Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 54: 43–50 (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/fce.2017.54.08 New occurrences of corticioid and poroid fungi (Basidiomycota) in Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, Primorye Territory, Russian Far East Ilya A. Viner & Lyudmila Yu. Kokaeva Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract: New data on corticioid and poroid basidiomycetes from Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, Primorye Territory, Russian Far East, is presented. Altogether there are 182 known species from the reserve; 76 are reported as new to the reserve and two as new to Russia. The material was collected in July of 2016 from 9 study plots located in forests of different types. Findings of some rarely collected species such as Botryobasidium botryoideum, Cerinomyces aff. aculeatus, Junghuhnia aurantilaeta, Phanerochaete robusta and Tyromyces wynneae are briefly discussed. The full-length ITS sequences ofJunghuhnia aurantilaeta, Phanerochaete robusta, Pyrrhoderma cf. sendaiense and Tyromyces wynneae were obtained and deposited in the GenBank. Junghuhnia aurantilaeta is proposed to be included in the new edition of the Red Data Book of Primorye Territory. The paper expands the knowledge of distribution of many species and increases the total number of species reported for the reserve. Keywords: biodiversity; corticioids; polypors; Russian Far East INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS The Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve is located on Fruit bodies were collected in Kedrovaya Pad the coastal spurs of the Manchurian Mountains. Nature Reserve, Primorye Territory, Russian The river valley of Kedrovaya river lies between Far East (Fig. 1), near Primorskaya station the Gakkelevsky and Sukhorechensky ridges (43°05’42”N, 131°35’6”E), Khasanskiy district (Fig. 1, 2). The microclimate of the reserve is in 24–31 July 2016. The studied area was affected by two main factors: warm humid air comprised of nine forest sites (approximately masses from the Philippines and a mountainous 1 ha each, Fig. 2): herb rich oak (Quercus relief, which acts as a wind tunnel and trans- mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) forest on east- ports moist air from the sea. As a result, the ern slope (1), coniferous-broadleaf forest (2), reserve is warmer and wetter in comparison with coniferous-broadleaf forest on northern slope adjacent territories. Nature protection measures (3), mixed Krummholz stand with fir (Abies ho- have been implemented in the area since 1916 lophylla Maxim.), birches (Betula spp.), maples supporting the forest conservation. The forest (Acer spp.), oak and pine (Pinus koraiensis cover is unique in a sense that subtropical and Siebold & Zucc.) (4), oak forest with maples and coniferous-broadleaf forests overlap, which birches on southern slope (5), willow (Salix spp.) leads to a high diversity of plant and fungal forest with maples (6), fern-maple-oak forest on species (www.unesco.org). fluvial terrace (7), conifer forest with fir and pine The data of the biodiversity of aphyllopho- (8) and (9) coniferous-broadleaf forest with amur roid fungi in the reserve was reported by Niko- cork tree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.). Each layeva (1967), Vassiljeva (1972) and Parmasto site was visited once. All sites were characterized (1968, 1970) and summarized by Korkishko by large amounts of dead wood except broadleaf (2002). Moreover Kovalenko et al. (2012) listed forests (1, 5, 7) and Krummholz stand (4). Sur- some species. Before our study, only limited em- veyed woody remnants were chosen randomly. phasis was made on aphyllophoroid fungi, and Fragments of each fruit body were collected only 105 species were reported from the reserve for microscopic identification using Melzer’s (Korkishko, 2002; Kovalenko et al., 2012). We reagent (IKI) and Cotton Blue (CB). In total, we propose Junghuhnia aurantilaeta (Corner) Spirin collected or noted more than 400 specimens of as a good candidate for the new edition of the fruit bodies. In the species-list we included all regional Red Data Book. corticioids, polypores and heterobasidioid taxa 44 Folia Cryptog. Estonica Fig. 1. A – Primorye Territory in Russian Far Fig. 2. Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve with col- East, B – Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve in lecting sites (circles). Primorye Territory. like Basidiodendron spp. which are new for the pestle in sterilized eppendorf tube. DNA was ex- reserve or rarely collected in Russia. The list tracted according to the standard CTAB protocol consists of species names in Latin, followed by (Griffith & Shaw, 1998). rDNA fragments with the substrate type (in most cases specified only internal transcribed spacers (ITS) was amplified up to angiosperm or gymnosperm wood) and with the universal primers ITS1 and ITS4 (White the number of the collection location. Numbered et al., 1990). PCR was performed with GenPak® specimens, which were deposited in a personal PCR Core kit (Isogene, Russia). The following fungarium, can be requested from the Zoologi- PCR conditions were used: one cycle for 3 min cal Club of the Zoological Museum of Moscow at 96 ºC, 30 cycles with 30 sec at 94 ºC, 30 sec University (KUN ZMMU). Duplicates of some at 55 ºC, 30 sec at 72 ºC, and 3 min at 72 ºC. specimens were deposited in the mycological After amplification PCR products were run on a collection of University of Helsinki (H). The 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide specimens without number were deposited in and visualized under the UV light. Amplification the personal fungarium of I.V. The nomencla- product was cut out from agarose gel with ster- ture follows MycoBank and Index Fungorum. ile scalpel and cleaned with Cleanup Standard Infraspecific taxa were not specified. kit (Evrogen Ltd, Moscow, Russia). Sequencing In addition, we obtained new full-length reactions were performed by the Evrogen com- ITS sequences of Junghuhnia aurantilaeta, pany (Moscow, Russia) following the BigDye Phanerochaete robusta Parmasto, Pyrrhoderma terminator protocol (ABI Prism) on an Applied cf. sendaiense (Yasuda) Imazeki and Tyromy- Biosystems 3730 xl automatic sequencer (Ap- ces wynneae (Berk. & Broome) Donk. These plied Biosystems, CA, USA) with both forward particular species were selected since there is and reverse primers. The raw sequence reads only a limited number of their sequences in were trimmed manually and assembled into the GenBank and their sequences from such consensus sequences in Geneious (Biomatters remote areas as Russian Far East can be of Limited, Auckland, New Zealand) using default interest in taxonomic studies. The large sizes settings. ITS sequences were identified through and good preservation of these fruit bodies also BLASTn searches in UNITE (https://unite. facilitate DNA extraction which was difficult for ut.ee/), the BLASTn search was ran against the several other species, sequences of which were International Nucleotide Sequence Databases not included here. The fragments of fruit bodies Consortium (INSDC; http://www.insdc.org) were grind under liquid nitrogen with a sterile and UNITE (Abarenkov et al., 2010) databases. 45 All newly obtained sequences were deposited in east (Dai et al., 2002) and it seems to be the GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/); one of the most common polypore species in accession numbers are listed in the species-list. southern part of Primorye Territory. Besides the studied area, we have seen it many times RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in the secondary oak forests of Lazovsky Nature Reserve (Primorye Territory, Russia) In total we found 76 new species for the reserve, and Russky Island (Vladivostok, Primorye two species new to Russia (Korkishko, 2002; Territory, Russia). Spirin et al., 2007; Kovalenko et al., 2012). Most *AMPHINEMA BYSSOIDES (Pers.) J. Erikss. – an- of our findings were observed on angiosperms, giosperm wood, gymnosperm wood (KUN while only a limited number grew on gymno- ZMMU 2195, 2199, 2201, 2274); 2, 7. sperms, 69 and 4 respectively. Only 7 taxa *AMYLOCORTICIUM CEBENNENSE (Bourdot) Pouzar grew both on gymnosperms and angiosperms. – angiosperm wood (KUN ZMMU 2010); 9. We collected two species which are included in *AMYLOCORTICIUM SUBINCARNATUM (Peck) Pouzar the Red Data Book of the Primorye Territory: – angiosperm wood (KUN ZMMU 2248); 9. Cryptoporus volvatus (Peck) Shear and Hericium *ANTRODIA PICEATA K. Runnel, V. Spirin & J. Vla- erinaceus (Bull.) Pers. (Baryshenko, 2008). sak – gymnosperm wood (KUN ZMMU 1984, According to our observations, Junghuhnia au- 1985, 2085); 7, 9. rantilaeta could be included in the new edition *AURANTIPORUS FISSILIS (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) H. of the Red Data Book. This species is extremely Jahn ex Ryvarden – Quercus mongolica; 5. rarely collected in other parts of Russia: there *BASIDIODENDRON EYREI (Wakef.) Luck-Allen – an- is only one published record outside Kedrovaya giosperm wood (KUN ZMMU 2325); 1. Pad Nature Reserve (Bukharova & Zmitrovich, *BOTRYOBASIDIUM BOTRYOIDEUM (Overh.) Parmasto 2014). Nevertheless, it was previously collected – angiosperm wood, gymnosperm wood in the studied area in 1944 and 2005 (Spirin (KUN ZMMU 2123, 2189, 2198, 2297); 2, et al., 2007), which indicates a stable popula- 5, 7, 8. tion. J. aurantilaeta inhabits gymnosperm and Note. According to our observations, B. bot- angiosperm dead wood in pristine broadleaf ryoideum seems to be less rare than previ- and coniferous-broadleaf forests, which are the ously thought. In Russia, B. botryoideum main target of forest management in Primorye occurs from the Far East (Langer, 1994; Territory, so if the forests are cut down, J. au- Spirin, unpublished) and Siberia (Shiryaev & rantilaeta will become threatened. Also, it can be Kotiranta, 2015 (2016)) to the Komi Republic easily identified in the field by non-professional in Europe (Viner, 2015). Several collections mycologists by the fleshy-tough consistency were also made by I.V. in the secondary and orange color of fruit bodies together with oak forests of Lazovsky Nature Reserve comparatively large pores, 1–3 per mm. (Primorye Territory, Russia), which suggests Annotated list of species that B. botryoideum can inhabit old-growth forests as well as disturbed forests with a The species list is in alphabetical order.
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