F RIDAY , J ANUARY 19, 2018 Volume 10 Number 44 S ERVING E RICKSON , O NANOLE , W ASAGAMING , S ANDY L AKE , E LPHINSTONE , R OLLING R IVER , K EESEEKOOWENIN AND SU RROUNDING AREA FREE TAKE ONE Strathcla ir Co-op sells food store >> Sa le to loca lly ow n ed J& P G roceries ta kes effect Ap ril 8 MARCIE HARRISON So uth M o unta in Press With the sale of the Strathclair Co-op food store to locally owned J&P Groceries, Strath - clair will soon become a one-grocery-store town. Details of the sale, which was finalized on Jan. 7, were discussed at a pubic meeting on The Board Thursday, Jan. 18, along wanted to with the reasons behind it. make sure that In an interview prior to the meeting, Strath - th e co m m u n ity clair Co-op General COLOUR GUARD Manager Valerie Collins ha s a s tro n g CINDY MURRAY/FOR SOUTH MOUNTAIN PRESS said it wasn’t an over - A blue jay stands at attention, adopting the crest up, chest out posture befitting this winter colour guard. Of all the birds that brave the food store in night decision, and that elements during Manitoba’s coldest months, the blue jay provides the brightest flash of colour in a landscape dominated by white. Often the store’s inability to th e co m m u n ity referred to as aggressive, the blue jay is not always a welcome guest at backyard feeders. However, if you enjoy watching their colourful turn a profit was just antics, be sure to put out some peanuts, black oil sunflower seeds or corn. For those who want to go the extra mile, heated bird baths make one of several factors lo n g te rm , life easier for all bird species by providing accessible drinking water. taken into considera - tion. r a th e r th a n “The Board wanted to make sure that the risk losing both community has a strong food store in the com - - Valerie Collins munity long term, Strathclair Co-op A lifelong p a ssion for w oodw orking rather than risk losing both,” Collins said. General Manager When a food feasibil - >> L i s a C h e m e r i k a c r e a te s e v e r y th i n g f r o m d e c o r a ti v e a r t to f u n c ti o n a l f u r n i tu r e ity study was conducted, “it became very clear that there are not enough customers in our area CANDY IRW IN est was encouraged by her Nouveau’ influence,” she said, Proven and Jeff Kerr. for two food stores… even with 100 percent com - fo r So uth M o unta in Press grandfather, Sidney Proven, meaning a complex design with Proven’s urn featured a carv- munity support,” said Collins. who allowed her to “use up curving shapes and decorative ing of a fisherman and was lov - If I began this article writing what’s in the scrap pile and motifs. ingly made from an old fence DEAL STR U CK about passion and pleasure, you make something.” Some of Chemerika’s inspira- post from the gentleman’s long- Over the past several months, meetings were wouldn’t think it was going to “We lived in the same yard,” tion comes from nature, such as held property. held with John and Sharron Kang, owners of J&P be about woodworking, would she said, “so working with him the curving nautilus shell Kerr was a talented photog - Groceries Inc. A deal was struck for the sale of you? in his shop was a regular occur - shapes that drew me to want to rapher and Chemerika, copying the Co-op food store and equipment, with a pos - But for Lisa Chemerika, who rence.” write about her work. (If I one of his photos, burnt a pic - session date of April 8. lives with her partner Mike just Chemerika’s pieces are in - owned one, I think it would be ture of an owl on his burial urn, Collins said it’s a move that the Board of east of Ditch Lake, working triguing and run the gamut difficult to refrain from repeat- including a beautiful quote from Directors feels is in the best interest of everyone. with wood is about both – and a from practical and functional, to edly running my hands over the Kerr that said, “the day was Cutting down to one grocery store increases whole lot more. purely decorative art pieces. silky surface!) warm and the sun was bright.” the likelihood that the community of approxi- “It’s definitely my artistic Some, like her handmade furni - It has been said that creativ - “I’m inspired to work on pro - mately 270 will continue to have a successful food outlet,” she said, “and I come by ture, are a mixture of both, be - ity comes from the heart. That jects that mean something to store long term, said Collins. it naturally, as all my family are ing utilitarian and lovely simul - is certainly true of two special people,” she said. in the trades or are artists.” taneously. projects – wooden urns for the SEE LO CAL SALE , P2 Chemerika’s childhood inter - “My furniture has an ‘Art cremated remains of Harold SEE DE SIGN PR O CE SS , P3 • Prime Advertising Space FOR ONLY PLACE PLACE YOURYOUR • High Visibility • Full Color Ink Pricing valid ...first come- Oct. 1, 2017 to $79 AD AD HERE!HERE! first served! • Great Price! March 31, 2018 Contact us today to reserve this space! Ph. 204 759 2644 Ext. 2 Email: [email protected] 2 F RIDAY , J ANUARY 19, 2018 Lotto Numbers Friday, Jan. 12 L o ca l s a le fits Co -o p ’s te a m a p p ro a ch to co m m u n ity life •Lo tto Max Making the sale to a local fro m page 1 clair Co-op’s other depart - bers. nesses and services,” she 1, 8, 16, 19, 26, 34, 41, b o nus 10 business also fits in with the ments, which include the “We value and appreciate said, referring to the hotel, •Extra Co-op’s team approach to hardware store and lumber - our customers and hope that grocery store, lumberyard, 6024819 community life, she said, add - that we have to let three staff yard, bulk petroleum sales, they continue to support credit union, and post office. ing that it was important to go,” said Collins. ag site, and cardlock. John and Sharron to build a “Being a co-op means sup - Saturday, Jan. 13 the Board that the existing Co-op employees were in - “It became part of our de - stronger business,” said Col- porting the community and •Lo tto 6/49 building remain open and oc - formed of the sale on Jan. 9. cision making,” said Collins, lins, adding that for a com - supporting what’s here. We 21, 26, 32, 40, 42, 44, b o nus 12 cupied. “We wanted to allow them as adding that the growth and munity of its size, Strathclair want this to be a positive •W estern 6/49 “When an opportunity much time as possible to find development of product lines has a lot to offer. turn and to make sure there 4, 10 , 25, 29, 38, 41, b o nus 12 arises that we can work on an employment,” said Collins. will ensure that they will be “A lot of communities this is a strong food store for all •Extra arrangement that works best Although the food store here for the long term. size don’t have these busi - our community members.” 2556886 for everybody, it’s great that had been working hard to The Strathclair Co-op, we can do that,” said Collins. move into a profitable situa - which was formed 88 years Wednesday, Jan. 17 The only downside is the tion, Collins said it has lost ago, has $4 million in assets •Lo tto 6/49 loss of one part-time and two money for the past several and annual sales of $10 mil - 6, 24, 34, 39, 43, 44, b o nus 8 READER PHO TO OF THE W EEK full-time positions at the Co- years. This raised concerns lion. Total membership in •W estern 6/49 op food store. about protecting the equity of 2016 was 1,256 with 833 of 4, 7, 8, 17, 18, 39, b o nus 40 “It was with heavy hearts members involved in Strath - them being purchasing mem - •Extra 2848570 S OUTH M OUNTAIN P RESS Pro vin ce e xte n ds fre e ze o n co tta ge fe e s Pub lishe d every Frid a y. The Manitoba govern - for the services they receive ter’s part that will provide ment has extended its mora- and for the value of using an additional period of cost torium on increases to park provincial park land for certainty for cottagers. Member of th e : land lease and service fees their vacation retreats,” said “Also, it will allow the I Manitoba Co m m unity for cottages in provincial Sustainable Development continuation of current pro - Newspapers Asso c ia tio n parks for another two years. Minister Rochelle Squires ductive discussions we’ve I Ca na d ia n Co m m unity Initially established in said.
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