University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 3-28-2011 March 28, 2011 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "March 28, 2011" (2011). Daily Mississippian. 738. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline/738 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 M ONDAY , MARCH 28, 2011 | VOL . 100, NO . 107 1911 THE DAILY 2011 MISSISSIPPIAN C ELEBRATING OUR HUNDREDT H YEAR | TH E STUDENT NEW S PAPER O F TH E UNIVER S IT Y O F MI ss I ss IPPI | SERVING OLE MI ss AND OXF O RD S IN C E 1911 | WWW . T H ED mo NLINE . com UM freshman majority will be from out of state this week CROFT INSTITUTE Auburn SPRING SPEAKER CATHY Ole Miss University University of FRIERSON TUESDAY 30% Georgia 35% The Croft Institute for Interna- 10% tional Studies welcomes its final University of speaker, Dr. Cathy Frierson, a Arkansas native of Mississippi. She was a 30% National Merit Scholar at UNC- Chapel Hill, and earned her Ph.D. in Russian History at Harvard University. Frierson will present “Children of the Gulag: Trauma, Survival, Rehabilitation,” a lecture which touches on the topics of state abuses of citizens, survival of trauma victims, and transitional jus- University of tice as part of a post-Communist rule of law. LSU MSU Alabama 21% University 8% 21% University of Tuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m. of Texas Florida Croft Room 107 3% 5% inside GRAPHIC BY VICORIA BOATMAN | The Daily Mississippian NEWS BIG EVENT BY CAIN MADDEN diversity amongst students are lower than many surround- Ridgeway said this policy Campus News Editor provides an enriched educa- ing states. would mostly affect freshmen tional atmosphere, and I am a Ridgeway said a decision has from the United States, rather strong believer that a good bal- not been made on what the than international students and For a number of years, the ance creates a healthy learning standards will be, and that the transfer students from commu- University of Mississippi has and a healthy financial envi- effect would be on the incom- nity colleges. flirted with the halfway point ronment.” ing class of 2012-2013. Larry Sparks, vice chancel- between students from the state Jones said part of the stra- “One thing we will do is look lor for administration and fi- and students from elsewhere tegic planning going on is to at what other schools in simi- nance, said the drive behind among the freshman class. determine a long-term ideal lar circumstances have done this push has been the Univer- This year, 52 percent of the ratio between out-of-state and — LSU and Arkansas are two,” sity’s growth in recent years. freshman class could be from in-state students. Ridgeway said. “They have de- “Last year, we received a sev- out of state, according to early termined a minimum ACT and en-percent growth in student estimates from applications re- New admissions policy GPA for a guaranteed auto-ac- population,” said Sparks, who LIFESTYLES ceived at admissions, said Lar- ceptance.” anticipated a similar growth ry Ridgeway, vice chancellor of As of March 17, the Missis- Students who do not meet among the incoming freshman JOSH KELLEY: FROM OLE student affairs. sippi Institutions of Higher that minimum requirement class. “We can’t continue year MISS TO ‘GEORGIA CLAY’ “I think (Mississippi’s tax- Learning board gave Ole Miss would be able to apply and go after year at seven percent.” payers) will have mixed feel- some ability to control who through an appeals commit- Sparks said some of the rea- ings about it,” Chancellor Dan is admitted from out of state. tee, which would look at ad- sons the University cannot Jones said. “Overall, our out- Before this measure, Ole Miss ditional information, includ- handle the growth are obvious, of-state student population is was required to admit anyone ing involvement and if one of including faculty, parking and still under 40 percent. from out of state who met Mis- the student’s parents graduated “Most educators believe that sissippi’s set standards, which from Ole Miss, Ridgeway said. See FRESHMEN, PAGE 4 Suspects tied to OHS lockdown apprehended BY KEVIN WILLIAMS SPORTS The Daily Mississippian have been linked to four burglaries cal law enforcement officials said. OHS was placed on immediate in the Oxford area. Police said the pickup was origi- lockdown. SPRING FOOTBALL The incident began when a po- nally stolen in Memphis. Both No students or faculty were Waymon Russell, 40, and Jus- lice officer attempted to stop the suspects fled the scene of the ac- harmed during the incident, and PREVIEW tin Carol, 26, both of Collierville, driver of a 1991 Chevrolet pickup cident on foot. the lockdown was lifted after OHS Tenn., have been apprehended truck packed with consumer elec- Carol was apprehended, but administrators were assured by law after a police chase that led to the tronics that was about to enter the Russell ran in the direction of Ox- enforcement that the threat had lockdown of Oxford High School Oxford Square. ford High School. been removed. on Wednesday, March 23. The driver failed to pull over Russell, bleeding from the Russell was later arrested in Both men have been charged and a chase ensued. The truck wreck, stumbled in and out of a Avent Park at 8:12 p.m. after au- with at least three counts of bur- progressed eastward on Jackson classroom in the ROTC building thorities received a suspicious per- glary with further charges pending. Avenue and then drove off the on the Oxford High School cam- son report. According to Oxford police chief road onto Chestnut Street before pus. As of Friday, March 25, neither Mike Martin, Carol and Russell careening into a thicket of trees, lo- As a result of the intrusion, man had posted bond. MAY 6th TIX: $20 ADV. $25 DOOR BUY TIX ONLINE OR CALL: 124 W. MAIN ST. • TUPELO, MS PUDDLE OF MUDD WWW.LUCKYJOESBARANDGRILL.COM • 662-840-0510 2 OPINION OPINION | 3.28.11 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | PAGE 2 CAROLINE LEE editor-in-chief When hope and spirit get together EMILY ROLAND managing editor This weekend was by far re- Together as Rebels, we gave times. Watson spoke of the spir- markable. a big “thank you” to the City This weekend, the students it of her mom and how her LANCE INGRAM city news editor It was one that brought of Oxford through service of Ole Miss ignited hope in mom wasn’t hopeful for the tears to many eyes and joy and a hopeful push that one the lives of survivors, their Rebels in their athletic pur- CAIN MADDEN to many hearts as Ole Miss day, a cure can be found for friends and loved ones, and suits but supported her in ev- campus news editor collaborated in a weekend of cancer. even students who might have ery endeavor. BY CORTEZ MOSS service through Relay for Life To me, Friday afternoon re- lost someone close to them in Morgan spoke about the Columnist VICTORIA BOATMAN and the Big Event. minded me of a football game the fight against cancer. faith and spirit of her moth- enterprise editor The amount of service that weekend in so many ways. In addition, students paint- er and how positive she re- was exhibited this weekend Tents went up in the Circle ed and cleaned the homes of mained throughout the fight. AMELIA CAMURATI cannot be quantified, but it and rested there all night, and elderly individuals who do Words cannot describe the opinion editor has definitely been appreci- Saturday was game day. not have the means or ability atmosphere after they spoke. ated. This time, those tents were to do it themselves. Students connected with EMILY CEGIELSKI We often bear that title of up for a different cause, but What inspired me the most them in immeasurable ways as lifestyles editor the party school or the uppity still for a fight and hope for to write this column were the we prepared to walk in silence school. a victory. speeches given by Margaret in honor and remembrance of PAUL KATOOL People do not often see the This year’s theme was even Ann Morgan and Erika Wat- all those who we have lost in sports editor spirit of Ole Miss unless we’re “Tailgating for a Cure.” son at the Luminary Ceremo- this cancer battle. at a sporting event or in the Survivors, friends, families ny during Relay for Life. This past weekend is one ALEX EDWARDS Grove, enjoying a nice foot- and supporters showed up These are two strong in- that showed the true spirit of photography editor ball Saturday. to reflect on those who have dividuals who display an Ole Miss — a spirit that nev- KATIE RIDGEWAY They see us united as Reb- lost their lives to cancer and uncharacterized amount of er dies and that continues to design editor els and prideful as we hope to celebrate those who have pride for Ole Miss. fight when time is not ideal. that the Rebels can pull off a survived. When they shared their We display a spirit that is un- WILL victory. It became even clearer to stories of losing both their wavering in its commitment GROSSENBACHER copy chief That same message was me this weekend that the stu- mothers recently in the fight to serving others.
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