1910. CONGn:ESSION.AL .RECORD-HOUSE. 2405 "Byron H. Colburn, at Lawrence, 1llic11. rr'h-e communications a."l".e as fel1ows: William 'F. Crane, at "Manistique, .:Mich. lHouse "'.Document No. 271, Sixty-first ·Congress, second session,] l\fiohael H. Kern, at .. Menominee, 1\lich. U~AVAILABLE FUNDS, UNITED ST1'\..TES TREASURY. Glover E. Laird, at Mendon, .:Klich. LETTER ll'ROM '"'l'HE ACTING -8-ECRETARY OF 'THE TREASURY, TIU.rs:\IITTING A .Josia:h .C . .Richardson, at.Jackson, ~fich. C(>l!l\IUNTCATION "FROM THE TRE:ASUBER OF THE UNITED ·STATES RELATING TO ITEMS OF UNAVAILABLE 'FUNDS :REPORTED 'IN :IIIS GENERAL ACCOUNT. J"ohn .J. Saxton, .at ·:Famv-ell, .Mich. :TREASURY J>EBAB:TMENT, OFFICE OF ~HE cSECRElTARY, Thomas 'II. WlITwick, rrt 'Litchfieill, 1\Iich. -Washington, February -15, 1910 . .sm ·: I :have he lronur rto drnnsmlt herewith a communication -:from 'MTS SIS SIPPl. the TreaBUrer of ·the United :states, relating to items of una-vailable "'funds ·report-ed in his ·genei:al nccount. W. J. Price, at Meridian, 1\fiss. This communication sets forth the history of the deposits of public NEW JERSEY. moneys, ·:amounting to =-$28,101,644.91, -made with i:he -States under :the provisions of rthe act of Jun~ 23, 1836, and ·subsequent 'legislation James ::E. 13a1dwln, nt"Newton, N. "J. taking the control of 'these 'funds :trom th:e ~.rreasury Department. It seems rd:esirable and important -that the Congress should ;mact NEW YORK. legislation -that will ..finally ·dtiwose of -said deposits, an'd Jny recom­ mend!U:ion s made "for such ~tion. 1\fichael Gleason, at Carthage, ·N. N. Respectfully, CiilnIIBS ..D. NORTON, .Acting ·Bec1·etary • . :Joseph 0.gle, at 'Greenport, N. Y. •Hon . JA !ES .A. TAWNEY, :W.red E. Payne, .at ·Clinton, N. -::I.. House of Represe1itatives, Wa.sliington, :n. a. Jo'hn ::r. Roehrig, at Rosebank, -N. Y. TRFlA.SURY ~Eh... T, 'NOBTH CAROLINA.. DFFICE OF TREASURER OF !rHE UNITED S'I'ATE'S, Felix M. :McKay, at Duke, N. C. Was1iingtcm, Februarv 15, 1910. "'DE.AR Srn: 1: "have the ·honor ·to submit "for your consideration ·a ~EN. N£YLV" ANIA. statement relating to the deposits of public moneys, amounting to 28,101,64.4.Ul, made vtith the .States under the provisions of "the act of "Harley J". Barns, at A1bion, Pa. June 23, 1 36, sections 13 and 14 of which are .as .follows: " SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the money -which 11hall 'be Frank TI.. Cyphers, at •East ".Fittsburg, rPa. in the •.rreasury of the United Stai:es on the 1st day of January, 1837, ·sOUTH 'CAROLINA. reserving the ·sum •of $5,000,000, .shall ·be devosited with such of the several "States, in ~ proportian to their respective representation in the F. H. "Fetzer,:1i:t 1Greenwood, S. C. Senate and House .of .Representatives .of the United States, as shall, by "law, authorize their treasurers or other rompetent authorities to receive Ira S. Pitts, at Westminster, S. D. the same .on 'the terms he~einafter .specified; .a:na the ·Secretary of i:he -:Wlllia.m F. Jlice, .at :Denmark, S. ;c. Trea:sury shall oeliver the same ·to such treasurers, or other eompeten.t authorities, on ..receiving certificates of deposit here.for, signed by such 'SOUTH DAXDT".A.. conwete.nt authorities, .ln •snch form as _may be'J)rescribed by the Secre­ ::tary aforesaid; which :certificates shall ~ress the usual and legril George .A. Fehlman, ·at Frankfort, :S. nak. .obligations and pledge the faith of the Stai:es receiving the srune, to:1m.y ,John D. Lyon, at Hecla, S. Dalr. .the said .moneys .and every part thereof. .from :time to time, whenever J. 'l\Ielr.oy Staley, Clear !Lake, :S . .Da.k.. the same shall 1e ..required ,by 'the Secretary of the '£reasu.ry :for the at ,purpose of defraying .any we:nts of the Public Treasury, beyond "the WY.OMING. amount of the .live millions aforesaid: J>rovided., That if any ·state ·de­ .clines to ..I"eceive Jts .proportion of ~e surplus .utoresaid, on the terms :F • ..E. iRounds, ·.at ·Sundance, W-yo. De.fore named, the same shall be i:leposited with .the other States agree­ ing to a.ccept .the ..same on Cleposit Jn the proportion afore a.id : An.cl prcn;ided ftir.ther, That wnen said money, or any part .thereuf, shall 'be wanted by the safd Secretary to meet app:ropria.tions by law, the same shall be called for, in .ratable proportions within one _year, as nearly HOUSE OF REP.RESEN'J'.ATIVES. as conveniently .may be, 'from the dill'erent States with w11.ich the same is deposited, ana shall not be called for in sums exceeding $J.O~OOO .from F'RIDAY, February £.5, 1"910.. any one State in any one month without .previous notice 'Of thirty da:vs for every additional sum of $20,000 which may at any time be required. The House met at 1.2 o'clock ·noon. "Sxc. 14. And be it further enacte<l, 'rhat the said deposits shall be . R He N .co~;:i~ D made with the said States in the .following proportions, and at the fol- .The . 0 hap laID, . ev. Ill,'Y • ' uu.t:Il, • n., delivered ihe lowing times, tnvit·: One-gua:rter ·part on the 1st day of January, 1837, :following ·prayer : or .as soon thereafter .as may be ; one-quarter i>art on the 1st day of Our Father in heaven, we bless 'l'lty ·holy 'Ilame 'for that ;subtle, April, one-quarter part on -the ~st day of July, and one-quarter part on ..:i. -A-"bl · ..,,,._"CY n Jm a. n..'"h II --the ·1st ·day o'f. October, ·all in -the same 'Year." inu.eJ..LU.U.. e BOID;e:~o we a ow, z.11' W...u.u.:. -yve ·ca . love, the The amounts of >public i1rroneys ·transferred. to and depus1ted with the golden lirik -Which bmds us together into .:fa:milies, ·which 'IIlftk.es , -respective States under 1the foregoing ·provi:s1ons <we:i:e :as ::follows : home the aearest -~pot on earth; -the 'bond of .true ·friendshtP, -Maine.___________________________ $955, 838. 25 the .inBpiration to -patriotism, which :malrns the T.eal .citizen :and New Hampshire·----------------------- 669, o 6. 79 the i:rue statement; 'the ·basis of :pure Tellgion, wnich ·flowers :Vermont -------------------- 1369, 0 6."79 • ...-."hn thr hur"ty d J"usti alL Gi:T< G d 1Uassachuse.tts__________________ ~ 1, "338, 173. 58 m ,JJ--LU-Lan opy, c 1 , an ce 1 o · e ns, 0 o , .Connecticut_______________________ "i64., 670. 60 we beseech Thee, more love -that -w.e .may llave Jess .ha.te, illore _Rhode slaruL____________________ 382, ~35. 30 Jove ·that we .Jnay .have le -revenge, :more :loverrhat we may ihave New-York--:-------------------------------- A, 014, ~20. J1. al 1 th t fb G .l'l lik rm.- ..Fennsyhtruua___________________ , 67, <>14. 7-8 1 ess .Je ouiur, more ov-e u -we ma-y ecome · Ou- -e. J..J..U.Ongh ewJeraey_____________________________ 764, 670. 60 ;Jesus Christ, our Lord. .Amen. ·Ohio---------------------------------- 2, OO'Z,.260. 34 The !Tournal ·of :the ·proceedings ·ill :yesterday was eaa .a.na ·1 Ini;Ii"an::i.________________________________ ..860,254.44 d. · 1 Illmois---------------------------------------- 477, !>19. 14 .approve Michigan______________________________________ 2 G, 751. 49 UNAVAIL.ABLE ~CE IN !r.lIE TREASURY. I1 .Delaware-------------------------- .286, 751. 4!'.> 955 8 8 2 l\lr. TA."WNEY. nfr. ·Speaker, I ask :unanimous. consent. :to I Virgm1a_____________________________M.ar-:il~d....---------------· ---------- ..2, 198,• 4.27.~ · 99fi _present .to ·!11.e 'House "Uvo J.etters ftom ·the ~ecr.eta:ry of ·the North Carolina_______________________________ 1, 42.3, 757. :rn Treasury, g1vmg a full statement of ct:he !facts m regaFd to ·the -Efou~ Carollna_________________________________ '1, 0~1, 422. 09 ·unavailable ·balance, ·which has ·been discu sed here .at :t1lis .ses- Geor~!!;-------------------------------------- 1• Ot>1, 422· 09 .Alab___ ------------------ 66!l, 086. 7!) sion on several occasions, and ask flrat the sam.eJ>e ·printed .as a Louisi::ma________________________ 477, 919. 14 ··document and be :referred to the ·Committee -on .AJ;>propriatio:n.s. Missis.sippL------------------------ 38.2, 335. ~o "The SPEAKER. The gentleman frem ".Minnesota (.Mr. Tennessee---------·-------------------- l, 433, .757. 0 9 Kentucky------------------------------ l, 433, ,757,.39 TAWNEY] asks ·unanimous consent-to print ·c.ertain communica- 'J\Iissou:rL -------------------- 38.2, 33fi. 30 'lions from rthe Secretary ·af. 'the Treasury touching the matter Arkansas---------------------------------------- .286, .751. 49 1 referred ·to, as .a document, and that the "Same ·be :refer.red to :the TotaL---------------------------------- "28, 101. .64.4..iJl Committee on Appropriations. U'he e •deposits .reJ).reserrt but •three of the installments provided 1for 1\fr. CLARK .of Missouri. What are ;you going to do :with :it in :section 14 of the act of June 23, 1836.; when the um~ arrived ...fo.r after you get it printell? ·makjng the transfer .of the .fourth installment the ~ne.cessities ·.Of the General Govem.ment •wfil"e such that .it be.ca.me nec.e <:ary to po tpone Mr. TAWNEY. The Secretary of fhe Treasury .makes cer­ uch transfer, wnich •was .aone by Congress .in the .following enactment tain recommendations with ·.a view of ·disposing of it, ..so .1ar as (act of Oct. 2, ""183'7) .:: the books ·Of "the Treasury al.'e concerned, .and .he asked thrrt "Be it enacted, etc., That the transfer of the fourth installmPnt of depo its directed to be Jnade with .the States under the thirteenth sec­ consideration 'be given dt at this time. 1n .oraer that .it ·may tion of the act of "June 23, ~'836, be, and the ·:same is ·hereby, postponed be considered, I thought ·it •011ght ·to be printed as :a document, ' 'till the ·1st day ·of January, 1830: Provided, Th.at the three first in­ and it has been ·'Suggested that jt also ought :to .be !printed Jn ·sta.llments .under the lBaid .a.ct shall .remain ..on deposit .with the S.tates until otherwise directed .by Congress." ·the RECORD and .referred to "the committee.
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