E256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 26, 2004 Johnnetta B. Cole of Bennett College for Now I won’t tell this story as well as Dad be- Bachelor of Science degree and graduated in Women are extraordinary examples of those cause he was a master storyteller—one of the 1951. who continue the legacy of producing young best. But it seems the Reverand was thank- Aubrey held various positions in govern- ing the Lord for the Blessings and went on scholars who will contribute to the progress of ment service, including a post at the United and on and on. Finally, after about 10 min- Nations in New York City, with the Civil our state and nation. utes, Dale turns over to Dad and says: ‘‘You Service Commission, then with the Treasury Evidence of this progress is apparent in the reckon the Bar B Que ain’t done yet?’’ Department in Washington, D.C., and the Of- accomplishments of two graduates from NC That was the last story I remember him fice of Economic Opportunity with the John- A&T, former Chief Justice Henry Frye, the first tell, and I remember it like yesterday. Dad son Administration. He and his wife, Yo- African American appointed to the Supreme liked to keep things simple. And short. So landa, who was on the staff of President Lyn- Court of North Carolina, as well as Dr. Ronald we won’t keep you from your Bar B Que don B. Johnson, lived in Washington, D.C. Erwin McNair, Physicist and Astronaut who today, but I just wanted to share a few of my during the 60s. He subsequently served in the favorite things about Dad because he had 78 lost his life in the Space Shuttle Challenger U.S. Foreign Service at posts in the U.S. Em- full years of life. bassy, Mexico City, Bangkok, Hong Kong, disaster in January 1986. He liked Westerns, Cowboys and old War and wartime Saigon, South Vietnam, where The contributions of the African American movies, maybe because it reminded him of he was Special Assistant to the Ambassador. community in North Carolina are also dem- his days in the Navy. WW II he used to call He was awarded a commendation from the onstrated in the unique furniture designs and it, the only ‘‘good’’ war. U.S. Army for ‘‘Outstanding Work and Co- skills of artisan Thomas Day of Caswell Coun- He loved to cook—and he was a master in operation with All Government Agencies and ty whose work continues to influence the in- the kitchen. Laura and I used to wake up on the Vietnamese Government for Community dustry. Sunday mornings to the wafting aroma of Relations in the City of Saigon.’’ bacon and eggs, biscuits and cream gravy. After service to his country for the second Recently a good friend of mine, John Wes- For most of his adult life, we remember him ley Winters, Sr. passed away. Mr. Winters was time in Vietnam, he operated restaurants in as a big, authoritative man. He was strong Austin, Waco, Temple and College Station, a leader in North Carolina, his contributions as willed and stubborn which meant it was ‘‘his Texas, for the Monterey House Mexican a businessman, civil rights leader and political way or the hightiway.’’ His way was usually Foods, Inc. He was also Vice President of Op- leader leaves a powerful legacy. Many African right. erations for the company in Houston, Texas. American families own their own homes in Ra- Even though his body gave out this year, He was preceded in death by his wife, Yo- leigh because of Mr. Winters’ work. his mind and spirit were still tough as nails. landa Boozer; and by his Mother and Father. He organized his move to Washington like he He had no brothers or sisters. Survivors are My District includes the Civil Rights Museum did everything else, with precision and for- in Greensboro, North Carolina. Four brave Lyndon, a son who resides in Washington, titude. He didn’t look back. His goodbyes D.C.; a daughter, Laura of San Francisco, young men, Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, were short. I suspect it was because he knew David L. Richmond and Ezell Blair, Jr. (now California; and two grandchildren, Jordan he’d be back soon. and Kyle. He is also survived by cousins, Beneath his tough exterior and grumpy known as Jibreel Khazan) took a firm stand by JoAnn Harris, Charles Hale, Alec Hale Reid, ways was a kind heart that overshadowed his sitting down at a ‘‘white only’’ Woolworth lunch and Amy; and nieces, Diane VanHootegem, modest outward appearance. He didn’t care counter. This new museum helps us reflect Christine Rayburn and Rosalind Johansson, about much except his family and his close every day on how their strength and deter- all of whom he cared for very much. friends whom he tested on a regular basis. He mination, even in the face of threats, jolted a loved his dogs whom he entrusted to Laura. Mr. Speaker, thank you for this opportunity burgeoning civil rights movement that forever They are alive and well. to honor the life of Mr. Aubrey Boozer. I ask changed the American cultural landscape. We He loved my Mother deeply, and she was that my colleagues join me in expressing con- are a better Nation, we are better human his axis of life. A close relative said, ‘‘Well, dolences to this fine family. beings, because of their courage. you know why he died before Christmas? He wanted to spend it with your Mom.’’ There’s Black History Month reminds us of these f and other achievements. We will never forget some truth to that... They were so different but were there for INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘EX- the important contributions that African Ameri- each other through it all—Houston where cans have made and will continue to our Na- they met, New York City where they loved, TENDED DEPLOYMENT PAY IN- tion. Washington, DC where they grew, Mexico CREASE ACT OF 2004’’ f City where they enjoyed and finally Austin, Texas where they settled down and raised a TRIBUTE TO MR. AUBREY BOOZER, family. HON. ROBERT C. SCOTT JR. And after Mom died in 1998, he visited this OF VIRGINIA very grave site almost every week until his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES health was too poor. Our friends here at HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN Cook Walden remember, especially Evelyn Thursday, February 26, 2004 OF SOUTH CAROLINA Williams. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He never stopped wanting the best for to introduce the ‘‘Extended Deployment Pay Thursday, February 26, 2004 Laura and me. And he was proud of us I’m told. He wouldn’t say so to us but we knew Increase Act of 2004.’’ I believe this legislation Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to it because everyone always said so. provides critical financial support to our men insert into the RECORD, two tributes to Mr. Au- He was truly a Classic, a stand up guy, and women in uniform. brey Boozer, Jr., of Austin, Texas, who funny and honest and a straight shooter. All of us are familiar with the change in pol- passed on December 23, 2003. While I did not Independent, And a proud Democrat. He icy that is requiring tens of thousands of Na- didn’t mince words and in this day of polit- personally know Mr. Boozer, his son, Lyndon tional Guard, Reservists, and active duty ical correctness, he was a refreshing opinion. troops in Iraq and surrounding countries to ex- K. Boozer, has been a great friend since I ar- His values were ones to live by, and we rived in Washington almost twelve years ago. will. We miss you Dad, and will think of you tend their active duty to 12 months. Lyndon often spoke of his father and the pro- every day. While we cannot cheat father These longer deployments cause additional found impact that he had on his life. Two trib- time, the past lives within us and is eternal financial and emotional stresses on our mili- utes follow, which I believe capture the true in our hearts and minds. You will always be tary, and their families. For example, it has essence of a life well lived. The first is the eu- remembered. been reported that more than one-third of the We love you, Pops. logy which Lyndon delivered at the memorial Reservists and National Guard members suf- service for his dad, and, the second is the [From the Austin American Statesman, fer cuts in pay when called to active duty. So obituary which appeared in the Austin Amer- December 28, 2004, Obituary.] while it may be reasonable to expect members ican Statesman. AUBREY BOOZER, JR. of the National Guard and Reserves to forgo Aubrey Boozer, Jr. was born in Clint, peacetime salaries for six months to serve on MY DAD Texas. He was reared in Houston, Texas, hav- active duty thousands of miles away from (By Lynden K. Boozer, December 30, 2003.) ing attended John Reagan High School, grad- home, or to expect private employers to con- ‘‘As you know, my Dad recently moved to uating in 1942. He immediately volunteered tinue to pay part of their salaries for a few for military service. After serving his coun- DC. About a month ago, he was over for months, these stopgap measures are limited. Thanksgiving Dinner. try in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he After getting everyone’s attention—he enrolled at Southwestern University, The financial strain is especially acute for commanded it—he told this story he had Georgetown, Texas, in 1946 where he was those who are self-employed—especially heard from LBJ Ranch foreman Dale President of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, those who are called up on short notice and Malechek about a preacher at a Bar B Que.
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