80 Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 he took to prevent war between the Pandavas and Kauravas and to establish security and peace in the country, at that time, will be evident if only we look at Vyasa’s Sanskrit text. Krishna started for Hastinapur in order to negotiate for peace. When Duryodhana, Dussasana, and other 5. Krishna Was Always A Lover Of Kauravas learnt that Krishna was coming to negotiate Peace And Never A Warmonger peace, they made all preparations and arranged a reception and welcome for Krishna in the very outskirts of the city of Hastinapur. When the great chariot came, o you know why you have been it was brought to the front of the city so that a fitting given legs? Are these legs given welcome could be given. As soon as Krishna got out of Dto you to go round all the streets the chariot, Duryodhana and Dussasana met him and and the narrow lanes in a purposeless appraised him of the fact that a special welcome had manner? No, they have been given so that been arranged for him and a spacious mansion had you may visit the temple of God. been prepared for his stay. They invited him for a special dinner on that day in the palace. Prema Swarupas! Krishna, who was the very embodiment of peace, By superficial observers, Krishna is not regarded appraised Duryodhana and Dussasana that he came as a peace-loving person. People generally think of him there as an Ambassador to negotiate for peace and that as one who encouraged battles and fights. They also it was not right for one who had come in the role of an think that the bloodshed that was caused in the battle of Ambassador to accept their hospitality even before one’s Mahabharatha was due to Krishna’s love for war. This mission was completed. He said that he would gladly is not a true picture of Krishna. In fact, he was very accept their hospitality after the mission was completed peace-loving; and the efforts he made and the trouble as it would be proper to do so. With these pleasing Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 81 82 Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 words, he went to the house of Vidura. It was a great peace-loving and that he was not a warmonger. All surprise to Vidura to see Krishna come to his house for these aspects and acts of Krishna, which were being he never even dreamt that Krishna would come to his done on a human plane, should be understood by us as house. He was overjoyed, and he thought that it was having been done by a human being on a human plane his great fortune, and he made all arrangements and not by divinity. accordingly. Vidura then expressed his doubt and said that Vidura gave a hearty welcome to Krishna and these peace negotiations were not going to reach a they both sat down for a meal. After the meal, both successful completion because he knew that the Vidura and Krishna sat together for conversation. Then Kauravas had everything ready. All those who were Vidura said that to him it did not appear proper that connected with them were also invited to be ready. The Krishna should come, for negotiating peace, to the weapons were made ready. Under these circumstances, house of bad people who may do him harm. He felt he did not expect any peace. that knowing everything, Krishna should not have come Krishna then told Vidura that according to Dharma, there to negotiate for peace. which was only too well known to Vidura, all efforts Then Krishna said that it was not as if he did not should be made to establish peace. He said that know that Kauravas were people with bad qualities and irrespective of the success or failure, we must do our evil intentions. Despite this, he felt that when innocent duty. people were being troubled and bloodshed was The day dawned and Krishna got into his chariot forthcoming, then everyone who had a responsibility and moved into the city of Hastinapur. That day the should try his best to prevent injustice and bloodshed, city looked gay, the streets were decorated with arches, and it was in this context that he was trying to negotiate. and all the streets were a pleasant sight to see. In If we really look at the inner significance of what Hastinapur, the people came forward to welcome him Krishna had said at that time, we will find that Krishna like the waves of an ocean would welcome the moon. was really concerned with the peace and security of the In that environment, he moved on, smiling and looking people; and we will understand that Krishna was truly at the people of Hastinapur. As soon as he came near Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 83 84 Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 the Palace, Duryodhana and Karna were standing there persons and arranged to seat them in accordance with to welcome him. their importance. Women were bringing flowers so that they may be As soon as all these persons were seated, Krishna showered on Krishna. Fragrant flowers were showered made obeisance to the members and then occupied his on Krishna from the terraces. It appeared to Krishna seat. After that Duryodhana, Karna, Bhishma, and Drona that all this was prearranged by the Kauravas to please occupied their respective seats. After all these elders him. However, all these external symptoms did neither were seated, the other subordinate kings also took their elate him nor bother him; and he entered the mansion. seats, making obeisance to the assembly. In that As Karna and Duryodhana were showing him the way assembly, everyone was anxious to hear what Krishna to go into the assembly, Kritavarma was following was going to say and know what message Krishna had Krishna. As soon as Krishna entered the assembly, all brought. In their anxiety to listen to him and not miss the kings and subordinate kings stood up and made anything, they all maintained pin-drop silence. Every obeisance to him. individual in that assembly had probably looked at Krishna many times earlier, but they were all still As soon as Krishna entered the assembly, looking at Krishna anxiously with wide-open eyes, Dhritharashtra, with the help of others, came to greet expecting something very special from him. While his him. He embraced Krishna and was moving ahead of black curly hair and pearl-white teeth were attracting Krishna with the help of Bhishma, and Drona requested people, he turned towards Dhritharashtra. Krishna to occupy the seat of honour. Krishna did not occupy the seat of honour and told Drona that, as he The first words uttered by Krishna were that there very well knew, there were very learned and eminent should be peace between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Maharishis and yogis who were gathered in that He then said, “Let the two families of Kauravas and assembly to observe what was going to happen to the Pandavas remain friendly forever and establish peace peace and prosperity of the country; and it was not and prosperity in the world. The entire world wanted proper to offer the seat of honour to him. In accordance peace and this was the only word that they were looking with Krishna’s instruction, Bhishma called various for.” He further said that he had come there as a Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 85 86 Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, 1976 messenger and ambassador in the context of wanting to them than any kingdom which may or may not be peace. He did not stop at this. He went to Dhritharashtra given to them. Dharmaraja said that there were no and said that whatever was going to be decided in that reasons whatsoever for any hatred on the part of assembly was a matter of great concern to him and that Dhritharashtra towards the Pandavas. If there were any, Dhritharashtra should think carefully before arriving at they were prepared to come and ask for pardon from a decision. The Pandavas lost their father when they Dhritharashtra. When we hear such words from the were children. Such innocent children were brought up Pandavas, we see how good and how sacred they were. by Dhritharashtra, and he was responsible for their We will also realise that Krishna, the negotiator of well-being. The Pandavas were happy that, although peace, was in no way interested in promoting war. their natural father was not alive, there was someone who was affectionate to them. People, particularly students like you, should understand how much trouble Krishna took, and to Krishna went on to say, “Like your natural sons, what extent he went in the promotion of peace. All the you have looked after these adopted sons as well as kings and monarchs assembled in the hall heard all brought them up. It is not right for you to show hatred this; and while reflecting on the circumstances of towards such children whom you have yourself brought negotiations, their eyes were filled with tears of sorrow. up. In obedience to you, they were in a forest for All those who were sitting in the assembly were deeply twelve years; and they lived incognito for one year; moved at the noble qualities of Krishna who was and because you told them that you would give them showing great respect to the elders and great love to their kingdom if they came back after those years, they everyone.
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