CURRICULUM FOR THREE YEAR(SIX SEMESTER) DIPLOMA COURSE IN PAINT TECHNOLOGY UNDER DEVELOPMENT SEMESTER SYSTEM Prepared By CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CELL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT TRAINING,U.P., KANPUR-208002 Approved By B.T.E. held on dated 04.05.2017 0 Corrected and Approved By BTE 04.05.2017 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME FOR THREE YEAR (SIX SEMESTER) DIPLOMA COURSE IN PAINT TECHNOLOGY (Effective From Session ) I SEMESTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curriculum | | Scheme of Examination | ----------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------| Periods Per Week | S U B J E C T | Theory | Practical |Gra-| ----------------------| |-----------------------|------------------------|nd | Le|Tut|Dr|Lab|Work|Tot| |Examination|Sess.|Total|Examination|Sess.| Total|Tot-| c.|ori|aw| |Shop|al | |----------| Marks|Marks|-----------|Marks| Marks|al | |al | | | | | |Dur.|Marks| | |Dur.| Marks| | | | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 4 | - |- | - | - | 4 |1.1 Foundational Communicaton |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70 | 3 | 1 |- | - | - | 4 |1.2 Applied Mathematics-I(A) |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | - | - | - | 70 | 3 | 1 |- | - | - | 4 |1.3 Applied Physics-I |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70 | 4 | 2 | | 4 | -- |10 |1.4 Introduction To Paint and |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 60 | 30 | 90 |160 | | | | | | | Polymer Technology | | | | | | | | | | 4 | 2 | |-- | -- | 6 |1.5 Measuring Instrument and |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | --| -- | -- | -- | 70 | | | | | | | Measurements | | | | | | | | | | - | - |- | - |14 |14 |1.6 Workshop Practice | -- | -- | -- | -- | 4 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 90 | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 18| 6 | -| 4 |14 |42 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |250 | 100 | 350 | -- | 120 | 60 | 180 | 530| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| Games/NCC/Social and Cultural Activity + Discipline (15 + 10) | 25 | |----| Aggregate | 555| ------ II SEMESTER 3 | 1 |- | - | - | 4 |2.1 Applied Mathematics-I(B) |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | - | - | - | 70 | 3 | 1 |- | 4 | - | 8 |2.2 Applied Physics-II |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 40 | 20 | 60 |130 | 5 | 1 | | 2 | - | 8 |2.3 Applied Mechanics |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 40 | 20 | 60 |130 | 6 | - |- | 4 | - |10 |2.4 Applied Chemistry |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 40 | 20 | 60 |130 | 4 | - |10| - | - |14 |2.5 Engineering Drawing |3.0 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | - | - | - | 70 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 21| 3 |10|10 |- |44 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |250 | 100 | 350 | -- | 120 | 60 | 180 | 530| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| Games/NCC/Social and Cultural Activity + Discipline (15 + 10) | 25 | |----| Aggregate | 555| ------ NOTE:- (1) Each period will be 50 minutes duration. (2) Each session will be of 16 weeks. (3) Effective teaching will be at least 14 weeks. (4) Remaining periods will be utilised for revision etc. (5) Field visit and extension lectures are to be organised and managed well in advan ce at institute level as per need. 1 Corrected and Approved By BTE 04.05.2017 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME FOR THREE YEAR (SIX SEMESTER) DIPLOMA COURSE IN IN PAINT TECHNOLOGY (Effective From Session ) III SEMESTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curriculum | | Scheme of Examination | ----------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------| Periods Per Week | S U B J E C T | Theory | Practical |Gra-| ----------------------| |-----------------------|------------------------|nd | Le|Tut|Dr|Lab|Work|Tot| |Examination|Sess.|Total|Examination|Sess.| Total|Tot-| c.|ori|aw| |Shop|al | |----------| Marks|Marks|-----------|Marks| Marks|al | |al | | | | | |Dur.|Marks| | |Dur.| Marks| | | | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 5 | 2 | | --| | 7 |3.1 Applied Mathematics-II |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 70| 5 | 2 | | - | | 7 |3.2 Pigments & Extenders |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | - | - | - | 70| 5 | 2 | | 6 | |13 |3.3 Drying Oils & Paint Media |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 4 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 160| 5 | 2 | | 4 | |11 |3.4 Elect.Tech. & Electronics. |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 40 | 20 | 60 | 130| 2 | - | | 5 | | 7 |3.5 Introduction To Computer |--- | -- | -- | -- | 3 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 90| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 22| 8 | -| 15| - |45 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |200 | 80 | 280 | -- | 160 | 80 | 240 | 520| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| Games/NCC/Social and Cultural Activity + Discipline (15 + 10) | 25 | |----| Aggregate | 545| ------ IV SEMESTER 4 | - |- | - | - | 4 |4.1 FunctionalCommunicaton |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70| 5 | 2 | | - | | 7 |4.2 Natural & Synthetic Resins |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70| 5 | 2 | | --| | 7 |4.3 Conventional & Nonconventi-|2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 70| | | | | | | onal source of energy | | | | | | : : : | 6 | 2 | | 8 | |16 |4.4 Fluid Mechanics and |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 100 | 50 | 150 | 220| | | | | | | Solid Handling | | | | | | | | | | 4 | 2 | | --| | 6 |4.5 Process Plant Utilities |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 70| 3 | - |- | 2 | | 5 |4.6 Energy Conservation |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 20 | 10 | 30 | 100| | | | | | | | | | | | | : : : | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 27| 8 |- |10 | -- |40 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |300 | 120 | 420 | -- | 120 | 60 | 180 | 600| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| Games/NCC/Social and Culturl Activity + Discipline ( 15 + 10) | 25| |---- | Aggregate | 625| ------ NOTE:- (1) Each period will be 50 minutes duration. (2) Each session will be of 16 weeks. (3) Effective teaching will be at least 14 weeks. (4) Remaining periods will be utilised for revision etc. 2 Corrected and Approved By BTE 04.05.2017 STUDY AND EVALUATION SCHEME FOR THREE YEAR (SIX SEMESTER) DIPLOMA COURSE IN IN PAINT TECHNOLOGY (Effective From Session ) V SEMESTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curriculum | | Scheme of Examination | ----------------------| |----------------------------------------------------- | Periods Per Week | S U B J E C T | Theory | Practical |Gra-| ----------------------| |-----------------------|------------------------ |nd | Le|Tut|Dr|Lab|Work|Tot| |Examination|Sess.|Total|Examination|Sess.| Total|Tot-| c.|ori|aw| |Shop|al | |----------| Marks|Marks|----------- |Marks| Marks|al | |al | | | | | |Dur.|Marks| | |Dur.| Marks| | | | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|---- | | | | | | | | | | | |_ | | | | | - | - |- | 4 | - | 4 |5.1 IntegrativeCommunicaton |2.5 | -- | -- | -- | 3 | 40 | 20 | 60 | 60| 6 | 2 | | --| | 8 |5.2 Industrial Management and |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 70| | | | | | | Enterprenurship Development| | | | | | | | | | 4 | 2 |- | 4 | -- |10 |5.3 Heat & Mass Transfer |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 4 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 160| 3 | 2 |- | 4 | -- | 9 |5.4 Coating Properties, |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 160| | | | | | | Evaluation,Quality Control | | | | |_ | | | | | 4 | 1 | | --| | 5 |5.5 Pollution Control & Indust-|2.5 | 70 | 30 | 100 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 100| | | | | | | rial Safety | | | | | | | | | | 3 | 2 | | 4 | | 9 |5.6 Formulation&Manufacturingof|2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | 3 | 60 | 30 | 90 | 160| | | | | | | Paint | | | | | | | | | | --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| 20|9 |- |16 | -- |45 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |270 | 110 | 380 | -- | 220 | 110 | 330 | 710| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|----| Games/NCC/Social and Culturl Activity + Discipline ( 15 + 10) | 25| |----| Aggregate | 73 5| ------ VI SEMESTER 5 | 1 | | --| | 6 |6.1 Chemical Reaction Engineering2.5| 70 | 30 | 100 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 100| 6 | 2 | | 6 | |14 |6.2 Automatic Process Control |2.5 | 70 | 30 | 100 | 4 | 100 | 50 | 150 | 250| 5 | 2 | | - | |7 |6.3 Surface Preparation & Paint|2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70 | | | | | | | Application | | | | | | | | | | 5 | 2 | | - | |7 |6.4 Printing & Packaging Tech. |2.5 | 50 | 20 | 70 | - | -- | -- | -- | 70 | | | | |10 |10 |6.5 Project | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |A- Project Problem | - | - | - | - | - | 70 | 30 | 100| | | | | | | | |B- Field Exposure | - | - | - | - | - | 40 | 20 | 60| | 160| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|---- | 21| 7 |--| 6 |10 |44 | <---------TOTAL-----------> |-- |240 |100 | 340 | -- | 210 | 100 | 310 | 65 0| --|---|--|---|----|---|-------------------------------|----|-----|------|-----|----|------|-----|------|---- | Games/NCC/Social and Cultural Activity + Discipline
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