113TH CONGRESS " ! REPORT 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 113–403 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET— FISCAL YEAR 2015 R E P O R T OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO ACCOMPANY H. Con. Res. 96 ESTABLISHING THE BUDGET FOR THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- MENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 AND SETTING FORTH APPRO- PRIATE BUDGETARY LEVELS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2016 THROUGH 2024 together with MINORITY VIEWS APRIL 4, 2014.—Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:04 Apr 04, 2014 Jkt 087404 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6012 Sfmt 6012 E:\HR\OC\HR403.XXX HR403 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HEARING seneagle CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET—FISCAL YEAR 2015 VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:04 Apr 04, 2014 Jkt 087404 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6019 Sfmt 6019 E:\HR\OC\HR403.XXX HR403 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HEARING with DSK67QTVN1PROD on emcdonald 1 113TH CONGRESS " ! REPORT 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 113–403 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET— FISCAL YEAR 2015 R E P O R T OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO ACCOMPANY H. Con. Res. 96 ESTABLISHING THE BUDGET FOR THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- MENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 AND SETTING FORTH APPRO- PRIATE BUDGETARY LEVELS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2016 THROUGH 2024 together with MINORITY VIEWS APRIL 4, 2014.—Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 87–404 WASHINGTON : 2014 VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Apr 05, 2014 Jkt 039010 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4012 Sfmt 4012 E:\HR\OC\HR403.XXX HR403 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HEARING seneagle COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin, Chairman TOM PRICE, Georgia CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, Maryland, SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey Ranking Minority Member JOHN CAMPBELL, California JOHN A. YARMUTH, Kentucky KEN CALVERT, California BILL PASCRELL, JR., New Jersey TOM COLE, Oklahoma TIM RYAN, Ohio TOM MCCLINTOCK, California GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin JAMES LANKFORD, Oklahoma KATHY CASTOR, Florida DIANE BLACK, Tennessee JIM MCDERMOTT, Washington REID J. RIBBLE, Wisconsin BARBARA LEE, California BILL FLORES, Texas HAKEEM S. JEFFRIES, New York TODD ROKITA, Indiana MARK POCAN, Wisconsin ROB WOODALL, Georgia MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM, New Mexico MARSHA BLACKBURN, Tennessee JARED HUFFMAN, California ALAN NUNNELEE, Mississippi TONY CA´ RDENAS, California E. SCOTT RIGELL, Virginia EARL BLUMENAUER, Oregon VICKY HARTZLER, Missouri KURT SCHRADER, Oregon JACKIE WALORSKI, Indiana LLOYD DOGGETT, Texas LUKE MESSER, Indiana DANIEL T. KILDEE, Michigan TOM RICE, South Carolina ROGER WILLIAMS, Texas SEAN P. DUFFY, Wisconsin PROFESSIONAL STAFF AUSTIN SMYTHE, Staff Director THOMAS S. KAHN, Minority Staff Director (II) VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:04 Apr 04, 2014 Jkt 087404 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\HR403.XXX HR403 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HEARING C O N T E N T S Page Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 Summary Tables—Spending and Revenues: Table 1. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution Total Spending and Rev- enue ................................................................................................................ 10 Table 2. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution Discretionary Spending ........ 13 Table 3. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution Mandatory Spending ............ 15 CBO and OMB Differences in Baseline Budget Estimates .................................. 19 Table 4. CBO February 2014 Baseline vs. OMB BEA Baseline With Joint Committee Enforcement ..................................................................... 21 Table 5. Summary of Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution ........................... 21 Table 6. Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolution vs. the President’s Budget ... 22 Economic Assumptions of the Budget Resolution ................................................. 25 Table 7. Economic Projections: Administration, CBO, and Private Fore- casters ............................................................................................................ 30 Table 8. Economic Assumptions of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Resolu- tion ................................................................................................................. 30 Table 9. Tax Expenditure Estimates by Budget Function, Fiscal Years 2013–2019 ...................................................................................................... 31 Function-by-Function Presentation ........................................................................ 39 050 National Defense ....................................................................................... 39 150 International Relations ............................................................................. 43 250 General Science, Space, and Technology ................................................. 46 270 Energy ........................................................................................................ 48 300 Natural Resources and Environment ...................................................... 52 350 Agriculture ................................................................................................. 57 370 Commerce and Housing Credit ................................................................ 58 400 Transportation ........................................................................................... 64 450 Community and Regional Development .................................................. 67 500 Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services ........................ 69 550 Health ......................................................................................................... 74 570 Medicare ..................................................................................................... 78 600 Income Security ......................................................................................... 82 650 Social Security ........................................................................................... 86 700 Veterans Benefits and Services ................................................................ 89 750 Administration of Justice ......................................................................... 90 800 General Government ................................................................................. 92 900 Net Interest ............................................................................................... 94 920 Allowances ................................................................................................. 95 930 Government-Wide Savings ....................................................................... 96 950 Undistributed Offsetting Receipts ........................................................... 98 970 Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism ................ 100 Revenue .................................................................................................................... 103 Direct Spending Trends and Reforms .................................................................... 107 Table 10. Historical Means-Tested and Non Means-Tested Direct Spend- ing .................................................................................................................. 110 Table 11. Projected Means-Tested and Non Means-Tested Direct Spend- ing .................................................................................................................. 111 The Long-Term Budget Outlook ............................................................................. 115 Section-by-Section Description ............................................................................... 117 Title I. Spending and Revenue Levels ............................................................ 117 Title II. Recommended Long-Term Levels ..................................................... 118 Title III. Reserve Funds ................................................................................... 119 Title IV. Estimates of Direct Spending ........................................................... 122 Title V. Budget Enforcement ........................................................................... 122 Title VI. Policy Statements .............................................................................. 126 (III) VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:04 Apr 04, 2014 Jkt 087404 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 E:\HR\OC\HR403.XXX HR403 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HEARING IV Page The Congressional Budget Process ......................................................................... 129 Table 12. Allocation of Spending Authority to House Committee on Ap- propriations ................................................................................................... 131 Table 13. Resolution by Authorizing Committee (on-budget amounts) ....... 131 Statutory Controls Over the Budget ...................................................................... 135 Enforcing Budgetary Levels .................................................................................... 141 Accounts Identified for Advance Appropriations ................................................... 145 Votes of the Committee ........................................................................................... 147 Amendments Considered by the Committee on the Budget ................................ 175 Other Matters to be Discussed Under the
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