AlA OFFICERS AND BOARD Calendar Year 1986 OFFICERS ROBERT L. KIRK, ChairmanoftheBoard DONALD R. BEALL, Vice Chairman of the Board KARL G. HARR, JR., President SAMUEL L. WRIGHT, Vice President/Secretary GEORGE F. COPSEY, Treasurer VICE PRESIDENTS LEROY J. HAUGH, Procurement and Finance LLOYD R. KUHN, LegislativeAffairs JOHN F. LOOSBROCK, Public Affairs C. RONALD LOWRY, Research and Technology CELIA M. SHERBECK, Civil Aviation EMERY PETER SMITH, International Affairs EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROBERT L. KIRK, The LTV Corporation DONALD R. BEALL, Rockwell International Corporation THOMAS V. JONES, Northrop Corporation KARL G. HARR, JR., Aerospace Industries Association EDWARD E. HOOD, JR., Genera/Electric Company CALEB B. HURTT, Martin Marietta Aerospace WILLIAM C. PURPLE, Allied-Signa/Inc .. Bendix Aerospace Sector PAUL G. SCHLOEMER, Parker Hannifin corporation BOARD OF GOVERNORS JOE L. MILLER Chairman. President and Chief Executive Officer. Aeronca, Inc. WILLIAM C. PURPLE Executive Vice President. Allied-Signa/Inc .. and President. Bendix Aerospace Sector FRANK A. SHRONTZ President and Chief Executive Officer. The Boeing Company JOHN W. DIXON Chairman. E-Systems. Inc. RAYMOND C. TOWER President and Chief Operating Officer. FMC Corporation JAMES B. TAYLOR Pres1dent and Chief Executive Officer. Gates Lear1et Corporation STANLEY C. PACE Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. General Dynamics Corporation EDWARD E. HOOD, JR. Vice Chairman and Executive Officer. General Electric Company *F. BLAKE WALLACE General Manager. Allison Gas Turbine Division. General Motors Corporation JOHN O'BRIEN President and Chief Operatmg Officer. Grumman Corporation WARDE F. WHEATON Executive Vice President. Honeywell Inc ALLEN E. PUCKETT Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. GM!Hughes Aircraft Company VINCENT N. COOK Vice Pres1dent. IBM Corporation and President. Federal Systems DiviSIOn NORMAN J. RYKER President and Chief Executive Officer. Pneumo Abex Corporation, IC Industries STANLEY FRIEDMAN Group Executive. ITT Defense Space Group LAWRENCE 0. KITCHEN Chmrman and Chief Executive Officer. Lockheed Corporation **ROBERT L. KIRK · President. The LTV Corporation CALEB B. HURTT President, Martin Marietta Aerospace SANFORD N. McDONNELL Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. McDonnell Douglas CorporatiOn U. EDWIN GARRISON President. Aerospace Group, Morton Thiokol. Inc. THOMAS V. JONES Chalfman and Chief Executive Officer. Northrop Corporation PAUL G. SCHLOEMER President and Chief Executive Officer. Parker Hannifm Corporation R. GENE SHELLEY President. Raytheon Company DONALD R. BEALL Pres1dent and Chief Operatmg Off1cer. Rockwell International Corporation HARRY W. TODD Chairman, President and Ch1ef ExecutiVe. Rohr Industries. Inc WILLIAM F. SCHMIED Pres1dent and Chief Operating Officer. The Smger Company ABNER B. MARTIN Semor Vice President. Sperry Corporation WILLIAM A. ANDERS Semor ExecutiVe Vice PreSident. Operations, Textron. Inc GEORGE E. SOLOMON Executive V1ce President and General Manager. Electromcs and Defense. TRW Inc ARTHUR E. WEGNER Semor V1ce Pres1dent. Power Group, United Technolog1es Corporation KARL G. HARR, JR. Pres1dent. Aerospace Industries Assoc1at1on • Res1gned following acqwsil10n of Hughes Aircraft Co •• Succeeded by Raymond A Hay, November 22. 1986 AlA OFFICERS AND BOARD Calendar Year 1987 OFFICERS DONALD R. BEALL, Chalfman ot the Board WILLIAM C. PURPLE. v,ceChalrmanottheBoard DON FUQUA, Pres,dent SAMUEL L. WRIGHT, VlcePres,dent!Secretary GEORGE F COPSEY. Treasurer VICE PRESIDENTS LEROY J. HAUGH, ProcurementandFmance LLOYD R. KUHN. Leg1slaMeAffalfs JOHN F LOOSBROCK. Pubt,cAffa1rs C. RONALD LOWRY. Research and Technology CELIA M. SHERBECK, CIVIIAv1at10n EMERY PETER SMITH, tnternat,onatAffalfs EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DONALD R. BEALL, Rockwefllnternanonal CorporatiOn WILLIAM C. PURPLE. Atlied-S,gnallnc. Bend1x Aerospace Sector DON FUQUA, Aerospace lndustnes Assoc1anon ROBERT L. KIRK, Allied-S,gnalfnc. Aerospace and Electromcs Company EDWARD E. HOOD. JR .. General Etecmc Company f-lENRY A. SCHOWENGERDT, Hercules Aerospace Company CALEB B. HURTT, Martm Manetta Aerospace STANLEY C. PACE, General Oynam,cs Corporat1on BOARD OF GOVERNORS GEORGE W LEISZ Pres1dent and Ch1ef Execu11ve Off1cer. Aero1et General WILLIAM C. PURPLE Execunve V1ce Pres1dent. Allied-Signal. Inc and Pres1dent. Bend1x Aerospace Sector ROBERT L. KIRK Pres1dent and Ch1el Execuuve Off1cer Aerospace and Electromcs Company Allied-Signa/Inc CLYDE R. GILLESPIE V1ce Pres1dent. Engmeered Products Alummum Company of Amenca FRANK A. SHRONTZ Pres1dent and Ch1ef Execu(lve Off1cer Tt1e Boemg Company GUY C. SHAFER Execut1ve V1ce Pres1dent. Colt lndustnes Inc CARROLL M. MARTENSON Chalfman. Cnton Technologies JOHN W DIXON Chalfman of the Board. E-Systems. Inc STANLEY C. PACE Cha1rman and Chtef Execuuve Officer, General DynamiCS CorporatiOn EDWARD E. HOOD, JR. V1ce Chalfman of the Board and Execut1ve Off1cer General Electnc Company ALLEN E. PUCKETT Cha1rman and CIHel Execut1ve Off1cer GM!Hughes Alfcralt Company ROBERT W CLARK Pres1dent and Ch1ef Execut1ve Ottrcer. Goodyear Aerospace CorporatiOn JOHN O'BRIEN Presrdent and Ch1ef Operatmg Off1cer. Grumman Corporatton HENRY A. SCHOWENGERDT Pres1dent. f-lercutes Aerospace Company GERALD W EBKER Pres1dent. Federal Systems DIVISIOn IBM Corporatton WALTER R. KOZLOW President. Kaman Aerospace CorporatiOn LAWRENCE 0. KITCHEN Chalfman and Ch1el Execut1ve. Lockheed CorporatiOn RAYMOND A. HAY Chalfman and Ch1el Execut1ve Off,cer The LTV Corporat1on CALEB B. HURTT Pres1dent. Martm Manetta Aerospace SANFORD N. McDONNELL Chalfman and Chief Execuuve Olf1cer McDonnell Douglas Corpora/ion THOMAS V. JONES Chalfman and Ch,el Execut1ve Off1cer Northrop Corporation R. GENE SHELLEY Pres1dent. Raytheon Company DONALD R. BEALL Pres1dent and Ch1ef Operatrng Off1cer Rockwelllnternat,onal Corporation WILLIAM F. SCHMIED Pres1dent and Clue! Operatmg Off,cer The Smger Company EVANS W ERIKSON Chalfman and CIHel Execunve Off1cer Sundstrand CorporatiOn WILLIAM A. ANDERS Semor Execut1vP V1ce Pres.~dent. Operations. Textron Inc GEORGE E. SOLOMON Execut1ve V1ce Pres1dent and General Manager Electromcs and Defense TRW Inc ARTHUR E. WEGNER Semor V1ce Prestdent. Power Grouo. Umted Tec:hnofomes Corporatton HUGH B. CHARE Pres1dent. Western Gear Corpora/ion THOMAS J. MURRIN Pres1dent. Energy and Advanced Technology Group Westmghouse Electnc Corpomt1on DON FUQUA Prestdent. Aerospace Jndustnes Assocmtmn A STATEMENT OF POLICY The aerospace industry shall continually foster the advancement of those aeronautical, astronautical and related sciences, arts, technologies and industries which shall be consistent with and contribute to the public and private welfare of local communities, this nation, and the international community of which this nation is a part. Specifically, the continuing goal of the industry shall be: to fulfill its responsibility for the development and improvement of those deterrent and defense capabil­ ities deemed by the government to be requisite for our continued national security; to promote those technological achievements necessary to assure the peaceful conquest of space for the benefit of all man­ kind; to foster the advancement of economic com­ mercial and private air transport; and to press for and contribute to significant improvements in those sci­ entific, management and manufacturing skills and techniques that will benefit the social, cultural and economic well being of the nation. In pursuing this goal, the industry shall maintain a commitment to high standards of excellence, integrity and reliability. Fulfillment of these responsibilities imposes require­ ments on this industry for far-ranging and innovative contributions in science and technology. To this end, the industry shall relentlessly explore those horizons of science most likely to hold the key to future advances, and shall vigorously and efficiently improve the foun­ dations of this nation's industrial creativity, productiv­ ity, technology and facilities. Attainment of such goals requires the most effec­ tive possible use of all of the resources of a pioneering and progressive industry, directed by experienced, flexible and imaginative management, and incor­ porating: • The highest levels of scientific investigation • Technological facilities adequate to provide conti­ nuity in advanced research, development and production • Coordinated teams of managers, scientists, techni­ cians and skilled labor • Economic stability to assure the fullest contribu­ tions by each element to national security, prosper­ ity and progress • Adherence to high quality and reliability in services provided and products delivered • Commitment to truth, accuracy, fairness and com­ pliance with law in all matters and in all communi­ cations with the public, customers, suppliers and employees. The aerospace industry pledges the fullest appli­ cation of its resources and abilities to the task of accomplishing these goals. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 AEROSPACE OPERATIONS SERVICE 6 AEROSPACE PROCUREMENT SERVICE 16 AEROSPACE RESEARCH CENTER 24 AEROSPACE TECHNICAL COUNCIL 26 HUMAN RESOURCES COUNCIL 34 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE 37 OFFICE OF CIVIL AVIATION 41 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL 42 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS 43 TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 46 INTRODUCTION The Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. (AlA) is the national trade association that repre­ sents U.S. companies engaged in research, develop­ ment and manufacture of such aerospace systems as aircraft, missiles, spacecraft and space launch vehicles, and propulsion,
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