UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday April 2, 2019 Volume 65 Number 29 www.upenn.edu/almanac Ivan Dmochowski: Alan MacDiarmid Term Professor Kevin B. Mahoney: Ivan Dmochowski, (C’50, HON’99) and Diana T. Vagelos, Penn Chief Executive Officer, University professor of chemis- parents, in honor of longtime Nobel Prize-win- of Pennsylvania Health System try, has been named the ning chemistry professor Dr. Alan MacDiarmid. Kevin B. Mahoney will become the next Alan MacDiarmid Term Dr. P. Roy Vagelos, a chemistry major who CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health Professor of Chemis- graduated from Penn in 1950 before going on to System (UPHS), Uni- try. Dr. Dmochowski’s receive a medical degree from Columbia Uni- versity of Pennsyl- laboratory develops versity, is the retired chairman and chief execu- vania President Amy chemical and biophysi- tive officer of Merck & Co. He currently serves Gutmann and J. Lar- cal tools to study com- as chairman of the Board at Regeneron Pharma- ry Jameson, executive plex biological systems, ceuticals. Dr. Vagelos served as chair of the Uni- vice president of the including new tech- versity’s Board of Trustees from 1995 to 1999, University of Pennsyl- nologies for biomolec- and he is a former member of the Penn Arts and vania for the Health Ivan Dmochowski ular imaging, identify- Sciences’ Board of Overseers and the former System and dean of ing proteins and RNA molecules important in chair of the Committee for Undergraduate Fi- the Perelman School of brain function, and fabricating functional bio- nancial Aid. Diana T. Vagelos is a former over- Medicine, announced. nanomaterials. He has collaborations with many seer of the University of Pennsylvania Museum Mr. Mahoney will as- researchers at Penn and throughout the United of Archaeology and Anthropology. sume his post on July 1, States, Europe and Asia. The Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Kevin Mahoney succeeding Ralph W. Dr. Dmochowski is the recipient of many Technology in Penn Arts and Sciences is made Muller, who has served prizes and awards, including the Ameri- possible by Dr. and Mrs. Vagelos. This most as the health system’s CEO since 2003. can Chemical Society Akron Section’s Crano recent philanthropic investment in energy re- Mr. Mahoney is a 23-year veteran of leader- Award, the McKnight Technological Innova- search at Penn follows the couple’s gift to en- (continued on page 2) tions in Neuroscience Award, the National Sci- dow two professorships focused on energy re- ence Foundation Career Advancement Award search in Penn Arts and Sciences, and their 2012 and the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar creation of the Vagelos Integrated Program 2019 Silfen Forum: Award. He served as undergraduate chair of in Energy Research (VIPER), an undergradu- Epidemic. Crisis. National Emergency chemistry from 2015 to 2018, continues to serve ate degree program of Penn Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering and Applied Sci- On Thursday, April 11, the 2019 Silfen Fo- as co-director of the Penn Pathways program, Is There an Antidote for the and is a member of the Provost’s Faculty Coun- ence. The Vageloses’ longtime support of Penn rum will address Arts and Sciences also includes gifts to establish Opioid Epidemic? Seeking a Cure for the Worst cil on Access and Academic Support. Drug Crisis in American History The Alan MacDiarmid Endowed Term Chair many science-related programs, undergraduate . The event was established in 2001 by P. Roy Vagelos, scholarships and endowed professorships. will take place in Irvine Auditorium at 3 p.m. and will be live streamed as well. Penn Presi- Asif Agha: Francis E. Johnston Term Professor dent Amy Gutmann and a panel of distinguished Asif Agha, professor of anthropology, has been named the Francis E. guests will have a wide-ranging discussion of Johnston Term Professor. Dr. Agha is a leading linguistic anthropologist the opioid crisis. President Gutmann will mod- whose research examines the structure and organization of human language erate the disucssion. The panelists will be: and its use in human affairs, as well as the role of language use and commu- Hon. Joseph R. Biden Jr., 47th Vice Presi- nication in giving rise to forms of social organization. His book Language dent of The United States, Benjamin Franklin and Social Relations received the Edward Sapir Prize for best book in lin- Presidential Practice Professor at Penn guistic anthropology. Hon. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush Sr., 43rd Gov- Dr. Agha currently serves as president of the Society for Linguistic An- ernor of Florida, Presidential Practice Professor thropology within the American Anthropological Association, as editor of the at Penn journal Signs and Society and as past editor of the Journal of Linguistic An- Hon. James F. Kenney, Mayor of Philadelphia thropology. He has also served on the Penn Arts and Sciences Planning and Bertha Madras: professor of psychobiology, Priorities Committee and the Committee on Undergraduate Education. Harvard Medical School; former Deputy Direc- This chair was created through the bequest of G. Frederick Roll (W’34) and tor for Demand Reduction, White House Office Asif Agha is named in honor of Francis E. Johnston, a biological anthropologist and an of National Drug Control Policy emeritus professor of anthropology at Penn. Dr. Johnston, who completed his PhD at Penn in 1962, was Jeanmarie Perrone: professor of emergency on the faculty of the department of anthropology for nearly four decades and served as department chair medicine and director of medical toxicology, from 1982 to 1994. He also founded the Center for Community Partnerships’ Urban Nutrition Initiative, Perelman School of Medicine, Penn a project which has helped to improve community nutrition and wellness in West Philadelphia. Live Webcast will be available online. See https://silfenforum.upenn.edu/webcast Perelman School of Medicine 2019 Teaching Awards The Perelman School of Medicine announces this year’s teaching awards INSIDE as follows: 2 Deaths 3 Honors & Other Things The Leonard Berwick Memorial Teaching Award 4 University Council: State of the University Edward M. Behrens is the Joseph Hollander Chair in Pediatric Rheu- 6 OF RECORD: Controlled Substances Policy matology, associate professor of pediatrics and chief of the division of 7 Penn Law First Generation Fellows Program rheumatology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He teaches 8 Architecture Week: Renovation of Philadelphia’s Historic Metropolitan Opera House first-year medical students in the immunology course, graduate students 10 PSOM Teaching Awards within the immunology and cell and molecular biology graduate groups 13 HR: Open Enrollment and medical students, residents and fellows on the inpatient wards and out- 14 One Step Ahead: Security and Privacy Tip; 30x30 Challenge patient clinics. In all of these settings, he strives to bring the basic tenets of 15 Soy Cuba at ARG; Update; CrimeStats (continued on page 10) Edward Behrens 16 April Dance Performances at Annenberg Center ALMANAC April 2, 2019 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 Kevin B. Mahoney: Chief Executive Officer, University of Pennsylvania Health System (continued from page 1) ship roles at Penn Medicine, currently serving the Smilow Center for Translational Research across the region. Most recently, he oversaw the as the executive vice president and chief admin- and the Jordan Medical Education Center, be- implementation of a common electronic health istrative officer for UPHS, as well as the execu- came the nation’s first single building to fully record platform across Penn’s hospitals, numer- tive vice dean for Integrative Services for the integrate biomedical research, clinical care and ous outpatient clinics and home care—making Perelman School of Medicine. medical education. Building on this tremendous it the only comprehensive system of its kind in “Kevin has an unrivaled breadth of experi- success, he planned and now leads the project the region. ence and depth of knowledge of health care in for the Pavilion on Penn’s University City cam- “Penn Medicine is a truly unique place where an integrated academic medical center, com- pus, adjacent to HUP. The Pavilion, set to open a collaborative spirit and teamwork builds on bined with a profound personal commitment to in 2021, is the largest building project in Penn’s our rich history to lead the way forward in aca- Penn’s ambitious vision to build the academic history and will be the most advanced inpatient demic medicine,” Mr. Mahoney said. “My ap- health system of the future,” said President Gut- hospital facility in the nation. pointment as the next CEO of UPHS is hum- mann. “We are confident that Kevin will suc- “Kevin was a chief architect behind so many bling, and I am truly excited by this opportunity. cessfully lead the team-based effort to propel of the efforts for which Penn Medicine has be- Having worked at Penn Medicine for 23 years, UPHS to even greater heights, building on its come nationally renowned. He was an early and I have seen first-hand the miracles performed unparalleled successes and enormous momen- strong contributor to our campus-wide efforts to by our faculty, physicians and staff. I know tum.” make innovation part of Penn’s and Penn Med- our best days are ahead with even more break- Reporting to Dr. Jameson, Mr. Mahoney will icine’s DNA,” Dr. Jameson said. “Those ef- through treatments and the continued evolution lead a health system which has grown over the forts are saving lives across the world, spurring of patient-centered care. I am grateful to Presi- past six years from three Philadelphia-based ac- Penn Medicine’s role in the development and dent Gutmann and Dr. Jameson for giving me ademic medical centers to encompass a broad commercialization of six FDA-approved thera- this unparalleled opportunity to continue serv- footprint across the region, including the ad- pies within just the past 18 months.
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