32470 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 24, 197~ By Mr. FOLEY (for himself and Mr. March 16-23, 1975, "DeMolay Week"; to the 534. The SPEAKER presented a memorial SYMMS): Committee on the Judiciary. of the Legislature of the State of Califcrnia, H.R. 16853. A bill to authorize the con­ By Mr. CONLAN: relative to California's livestock and poultry struction of a high way bridge across the H. Con. Res. 647. Concurrent resolution to industries; to the Committee on Agriculture. Snake River between ·clarkston, Wash., and provide an opportunity for an orderly and 535. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Lewiston, Idaho; to the Committee on Public cohesive policy toward inflation and eco­ the State of California, relative to the Na­ Works. nomic stability by declaring a 36-month tional Railroad Passenger Corporation; to the By Mr. GILMAN: moratorium on all foreign aid appropriations; Committee on Interstate and Foreign H.R. 16854. A bill to restore to Federal civil­ to the Committee on Government Operations. Commerce. ian employees their rights to pa·rticipate, as By Mr. DUPONT (for himself, Mr. HoR­ 536. Also, memorial of the Legislature of private citizens, in the political life of the TON, and Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois) : the State of California, relative to terminat­ Nation, to protect Federal civilian employees H. Con. Res. 648. Concurrent resolution to ing the Airline Mutual Aid Agreement; to the from improper political solicitations, and for express congressional support of the United Committee on Interstate and Foreign other purposes; to the Committee on House Nations sponsored World Food Conference Commerce. Administration. and World Population Conference taking 537. Also, memorial of the Legislature of By Mr. HORTON (for himself, Mr. RoE, place this year; to the Committee on Foreign the State of California, relative to Filipino Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT, Mr. ST GER­ Affairs. veterans; to the Committee on the .Judiciary. MAIN, Mr. PRICE Of Illinois, Mr. ASH­ By Mr. FLOOD (for himself, Mr. DER­ 538. Also, memorial of the Legislature of LEY, Mr. STEIGER of Arizona, Mr. HIN­ W!NSKI, Mr. DELANEY, l'vlr. KocH, and the State of California, relative to the issu­ SHAW, 1\IIr. WRIGHT, Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. HUBER): ance of a commemorative stamp honoring and Mr. MooRHEAD of Pennsylvania): H. Con. Res 649. Concurrent resolution re­ Jedediah Strong Smith; to the Committee H .R. 16855. A bill to establish a Commission questing release of two Ukrainian intellec­ on Post Office and Civil Service. on Federal Paperwork; to the Committee on tuals; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 539. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Government Operations. By Mr. BRADEMAS (for himself, Mr. the State of California, relative to earth­ By Mr. JONES of Oklahoma: PATTEN, Mr. TOWELL Of Nevada, Mrs. quake hazard; to the Committee on Public H.R. 16856. A bill to amend title II of the BURKE of California, Mr. CORMAN, Works. Social Security Act so as to remove the lim­ Mr. GINN, Mr. CONABLE, Mr. ANDER­ 540. Also, memorial of the Senate of the itation upon the amount of outside income SON Of California, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. State of California, relative to timely pay­ which an individual may earn while receiv­ HoRTON, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. CuLVER, ment of social security, supplemental secu­ ing benefits thereunder; to the Committee Mr. DOWNING, Mr. STAGGERS, Mr. rity income, and State supplementary pro­ on Ways and Means. TEAGUE, Mr. SATTERFIELD, Mr. REID, gram benefits; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. KYROS, Mr. YATRON, Mr. SAR­ anct Means. H.R. 16857. A bill to provide for emergency BANES, Mr. BAFALIS, and Mr. STRAT­ allotment lease and transfer of tobacco allot­ TON): ments or quotas for 1974 in certain disaster H. Res. 1386. Resolution expressing the areas in North Carolina; to the Committee on sense of the House regarding the halt of U.S. PRIVATE BIIJLS AND RESOLUTIONS Agriculture. economic and military assistance to Turkey Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. LUKEN (for himself, Mr. until all Turkish armed forces have been bills and resolutions were introduced and SHIPLEY, Mr. KOCH, Mr. UDALL, Mr. withdrawn from Cyprus; to the Committee CONYERS, Mr. AsHLEY, Mr. HARRING­ on Foreign Affairs. severally referred as follows: TON, l\1:s. SCHROEDER, Mr. GUNTER, Mr. By Mr. DICKINSON: By Mr. PHILLIP BURTON: BADILLO, Mr. BROWN of California, H. Res. 1387. Resolution amending rule H.R. 16860. A bill for the relief of Reynaldo XXIII, clause 6, of the rules of the House; Ayala; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia, Mr. By Mr. GRAY: LEHMAN, Mr. RIEGLE, Mrs. CHISHOLM, to the Committee on Rules. By Mr. FROEHLICH (for himself and H.R. 16861. A bill for the relief of Angel and Mr. McCoRMACK): Hurtado Rodiguez; to the Committee on the H.R. 16858. A bill to provide for public Mr. SYMINGTON) : Judiciary. ownership of all documents prepared for or H. Res. 1388. Resolution creating a select committee to study the impact and rami­ By Mr. MATSUNAGA: by any elected Federal official in connection H.R. 16862. A bill for the relief of Yolando. with the performance of the duties of such fications of the Supreme Court d ecisions on abortion; to the Committee on Rules. E. Vez; to the ·committee on the Judiciary. official, and for other purposes; to the Com­ By Mr. O'BRIEN: mittee on House Administration. By Mr. SLACK: H. Res. 1389. Resolution expressing the H.R. 16863. A bill for the relief of Walter By Mr. STEELMAN: M. Twardosz; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 16859. A bill to establish a task force sense of the House regarding the halt of U.S. economic and military assistance to Turkey diciary. on economic revitalization; to the Commit­ By Mr. WALDIE: tee on Ways and Means. until all Turl<:ish armed forces have been withdrawn from Cyprus; to the Committee H .R. 16864. A bill for the relief of Gordon By Mr. ROBERT W. DANIEL, JR.: Hopper; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 1143. Joint resolution designating on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. TALCOTT: By Mr. YOUNG of Florida: February 1975 as "Crib Death Information H.R. 16865. A bill for the relief of Agnes Month"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 1390. Resolution to amend the By Mr. FOUNTAIN: Rules of the House of Representatives Jones; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 1144. Joint resolution to desig­ with respect to the estimated cost to the By Mr. JOHNSON of Pennsylvania: nate March 16 through 23, 1975, "DeMolay public and nonpublic sectors of legislation H . Res. 1392. Resolution to refer H.R. 16779, Week"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and proposed administrative rulemaking; to a bill for the relief of the Upper Allegheny By Mr. LUKEN (for himself, Mr. CoN­ the Committee on Rules. Sand and Gravel Co., to the Chief Commis­ YERS, and Mr. O'HARA) : By Mr. TAYLOR of North Carolina: sioner of the Court of Claims; to the Com­ mittee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 1145. Joint resolution proposing H. Res. 1391. Resolution expressing the an amendment to the Constitution to permit sense of the House regarding the halt of the President to grant pardons only after U.S. economic and military assistance to conviction, unless a majority of both Houses Turkey until all Turkish armed forces have of Congress shall concur in such action; and been withdrawn from Cyprus; to the Com­ PETITIONS, ETC. mittee on Foreign Affairs. to permit a two-thirds vote of beth Houses of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Congress to overrule a Presidential pardon 518. Mr. HOSMER presented a petition of following convicti.on; to the Committee on ME:MORIALS Mrs. Norma J. Dugas, Long Beach, Calif., the Judiciary. relative to the Federal Housing Administra­ By Mr. MOORHEAD of California: Under clause 4 of XXII, memorials tion which was referred to the Committee H.J. Res. 1146. Joint resolution to designate were presented and referred as follows: on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EL GRITO DE LARES one of its most important patriotic day z.s the birt~ of the Republic of feasts-El Grito de Lares-the Cry of Puerto Rico. HON. HERMAN BADILLO Lares. On that day some 106 years ago Ramon Emeterio's move came after OF NEW YORK Ramon Emeterio Betances led 400 ar!!led r.1ore than three centuries of Spanish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES followers into the small mountain vil­ rule in Puerto Rico and at a time when l<J.ge of Lares, where they captured the Spain, too busy with her own problems Tuesday, September 24, 1974 · to·wn hall. The group carried banners to concern herself with those of the is­ Mr. BADILLO. Mr. Speaker, yester­ en.scribed with the words "Liberty or land, had failed to keep her promises of day, September 23, Puerto Rico observed Death," and their leader proclaimed the greater freedom for the colony. In fact, Septernber 24, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32471 the Grito de Lares came some 50 years Ahern; Jack Albert; Arthur Collins, at 113 Norwood Street. Mrs. Griffin died on after Spain had granted her only sig­ town clerk; Al Horan, chief of police; September 16, 1955. William Cooper, chairman of the Sharon During his first years of practice, Dr. nificant decree toward Puerto Rico since Griffin recalled he used a horse and buggy to the beginning of the 19th century-the Council on Aging; Joseph Petrosky, make his calls, and when reliable automo­ right to trade freely with all nations of chairman of the Sharon Recreation biles became available, he was one of the first the world.
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