Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-31-1992 The BG News January 31, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 31, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5323. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5323 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ^ The BG News Friday, January 31,1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 74, Issue 86 Weather CRACKED! BG's ward map: Cloudy; chance of snow: It's unfair, it Cloudy Friday with a chance of flurries. High in lower 30s. Northwest winds maybe illegal, 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 40 percent. Friday and it's been that night, mostly cloudy. Low in the upper teens. Saturday, way for 19 years MM partly sunny. High in the ? upper 20s. Dy John Kohlstrand editor Inside The News ^ #$w~^ytWtm City officials drew the city's ward *7» -v SSuM Josh still coming... map improperly and probably ille- gally in 1973, and have left Bowling Now we know who Josh is. Green's political districts extremely un- □ Page six. balanced ever since. Nearly half the city's population is now 7 ■«-*-**» • Roommate steals can packed in the First Ward - a situation University student's es- which may have helped permanent resi- caped convict steals car and dents, who make up less than half the ci- leaves town. ty's population, keep students completely □ See page seven. out of city hall until 1987, according to rsmm two political scientists who have studied election systems in other cities. m 9 ^X-** y KB A three month investigation by The x News has uncovered the following facts: Outside campus □ The student-dominated First Ward, which includes the campus and the 8 , entire northeast quadrant of the city, has Discovery back; more than 12,000 residents. This is more than double the population of any other i£4 EDWARDS AIR FORCE city ward and nearly quadruple the popu- BASE, Calif. Discovery lation of the city's affluent Third Ward. landed in sunshine Thurs- J Experts, Including Bowling Green's day after an international city attorney, have indicated this imba- shuttle crew studied the im- lance could be in violation of state and pact of space radiation and federal law. 4 i weightlessness on a men- J If the law had been followed during agerie of worms, slime the 1973 redistricting, calls by student government leaders for a fifth, all- <8& mold, insects and other Jay Murdock. Tim Norman and John Kohlltrand/Thc BG New! creatures. student ward may have been inconse- quential. According to the 1980 census, the 8,020-student campus was too large to ted because they register to vote in far fewer numbers than ies "liandle their campus popula- legally fit in one of four fairly divided Bowling Green's permanent population. In 1973, University tions" when redistricting. Hijacker killed: city wards. students made up more than r-" the city's population, but And, when The News reminded COLTON, Calif. A bus hi- "Good God," said University political only one-third of the city's registered voters. jacker with "religious hallu- Hoffman two weeks ago of the science professor Dennis Anderson as he The facts about the redistricting process, indicated by cinations" was shot and looked at the population figures of each population figures he submitted killed Thursday after taking ward. "Do you guys have a lawyer?" city records and old newspaper articles, contradict memos to city council in 1981, Hoffman eight passengers on a wild, Officials redlstrlcted the city im- sent out by Municipal Administrator Colleen Smith last fall conceded on the spot that re- properly in 1973 because they used voter stating the city had used the census as a measure in both distrcting was needed. 320-mile ride throught the 1973 and 1981. Arizona and California registration figures rather than federal Changing history It is uncertain whether the present system is unfair to desert. census figures as a measure of popula- Throughout much of its histo- tion. students by design. However, in 1973 city officials chose the University students were undercoun- current ward plan over another, which at least one member ry, Bowling Green's four wards No growth is here: were defined by Main and Woos- WASHINGTON Factory of council complained, would al- ter Streets regardless of the pop- orders and consumer spend- low too much student repre- ulation in each sector. At Eastern Michigan ing looked sick at year's end, Bowling Green, ward-by-ward sentation. Before the 1950s, geography and new jobless claims were And during another redistrict- was sometimes as important in rising in mid-January, the ing debate in 1981, after city defining political districts as government says in a trio of council could not decide on the population, especially in the YPSILANTI. Mich. Eastern newly discouraging econom- issue, then-Municipal Adminis- South It was common for a spar- Michigan University students or sely populated county to receive ic reports. The figures indi- trator Wesley Hoffman failed to recent graduates have been on city draw up a ward map after agree- the same representation as a cate "there basically will be council here continuously for at ing to do so on the recom- highly urbanized county. no growth in the first quar- least the past 15 years, according mendation of a city attorney. However, the massive inequi- ter of this year," one analyst to Shannon Stumbo. administra- says. Hoffman, who is now mayor of ties and systemic racial dis- tive assistant to the city manager. Bowling Green, was advised that crimination 'vhich resulted led Dahmer trial begins: federal and state law required all federal courts to strengthen the redistricting plans to be based as concept of "one man, one vote," Like its Washtenaw County MILWAUKEE Jeffrey L. neighbor Ann Arbor, this Dahmer had sex with closely as possible on actual pop- beginning with Baker v. Carr in ulation. He had submitted a 1962. 24,883-population city is divided drugged young men and into five wards, each with two rep- with the bodies of his vic- memo to council showing the In Burns v. Richardson, de- First Ward's population was cided in 1966, the Supreme Court resentatives elected to staggered tims because he couldn't two-year terms. A mayor also sits perform sexual acts with nearly quadruple that of Ward upheld a Hawaii redistricting Three. Yet, he never drew a new plan which used registered on council and votes in the case of men when they were awake, a tie. his defense attorney said ward map. voters as a population base, but Thursday. His graphic open- Hoffman said city officials only because it did not signifi- ing statement came as the were not intentionally trying to cantly differ from a plan based keep student candidates off of on actual population. A recently-approved redistrict- killer's sanity trial got under ing plan should leave intact the in- way. city council. "No one was trying In 1971, two events would allow to gerrymander students," he students to participate in Bowl- tegrity of the city's Third Ward, said. ing Green's political process for according to Stumbo. This ward includes the Eastern Michigan Tyson debate continues: Thc BGNcwiUohaK.lllitrand However, city council minutes the first time the passage of the from 1981 indicate Hoffman had 26th Amendment to the U.S. Con- campus and a great deal of stu- INDIANAPOLIS The de- Source: 1980 US Census figures, from the discussed with the rest of city dent housing. fense says boxer Mike Ty- Bowling Green Office of Grants Administration son had consentual sex with council how other university cit- See Cracked, page four. a Miss Black America con- testant last summer, but the prosecution told jurors DeWine encourages local Thursday that Tyson "cal- LI. Gov. Mike lously and maliciously" DeWine speaks raped the woman. to the North- we s t Ohio officials' progressive action Mayors and by Michelle Banks Managers Asso- Lottery The BC News together to present a real agenda to the ciation meeting governor." Pick 3 Numbers at the American Gov. George Voinovich's administra- 0-8-6 Legion ID Pem- PEMBERVILLE - Northwest Ohio tion plays a role In the success of local bervllle Thurs- government's concerns being met, ac- day night. De- officials have set priorities on local Pick 4 Numbers concerns which helps the governor's cording to DeWine. 9-9-1-8 Wine encour- aged continued office address possible solutions for Voinovich's addition of a Northwest progress and those problems, Lt. Gov. Mike DeWine Ohio regional office - the only regional Cards spoke about aids said last night. office in the state - helped to decentra- 8 (eight) of Hearts to the state's Addressing the Northwest Ohio lize the governmental power from K (king) of Clubs economy. Mayors and Managers Association Columbus. 2 (two) of Diamonds meeting, DeWine told local officials DeWine also said the Voinovich ad- 4 (four) of Spades they should continue with their prog- ministration assisted the area through ress. proposals which will aid the entire Compiled from staff and "When you agree on what's impor- state's economy. wire reports. tant you have a better chance to get The recently revised transportation wnat you want," he said."Within the T»e BC Newt/Tim Norman last year Northwest Ohio has come See DeWine, page six.
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