INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAlJ COUNCIL Thirty-third Session 3 to 18 April 1962 United Nations Headquarters Library Bibliographical Series No. E.24 UNITED NATIONS New York 1962 IST/LIB/SER. B/E. 24 1 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No.: 62. I. 17 Price: $U.S. 0.35; 2/6 stg.: Sw.fr, 1.50 (or equivalent in other currencies) IIll R' IJItJllI ~'.1I1 I III J MI' Table of Contents Explanatory note .......................•... v Abbreviations ............................. vi A. Introduction 1 2 B. Agenda .............................. C. Subject index . ....... .... ... 3 11 D. Index to speeches ....................... E. Numerical list of documents. 15 Hi This page intentionally left blank ,I I -I I I 'j ""1'- ,j Explanatory Note i i, i j ~1. meetings of the Economic and Social Council appear first , This Index to Proceedings is intended to offer a 'i 'b:bibliographical guide to the discussion and documentation in mimeographed form. They may be identified by their , , 50fthe meetings of the 33rd session of the Economic and symbols, whict.. consist of the series symbol (e. g. E/-, I '~Social I Council, as well as of standing committees or ad E/C.2/-, E/AC.7/-) as indicated in the introduction, I c~; hoc committees which met during the session. followed by SR and number corresponding to that of the t~f- meeting (e. g. E/AC. 7/SR. 435). Summary records of 1 :~ 2. The index consists of the following parts: plenary meetings are later printed as separate fascicles -1 inthe Official Records series; summary records of com­ I mittee meetings are issued only in mimeographed form. -I Part A. Introduction, including check lists of ·,1 meetings and a description of the composition of the I Council and its committees. Ofthe other documents, a few appear only as printed I i supplements to the Official Records (a fact always noted I Part B. Agenda, with reference to the relevant 11 in this index), but the rest are first issued in mimeo­ i subject headings used in Part C. graphed form. Most of them are subsequently printed in the annexes to the Official Records, where they are 'j Part C. Subject index. Subjects are arranged grouped into fascicles accordingto agenda item numbers. alphabetically, with reference to the documentation, dis­ The resolutions adopted by t.he Council, first issued in cussions, and disposition of each item. Agenda item mimeographed form, are collected in the printed Supple­ numbers are indicated in parentheses following tile sub­ ment no. 1 to the Official Records of the session. After ject headings. their republication in the Official Records, the provi­ sional mimeographed documents are no longer available. Part D. Index to speeches. Speeches by repre­ i sentatives are listed-in alphabetical order by country or , 1 organization, subdivided by subject discussed, with Printed documentation of this session of the Eco­ indication of the meeting at which the speech was made. nomic and Social Council may be obtained from author­ The remarks of the President of the Council and of ized sales agents (listed on the back cover of this publi­ chairmen of committees are normally not indexed. The cation) by requesting: J 1 speeches 0,( chairmen or rapporteurs of committees are Economic and Social Council Official Records, 33rd \ included, however, when they present or explain the session: , j reports of their committees to the Council. Meeting -- (specify plenary or committee meeting number) for summary record fascicles. Part E. Numerical list of documents, arranged by Supplement No. -- (specify supplement number) document symbols. for documents initially issued in this form. Annexes, Agenda Item -- (specify agendaitem num­ 3. Official Records and documents ber) for republication of mimeographed docu­ ments. All summary records of plenary and committee Supplement No. 1 for resolutions. v Abbreviations ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination par. paragraph(s) Add. Addendum PCOB Permanent Central Opium Board chap. chapter sess, session CICT Commission on International Commodity SF Special Fund Trade suppl. no. supplement number Commn(s) Commission(s) TAB Technical Assistance Board Corr. Corrigendum TAC Technical Assistance Committee Council Economic and Social Council United Cttee(s) Committee(s) Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Dept. of ESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs Northern Ireland DSB Drug Supervisory Body UN United Nations ECA Economic Commission for Africa UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Cultural Organization East UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund ECE Economic -Commisston for Europe UNKRA United Nations Korean Reconstruction ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America Agency ESC Economic and Social Council UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for I' ESCOR Economic and Social Council Official Records Palestine Refugees in the Near East ' FAO Food and Agr-iculture Organization of the UPU Universal Postal Union United Nations USA United States of America GA General Assembly USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics GAOR General Assembly Official Records WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency WFUNA World Federation of United Nations IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Associations \ Development WHO World Health Organization I '\ ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization WrJO World Meteorological Organization ICC International Chamber of Commerce ICCICA Interim Co-ordinating Committee for Inter- The following abbreviations are used in the Index to national Commodity Arrangements Speeches in designating plenary and committee meetings: ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Co-ord. Co-ordination Committee (Series E/AC. 24/ IDA International Development Association SR. ) IFAP International Federation of Agricultural Econ. Economic Committee (Series E/AC. 6/SR.) Producers Ind. Dev. Committee for Industrial Development IFC ' International Finance Corporation (Series E/C. 5/SR.) IFCTU International Federation of Christian Trade NGO Committee on Non-Governmental Organiza­ Unions tions (Series E/C. 2/SR.) ILO International Labour Organisation Plen. Plenary (Series E/SR.) IMCO Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Programme Inter-im Committee on Programme of Organization Conferences (Series E/C. 4/SR.) IMF International Monetary Fund Soc. Social Committee (Series E/AC. 7/SR.) ITU International Telecommunication Union TAC Technical Assistance Committee (E/TAC/ NGO Cttee Committee on Non-Governmental Organiza- SR.) tions vi I ,.,0111I .t..., A. Introduction The 33rd session of the Economic and Social Council was Plenary Meetings ard declared open on 3 Apr 1962 at Headquarters, New York, (Series symbol: E/SR- ) by Mr. P. de Seynes (Under-Secretary for Economic and Social Affairs), Acting President, and was adjourned on Meetings Date, 1962 Meetings Date, 1962 18 Apr 1962. 1187 3 Apr 1198 11 Apr tee 1188 4 Apr 1199 11 Apr 1189 4 Apr 1200 12 Apr ain and Members and Terms of Office 1190 5 Apr 1201 12 Apr ,l 1191 5 Apr 1202 13 Apr L Term of 1192 6 Apr 1203 13 Apr cientific and Date of election by Office 11i>3 6 Apr 1204 16 Apr Member the General Assembly 1 Jan-3I Dec 1194 9 Apr 1205 16 Apr Ld 1195 9 Apr 1206 17 Apr rtructton Australia 300ct 1961 1962-1964 1196 10 Apr 1207 17 Apr Brazil 120ct 1959 1960-1962 1197 10 Apr 1208 18 Apr 'ks Agency for Colombia 300ct 1961 1962-1964 le Near East I Denmark 120ct 1959 1960-1962 Standing Committees El Salvador 9 Dec 1960 1961-1963 Ethiopia 9 Dec 1.960 1961-1963 COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON NON-GOVERNMENTAL blics France 9 Dee 1960 1961-1963 ORGANIZATIONS (Series symbol:" E/C. 2/- ). Established lions India 14 Nov 1961 1962-1964 under rule 82 of the rules of procedure of the Council ations Italy 18 Apr 1961 1961-1963 (E/3063) as amended by decision of the Council of 5 Aug Japan 120ct 1959 1960-1962 1954. Terms of reference in rules 82 and 84-86. Member­ Jordan 9 Dec 1960 1961-1963 ship: Colombia, France, Japan, Jordan, USSR, United .ation Poland 120ct 1959 1960-1962 Kingdom, USA. Chairman: Mr. Yacoub J. Joury (Jordan). Senegal 300ct 1961 1962-1964 Reports: E/3589, E/3601, E/3602. le Index to USSR 120ct 1959 1960-1962 ee meetings: United Kingdom 120ct 1959 1960-1962 Meetings Date, 1962 USA 300ct 1961 1962-1964 'Ies E/AC. 24/ Uruguay 9 Dec 1960 1961-1963 188 (closed) 20 Feb Yugoslavia 14 Nov 1961 1962-1964 189 (closed) 20 Feb E/AC. 6/SR.) 190 (closed) 2 Apr slopment 191 4Apr A list of representatives, including representatives of 191/Add. 1 (closed) 4 Apr ital Organiza- specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations, ) and a list of observers are contained in document E/INF/ 80/Rev.1 and Adds. 1,2. Rules of Procedure mme of ~. 4/SR.) The rules of procedure of the Economic and Social C. 7/SR.) Council, E/3063 (UN Sales no.: 58.1. 3) were in effect tee (E/TAC/ during the 33rd session. Officers Resolutions and Decisions President: Mr. Jerzy Michalowski (Poland) Resolutions and decisions of the 33rd session are 1st Vice-President: Mr. Alfonso Patifio (Colombia) collected in document E/3610 (ESCOR, 33rd sess., suppl. 2nd Vice-President: Mr. Muhammad El-Farra (Jordan) no. 1) and are listed in document E/L. 954. 1 M&>_1. ~ai"'" "".... B. Agenda 1. Election of President and Vice-Presidents for 1962 13. Elections AFNAN, See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: officers, See under COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL COM- .- biogr 1962: election MODITY TRADE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 2. Adoption of the agenda COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS AFRICA .See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: agenda COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD .- devel 3. Question of a declaration on international economic SOCIAL COMMISSION D( co-operation SPECIAL FUND: Governing Council See ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION: declaration (draft) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND: 4.
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