KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Natural England National Character Areas: Hampshire Downs (Area 130) High Weald (Area 122) Inner London (Area 112) Low Weald (Area 121) Spelthorne North Downs (Area 119) North Kent Plain (Area 113) Northern Thames Basin (Area 111) Thames Basin Heaths (Area 129) Runnymede Thames Basin Lowlands (Area 114) Thames Valley (Area 115) Wealden Greensand (Area 120) Elmbridge © Na tu ral Englan d copy righ t 201 4 Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Natural England National Character Areas SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 1 Figure 1 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB): Surrey Hills AONB High Weald AONB Kent Downs AONB National Park: Spelthorne South Downs National Park Runnymede Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Surrey Districts & Boroughs, AONBs & National Park SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 2 Figure 2 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology LBD LBD Urban KEY LBD Urban Urban km Urban north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Urban Surrey District and Borough boundaries LBD Urban Urban Natural England National Character Areas: Natural England National Landscape Typologies: LBD LWW Urban Urban LCA Hampshire Downs (Area 130) See three­letter codes Urban Urban Urban High Weald (Area 122) 1ST LETTER - PHYSIOGRAPHY U Urban Low hills Inner London (Area 112) R Intermediate L Lowlands Urban Urban Low Weald (Area 121) 2ND LETTER - LANDCOVER Urban Spelthorne W Wetland North Downs (Area 119) Urban D Hea th and moorland Urban Urban L Chalk and lim estone B LBD North Kent Plain (Area 113) Other light land Urban C Clayland Urban Northern Thames Basin (Area 111) LCA Urban 3RD LETTER - CULTURAL PATTERN Urban A Woodland - ancient woods LDS Thames Basin Heaths (Area 129) E Woodland - estateland LDS Urban LWW Urban S Woodland - secondary Urban Thames Basin Lowlands (Area 114) D Dispersed unwooded Runnymede W Wetland/waste unwooded Urban Thames Valley (Area 115) LBD LBD Urban RBA Wealden Greensand (Area 120) Urban Urban Urban LBD Urban RBA LDS Urban Urban ULA RDS LBD LBD Elmbridge © Na tu ral Englan d copy righ t 201 4 Urban RDS Surrey Heath LBD Urban ULA LDS Urban Urban LDS Urban Epsom and Ewell LBD RDS Urban LCA Urban Urban LBD ULA RDS Urban UCA Woking LDS LBD Urban LCA Urban Urban Urban LBD ULA Urban ULA LBD Urban ULA ULA Urban Urban UCA LCA LDS RBE Reigate and Banstead LCA ULA Urban RDA ULA ULA RBE RBE RBD Urban Urban Urban Urban RBD Urban Urban LCA RBE Urban UCA RBE RDS Urban RDS Urban Urban LCA RBD Urban Guildford Tandridge Urban ULA LDS Urban ULA RDS Urban RBE Urban RCA Mole Valley RCA Urban RBE RDS LCA Urban LBA UDS Urban RDS RDS RBA RBA LCA LBA Waverley CLIENT: LBA Urban Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board LCA PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent Urban TITLE: National Character Areas & Landscape Typologies UDS SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 3 Figure 3 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 RBA © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A LCA t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape ArchitectureUDS LCA Urban Masterplanning Ecology RBA CLAY, SILT, SAND AND GRAVEL KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Solid Geology (British Geological Survey): Chalk Clay, silt, sand and gravel Mudstone, sandstone and limestone Mudstone, siltstone and sandstone CLAY, SILT, SAND AND GRAVEL Spelthorne Sand, silt and clay Sandstone and mudstone Sandstone and siltstone Runnymede Surrey Heath Elmbridge SAND, SILT AND CLAY Epsom and Ewell Woking CHALK Reigate and Banstead CHALK Tandridge Guildford Mole Valley SANDSTONE AND MUDSTONE MUDSTONE, SILTSTONE AND SANDSTONE Waverley SANDSTONE AND SILTSTONE, INTERBEDDED CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Solid Geology SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 4 Figure 4 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 SANDSTONE ©AND hankinson SILTSTONE, duckett associates INTERBEDDED The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries SAND AND GRAVEL SAND AND GRAVEL Drift Geology (British Geological Survey): Clay, silt and sand Diamicton SAND AND GRAVEL Sand and gravel Spelthorne SAND AND GRAVEL Runnymede SAND AND GRAVEL SAND AND GRAVEL SAND AND GRAVEL SAND AND GRAVEL Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell DIAMICTON DIAMICTON DIAMICTON SAND AND GRAVEL Woking SAND AND GRAVEL DIAMICTON DIAMICTON DIAMICTON Reigate and Banstead DIAMICTON Guildford Tandridge SAND AND GRAVEL Mole Valley SAND AND GRAVEL Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Drift Geology SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 5 Figure 5 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY Spelthorne Runnymede Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley Figure 6 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Local Nature Reserve National Nature Reserve Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Ramsar sites Spelthorne Special Protection Area (SPA) Runnymede Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Nature Conservation Designations SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 7 Figure 7 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Ancient woodland Spelthorne Runnymede Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Ancient Woodland SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 8 Figure 8 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology KEY km north 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surrey District and Borough boundaries Listed Buildings Scheduled Ancient Monuments Historic Parks and Gardens Conservation Areas Spelthorne Runnymede Elmbridge Surrey Heath Epsom and Ewell Woking Reigate and Banstead Guildford Tandridge Mole Valley Waverley CLIENT: Surrey County Council & Surrey Hills AONB Board PROJECT: Surrey Landscape Character Assessm ent TITLE: Historic Features SCALE: DATE: 1:160,000 at A3 September 2014 595.1 / 50 9 Figure 9 Based on Ordnance Survey mapping with permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Licence no. AR187372 © hankinson duckett associates The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8B A t 01491 838175 e [email protected] w www.hda-enviro.co.uk Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology .
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