FalconaireA Publication of Monmouth Regional High School OCTOber 2008 • VOlume 46 • issue 01 FEATURES NEWS OPINIONS This tiresome and worn out document is entitled “Consti- What they did not know were the terrible “I think that if the lunch lines were tution of the Student Council.” Original? Creative? I most side effects of Gardasil including nausea, shorter, students would not feel the certainly think not. This document is literally as old as the hair loss, miscarriage, seizures, death, need to cut ahead,” says sophomore school, and challenges even Mr. Halbedl as to who has been fainting and many more. Nikhil Patel. here the longest. – page 04 – page 04 – page 06 Dude, Where’s My Car? Devan Marotta ‘09 Opinions Editor ack to school! For some Salvatore Patti, “but I would this new “first come, first new for junior drivers consider- students this means enter- be mad if juniors park there served” system with weary ing previous junior commuters Bing a whole new school when we weren’t allowed to eyes. However, a quick glance were stuck in the back lot as with hundreds of unfamiliar fac- last year.” at the empty spaces in the well. Most juniors do not seem to es. For others, it means reuniting According to As- front lot everyday should stifle mind this new system. with friends and rekindling old sistant Principal Mr. Larkin, thoughts of not being able to Junior Elise Eloe says, ties. However, for the upperclass- the new system for the senior find a spot if frequently late. “I think seniors should have their men it means preparing for a lot does not assign numbers, Mr. Larkin stated that this own spots because they deserve year of hard work and studying. which has been done in previ- system has been put into effect it.” For the select seniors though, ous years. Instead, tags will with hopes to encourage stu- How will this new back to school means enjoying be issued to seniors that will dents to arrive at school earlier system work? No one can truly being on top and reaping the re- allow them to utilize the front as well as to stop towing and say. However, Mr. Larkin is wards of senior benefits such as parking lot. There are three discipline issues that took optimistic that this new system the senior prom, senior breakfast, different colored tags. Gold place daily in Monmouth lots will indeed vanquish last years’ senior trip, and the much awaited tags will be distributed to last year. enforcement nightmare and that privilege of parking in the senior students enrolled in the Co-op “With numbered lots we were Monmouth’s commuters will or “South” parking lot. But to the program and will grant those Photo by Cara Mullin creating an enforcement night- soon accept the “color-coded” surprise of the returning seniors, students front row parking as mare,” says Mr. Larkin. system. changes have been made to the they will be leaving school and they will park in the South Seniors with late birth- regulations regarding the senior early for work. This will allow lot in front of the school. These days may worry that they will lot. These changes have been authorities to easily distinguish spaces should hold the majority, not receive a spot over juniors Care to comment? Just go greeted with mixed feelings from students who should be leaving if not all of, the senior drivers. with early birthdays but they to the Falconaire Online seniors. school grounds from those who But if it does fill up, green tags need not fret. No junior will be and click the comments “I don’t mind the new should not be. Red tags will be will be issued for the back lot. allowed a spot until later in the system now”, expresses senior issued to the majority of seniors Many seniors look upon year, if at all. This is nothing link under the story. The Rumor Hotline was However, Officer Marks Psst, You’ve Got to Hear This. introduced to the school to help says, “If you know of a very dan- with its security; it is another pre- gerous situation it should be re- Elizabeth Kurau ‘12 caution to make the school a safer ported to me immediately.” Staff Writer place. Student council President Do not hesitate if you are ave you ever heard a ru- The Rumor Hotline was Keona George says, “I do not unsure that it is true, the school mor and were not sure brought to the school around six know much about the Rumor Ho- will investigate the rumor and Hwhat to do about it? Were years ago and is a solution for tline but from what I have heard it find out. One perk of the Rumor you scared that if you told a teach- anyone who has heard a potential- sounds like a good idea, especial- Hotline is that reporting may be er everyone would hate you for ly dangerous rumor. The Rumor ly if it will prevent violence and done anonymously. You do not being a snitch? We have all been Hotline is a program at our school fights in school. Also, hopefully have to worry about anyone find- in a situation that felt foreign and where you can report anything it will answer questions for curi- ing out that it was you who told. uncomfortable to us. However, it that would endanger anyone at ous students, whether it is about In the end, the hotline is Photo Courtesy Google Images is important to tell someone when the school. Principal Teeple is the school rules or the next school about ensuring safety and well- whatever you heard is dangerous head of the program. He checks used. dance.” being. You can reach the hotline to yourself and the people around every morning for anything that “Maybe students did By reporting anything at the school’s number: 732-542- you. However, at Monmouth Re- people have reported. However, not report problems because they that you hear, you are bringing 1170 extension 1183. gional High School, it will no lon- the program can only help so were unaware of the program.” the school one step closer to be- ger be hard to report a problem. much because of how little it is Says Mrs. Mihalko coming completely safe. The Buzz at MRHS The latest from the October 1st Principal’s Student Advisory Committee meeting. Want all 8 issues sent right to your It’s Just Stephen Weber ‘10 door? It’s easy and is just $10. If Technology Editor $10! The PSAC meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:15 in the Schleig Conference room. Breakfast interested email Mrs. Collett at dcol- is provided. [email protected] • Nov 8th is the date of the homecoming football game. The dance is the same day. • Teeple said student council is in charge of homecoming and he would like for them to put together a Homecoming Week. • Students complained about having to get out within 5 minutes at the end of the day, which Teeple admitted is not a lot of time. Students will be given more time later in the year. Did The Falconaire Online gets visits • Teeple wants students to know they cannot hang around after hours. As a result, security gates will be put up at the end of the day. You from outside New Jersey. In fact, we • After the current cycle of classmen, IDs will become color coded for each year. Teeple said the ad- ministration hopes to start color coding next year. Know? get visitors from all over the world. Leave your mark at: ? falconaire.monmouthregional.net 2 2008 news/features Falconaire O-N-E Less What’s Happening In... Michelle Leonardo ‘09 What’s Happening In... Sports Editor hen the new vaccine since September 2007 along with Gardasil came out in 8,000 adverse reactions. MONMOUTH COUNTY? W2006, women across United States statistics show the world thought they could that out of a million women, Jersey Shore Premium Outlets on Route 66 and Essex Rd. will be be assured that HPV (Human 30-40% will get cervical cancer opening on November 13. The mall will have 120 stores, includ- Papillomavirus) was soon to each year. Gardasil was shown ing Juciy Couture, Ugg, and Nike, and will cover 435,000 square be history. Gardasil is the only to reduce this amount to 26- feet. The mall is looking to fill about 1,100 positions in total. vaccine that protects women 35%. But 37% of women who from the four types of HPV: two contract cervical cancer actually -Sean Wire ‘11 types that cause cervical cancer die from the disease. So even if and two types one million girls that cause genital were vaccinated, warts. What they Gardasil would NEW JERSEY? “What they didn’t know did not know only save one or were the terrible were the terrible side two girls each Due to the bad state of the credit markets and the budget defi- side effects effects of Gardasil year. cit, the state of New Jersey has decided to reduce its fund- of Gardasil “It is an ing to New Jersey state colleges to fund student scholarships. including nausea, hair i n c l u d i n g e x t r e m e l y nausea, hair loss, loss, miscarriage, seizures, painful shot and -Annemarie Schiavone ‘11 m i s c a r r i a g e , death, fainting and many made me very seizures, death, tired. I wish that more.” fainting and the doctor had many more.
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