• • DIRECTORY. J N OTT1X ~i--IA:\ISiilriE. WELBECK. 557 Members. Surveyor, Robert Frank Valiance, White Hart chambers-7 Mansfield Retire in 1905. Collector, Frederick Lowe .Adam Eastwood Edward Gillott Sanitary Inspector, Loui'l Alfred Westwick, 'White Hari Frank Featherstone I John Renshaw chambers, Mansfield Retire in 1906. Schoom. r Edward Ellis Booker Frederick Spencer Public Elementary (mixed), erected in 1850 & enlarged in Samuel Duckmanton I Samuel Fell Wilson 1883, for 160 children; average attendance, 190; George Retire in 1907. Herbert Tinsley, master J oseph Beard G ;mrge Thorpe Public Elementary (infants), erected in 1875, for 200 William Lee Evelyn W. Wardley children ; average attendance, 210 ; Miss Elizabeth Dexter, mistress · Officer;. Public Elementary, Warsop Vale (mixed & infants), erected Clerk, John Harrop White, solicitor, Bank chambs. Mansfield in 1901 by the Staveley Coal & Iron Co. Lim. for 266 Treasurer, Henry Sleight Hadderly, Nottingham & Not- . mixed & 140 infants; average attendance, 153 mixed tinghamshire Bank, Mansfield & 118 infants ; Enoch Bell, master ; Mrs. Eliza Ann Bell,. Medical Officer of Health, Joseph Ingram L.B.C.P. & L.B.c.s. infants' mistress . 1din. High street, Warsop Police Station, Harry Eri.est Daniel, constable Booker Edward Ellis Duckmanton 'William, wheelwright Pigott John William, shopkeeper Court Percy Hyde L.S.A. High street Duckmanton Wm. jun. blacksmith Renshaw John, tailor Hall Francis, Park hall Eastwood Adam, Plough inn & farmer Revill John, farmer Heath John, Grove house Eastwood James, builder Reynolds Frank Abbott, butchr. & frmr Hind Frederick Henry Featherstone Frank, shoe maker Reynolds Herbert, farm bailiff to the King Rev. Richard John, Rectory Featherstone Jn. frmr. Church Warsop Rev. Sir Richard Fitz-Herbert hart Leighton Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Fenton William, grocer Richardson William John, butcher (curate) Green Arthur, farmer Ryalls Maria (Mrs.), blacksmith Stainer Rev. William Hugh Clement Hallifax John, Talbot inn · Slack William, farmer . B.A. (curate) Hardstaff Dodson, grocer & draper Spall John Robt. Pickering, boot maker Stoops William Alexander B.A., M.B. Harrison Peter, shopkeeper Spencer Fred, grocer & -wine & spirit. High street Harrison William, builder merchant COKHERCIAL. Hayes Mary Ann (Mrs.), smallware dlr Staveley Coal & Iron (The) Co. Lim_ Allison William, shoe maker Hillsley John, shopkeeper, Warsop vale (Edward Ellis Booker, manager)~ • Askew Samuel, basket maker Howe David, fried fish shop Warsop l\Iain Colliery Beard Elizabeth (Miss), farmer Ilett Frank, tailor Stoops William Alexander B.A., :M.B.,. Beard Joseph, miller & farmer Ilett Frederic, tailor &; draper B.ch., Bac.surg. B.U.I. physician &. Beeston Edith (Mrs.), The Gate P.H Ilett Henry, stone mason surgeon, High street Eennett George, farm bailiff to Timothy ngram J oseph L.R.C.P. & L.R.c.s.Edin., Storey Henry, butcher Taylor esq. J.P. of Mansfield L.F.P. & s.olas. physician & surgeon & 1Stubbings Cadwallader, farmer Bennett John George, grocer medical officer of health to Urban Stubbins Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper , Blackburn Thomas, farmer District Council, High street Tattersall Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Blythman Frank, plumber & glazier Johnson Betsy Ann (Mrs.), news agent Tattersall Alfred, Dog & Rabbit inn Boaler Harriet (Mrs.), butcher Lambert Richard Henson, hair dresser Taylor John, butcher Eoler John Thomas, shopkeeper Lawson John Edward, farmer, Church Tomlinson Samuel, farmer & baker Booker Edward Ellis, manager to Warsop Townroe Samuel, farmer, \\.estfield ho Warsop Main Colliery Lee Waiter, grocer & beer retailer Tyler George, assistant overseer Bowman David, farmer, Williams Lowe Charles, grocer, Post office Vardy Joseph, cycle dealer Woods farm Lowe Frederick, assessor & collector Vickers Waiter, frmr. Gledthorpe grange Bowman William & Thomas, farmers, of taxes & collector of rates to the· Village Club & Reading Room (James Hill farm Urban District Council Tomlinson, sec) Bowring Albert, butcher & farmer Males Ruth (Mrs.), dressmaker Vincent William, farmer . :Eowring Christopher Stokes, tailor Mansfield Co-operative Stores (branch Wagstaff Wm. Henry, frmr. Forest hili Bradley Thomas George, butcher 7) (Mrs. Annie Tindale, manageress) Ward John Thomas, castrator Erailsford Oscar Harry, Vale hotel, Marriott John (Mrs.), farmer Wardley Evelyn, wood steward to the Warsop vale Marriott Thomas, farmer, Burn's farm Rev. Sir Richard Fitzherbert hart Eullar's Francis, bootmaker Martin Henry, hair dresser & tobacconist Warsop Vale Industrial Co-operative Carline Thomas, grocer & beer retailer Nilan Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Society Lim. (Enoch Bell, sec) Chatterton Bollon, !!hopkeeper Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Banking Webster Hannah (:Miss), draper Coupe Samuel, farmer, Nettleworth farm Co. Lim. (sub-branch); open wed. \Veils James, shopkeeper Court Percy Hyde L.S.A.LOnd. surgeon 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; draw on London Wild James, coal higgler & farmer Cutts Herbert, photographer & Westminster Bank Ltd. London EC Wilkinson William, rope maker Davey Geo. shopkeeper, Warsop vale Osborne Edward, farmer, Warsop Cot-. Willison Richard, farmer, Rectory farm Davis Albert, under manager Staveley tage farm · Wilson James, shopkeeper Coal & Iron Co. Limited Osbome William, Hare & Hounds P.R Wilson Samuel Fell, grocer, & agent Docking Fred Fisher, plumber Pearce Hugh, registrar of births & for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & Duckmanton Gordon, wheelwright deaths, Warsop sub-district of Mans- spirit merchants Duckmanton Samuel, wheelwright field union Wragg George, farmer WELBECX is a parish, 4 miles south-west from tower on which a flag is displayed. The late duke, who Worksop station, on the Ret.ford and Sheffield branch of died Dec. 6. 1879, had held possession of the estate since the Great Central railway, in the Bassetlaw division of 1854, and during that period, while living almost wholly' the county, Hatfield division of the wapentake of Basset- in retirement, expended vast sums of money in laying out law, union, petty sessional division and county court dis- the grounds, erecting farm buildings and lodges and in trict of Worksop, and consists chiefly of Welbeck Abbey constructing those subterraneous apartments and cor­ and Park, the unique and beautiful seat of his Grace the ridors which have rendered W elbeck at once unique and Duke of Portland K.G., P.c., o.c.v.o., D.L., J.P. and 1\:las- famous: extending in all directions from the abbey are ter of the Horse to His Majesty the King, the main ap- some miles of underground passages, wide enough for proach to which is now by the " Lady Bolsover " drive, three persons to walk abreast and lighted by means of through the manor hills : a new entrance lodge and very costly apparatus for attracting the sunlight, and partly handsome wrought-iron gates have recently been erected also by gas: through one or two of these passages is on the Worksop and Ollerton road above Sparken hill; reached the fine apartment formerly known as •• the riding previously the chief approach was through a tunnel 2 miles school," but now converted into an art gallery; it is 18(} in length, passing under the lake and lighted with gas, as feet in length with a beautifully decorated ceiling, from well as by openings in the roof : the mansion is a structure which depend four chandeliers each weighing a ton, an~ of considerable extent, in varied styles of architecture, but comprising altogether about 2,000 gas jets ; mirrors is not externally attractive: the south front, of three storeys, adorn the walls, where also hang many fine pictures, and is Italian, and has two boldly projecting square towers, the the room also contains a large number of rare and valuable whole being finished with balustraded parapets ; the east books : the library, also underground, consists of a suite front, overlooking the lake, rises from a broad tt>rrace of five magnificent rooms, all communicating by wide with a double flight of steps to the lawns below, and ex- central doorways and lighted from above, the total length hibits a series of Tudoresque gables, agreeably breaking being 235 feet : another large and superbly constructed the long line of the roof : the west front is in a semi- apartment, reached by a spiral staircase at one end and -castellated style and includes a large square embattled by a subterranean passage at the other, wa.s begun in • .
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