U. S. AMATEUR CHAMPION THOMAS LUX (See page 141 ) Our cover Is an OfficIal U.S. Navy Photograph by R. A. Brad· s haw, PHI, USN. UNITED STATES Volume XXI ",umbe r 6 June, 1966 EDITORS: Lt. Colonel E. B. ~: dmondson and Wm. Goichberg ELECTIONS AT SEATTLE CHESS FEDERATION By Ed Edmondson, usn President PRESIDENT Lt. Colonel E. B. Edmondson The Annual Busi ness Meetings of YOll r ~'ede r ation arc especially signi fi cant VICE·PRESIDENT each third year when we hold elections for the top national posts of President, Dav id Hoff mann Vice· President, and Secretary. Because our Augllst 1966 meeting at Sealtle will REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS result in a completely new admini st ration, it is most important that mcmbers of NEW ENGLAND Stanley Kine the USCF Board of Directors Illark and I"elurn Ihc ba llots which will be mailed to lIarold Oondt. them by the Secretary in July. 1\ is eqtl1l11y im por\1mt that each Director complete J::I! Ilourdon EASTERN I,,,,ro), DUbeck and return a Proxy which may be voted on his behalf by someone he is positive Lewis E. Wood naber! LRllelle will be present at Seattle. Many important decisions face your Federation in the MID· ATLANTI C WUU nm IInill ve ry ncar future, as will be outlined in my Presidential I{eport in the July issue ~:Drl Clar y !::d .... ard D. Strehle or CHESS LIFE, and we need a quorum in person or by pr oxy to insure effective SOUTHERN n ,', II0hcri ~' roemkl) action which will increase USC F's vitality, ~ r ow lh , and service to its members and 1' <: l er L al\(lo Ca.- roLL M. Crull to chess. GREAT LAKES Norber~ ~ I .tthewl DonaLd W. II lldln, On the following pages we present pial for m slate ments by each Presidential Dr. lIan'el' McClell an ca ndidate to betler acquaint the Boa rd or ()jrectors and the membership with these NORTH CENT RAL Itob<'rl Lerner J ohn O$nesl stellar chess organizers. Short resulIles arc also given by the candidates fo r national J"m R)'kk(ln Vice· President and Seel"etarr. The add resses of these candidates are included for SOUTHWESTERN W . W. Crew Kenneth S mith those of you who may have constructivc t)rOI)Osais to fo rwa rd for consideration at !'Irk Bishop the Business Meetings in Seattle. PACI F IC Ke nnelh Jones Gordon Burett Col. Paul L. Webb Personally and on behalf of the r ecie ration, I wish to express our appreciation to the 1966 Nominating Committee for its diligent e ffort in prociucing such an oul­ SECRETARY standing slale not only for national office but also for the Regional Vice·Presidencies Ma rshall Rohland (a complete li st of Regional nominees will appear in July's CHESS LIFE). NATIONAL CHAIRMEN ~nd OFFICERS ARMED FORCES CHESS ........... " ,. Rollert Karch Chairman: F'rank J . SkoH. 1400 W. Warner, Chicago, Ill. 60613 BUSINESS MANAGER ....... " ... J. F . ltelnharol i\lcmbcrs: Davi d Daniels, 488 Rock:1Way Parkway, Brooklyn, ~.Y. 11212 COLLEGE CHESS .............................. .. P9UI C. Joss Rca B. Ha yes. 820 Wo od bine Avc., Glend ale. Ohio 45246 INDUSTRIAL CHESS. ..... .... .. Stanley W . D. Kin, Dr. Alexander Janushowsky, 691 Crocker Hd ., Sacramento, Cal. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS.... Iuae XuhdBn Dr. Stuart Noblin. 805 YarmOUlh llel., Raleigh, N.C. Women's ln tern~tlonpl. ... ....... .. Kathryn S lutu JUNIOR CHESS ................ ... ............... Roberl Erke. MASTERS AFFAIRS ... ... .. .. ............... .I loile r~ 8 yrne MEMBERSHIP .............. h •••••••••••••• Don.ld Schultz NATIONAL OPEN ................ ..... .. llerm.n E, trada JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NOMINATIO NS •. .... ..............................• 'rank Sk(lff PRES IO ENT IA L ASSISTANT ..........• ·rcd Cramer USCF III • non·proflt democn.tlc ofllDnlzatlon, the offlclal &o~ernlng body and FIDE unit lor RATINGS .. PAIRINGS.... ..... _._.. Arpad E. EIO chess In Ih ~ USA. Anyome Interested In advaneinl" Amerkan c hell Is elig ible fOf membership. RATING STATISTICtAN ............ Wm. Co1e hber .. TAX DEDUCT IBIL ITY .................... lllrold Dondla Membersh ip, Including CHF..5S LIn: subscriptIon, tilg:lbUity for USCt-·tatlni:. and all TOURNAMENT ADM. ..••.. Ceor .. e Kolla no.. · ,kJ pdvll~gu: I y r .: 5.00; 2 yrs.: $9.$0; 3 y ra.: $ ll .SO; Sunalnlng: $10.00 (bel'Oml ng life ~Iembershlp TOURNAMENT RULES ••.•.• _.... __ James Sherwin after 10 payme n U); Llf ~ : $100.00. Family Membentllp (Iwo or mor e family member. at SlIme TREASURER .................................... _MUton Ruskin .ddreu. only o ne CHESS LIFE . u blJ(: rlpllon): rltn ;.. ilbove for fin;t family mf'm ber. plus U. S. CHAMPIDNSHIP ... _.......... Maurice Klllpu f ollo"'1n, fo r each addlUonal member : 1 y r .: $2.50; 2 yra.: « .75; 3 yrs.: $6.75. U.S. OPEN .... __ ._. __ . __ ._._._ ..... _•.•• ~ •.• _W . B. Akln WOMEN'S CHESS.. .............................. Eu Aron50n CHESS LIFE I. publl.hed monthly by USc}' I nd entered as second·dasa maUf'r at E u t Dubuque, rulnol •. Non-member I·y r . aub5CrlpUo n : $4.00 (».00 oul$lde USA); sinl"le cOpy: 40t (50¢ WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outside USA). Ch.nlle of .ddnu: Allo ... six "'''''kl nOllce ; please gh'C u ~ both t he ne... address (F.I.D.E.) ~nd the old address. IDciudlnl lb. numbers and dltu 011 the top UnO' o f your . t enell. Fred Cramer Vice-President. Zone 5 (U.S.A.) AddruJ aU communlcaUOM. and m.ke .11 cheeks payable to: ------- UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 10 East 11th Street , NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 130 CHESS LIFE DAVID HOFFMANN Candidate for USCF President Member of United States Chess Cham­ 5. Automation should be introduced pionship Committee for many year$. To· as soon as feasible for as much of the gether with Al Horowitz and Edward operation of the business office as pos­ Lasker, judge to settle disputes in this sible. This has been discussed to my top U.S. event and to awnrd brilliancy knowledge for at least ten years. Action prizes. should be taken. • • • • In July 1965 I had the privilege or 6_ I favor that USCF continue to have presiding at the annual meeting of the an elected Secretary and also elect an USCF at San Juan, Puerto Rico. The U.S. Assistant Secretary to serve at meet­ Open tournament was great, the hospital· Ings in the absence of the Secretary. I ity of our hosts unforgettable, the scen­ think it is Important to preserve the ery and the weather fine, but some im­ "amateur" standing of elected officers, portant business could not be conducted and not to confuse the functions of the for lack of a quorum. professional staff at the business office l.v ith the policy-making and policing This came about because most Direc­ functions of the elected officers. tors gave their proxies to Marshall Rohland, our Secretary, who could not 7. I am for speeding up the tax de­ attend. I had to rule that the question ductibility application. Even as this is of raising dues was out of order because wrilten, our Tax Committee is complet­ two-thirds of the Directors are required ing the necessary paperwork for our ap­ CURRICULUM VITAE (in person or by proxy) to constitute plication; as a lawyer and our National a quorum to amend the By-laws. I Vice·President, I expect to file this ap­ 1918-Learned chess from Aunt Rebecca could not transfer proxies to persons plication in New York (our place of at nine. other than those named. business) before this August's business 1919-Lost to father (Abraham) at ten. It is clear therefore that proxies for meetings. this year and the future should include 1922-1926-White Plains, Nl Y., High several names so that Directors do not 8. I am for close ties with the Amer­ School Chess Team. lose their vote. I would also favor pre­ ican Chess Foundation and the Piatig­ senting more questions in advance to be orsky Foundation. whether or not the 1929-1932-Secretary and judge, West· USCF achieves a tax-deductible status. chesler County Chess Leage. voted upon by mail ballot by the Direc­ tors. 9. I lavor local chess organizations 1930-8.8. from New York University In passing it should be said that the but feel most need closer ties with the College of Arts and Pure Science. membership and the Directors present national organization; for example, the English major, Speech minor ; Drama­ at San Juan overwhelmingly voted to in' Commercial Chess League in New York tics, managed Swimming 'ream. crease the dues to $lO--but this vote had City. and many similar bodies through· no force, since we lacked a quorum. out the U.S. 1931.1933-Investigator, Department of Welfare, White Plains, N,Y. • • • • MY PLATFORM 10. I am for greater participation in 1933.1936-Teachcr, HoUmann School international affairs, particularly policy­ (Aunt Rebecca's), New York City. 1. I am for an immediate increase in making in F.I.D.E. and play and support dues to from $7.00 to $10.00, to provide and subsidy. I936-LL.B., Sl. Lawrence University fast and complete service to every mem­ (Brooklyn Law School). ber, club, and tournament. 11. I am for Women's chess at every level in every club and on a national and 1936-Admitted to New York Bar. 2. According to the informntion gath­ international level. Law beginning as associate with Ed­ ered by our outgoing President, many ward S. Silver, now Surrogate, Kings clubs find the 20% commission more of 12. I am for an alert and informed County, New York (Brooklyn); then A. J. a nuisance than a benefit.
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