·r • ISLAND NEWS 2 -• MAIL BOX 4 • IN DEPTH 9 .•liVING WELL 22 ' . • FIREFIGHTERS 10 • LAUGH LINF.S 16 • CLASSIFIEDS 23 • HOROSCOPE 26 • CROSSWORD 24 • IN THE WORKS 20 • TIDE TABLES 5 • ENTERTAINMENT &.THE ARTS 13 • BOOK ENDS 20 • ETC 27 the I~I_~=ra_d .---~.._~.._~I_ VOL 2, ISSUE 40 Salt Spring Island, B.C. PRICELESS ~ Chief for a day? That's the question on the minds of Michelle Spencer, Dave Outerbridge, Christopher Spencer and Annabel Tatnall as they practise for the job. Children aged 6-11 years can apply by entering their name at the Fire Department's Fire Prevention Week Open House this Saturday at Ganges Fireball. Shelagh Plunkett photo ~") ANDERSON _______is_l_a_n_d_ ~~ _n_e_w_s______ _ APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE Prompt reliable service on all makes & models, large or small. Brainstorming Island employment Hot water tank, appliance & pump by Amei Parkes are willing, but unable, to conducted a two-pronged feasi- installation. Cherie Geauvreau has a work-single mothers, high bility study called the resume that many people would school drop-outs, recent grads, Ladderworks Community Sam Anderson Phone/Fax 537-5268 envy. She has enough life expe­ artists, small business people or Initiative. Subsidiary of Tail Technical Solutions rience to "run a cruise ship," if people experiencing a transition She surveyed islanders about needed. She has published a in their working life-turn? their needs in the areas of: .. ,k'A c ., )t c;.. .. , ;%i .c~- .. _fi c .... ..._J\ book of poetry and helped to This was the focus of an ali-day career awareness services, train­ organize a co-operative. She is workshop, called "Salt Spring ing and re-training, job finding t7~l 'r-Ef:t<FitSr,"" active in women's rights and vio­ Employment and Entre- assistance and entrepreneurial •' { ( lence prevention. She is talent­ preneurial Services" on support. She also enlisted the ,.,;.';, 241 Lpwer Ganges Road • Gulf Clinic '~-.:;;; \'\ ed and worldly. September 28. Key stakehold­ help of Context Research, a con­ \._{q~:·;;l . .·... 537-0715 '*i'.J But she does not have a job. ers in government, education sulting firm based in Vancouver, (j For care of thickened or ingrown nails, callous, 'We live in paradise, but it's and community services and to facilitate a brainstorming ses­ heel fissures. At horne care also available. (( been a struggle [to find employ­ industry, and unemployed peo­ sion on the Island. Reasonable rates. ~~,~~ )') ment]. You have to be a-jack-of­ ple examined the present "Now it's time to up the .. SUSAN MONAGHAN, graduate of 3-year ~~<r:-rt all-trades," said the 51-year old. employment situation on Salt periscope and take a look at our Chiropody Program, Toronto General Hospital. People like Geauvreau have Spring Island and the challenges community," said Allison in her .•.•... B.C. Certified Esthetician. .0 ' encountered job-related prob­ faced by those searching for jobs keynote address at the workshop. lems that are specific to life on a and making career decisions. Although frustrated by the lim­ small island. Many of the jobs are "One thing I've encountered, itations of on-Island career Acupuncture Therapy entry-level, such as waiter and is that there is a real need for options, the group came up with PATRICIA FIBIGER, MD cashier, which pay little and are somewhere for those [ unem­ numerous creative solutions, Canadian Acupuncture Foundation Certified Integrative Medicine Practice limited to acupuncture not career-oriented. Work is ployed] folks to go," said work­ from organi7Jng co-operative-run House calls on Salt Spring Island Sat.-Sun. 250·537-2037 often seasonal and dictated by shop organizer, Maggie Allison. organic farms to looking for fund­ Clinic in Vancouver Tues.-Fri. 604-873-4044 tourists. There is a lack of training As a high school counselor, ing to run job-training programs. opportunities on the island. And, Allison hears first-hand of the Resident Cydney Sturgess­ because of the lack of public confusion students and neigh­ Funk, from the Ministry of transportation, many people have bors are feeling in today's work Social Development and logistical problems getting to the climate. Frequently, Allison Economic Security, recom­ jobs available. These problems encounters residents frustrated mends bringing a part-time are compounded for women and with the local job market and branch onto the island. single parents who often lack their lack of career options. Sturgess-Funk points to the Need Retirement Income? money, time or daycare. With a grant from the Capital fact that Salt Spring is about the Want It Tax Efficient? So where do these people who Regional District (CRD), she see Employment p6 High Dividend Yield I have the Mutual Fund for You .. Ford Lake For details and to see if this investment is right for you ... A Salt Spring ecological iewel call Ford Lake-you can just see it Unlimited Canada, will take us Grant. Dan will discuss plans for Martin J. Hoogerdyk on the right as you drive towards on an exploration of one of the the future management of the Ford Certified Financial Planner Ganges from the top of Lees largest wetlands remaining in Lake wetlands and tl1e importance Hill. This small lake has big eco­ near pristine condition in the of Ford Lake in tl1e broader pic­ 225 Cormorant Crescent Gulf Islands. Ford Lake's ture, highlighting otl1er wetlands Salt Spring Island logical value, and on Tuesday, October 12, the Salt Spring lakeshore, wetlands, fields, and owned by Ducks Unlimited for 537-1730 Conservancy will host an Garry Oak meadows host a myr­ conservation purposes. e-mail: evening to learn more about why iad of species, while the lake is This session kicks off the BERKSHIRE [email protected] INVESTMENT GROUP INC. M2rtin J. Hoogcrdyk this is an ecological jewel on our part of the watershed system Conservancy's new season of ~ island. The evening of slides and feeding Fulford Creek and its monthly Members' Evenings. · ccTwo Names You Can Trust.)) Certified Financial Planner discussion begins at 7pm at the salmon runs. Everyone is welcome! There is a Lions Club Hart Bradley Hall. Kate's slide presentation features $2 admission cost and refreshments Kate McEwen, local naturalist, photographs by acclaimed local will be available. For information, ev&='e 're ~ack and Dan Buffet, Ducks wildlife photographer Jonathan please call Nora at 537-4612. from our jewellery buying trip. Leading the Way ... to our great Fall Fashions and Footwear OPEN THANKSGIVING WEEKEND - Mouats - ... and we've got some beautiful CLOTHING things in store for you! Visa, MasterCard Harbour Building u/ J 2- "C,<Okho,«" HomeCard C0 • 537-5551 ~~ 158 Fulford Ganges Rd Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30 • Sun. & Holidays 10-4 iJAJ E W E L L E R S 537-4998 2 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1999 • "the :Uu,:r:n.n,cJ.e ~'>; island ~~news .~ OMETEPE UPDATE OGIFA ten years later by Andrew Gibson in Central America. But, without On October 16, the Ometepe purification, the water, useful as Gulf Islands Friendship it was for cattle and irrigation, Association (OGIFA) will cele­ could be lethal. People, especial­ brate the lOth anniversary of its ly the youngest children, were involvement with Ometepe, an dying. For long periods there involvement that includes many was no fresh water, even in the visits and a lot of Spanish lan­ Spartanly-equipped hospital. guage study. It is time to report Ron Pither, an organic farmer on what we in the southern Gulf from Ma~me Island, heard about Islands have been able to this from a newly formed organ­ accomplish in that distant tropi­ ization on Bainbridge Island, cal island during the last decade near Seattle, which was then in of the millenium. the first stages of a project to Ten years ago, the war against ensure a supply of that most nec­ Nicaragua was being waged on essary human need, clean water, two fronts: military and econom­ to the people of Ometepe. They ic. The contra invasion, pitiless visited, OGIFA was formed, as it was, largely spared money was raised and matched Ometepe, except for the toll it by the Canadian Government, Installing water lines of Ometepe. took of young soldiers. Not so equipment and repairs were with the economic war, which in financed and, by the end of 1991, out of the question financially, of carrying the materials and ed. When water comes to a its way was equally lethal. with the parallel efforts of our but a lake in the cloud forest of digging the trenches. Again, pueblo, there is a fiesta. Consider an island with double American friends, the potable the volcano slopes made a gravi­ these projects were shared with The gravity feed projects are the population of Salt Spring, water supply in the most popu­ ty system feasible. No genera­ our American friends, with each now finished. One water need and a much larger proportion of lous part of this two-volcano tors, no pumps, no power lines­ organization being responsible remains, in the very central part children, in which the already island was back to what it had just miles and miles of pipe, hun­ for different sections. of the island, beyond the reach limited supply of clean water been before the embargo. It was dreds of tons of concrete and Now, instead of unsafe water of the systems in either the had been cut off because the time to consider the needs of the engineering studies and man­ being carried, mostly by women north or the south. It will pumps and the power could not numerous agricultural communi­ agement to put it all together. and children, for kilometres, require deep wells, will be be maintained due to the embar­ ties in Volcan Madera, the That was what we could con­ pure water outlets are located expensive and will be a co-oper­ go.
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