Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases Oidium mangiferae Berthet Fungi: Ascomycota: Erysiphales Compiled by CABI in association with EPPO www.cababstractsplus.org/dmpd Hosts: mango (Mangifera indica). Map No. 1081 Edition 1 Issued April 2010 C C C ( ( C ( C ( CC C C C( C ( C ( C( C ( ( C C ( C C ( C (( ( ( C ( ( ( C ( ( ( ( ( ( ( C C ( C ( C ( C ( ( Map No. 1081 ( Present: national recordC Present: subnational record CABI/EPPO (2010) Oidium mangiferae. Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases No. 1081. CABI Head Office, Wallingford, UK. ISSN 0012-396X© CAB International 2010 CABI is a trading name of CAB International April 2010 Oidium mangiferae Map No. 1081 (Edition 1) Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database, specimens in the IMI fungus collection and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only EUROPE Tiwari, R. K. S.; Ashok Singh; Rajput, M. L.; Bisen, R. K. (2006) Advances in Plant Sciences 19 (1), 181-183. Greece - X IMI (1990) [Pachmarhi]. Crete X Bourbos, V. A.; Skoudridakis, M. T. (1995) Plant Disease 79 (10), 1075. [First record. Glasshouse only.] Maharashtra X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, Spain - X India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Canary Islands X Hernandez Hernandez, J.; Gallo Llobet, L.; Jaizme Vega, M. C. (1985) Anales del Instituto Nacional Khaire, V. A.; Kolhe, D. S.; Patil, J. D. (1987) Haryana Journal of Horticultural Sciences 16 (3-4), de Investigaciones Agrarias, Agricola 28 (Suppl.), 171-180. 214-217. [Ganeshkhind.] Punjab X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional ASIA Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Bangladesh - X ProMED (2009) Mildew, mango - Bangladesh: (Rajshahi). Archive no.: 20090614.2207. http://www.promedmail.org. [Chapainawabganj district.] Verma, K. S.; Kaur, D. R. (1997) Plant Disease Research 12 (1), 28-29. China - X Li, G. Z.; Qin, D. G.; Wang, Y. L. (2003) South China Fruits 32 (3), 38. Sikkim X Srivastava, L. S. (2000) Journal of Hill Research 13 (1), 41. Guangdong X Zhuang, W. Y. (ed) (2001) Higher Fungi of Tropical China. Mycotaxon Ltd., Ithaca, NY, USA, 485 Tamil Nadu X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional pp. Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Yunnan X Zhuang, W. Y. (ed) (2001) Higher Fungi of Tropical China. Mycotaxon Ltd., Ithaca, NY, USA, 485 pp. Bappammal, M.; Hosagoudar, V. B.; Udaiyan, K. (1995) New Botany 22, 81-175. [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] India - X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, Uttar Pradesh X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Paul, Y. S.; Thakur, V. K. (2006) Indian Erysiphaceae. Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, India, 134 pp. [On monkeybush (Abutilon indicum). Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] Misra, A. K. (2001) Journal of Applied Horticulture (Lucknow) 3 (1), 63-68. [Lucknow.] Prakash, O. (2004) In: Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables Volume I (Ed. by Naqvi, S.A.M.H.), 511- Misra, A. K.; Prakash, O. M.; Ramasubramanian, V. (2004) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 619. Springer Netherlands, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 74 (2), 84-87. [Lucknow.] Andhra Pradesh X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Uttarakhand X Azizur Rahman, S. K. M.; Gajendra Singh (2002) Indian Journal of Plant Protection 30 (1), 63-66. Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, [Pantnagar.] India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. West Bengal X Kaiser, S. A. K. M.; Saha, B. (2005) Journal of Mycopathological Research 43 (2), 233-237. Delhi X Sinha, P.; Anupam Varma (2002) Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 10 (2), 291-294. [New Delhi.] Ray, S. K. (2003) Journal of Mycopathological Research 41 (2), 153-155. Gujarat X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Iran - X Zakii, Z.; Ershad, D.; Safavi, M. (1993) Applied Entomology and Phytopathology 60 (1-2), 30. [Tis.] Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, Iraq - X IMI (1976). India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Israel - X Palti, J.; Pinkas, Y.; Chorin, M. (1974) Plant Disease Reporter 58 (1), 45-49. Vala, D. G.; Solanky, K. U.; Desai, V. D.; Joshi, H. U. (1989) Acta Horticulturae 231, 544-548. Reuveni, M.; Harpaz, M.; Reuveni, R. (1998) European Journal of Plant Pathology 104 (9), 853-860. Haryana X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional [Golan region.] Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Reuveni, M.; Reuveni, R. (1995) Crop Protection 14 (4), 311-314. Gupta, P. C.; Dang, J. K. (1980) Indian Phytopathology 33 (4), 631-632. Myanmar - X Thaung, M. M. (2007) Australasian Plant Pathology 36, 543-551. [Source: http://nt.ars- grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] Himachal Pradesh X Sharma, I. M. (1992) Plant Disease Research 7 (2), 282-283. Nepal - X Dahal, G.; Amatya, P.; Manandhar, H. (1992) Revue of Plant Pathology 71, 797-807. [Source: Jammu and X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] Kashmir Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. IMI (1965) [Shreemahal]. Karnataka X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Pakistan - X Akhtar, K. P.; Khan, I. A.; Shakir, A. S.; Khan, S. M. (1998) Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology 10 Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, (1), 26-29. India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Ihsan, J.; Ahmed, I.; Sajid, M. N.; Muhammad, F.; Saleem, A. (1999) Pakistan Journal of Desai, S. A. (1998) Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 (1), 244-245. Phytopathology 11 (1), 67-69. [Punjab.] ProMED (2009) Powdery mildew and undiagnosed fungus - India (Karnataka). Archive no.: ProMED (2007) Powdery mildew, mango - Pakistan. Archive no.: 20070611.1900. 20090326.1177. http://www.promedmail.org. http://www.promedmail.org. [Punjab.] Saju George; Hegde, M. R.; Paripurna, A.; Balakrishna, B.; Khandekar, N. (2008) Environment and Raheel, M.; Anwar, S. A.; Javed, N.; Ilyas, M. B.; Iqbal, M.; Zia, A. (2008) Pakistan Journal of Ecology 26 (4A), 1718-1721. [Sreenivaspura taluk, Kolar district.] Phytopathology 20 (1), 173-174. Madhya Pradesh X Arora, R. K.; Ramanatha Rao, V. (eds) (1998) Proceedings of the IPGRI-ICAR-UTFANET Regional Taiwan - X Anon. (1979) List of plant diseases in Taiwan. Plant Protection Society, Beijing, China, 404 pp. Training Course on the Conservation and Use of Germplasm of Tropical Fruits in Asia, Bangalore, [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] India, 18-31 May 1997. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Page 2 April 2010 Oidium mangiferae Map No. 1081 (Edition 1) Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database, specimens in the IMI fungus collection and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only Thailand - X Limkaisang, S.; Cunnington, J. H.; Wui, L. K.; Salleh, B.; Sato, Y.; Divarangkoon, R.; Fangfuk, W.; McGuire, J. U. Jr.; Crandall, B. S. (1967) Survey of insect pests and plant diseases of selected food To-anun, W.; Takamatsu, S. (2006) Mycoscience 47, 327-335. [Source: http://nt.ars- crops of Mexico, Central America and Panama. International Agricultural Development Services, grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] ARS, USDA-AID, 157 pp. [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] Yemen - X IMI (1977). USA - X Anon. (2006) Importation of fresh mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.) from India into the continental United States: a qualitative, pathway-initiated pest risk assessment, APHIS-USDA, Raleigh, NC, USA, 99 pp. AFRICA California X BPI (1944) [Encinitas, San Diego County]. Egypt - X Nofal, M. A.; Haggag, W. M. (2006) Crop Protection 25 (5), 480-486. Florida X BPI (1934) [Ft. Myers]. IMI (1935) [Forashia]. Hawaii X Anon. (2009) Widely Prevalent Fungi of the United States. University of Georgia, Center for Invasive Ethiopia - X Castellani, E.; Ciferri, R. (1950) Mycoflora Erythraea, Somala et Aethipica Supplement 1. Atti Species and Ecosystem Health, Georgia, USA. http://www.prevalentfungi.org. dell'Istituto Botanico e del Laboratorio Crittogamico dell'Universita di Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 52 pp. ProMED (2009) Powdery mildew, mango - USA (Hawaii).
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