technologies Communication Beyond AI: Multi-Intelligence (MI) Combining Natural and Artificial Intelligences in Hybrid Beings and Systems Stephen Fox VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 02044 Espoo, Finland; stephen.fox@vtt.fi; Tel.: +358-20-722-7070 Received: 2 May 2017; Accepted: 20 June 2017; Published: 22 June 2017 Abstract: Framing strongly influences actions among technology proponents and end-users. Underlying much debate about artificial intelligence (AI) are several fundamental shortcomings in its framing. First, discussion of AI is atheoretical, and therefore has limited potential for addressing the complexity of causation. Second, intelligence is considered from an anthropocentric perspective that sees human intelligence, and intelligence developed by humans, as superior to all other intelligences. Thus, the extensive post-anthropocentric research into intelligence is not given sufficient consideration. Third, AI is discussed often in reductionist mechanistic terms. Rather than in organicist emergentist terms as a contributor to multi-intelligence (MI) hybrid beings and/or systems. Thus, current framing of AI can be a self-validating reduction within which AI development is focused upon AI becoming the single-variable mechanism causing future effects. In this paper, AI is reframed as a contributor to MI. Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); Asilomar AI principles; framing; intelligence; multi-intelligence (MI) hybrid beings and systems; post-anthropocentric 1. Introduction The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic of much debate, including opinions from tech leaders and eminent professors that AI can be an existential threat to humanity [1]. However, the framing of much of the debate about AI is narrow and overlooks the potential for multi-intelligence (MI). As summarized in Figure1, MI concerns multi-intelligence hybrid beings and systems. Examples of MI already exist. MI hybrid beings exist as a result of, for example, the activities of bio hackers and brain hackers [2]. MI hybrid systems exist as a result of, for example, organizations deploying non-human natural intelligence as a better alternative than AI [3]. Here, intelligence is considered in fundamental terms, which scientific research reveals to be found in many forms of life, such as problem solving capabilities involving self-awareness and robust adaptation [4–7]. It is important to note that MI does not refer to two or more different manifestations of intelligence from one type of contributor, such as different manifestations of intelligence from a human being. Nor does MI refer to AI that has been developed through research into different types of natural intelligence, such as swarm intelligence. Rather, MI refers to active engagement of the intelligence of at least two types of contributors, such as avian, human, and AI [3]. The framing of the debate among AI proponents and potential end-users is very important. This is because framing strongly influences thoughts, decisions and actions among technology proponents and potential end-users [8–10]. Framing of debate between technology proponents and potential end-users is associated with cycles of hype and disappointment. Such framing can be far more superficial than workday framing among scientists immersed in the details of focused research and development projects. Nonetheless, it can provide lasting rationale for thoughts, decisions and actions—even when risks and failings are evident [11–15]. Technologies 2017, 5, 38; doi:10.3390/technologies5030038 www.mdpi.com/journal/technologies Technologies 2017, 5, 38 2 of 14 Technologies 2017, 5, 38 2 of 13 Underlying much ofof thethe debatedebate aboutabout the the future future of of AI AI are are several several fundamental fundamental shortcomings shortcomings in itsin itsframing framing among among AI AI proponents proponents andand potential end-user end-users.s. First, First, the the framing framing of AI of is AI atheoretical, is atheoretical, and thereforeand therefore has limited has limited potential potential for addressing for addressing the full the scope full and scope complexity and complexity of causation. of causation. Second, intelligenceSecond, intelligence is considered is considered from an from anthropocentric an anthropocentric perspective perspective that sees that human sees human intelligence, intelligence, and intelligenceand intelligence developed developed by humans, by humans, as superior as superior to all toother all otherintelligences. intelligences. Thus, Thus,the extensive the extensive post- anthropocentricpost-anthropocentric research research into intelligence into intelligence is not given is not sufficient given sufficient consideration. consideration. Third, AI Third,is discussed AI is oftendiscussed in reductionist often in reductionist mechanistic mechanistic terms, rather terms, than ratherin organicist than in emergentist organicist emergentistterms, as a contributor terms, as a tocontributor multi-intelligence to multi-intelligence hybrid beings hybrid and/or beings systems and/or (MI). systems (MI). FigureFigure 1. Multi-IntelligenceMulti-Intelligence (MI) (MI) hy hybridbrid beings and systems. InIn January January 2015, 2015, for for example, example, many many artificial artificial intelligence intelligence (AI) (AI)experts experts and others and others such as such Elon as Musk Elon andMusk Professor and Professor Stephen Stephen Hawking Hawking signed an signed open anletter open on letter“Research on “Research Priorities Prioritiesfor Robust for and Robust Beneficial and ArtificialBeneficial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence”. This was reported This was widely reported in the widely popular in the media popular during media 2015 during [16]. By 2015 the [ 16end]. Byof 2015,the end the of open 2015, letter the openhad been letter signed had been by more signed than by 7000 more people, than 7000 includ people,ing many including influent manyial AI influential experts. TheseAI experts. include These the includePresident the of PresidentAssociation of Associationfor the Advancement for the Advancement of Artificial ofIntelligence Artificial (AAAI); Intelligence co- chairs(AAAI); of the co-chairs AAAI ofpresidential the AAAI panel presidential on long-term panel AI on futures; long-term and AI the futures; AAAI committee and the AAAI on impact committee of AI andon impact Ethical ofIssues AI and [17]. Ethical The open Issues letter [17 ].was The expanded open letter upon was in expanded the AAAI’s upon quarterly in the AAAI’spublication, quarterly in an articlepublication, which inalso an had article the which title “Research also had thePriorities title “Research for Robust Priorities and Beneficial for Robust Artificial and Beneficial Intelligence” Artificial [18]. Subsequently,Intelligence” [ 1823 ].principles Subsequently, for AI 23were principles formulated for AIat the were “Beneficial formulated AI Conference” at the “Beneficial held during AI Conference” January 2017held at during Asilomar, January California 2017 at[19]. Asilomar, It is important California to note [19 that]. It the is important Asilomar AI to Principles note that thewere Asilomar formulated AI with,Principles and have were been formulated signed up with, to, andby many have of been the signed most high up to, profile by many figures of thein AI most research high profileincluding, figures for example,in AI research Deep including,Mind’s Founder; for example, Facebook’s Deep Director Mind’s of Founder; AI research; Facebook’s and eminent Director professors. of AI research; Importantly, and theseeminent are professors.people who Importantly, direct labs thesefull of are AI people researchers who directand have labs fullstrong of AI influence researchers over and policy-making have strong relatedinfluence to AI. over By policy-making the end of April related 2017, 1197 to AI. AI/rob By theotics end researchers of April 2017, and 2320 1197 ot AI/roboticshers, including researchers Stephen Hawkingand 2320 and others, Elon includingMusk, had Stephen signed up Hawking to the Asilomar and Elon AI Principles Musk, had [19]. signed From upthe tohigh the profile Asilomar 2015 AI openPrinciples letter to [19 the]. From 2017 AI the Principles, high profile the 2015framing AI openof the letter future to of the AI 2017has been AI Principles, atheoretical, the anthropocentric, framing of the reductionistfuture of AI and has mechanistic. been atheoretical, anthropocentric, reductionist and mechanistic. InIn this paper, these shortcomings are addressed as follows. First, theoretical framing is contrasted with current atheoreticalatheoretical framing. Second, post-anthropocentric framing framing is is contrasted with current anthropocentric framing framing of ofAI AIdevelo development.pment. Third, Third, organicist organicist emergentist emergentist framing framing is compared is compared to current to reductionistcurrent reductionist mechanistic mechanistic framing. framing.Fourth, AI Fourth, is reframed AI is reframedas a contributor as a contributor to multi-intelligence to multi-intelligence (MI), that is,(MI), of hybrid that is, beings of hybrid and beings systems and comprising systems comprising diverse natural diverse and natural artificial and intelligences. artificial intelligences. In conclusion, In implicationsconclusion, implicationsare discussed are for discussed research and for researchfor practice. and Thus, for practice. the focus Thus, of this the paper focus is of the this framing paper isof theAI amongframing technology
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