they held their secoucl On Pages 60-(j J annual Re·Union in the Xew ClarenN\ • • • Jlotel, Dublin, where more than 200 HOHSE RACl.·G ....... If yOlt want 10 kno:.u heland, ~o to the Races," is the gue. ts who ha(l met each other 011 thesis which :\I<\URICE KEI.LY sounds holiday in far·off Douegal foregatheroll cheerily. racily and with promise of Ior ,'upper, Dance and festive camara.­ SO RA1\) ,;everal exciting moments. On Page .3;; derie. _\s for the Parkna~illie8. (at' • • • 1,he devotees of a certain part of west. HOLIDAY SAVINGS CLUB" .... The I.T.A. A1C-nL1A'OA1n is carryi.ng on the good work in this Kerry call themselve'», they ha.ve ~ sphere with \'ery heartening results. long beeu fra.ternising at an annual ~e.i# • ." ~e H.ead their right-to-the-minutc rep rt. Holic1ay Re.Union where, cluring­ SeAn 15 On Page 58 dinner and dance, they l'e·-li\'e the • • • happy bours of their holic1ay frolict'. SiOCCA1n A5A1 t) CAELTEACHT .....\nother grand Gaelic article to warm the hearts of our •. Some more of such holil1ay group,; Irish-speaking readers. This onc, by <lo1ll1 the LT.A. might retire from A le1steo1 Ri 'Oit AN SEABHAC, describes his much­ business," came from oue commen­ loved native place Dingle, that penin­ iM7r~~~~~~~~··~·AA~.~~~~~7~~-r~~ sula of sea-cliff." mountains, glens, tator, a playful grin on bis features, lakes, quiet bays and ocean-scarred Whether or no (and we, the LT,A.. coasts where th old Gaelic culture know it is "no "-thero is so much N.B. Hotels! ancl customs stalvl strong- and staunch. On Page 59 work of so many kinds yet to be Irish Tourist Directory, 1942 done !), the LT.A. wants to 8eo more • • • Send in your Forms NOW! SEA ANGLl:-lG., .... The Cinderclla of and more of these gay re-unions-one Our Sports" i~ how EA~ION O'NEILL, f)very year for every now-popular All hotel member- who ha,\'e not \-,·t T.D. described this section of our lrish Resort and one altlo for every done so are earnestly urged to cnmpietc angling attractions, Kow that its their Forms for the IRISH TOI.'RIST fairy godmother shows igns of appear­ resort just begun or not yet begun to ing. it may not be long becoming the be developed. 1'hanks to Holidays. DIRECTORY, Hl.l2 and retUnl them to the LT.A. without delay. Belle of the Ball. On Page 5i With-Pay Legislation and the ,.preacl The IRISH TOGRIST DIRECTORY. 19*~ • • • of the Holiday Saving Clu1.Jc; cherne. is just ready for press and will be in SCHOOLS ESSAY SCHE~U'; .... Description the army of holiday·minded workers circulation well in advance of the hoJida\' of a glad little ceremony at which cash grows ste:1odily. Thanks to tourist season bookings anrt preparations. No prizes were gi\'Cn to 261 little Dublin th~ lle\'elopment and ))uJ,lieity, the re80rt.,; Irish hotel worth" of name can aff,xd scholars who know how to keep their to rlispense with the pre,;tign a'ld publicit) City beautiful. That little boy who are growing. Let thef'6 come to!!ether it offer,;. .\ small minority. through wrote .. we should 110t try to keep our and, ]Ia..:ing lllet in holicllt,\', may the oversight or carelessness, have negl",cted cily tidy just If) please strangers, but for guests re-unite each winter to become to complete their return,;: they are ourselves 10 live in" has hit the meta­ requested to rectify this immNliatdy. phorical nail right on the head. host.R, in memory of SIUIIlller holiday Pag;:: lit fun and happiness! Send in your Forms, NOW! 53 IRISH TRAVEL January, 1942. CHRISTMAS, /94/, IN IRISH HOTELS "RECORD BV INESS" sums up the comment of Great Southern, Killarney. A very good Christmas those Irish hoteliers who ran special programmes -eyen better than last vear. All the festivities went to entertain guests for Christmas, 19.9. A with a swing. - survey of several hotels during the Christmas festi\'i~ies Jury's Hotel, Dublin. :'Iuch busii'r than last year-­ substantiates this sati factory comment. Dunng in C1 word, e'\:cellent! The hotel was 'luite full on Tovember and December, numerous inquiries regarding Christmas Day for Dinner, while the house dance on "Christmas Hotels" poured into the LT.A. Rureau Christmas Night was a great uccess. This W3.S the in O'Connell Street, DubliTJ, and lan~e supplies of first year Jury's marle special arrangements for Christmas Christmas Hotel brochures were wiriely di tributerl in guests. reply. Molra Hotel, Dublin. The husiest Christmas on The following cross-section of Christmas hotel tnde record. lots of ','isitor<; camz from Belfast and seemerl gives a good idea of its excellence for 1941. tn enjoy their stay wholeheartedly. Gresham Hotel, Dublin. Packed out for the fectival, Central Hotel, Dublin. Unexpectedly excellent from Christmas Eve until Sunday. A great many book­ business fqr Christmas. The hotel was packed out and ings had to be refused as all accommodation was resen'ed cverything went with a swinll. 1 he Orchestra, under for several weeks before Chri tma. The Dances were :Miss Iela Hughes (forrr.erly of B.B.C. and Queen's Hc.>.ll) exceptionally well attended and pro\'ecl very enjoyable. phyecl in the afternoon and for Dancing at night, A special entertainment Caharet followed the Gala am1 :'Iiss Harold (Agnes Treacy's daughter) was the Christmas dinner. popular vocalist );iall Bnden conducted hilarious Lucan Spa Hotel. A record Christmas, much bettrr " Question Till·es" for Guests. Most of the visitnr:,; than last year. The hotel was bo?ked to capac! ty waited over the \\f:ek-enrl. T!ie\ were all very sociaole by a big jolly house party and the chIef l?an~( (Boxmg a!1d very satisfied. Night) werlt with a swing. unday mght s loncert Clarence Hotel, Dublin. A marvellous Christm'ts. was also a huge success.
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