Now incorporating New Providence-Berkeley Heights Dispatch Summit -»..«•:»; ... Summit's only real newspaper -J VOLUME 100 NO. 48 July 5,1986 Price: 25* New draft of zoning laws in the works By PAIGE TUNSTALL elements in the plan become law the Master Plan into line with the guidelines. The guidelines set the SUMMIT-After poring over in (he city, they must be voted on city's recent ordinance concern- city's need for low and moderate the city's voluminous ordinance by council. ing height of buildings income housing units al 486. on zoning law for months, the downtown. Buildings must now Fasti food restaurants The board will spend (he next be under 48 feet or three stories, Planning Board has come up with several weeks going over the The new draft also eliminates a To aid the Board of Adjust- a rough draft of an update of changes in order to present coun- prohibition against fast food ment in evaluating applications, those laws to be incorporated in- cil with a summary of the restaurants, which had been to the city's new Master Plan. changes. The board's next the rough draft offers more listed as among the city's "for- meeting is set for Aug. 18, 8pm, specific language describing total bidden uses," said Construction in city hall. lot coverage. Official Ed Pilot. "There are some in- "Right now it's only (he "You can go into a deli and get consequential changes, and then Parking building area," counted in a sandwich in ID seconds, too," The rough draft reiterates calculating total lot coverage, said Pilot. "As far as serving the there are some really important said Caliaghan. ones," said Richard Caliaghan, council's recent ordinance on food goes, I don't think you can The new draft will include chairman of the board. parking. tell them how to do that," he pools, tennis courts, and said, adding, "It wouldn't be fair For instance, "With jusi one Both the board and driveways as counting toward the to discriminate." word we've emphasized what council agree thai developers in total lot coverage figure. Although they will now be kind of direction we want to lake the downtown district should The document also includes a listed as a permitted use in the ci- with the downtown," he said. provide one parking space for reference to (he Master Plan's ty, fast food restaurants would every 450 feet of gross floor area housing element, which is cur- still be required to fulfill added to their buildings. A Caliaghan was referring to (he rently being worked on by Plann- municipal laws concerning pro- moratorium thai asked one park- board's decision to emphasize the ing Consultant Jay Lynch to viding parking; the law asks one ing space for every 150 feel of ad- retail segment of the downtown agree with the Council on Affor- parking space for every 35 feet of ded floor area in the district ex- business district instead of pro- dable Housing's recently issued space used by patrons, Pilot said. fessional offices. pired last fall, leaving local developers free lo build without The district has been called the adding any parking at all. Central Business District (CUD). Ms new tide will be (he Central The board's rough draft also Retail Business Dislricl (CRBD). tallies with council's new require- ment for developers in business districts outside of the downtown Included in the changes arc two proper. new ordinances already passed by Common Council: one on park- Council relaxed parking ing requirements for developers requirements for those and one concerning height limita- developers from one parking SIGN IN PLEASEi •- Tyler Hamilton signs up for a summer reading program at tions for downtown buildings. space for every 200 square feel of the Summit Public Library as "Cool Bear," a reading team mascot, looks on. The floor area added lo one for every library is also offering special craft and story hours in July and August. There The Master Plan, a statement 250 square feel. will also be a film series for preschoolers every Tuesday afternoon, and for of the city's philosophy and school aged children every Wednesday afternoon. For more information please goals, must be updated every six lleighl stop in or call the Children's Room at 2730350. (Photo by Eileen Fay.) years by stale law. Before The rough draft would bring Man found guilty of 'simple assault^ By PAIGKTUNSTA1 I, "I slay in the mission in Mor- been playing at Mabic for about a laughing," he said. The children sijMMIT-Richard larnham ristown," he said. half an hour before the incident wctc using (he water fountain for was found guilty during Wednes- During the same session, Far- occured. the game, headdcl day's session of municipal court nham pled guilty lo charges of The 12-year-old said thai lar "He (Farnham) said, 'Why of simple assault against a 12- carrying an open-container of nham, after making threats laced were you spilling at me?'" the year-old who had been playing at alchohol in public places. with obscenities, grabbed him by 12 year-old testified. Mabic Playground. Municipal law prohibits carrying the shoulder and squeezed. "It ''I said, 'I wasn't,' and he let open containers of alcohol in hurt," he said. go," he continued. Simple assault is constituted by public places. "While we were swinging, we In cross examining the putting someone in fear of immi- noticed three men on a bench," juvenile, Hugh Blair, Farnham's nent physical harm, said larnhani issued a "not guilty" the 12-ycar-old testified. "One attorney, asked if the child had Municipal Judge Fclwin Dotten, plea to ihe charge of simple was colored; another had a white gone near the bench where the who sentenced Farnham to 15 assault, which was filed by the jacket and hadn't shaved for a three men were sitting. The child days in the county jail and one- police aflei investigation of the awhile," he said. "They were responded, "No." year of probation. incident. Police were notified of passing a bottle," he said. "I don't want anyone near me Dotten (old the defendant not the incident by the boy's aunt. The child told the court he and when I'm drinking," Farnham to come back into the city The juvenile look the stand his friends had been playing a told the court. "Especially kids," without permission from his pro- Wednesday, telling the court he game: "We were holding water in he added. bation officer. was "terrified" during his en- "He was running and spitting larnham, asked where he liv- counter with I-'arnham. our mouths until one of us could and running away again," Far- ed, said "Nowhere." He said his friends and he had make you spit it out by nham said ol the 12-year-old. Farnham said he told the child, \ "Get back in Ihc playground PUT ON A HAPPY FACE — Honors student Anne Ryan greets her classmates with where you belong." a special mortarboard at lost Tuesday's graduation at Summit Senior High Patrolman Robert D'Ambola School. Looking on are Dr. Richard L. Fiander, superintendent of Schools and Sal- said he answered a call reporting ly Cerny, president of the Board of Education. See page 6 for more pictures. "a problem al Ihc playground" (Photos by Eileen fay.) a I about 2:30pm on June 19. The smell of alcohol was "very ,t rong" on the defendant's breath when he approached him in the playground, the officer Herald Camp Fund testified, larnham was arrested lor violation of the open con- tainer ordinance, D'Ambola said. fields increased In response lo questioning by Blair, D'Ambola said no tests WTC conducted when Farnham v.v, brought into the slation. No requests for help test is required unless a motor vehicle violation is involved, the otiicei said. I here are more requests llian last year—and they're Sentencing dilemma coming from needier families than ever. In sentencing Farnham to 15 That's the word from Alicia Domizi of the Tamdy days in county jail, Dotlen said he would count the 12 days the Services Association of Summit, which works with The defendant already spent there Summit //era/d every year to help send needy children in wailing for the hearing as time the city to camp. served, leaving only three more "I already have a long waiting list, " said Domizi, day. to be served. who is charged with the dismal task of telling children Dolten fined I aniham $75 lo SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL'S CLASS OF 1986- Students await their diplomas during graduation ceremonies June 24. For In.- paid within a year and $30 lo they can 7 go to camp when funds are insufficient. more pictures, see page 6. (Photo by Eileen Fay.) he paid lo the Victims of Violent Applicants arc frequently children of two-income ( rimes Compensation Hoard. homes, ami arc left al home all day alone (luring the During sentencing, Dotten summer, fending for themselves. While other children Youth tennis program now •,,-id, "It's obvious he has a pro- rejoice at the close of the school year, these children TABLE OF CONTENTS blem wiih alcohol. Really, he mourn. School is their sole source of organized activity, in session; spaces available constitutes a danger to the public, Check out sitting around in the park." and, for the daytime, their sole source of simple compa- Dotten asked larnham if he nionship). SUMMIT — The Youth Ten- lessons are being offered on this week's..
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