Please note:e: The Departmentppyyp of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional abilityyp or reputation of, , or the quality qy of services provided p by, y, the entities or individuals whose names appearpp on the following g lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way y an endorsement by y the Departmentp or the U.S. government.g The order in which theyy appearpp has no significance.g The information on the list is providedpy directlyyyy by ththe local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such informationonon B A C X D E F H I N G J K Q R L P O M S T U.S. CONSULATE IN GUAYAQUIL U.S. EMBASSY IN QUITO CONSULAR DISTRICT CONSULAR DISTRICT U V W PROVINCE KNOWN CITIES PROVINCE KNOWN CITIES PEDERNALES, JAMA, CANOA, BAHIA DE CARAQUEZ, ACARCHI TULCAN PORTOVIEJO, MANTA, PUERTO ESMERALDAS, SAN LORENZO, N MANABI LOPEZ, AYAMPE B ESMERALDAS MOMPICHE O SANTA ELENA MONTAÑITA, OLON, SALINAS GUAYAQUIL, PLAYAS VILLAMIL, CIMBABURA COTACACHI, OTAVALO PGUAYAS ISLA PUNA, MILAGRO, DAULE DSUCUMBIOS LAGO AGRIO, SHUSHUFINDI QUEVEDO, VENTANAS, Q LOS RIOS BABAHOYO STO. DOMINGO DE RBOLIVAR GUARANDA, CALUMA E LOS TSACHILAS SANTO DOMINGO S CAÑAR AZOGUES, INGAPIRCA, CANAR CUENCA, CHORDELEG, FPICHINCHA QUITO, CAYAMBE TAZUAY GUALACEO, PAUTE G COTOPAXI LATACUNGA MACHALA, HUAQUILLAS, TENA, ARCHIDONA, PUYANGO, ZARUMA, ISLA UEL ORO JAMBELI HNAPO MISAHUALLI LOJA, VILCABAMBA, MACARA, VLOJA CATAMAYO, MALACATOS JOYA DE LOS SACHAS, PTO. SAN W ZAMORA CHINCHIPE ZAMORA, YANTZAZA ISLA SAN CRISTOBAL (PUERTO I ORELLANA FRANCISCO DE ORELLANA BAQUERIZO MORENO), ISLA JTUNGURAHUA AMBATO, BAÑOS ESPAÑOLA, ISLA FLOREANA (PUERTO VELAZCO IBARRA), KPASTAZA PUYO, SHELL ISLA SANTA CRUZ (PUERTO LCHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA, GUAMOTE, COLTA AYORA), ISLA BALTRA (SEYMOUR), ISLA ISABELA MACAS, SUCUA, PUERTO (PUERTO VILLAMIL), ISLA M MORONA SANTIAGO MORONA X GALAPAGOS FERNANDINA ServiceprovidersfortheProvinceof Imbabura Funeraria y Salas de Velación Bosmediano Address: JuandeSalinas13Ͳ58yAv.TeodoroGómezdelaTorre City: Ibarra ZipCode 100101 Website ContactInformation MiguelAngelBosmediano GuadalupedelRocíoOchoaVillarreal [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ8387Ͳ7661 +593Ͳ9Ͳ8403Ͳ4934 +593Ͳ6Ͳ264Ͳ2018 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua ByThirdParty Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 1 of 6 ServiceprovidersfortheProvinceof Pichincha Camposanto Monteolivo Address: Av.SimonBolvarS/N City: Quito ZipCode Website www.monteolivo.com.ec ContactInformation FernandoVillacis EstefaniaVaca [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ9627Ͳ5385 +593Ͳ9Ͳ8749Ͳ5618 +593Ͳ2Ͳ246Ͳ2005 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana ; PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua Own Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 2 of 6 Grupo LA PAZ Address: Av.AmericaN34Ͳ474yVeracruz City: Quito ZipCode 170102 Website www.paz.com.ec ContactInformation SebastianBarona RICARDORIVERO [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ9945Ͳ6513 +593Ͳ9Ͳ9945Ͳ6513 +593Ͳ2Ͳ243Ͳ2515 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome Ourcompanyhas60yearsprovidingfuneralservicesinthecountry,in2018,thecompaniesLosLiriosand LaPazmergedtocreatetheLaPazgroupandguaranteefuneralservicestotheEcuadorianandforeign community. Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana ; PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua Own Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Jardines del Valle - JADEVAL Address: Av.Republica539yPasajeMartinCarrion City: Quito ZipCode Website www.jardinesdelvalle.com ContactInformation GabrielaSamaniego NancySimbaña [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ8458Ͳ6809 +593Ͳ9Ͳ8749Ͳ5557 +593Ͳ2Ͳ246Ͳ2005 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome JardinesdelValleͲJadevalisacompanythatoperatesunderthenamesofCamposantoMonteolivo,Casa GironNorte,CasaGironSur,MonteolivoSur,CamposantoJardinesdelValle Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana ; PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua Own Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 4 of 6 ServiceprovidersfortheProvinceof Tungurahua Funeraria Guerrero Address: AvJosePeraltas/nyPompillioLlona City: Ambato ZipCode 180207 Website www.funerariaguerrero.com ContactInformation GeovannyGuerrero MariaSoledadGuerrero [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ9498Ͳ4608 +593Ͳ9Ͳ8467Ͳ8435 +593Ͳ3Ͳ258Ͳ5420 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome PleasereachouttoMariaSoledadGuerreroat+593Ͳ9Ͳ8467Ͳ8435forservicesinEnglish. Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua Own Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 5 of 6 Memora Casa Funeral Address: RumiñahuiylosShyris City: Ambato ZipCode 180150 Website ContactInformation SandraErazo CarlosPadilla [email protected] [email protected] +593Ͳ9Ͳ9903Ͳ0055 +593Ͳ9Ͳ9519Ͳ8433 +593Ͳ3Ͳ284Ͳ9682 AdditionalcommentsprovidedbyFuneralHome Servicesavailable Languages Locations Cremation English Bolivar DocumentalServices French Carchi FuneralService Italian Chimborazo GroundBurial Spanish Cotopaxi RepatriationServices Esmeraldas Imbabura MoronaSantiago FacilitiesInformation Napo Orellana PrivateBurialGrounds Pastaza ; PrivateFuneral/ViewingService Pichincha SantoDomingodelosTsachilas CremationCapability Sucumbios Tungurahua ByThirdParty Monday, December 14, 2020 Page 6 of 6.
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