•PKofcBBlcmal OTavflB. SJllBccUanjcouB, JtUsccttanjcmis. "BRUXO, MY PRESERVER." A couple of hour's march brought us to (till speed for the fort, to secure aid for his GEO. O. GRATTAN," the spot, and then the qnesliou was how helpless miister. His return alone, when UNiyy WHAT SHE HAD TTKAnp, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Hakbikonituro, Va. A®-Office 7883. BALTIMORI-^WKKKLT SDN. 1883. BY HKLRN IIAKCOUBT to get at the animal, for it had taken rci- every one knew that lie could not he coax- Hiiys Mrs, Brown, South Side of Court-House Square. KNLAROGD AND PRINntD IN BOLDER TYPE. uge ill n small eiiveru, with an openiug in ed to leave me for im minute, created in- Of Slandfrtown, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 8DBSCIIIPTI0N. It nlwnye liml a great attrnclion for me, one side. F. A. daingeufieiTd, that grand old painting, hanging iu the stant aileiition; noil when,seizing hold of "11 uiiiy nr rnnjr nol tie; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HARRiaoNBuno. Va. S^-Offlce A GREATER AMOUNT OP MATTER AND NO IN- Not to go hack to the fort without hav- one of the officers, my (uirticular friend, I nuly tell— *k'' South side of the Public Square, iu SwtUer'a new CREASE IN PRICE. .^TKE^. place of honor on the wall. ing killed that wolf, was my firm resolve; he tried to drug Inm to the gate, of the Vmi komr me well— . ' ' bundloR. A HOME JODRNAI, AND EIRESIDE COMPANION It is not oflcit that wo children were for it was a she wolf, whose yearly litters stockade, there was no difficulty In fiuding U'liut folks huvu lulil to m -A NEWSPAPER GIVING A WEEITS EVENTS permitted to enter the (to us) sacred room of whelps were the sconrge of the conn- plenty to Allow him. E. A. SHANDS^ IN COMPACT SHAPE- ENTERTAINIO HTO- which held that picture, for it was tho "They say that Fife ATTORMKY-AT-LAW, HAttBisoMBURo, Va. Office in RIES—ROMANCES, NARRATIVES OF try, and the destruction ot whole flocks of Trotting steadily before them, Brnno And hU youiig wife ADVENTURE AND POETRY. LightRunning State parlor of tho old fauiily homestead, sheep. lead the party straight to the spot where Get on qnlie awftil.denr! the old Clerk's Office Building, up stairs. Careful and only-thrown open on extra ocoasious, atteutiou to collection of claims. sepTS The colnmna of THE WEEKLY SUN give ell thn The young ones were usually killed bo- [ I lay uucouseions. There were Ihe dead They scold itml llsht Foreign end Uomesllc New. of the World in the ve- wheu the cliildiwu and gnndcbildren met fore the close of the first season, hut the bodies of Ihe two soldiers, and of nnotliei lioth day sod nljili* GEORGE E. SIPE, rloua deparUunuta of Politioe, Commerce, Finance, together at Thankffglvlng and Chrislnnis. man dressed ns an Indian, the inode of Or Hint Is what I hear. ATTORNEY-ATrLAW, Harrironodro, Va. Office Huaineas, Literature, the Arte and Scleuca. It whs a noble painting, representing iu mother was loo cuuniug o he caught, un- west side of Court-yard Square, in Harria Building Correapoudeuce from the great centres of activity, til now that we had succeeded in hnug- death of the latter perplexing the men nn "And who would think ' Prompt attention to all legal husinebs. JauttO Waablngton, Now York, Sau Francisco, London end tbe I'oregroiiud ubeaulil'ul black aud white iug her to hay in her deu. til I was able to explain It, there being nc Thai Sndlh should drink Paris. setter dog, acated on a wolf skiu, and at We Iniilt a fire at the mouth of the cav- wonnd shout him except a ragged tear ii The way he doea, a'axl Lord I Articles upon the latest discoveries, keeplug Hie his side, iu the act df clnsping a collar ED. S. CONRAD, render abreaat of the time, in all that relates to the ern, hoping tlie smoke would drive her hnuhroat, which had severed the jugular Or so they say ; (BUOOESSOR TO TANCR'T 4 COlfBAD,) laboratory, vho Worksbop, the Farm, the Orchard, SIMPLE around his neck, knelt a young innn iu out; but it had no effect, except to elicit My dear, I i>rny ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IlARRXsoNnuno. Va. The busi- • be Garden and the Dairy; alao FIJI,I, OOfcMERCIAI. the uniform of a soldier of the Revolution. a few angry growls. Thorongiriy hud Bruno revenged his mas- Von will not take my word. ness 01 the late Arm will receive the attention of Both were life-eixc, and apart from the ter before setting off to bring the help that the snrvtrlng partner. no^B OTOCKCKF.pbR™riON' nARKET AND Nothing then remained hut to go boldly "And there's MtssBart. Pnr*. In tone, no parent fears to place THE BAI^ rare physical beauty of lioth man and dog, inside of the cavern, with a lighted torch saved his life. The saucy rtlrl, B. V. stratkr. winfielo Liooktt TIMORE ..WKKKLY aywa>SUN aaaIn ajiobis Ulllltlirilchildren's M IIHIUIH.hands. there were two points that always iuvited in one hand and a iflnskut in the other, The bodies were buried thereon the spot She's hadly talked about; Conaervatlve in view. THE WEEKLY SUN presents my admiring giUe; the one, a line of gilt by one ninsd of soldiers, while another STRAYER & LIGGETT, facto nndistoned by psrtiiian feeling. Coninaet In and confront the creature singlehnuded, Slluh fi lghtail things, ATTORNKYS-AT-I./iW, Harhimokuuro, Va. Office style, THE WEEKLY SUN eaye much in few words. letters aronnd the dog's hrond, blue collar, for the entrance, nnd tlie crooked passage bore rue tlie fort. It hhlshes brings Snutli.Ride Publlu Square, oppoHlte the Big Spring and muling, "Bruno, My Preserver;" the beyond, wcro both too narrow to permit Within two day» Ihereafter, Jennie, too To tell theni, 'pon my word. • 1.00. BALTIMORE WEEKLR SDN. •1.00. other, the singular appearance of the of two persons entering at once—the cav- reached the fort, seeking my protection, "O dear, Iheysay O. W. BERLIN, TERMS—Invariably <Meh in Advance. Pnntage yonug soldier's head, its crown being en- ern being, iu fact, little more than a tun- and ignorant of what had just occurred. The oilier day ATTORNKT-AT-I.AW. Harribonburo,Va., will pr*o- Free to all aiibaurtbere iu the United States and tirely bald, although a thick growth of nel. Her father hud died suddenly, reconciled That llev. Dr. Bird tlce in the Court, of Roeklughem end RdJolnlng Canada. curly brown hair covered the rest of the Neither of the soldiers caring to venture to ns both; and Wilthergcr, having con- And Miss Moiilcnla) couutice eun the Dulled States Courts held at thia ONE DOLLAR A COPY FOR TWELVE MONTHS. scalp, rendering the whitish spot iu the tinued to jierseente her iu spite of tho place. n-OfUce In Switzor's now building on the on this dangerous undertaking, I threw Went arm-ln-urnt Public Squers. 1883. • PRKMIU M COPIES 1883 cenlor all Ihe more conspieions. off my coat, tied a strong rope to my an- knowledge Unit she was my wife, she re- Down Broadwuy—so 1 heard." TO GETTERS UP OF CLUBS. This soldier, they told nic, wasmygreat- kle, by which to signal to the men, if solved to come to me for shelter. Says Mrs, Jones, HARNSBERGER & STEPHENSONT" FOR THE "BALTIMORE WEEKLY SDN." grandralher, and soiiifc day, when I was •aught went nmiss and 1 needed assistance; A strong constitntiou, aided by her ten- Jn ehflliiig (ones, ATTORN KTS-AT-LAW, BABBiBONDDRO.VA.willprec- FIVE COPIES $ 500 older, and could nnderstaud all about it, I took a torch iu oue hand, my musket in der nursing, brought 1110 safely through "Yon have quick ears, my dear, v tlco iu ail the Gourte of Rockingham county,the Su- With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one would he perinitted to read tho story Uiat the other,und orderingBrmio to remain on such nn ordeal as few men have survived. Just till them ffin premo Court of Appeals of Virginia, and tbo Uletriot year belonged to that picture, as writteu by the But what would my strength or her love and Circuit Gourte of the Dulted States holdon et TbiN COPIES jo oo tho outside, to his grout disgust, I eaulious- With cotton woo); Harrlsonburg. With nn extra copy of the Weekly 8nn one chief actor himself. 1/ entered tlie cavern. have availed without Hie noble dug who You bear loo mujli, I fear." year, and one copy of the Dally Sun three 1 can romcmhcr how eagerly I looked At first 1 saw notliing, heard nothing, first slew his master's foe and then brought PENDLETON BKYAJN, months. forward to this promised day, lor althorgh him help? Therefore, that the memory FIFTEEN COPIES 15 QO ' but just beyond tho first abrupt turn I A Drummer's Tlrllliant Idea. OOMMISSIONEK IN CHANCERV ahd NOTARY PDB. With an extra copy of the Weekly San fine I I knew the tale by heart from the lips of caught the gleam of two bright eyes peer of my faithful friend may live iu the tionLie, toHAUtHONBiima. the taking of depoRltioneVa—Will give and npeoial aoknowledg. etten- year, and one copy of the Daily Sun six others, what was that to reading all about ing through the darkness, and heard t hearts of my desccmlnnls, I have caused Some people seem horn with a faculty months it, in my great-grandfather's own hand- menacing growl.
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