,, % , % hhXPhXPH ¨ Instituto de F´ısicaTe´orica ((HPXh , %¨ ((¨e@lQ IFT Universidade Estadual Paulista lQQ e@@l DISSERTAC¸ AO~ DE MESTRADO IFT{D.001/19 Quantum Field Theory at high multiplicity: The Higgsplosion mechanism. Carlos Henrique Costa Duarte de Lima Advisor Eduardo Pont´on arXiv:2012.09028v1 [hep-th] 14 Dec 2020 July, 2019 To the memory of Eduardo Pont´on ii Acknowledgments Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Eduardo Pont´on,for the continuous support of my MSc study and related research, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my MSc study. I would like to say a massive thank you to Prof. Ricardo D'Elia Matheus for the fantastic courses that I attended, and the continuous help throughout my formation in the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT). My thanks also go out to the support I received from Prof. Jos´eHelay¨elNeto and Prof. Sebasti~aoAlves Dias from Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF). Having always the door open for me, and giving me opportunities to improve as a physicist. I gratefully acknowledge the funding received towards my MSc from CAPES. I am indebted to all my friends at IFT. The uncountable coffee hours discussions, and who were always so helpful in numerous ways. Special thanks to Victor, Dean, Maria Gabriela, Guilherme, Andrei, Renato, Vinicius, Lucas, Matheus, Felippe and Andr´e. Some special words of gratitude go to my friends from UERJ, who have always been a major source of support: Leonardo, Jo~aoGabriel, Lucas Braga, Lucas Toledo and Nathan. I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you. And finally to Camila Fernandes, who has been by my side throughout this MSc and all this trajectory, living every single minute of it, and without whom, I would not have had the courage to embark on this journey in the first place. I can only be grateful for your support for all that time and more to come. iii Resumo O presente trabalho busca entender o que acontece com uma teoria Qu^antica de Campos quando estamos em um regime de alta multiplicidade. A motiva¸c~aopara esta busca ´eem grande parte vinda de um novo (2017) proposto mecanismo que ocorreria em teorias escalares neste regime: Higgsplosion. Ser´arevisado o que se conhece at´eent~aodos calculos perturbativos e alguns outros resultados vindo de aproxima¸c~oessemiclassicas. Por fim, ser´aestudado qual as consequencias desse mecanismo para uma teoria escalar e se pode haver contribui¸c~oespara o Modelo Padr~ao.O foco deste trabalho ´eentender se esse mecanismo realmente pode acontecer em uma teoria de campos usual, essa pergunta ser´arespondida no regime perturbativo pois uma resposta mais geral ainda ´edesconhecida. Adiconalmente, uma nova poss´ıvel interpreta¸c~ao do mecanismo de Higgsplosion ´eproposta e discutida. Palavras Chaves: Alta Mutiplicidade; Higgsplosion; Teoria Qu^antica de Campos Areas´ do conhecimento: Ci^encias Exatas e da Terra; F´ısicaTe´orica iv Abstract The current work seeks to understand what happens to a Quantum Field Theory when we are in the high multiplicity regime. The motivation for this study comes from a newly (2017) proposed a mechanism that would happen in scalar theories in this limit, the Higgsplosion. We review what it is known so far about the perturbative results in this regime and some other results coming from different approaches. We study the consequences of this mechanism for a normal scalar theory and if it can happen in the Standard Model. The goal is to understand if this mechanism can really happen in usual field theory, this question will be answered in the perturbative regime because a more general solution is still unknown. Aditionally, a new possible interpretation for the Higgsplosion mechanism is proposed and discussed. Key words: High Multiplicity; Higgsplosion; Quantum Field Theory Areas: Natural Sciences; Theoretical Physics. v Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Toolbox . .3 1.1.1 Green Functions . .3 1.1.2 Dyson Resummation and the Full Propagator . .7 1.1.3 K¨all´en-LehmannSpectral Representation . .8 1.1.4 Functional Methods . 14 2 Perturbative Investigation of High Multiplicity Amplitudes 1 2.1 Tree Level Amplitude at Threshold . .1 λφ4 2.1.1 4! in the Unbroken Phase . .4 λφ4 2.1.2 4! in the Broken Phase . .9 2.2 One-Loop Amplitude at Threshold . 11 λφ4 2.2.1 4! in the Unbroken Phase . 11 2.2.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Poschl-Teller Potential . 15 λφ4 2.2.3 Back to 4! in the Unbroken Phase . 18 λφ4 2.2.4 4! in the Broken Phase . 23 2.2.5 Discussion About the Factorial Growth . 29 2.3 Investigation of Beyond Threshold Amplitude . 31 2.3.1 Naive Generalization of Brown's Methods and its Problems . 31 2.3.2 Tree Level Investigation of Beyond Threshold (1 ! 3) . 33 2.3.3 Tree Level Investigation of Beyond Threshold (1 ! 5) and its Generalities 36 2.3.4 Recurrence Relations and General Results of Beyond Threshold Ampli- tudes at High Multiplicity . 38 3 Higgsplosion and Higgspersion 1 3.1 The Rise of the Higgsplosion . .1 3.1.1 The Higgsplosion Mechanism . .1 3.1.2 The Potential Power of the Higgsplosion . .4 3.2 Some Questions about Higgsplosion . .7 3.2.1 Criticism From \Problems with Higgsplosion" . .7 3.2.2 Criticism From "Inconsistencies with Higgsplosion" . .8 3.2.3 Lattice Results About Higgsplosion and Some Comments. 11 Contents vi 3.3 Analysis of the Decay Rate Expression, What we can say about E∗ ....... 12 3.4 0-Dimensional Case of Study. 15 3.5 Exponential Decay of the Propagator, String Inspired Toy Model . 23 4 Conclusion 1 1 Chapter 1 Introduction The discovery of the Higgs Boson [1] opened a new era for particle physics [2]. The last fundamental piece necessary for the Standard Model (SM) to work as intended. Since its discovery, we entered a new phase of precision measurement and confirmation of the Standard Model. Despite its great achievements, it is known that the Standard Model cannot be the full history. That is motivated by the lack of understanding of observational results that comes from other sources, such as, Dark Matter [3, 4] and Dark Energy [5], which are not accounted for by the Standard Model. Even the lack of a theoretical understanding of what Quantum Gravity[6, 7, 8, 9] looks like can enter as evidence for the need of Beyond Standard Model Physics(BSM). These results indicate that maybe the Standard Model is not the end. Even if one ignores these hints, some unsolved puzzles can be identified already within the Standard Model. One of them is the fine-tuning problem associated with the weak scale [10, 11]. Naively it is expected that the squared mass parameter of a scalar particle should be of the order of the cutoff of the theory. In the Standard Model, the cutoff can be assumed as the Planck scale Λp, the scale where Quantum Gravity becomes relevant: 19 Λp ≈ 10 GeV : (1.1) This expectation happens because there is no symmetry to protect the theory from receiving large contributions to the squared mass term. The story is different from a fermion particle, where the presence of chiral symmetry in the mf ! 0 limit shields the fermions from being quadratically sensitive to the Ultra-Violet (UV). This does not occur for the scalar particle without any additional symmetry. Thus, it is surprising that the measured Higgs mass mh ≈ 125 GeV [1] and the absence of other states or signs of new physics, indicates the presence of a scalar much lighter than a cutoff. That means the occurrence of a fine-tuning of the contribution from BSM physics in such a way that the Higgs mass is small. The theory has large numbers that conspire to give a small physical contribution: 2 2 2 mh ≈ m0 + δmBSM : (1.2) Chapter 1. Introduction 2 There are a few potential solutions to the fine-tuning problem. The most famous are Super- symmetry [12, 13, 14, 15] and Composite Higgs [16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. In this thesis, we review a new possible mechanism that can render the Higgs mass param- eter small naturally and potentially make the Standard Model UV finite. This new mechanism is called Higgsplosion and was proposed in 2017 by Valentin V. Khoze and Michael Span- nowsky [21, 22]. This thesis aims to understand the proposal in detail and learn more about Quantum Field Theory at high multiplicity as well as the applicability of ordinary perturbation theory in such a regime. The study of Higgsplosion is intimately related to the question of what happens to a Quantum Field Theory when we have high multiplicity processes. Inside the Quantum Field Theory framework, people developed powerful tricks [23, 24] that made possible to compute high multiplicity processes. In all of the computation, one finds the unusual feature that the leading order is already growing exponentially with the number of final states. At the time it was interpreted as implying that the perturbation theory is not valid in this regime [25]. The leading term would not be a good approximation, and any partial sum would not reproduce the correct answer. In this thesis, this claim is reviewed, so we can understand precisely how the perturbation theory works in such a regime of a Quantum Field Theory.
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