‘ANC’ raiders kill five in Dobsonville hostel FIVE people - two of them women - were killed during a By MZIMASI NGUDLE raid by aimed men on the Dobsonville Hostel in Soweto and Sapa early yesterday moming. Soweto police spokesman Captain Govmdsamy Inkalha Freedom 1'arty official Mr Humphrey Ndlovu Mariemuthoo said two men and a woman were shot dea said the five dead were Inkatha members who had been and a man and a woman were stabbed to death with sharp attacked by armed members of the African National objects in a raid at about 2.45am. Congress. Mariemuthoo said police were investigating. He said one of the men had told hostel dwellers that the An eerie silence was disturbed only by the din of a ANC would continue their attack on the hostel. Casspir which drove around the hostel when the Sowetan “You won’t hear calls for township houses to be searched as a result of this attack,” Ndlovu added. visited the area yesterday. Small clusters of hostel inmates brandishing traditional "You won’t sec churchmen visit this hostel to offer weapons could be seen from a distance. comfort to the inmates. We have a Church in South Africa Nearby houses, some with shattered windows and bro­ that takes sides and it’s usually with the ANC,” Ndlovu ken doors, were virtually deserted. A block away, residents charged. No one prays for u s... for the 1FP and for hostel leaning against gate posts and yard fences stared at us with residents . these people are nothing to our Church in suspicion as we drove out of the township. South Africa” . 0 t l y DIRK HARTFORD and PATRICK BULGER L« POLICE yesterday detained five people at Vanderbijlpark’s KwaMadala Hostel, from which the killers of 39 Boipatong residents allegedly launched their attack last week. Police spokesman Maj Ray Harrald said last night the men were being held in terms of security regulations and had not yet been charged. A force of about 200 detectives yester­ day questioned hostel residents in connec­ tion with the massacre. Meanwhile, Iscor spokesman Neels Howatt said the company would consider closing the hostel only if it was found that residents were guilty of the killings, and if alternative accommodation was found for those not implicated. The company would not accept responsi­ bility for damage to Boipatong homes or for funerals of those killed. Howatt was responding to demands by more than striking 4 000 Vanderbijlpark workers and • Boipatong residents, who have vowed to stay on strike until the hostel is closed. They are canvassing wider support in the Vaal area. The National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa), which represents many work­ ers in the area, says it has been asking Iscor for more than a year to close the hostel. 6 Numsa says it has presented Iscor with information to show that KwaMadala is the epicentre of violent attacks in the area. But Iscor told the union only 300-400 of its employees were housed there, and access was well controlled. But when Iscor was given information of various non-Iscor employees charged with murder having given their address as KwaMadala, Iscor said its “hostel policy” made provision for wives and children and friends to stay there provided they were properly signed in. Iscor closed the KwaMadala hostel in 1977, said Howatt. In 1990, after “ethnic conflict” at Iscor’s KwaMasiza hostel, about 400 Zulu-speaking migrant Iscor workers illegally occupied KwaMadala. The company then laid on electricity, lights and water at KwaMadala. AFRICAN National Congress leader Nel­ son Mandela asked the United Nations yester­ day to help solve the South African crisis, a UN official said. Mr Mandela tele­ phoned UN Secret ary- Gcneral Boutros Bout­ ros-Ghali to ask the Se­ crnmcnt. The ANC Icad- curity Council to find day. w hen m men. eiship would meet today “ways and means 10 nor­ women and children were malise the deteriorating slaughtered in Boipatong to •‘examine its options situation in South Africa township. The African on Citdesa. and try to resume the ne­ National Congress Notcrdaeme s;nd the gotiations which have (ANO N am es the iu;ins;i- Security Council did not broken down", said Se­ cre on the government lake am action because curity Council President Mr Mandela told a tally Mr Boutros-Ghali pro­ posed that he discuss the Paul Notcrdaeme of Bel­ in Boipatong on Sunday gium. he was suspending bilate­ M ore than 120 Blacks ral contacts with the go' have died since Wednes­ ~ r ^ r ^ \ v ^ Mandela wants UN help 'Y Anyaoku told a confer­ President De Klerk ap­ work. FROM PAGE 1 ence of Commonwealth peared committed “to “Dealing properly and crisis with Mr Mandela at Press groups. bring to justice those re­ fairly with violent behav­ a planned Organisation of Unless “effective and sponsible for the massa­ iour is the hallmark of a Africa Unity meeting in impartial measures” were cre at Boipatong and democracy, just as much Dakar, which both men taken, especially by the hope this will happen as as the free and fair elec­ plan to attend from June South African Govern­ soon as possible”. tions for all the people,” 29 to July 1. ment, to arrest the killers, - “We are very con­ Baroness Chalker said. “we will soon be witness­ cerned that the violence “In light of these dis­ ing not only the weaken­ should not derail the ne­ The German Govern­ cussions, the council ing of the negotiation pro­ gotiations (on ending ment was seriously con­ might consider it (Mande­ cess but a return to the apartheid) . There is cerned about the situation la’s request),” Noter- days of full international no alternative to negotia­ in South Africa, a spokes­ daeme said. ostracism of South Afri­ tion for the emergence of man for the German Em­ ca". a new, democratic South bassy said in Johannes­ Commonwealth Sec­ Africa.” burg. retary-General Chief British Prime Minister Emeka Anyaoku said in John Major was very dis­ Speaking at the confer­ Germany appealed to Edinburgh yesterday that tressed at recent events in ence in Edinburgh, For­ the South African Gov­ South Africa risked a re­ South Africa, his Down­ eign Office Minister Bar­ ernment to make every turn to international iso­ ing Street office said yes­ oness Chalker urged effort to bring those re­ lation if it failed to take terday, and was anxious South Africa to react sponsible for the Boipa­ action against township that the talks in South “quickly and decisively” tong massacre to justice. to the challenge posed by killers. Africa should continue. The German Govern­ the upsurge in violence. “The Jatest news of the The Foreign Office said ment hoped for a return horrific massacre of more Britain was “appalled by “However tragic and to negotiations in South than 39 innocent men, the escalating violence in alarming the continuing Africa as there was no women and children in South Africa and the loss and horrendous violence other solution to the Boipatong hqs, taken .the i of life involved.” -in South Africa, I am still country’s problems,, the violence in South Africa A Foreign 1 7 Office ' sure the neW baisii folr co­ spokesman said.’—JSapa- to new depths,” Chief'• '$>Slfe$rrtarr *■' said* * Stare' 'rtpefatron tan'be made-to"- "'Reufer-AP?Q A* P* mn massacre of even the most brutal peo­ ments within Inkatha and the security forces that have last week’s Boipatong mas­ ple. I say that no leadership an interest in fuelling the sacre in which 42 people ment as a solution to “the structure of the IFP had any violence and fulfilling their were killed continued yes­ planned genocide” of knowledge whatsoever that own prophecy that the terday. black people. ' this attack was going to take ANC’s mass action will The Commissioner of He said: “They have place.” raise the political tempera­ the South African Police, failed our people in the past The South African Com-, ture.” General Johan van der and will continue to do so. munist Party said by choos­ The Rhema Ministries of Merwe, said he was con­ The security forces have ing to visit KwaZulu on South Africa added its cerned at the tragic and been accused of complicity June 16, State President voice to the outrage and senseless killings of peo­ notwithstanding attempts FW de Klerk sent a mes­ Pastor Ray McCauley said ple. He promised to bring at suppressing the evi­ sage to every warlord, he had sent a message to De the culprits to book. dence.” death squad and to every Klerk noting growing per­ The Azanian People’s The president of the assassin in the country. ception that allegations of Organisation secretary- Inkatha Freedom Party, The Human Rights police/Inkatha collusion in general, Mr Don Chief Mangosuthu Commission said: “This violence “are not wild po­ Nkadimeng, called for the Buthelezi, said: “Such bru­ horrifying massacre con­ litical propaganda” . overthrow of the Govern­ tality shocks the sensibility firms that there are ele­ KIMBERLEY.m l & T n i b J e ( w De'fcferk President “But ',eSS- m s c°me anatexTm T US' be' w°rJd of the f i t '° the massacre,firsxv^ savsBo!pa‘° ng tong.nthe ^urderfrs of* oR o ipW'th a- FW deK^ eh° 0 d o f ( y '^ rD! K,erk u as tru- he-T p ^ T Venif °gise for the m apo1' i r d thdatSethingI°f,he ,ost and aJsn f y l,ves ^ ? " k L ' £ : Government t 'ta',a" of two j ! ° fo rth e loss drickse an !’ Mr He"' 'xm for fiehtinp g.,Ven sportsmen ^ T '005 °f then^peop,eZ 7 ‘Sm' Mr Hendrickses?"’ pS„r£d,;rc] ° H would have a c c e p S gested.
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