GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL DIRECTORATE OF FORESTS OFFICE OF THE DIVISIONAL FOREST OFFICER, MEDINIPUR DIVISION. M. M. NAGAR, MIDNAPORE, Dist – Paschim Medinipur. Pin-721101. E-mail ID :: [email protected] Visit us :: www.medinipurforest.com NOTICE INVITING E -TENDER E- TENDER NOTICE NO. WB/FOR/DFOMD / REVENUE/MD/WBFDC/ nd /eNIT _101 to 115/CFC/FOR of 2019-20-2 Call OF THE DIVISIONAL FOREST OFFICER, MEDINIPUR DIVISION FOR CARRIAGE FOREST PRODUCE (CFC) . Every Year Medinipur Division is harvesting successfully near about 500 ha of Sal and Plantation CFC Forest area from Sal Coppice with standard working Circle and Development Working Circle as per the approval of Working Plan. Felling logging, Carrying, stacking, and disposal of those forest produces, are the part of this harvesting operation. As a considerable amount is spent in carriage works, and in pursuance to the G.O No-5400-F(Y) dt 25/6/12 and its subsequent amendment No-2254-F dt 24/4/14, the Ex-Officio Divisional Manager, W.B.F.D.C. Ltd. & D.F.O., Medinipur Division , Midnapore, on behalf of Governor of West Bengal, invites e-Tender CLUSTER WISE, SERIAL WISE from bonafide, resourceful suppliers/contractors for the Carriage of forest produce (CFC) during the year 2019-20, as per following location details & estimates/rate chart. Bill will be prepared as per approved Rate Chart and bill will be released complying with the percentage quoted by the successful tenderer. Bidders should quote the rate by percentage on estimated amount. Total bill may be increased or decreased on estimated value as per produce available/carried by the bidders. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com CLUSTER DETAILS: Price of Technical & Financial Bid Area of Operation Estimated documents and Amount Earnest Nit other annexures Period of Name of the work (Rs.) Money No Completion Exclusive all (Rs.) (Rs.) only for the Taxes L1 at the time of Mouza - JL No Sal Dev Award of Contract/ AOC Carriage of forest Borakhuli - 398 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Borakhuli - 398 10 101 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 7,50,000.00 15,000.00 31.03.2020 Buramara - 688 10 2019-20 TOTAL : 0 30 Carriage of forest Dalang - 56 20 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 102 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 5,00,000.00 10,000.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 TOTAL : 0 20 Bhutasole, 10 Kadamdiha Daha - Carriage of forest 212,Kadamdiha 1.5 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 103 Rs. 1,000.00 Daha - during the year 8,12,500.00 16,250.00 31.03.2020 212,Kadamdiha 1 2019-20 Moupal - 249 5 Nonasole - 196 15 TOTAL : 16 16.5 Dhanyasole - 502 10 Carriage of forest K.J-513 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 104 Rs. 1,000.00 Garmal - 214 during the year 8,75,000.00 17,500.00 31.03.2020 10 2019-20 K.j-227 5 TOTAL : 0 35 Amajharna - 61 10 Dharrasole - 62 5 Carriage of forest Injilikachak - 123 5 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 105 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 8,75,000.00 17,500.00 31.03.2020 Injilikachak - 123 5 2019-20 K J. Tailakhapur - 10 130 TOTAL : 30 5 sundarlata - 7 Amarjharna – 61 10 Carriage of forest produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 106 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 5,00,000.00 10,000.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 Sundarlata- 7 10 TOTAL : 20 0 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Price of Technical & Financial Bid Area of Operation Estimated documents and Amount Earnest Nit other annexures Period of Name of the work (Rs.) Money No Completion Exclusive all (Rs.) (Rs.) only for the Taxes L1 at the time of Mouza - JL No Sal Dev Award of Contract/ AOC Carriage of forest Karsa-738 20 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 107 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 5,00,000.00 10,000.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 TOTAL : 0 20 Carriage of forest Samarmara-715 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Samarmara-715 5 108 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 6,25,000.00 12,500.00 31.03.2020 Shyampur-726 10 2019-20 TOTAL : 10 15 Astakola - 388 10 Carriage of forest Bhagabatichak - 4 242 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 109 Rs. 1,000.00 Anandapur - 459 3 during the year 4,75,000.00 9,500.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 Joggeswarpur - 2 465 TOTAL : 0 19 Carriage of forest Ajnasuli - 860 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 110 Rs. 1,000.00 Anandanagar - 69 20 during the year 7,50,000.00 15,000.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 TOTAL : 30 0 Carriage of forest Bandi - 28 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Jangal Khas - 785 10 111 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 7,50,000.00 15,000.00 31.03.2020 Jungal Khas - 785 10 2019-20 TOTAL : 30 0 Carriage of forest Kaptabankati - 427 20 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within 112 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 5,00,000.00 10,000.00 31.03.2020 2019-20 TOTAL : 20 0 Carriage of forest Bagakhulia - 354 10 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Ketara - 433 15 113 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 8,00,000.00 16,000.00 31.03.2020 Ukhla - 358 7 2019-20 TOTAL : 32 0 Carriage of forest Bansbandhi - 145 4 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Bansbandhi - 145 3 114 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 3,00,000.00 6,000.00 31.03.2020 Teltoka - 439 5 2019-20 TOTAL : 5 7 Carriage of forest Bankisole-131 15 produce (CFC) Rs. Rs. Within Pukuriasole-43 10 115 Rs. 1,000.00 during the year 8,75,000.00 17,500.00 31.03.2020 Hartora-130 10 2019-20 TOTAL : 25 10 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Details of CFC Area Area OF Sl. Name of F.P.C. Operation (in ha) Range Depot Beat Mouza/JL No No. FPC Sal Dev 1 Arabari Arabari Mirga Asmanchowk Borakhuli - 398 10 Borakuli 2 Arabari Arabari Mirga Baghdora Borakhuli - 398 10 Tilakuila Nepura 3 Arabari Arabari Arabari Buramara - 688 10 Kuerkhal 4 Arabari Arabari Gopalband Dalang Dalang - 56 20 Range Total : 0 50 5 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Bhutasole Bhutasole,Kadamdiha 10 6 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Daha Daha - 212,Kadamdiha 1.5 7 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Daha Daha - 212,Kadamdiha 1 8 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Moupal Moupal - 249 5 9 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Nonasole Nonasole - 196 15 10 Bhadutala Bhadutala Bhadutala Kuturia Dhanyasole - 502 10 11 Bhadutala Bhadutala Bhadutala Balijuri K.J-513 10 12 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Garmal Garmal - 214 10 13 Bhadutala Bhadutala Moupal Bagmari K.j-227 5 Range Total : 16 51.5 14 Chandra Chandra Chandra Sirshi Amajharna - 61 10 15 Chandra Chandra Chandra Jamdahara Dharrasole - 62 5 16 Chandra Chandra Gurguripal Nayagram Injilikachak - 123 5 17 Chandra Chandra Gurguripal Nayagram Injilikachak - 123 5 18 Chandra Chandra Gurguripal Enayetpur K J. Tailakhapur - 130 10 sundarlata - 7 19 Chandra Chandra Dherua 10 Chanpasol Amarjharna - 61 20 Chandra Chandra Dherua Sundarlata Sundarlata- 7 10 Range Total : 50 5 21 Chandrakona Andharnayan Kanthaldiha Karsa Karsa-738 20 22 Chandrakona Andharnayan Andharnayan Andharnayan Samarmara-715 10 23 Chandrakona Andharnayan Andharnayan Andharnayan Samarmara-715 5 24 Chandrakona Andharnayan Andharnayan Shyampur Shyampur-726 10 Range Total : 10 35 Astakola 25 Godapiasal Godapiasal Anandapur Astakola - 388 10 Dhakkata 26 Godapiasal Godapiasal Ghagrasole Kuchakola Bhagabatichak - 242 4 27 Godapiasal Godapiasal Godapiasal Maheswaripur Anandapur - 459 3 28 Godapiasal Godapiasal Godapiasal Joggeswarpur Joggeswarpur - 465 2 Range Total : 0 19 29 Lalgarh Jhitka Bhaudi Ajnasuli Ajnasuli - 860 10 30 Lalgarh Jhitka Bhaudi Hatimora Anandanagar - 69 20 31 Lalgarh Jhitka Jhitka Bandi Bandi - 28 10 32 Lalgarh Jhitka Lalgarh Podiha Jangal Khas - 785 10 33 Lalgarh Jhitka Lalgarh Tarki Jungal Khas - 785 10 Range Total : 60 0 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Charka - 34 Midnapore Bhadutala Baghasole Jamira - Kaptabankati - 427 20 Amsole Range Total : 20 0 35 Nayabasat Nayabasat Akchara Bagakhulia Bagakhulia - 354 10 36 Nayabasat Nayabasat Akchara Ketara Ketara - 433 15 37 Nayabasat Nayabasat Akchara Ukhla Ukhla - 358 7 38 Nayabasat Nayabasat Kiyamacha Bansbandhi Bansbandhi - 145 4 39 Nayabasat Nayabasat Kiyamacha Bansbandhi Bansbandhi - 145 3 40 Nayabasat Nayabasat Nayabasat Bengaisole Teltoka - 439 5 Range Total : 37 7 Hirasole 41 Pirakata Ranja Ranja Bankisole-131 15 Bankisole 42 Pirakata Ranja Ranja Pukuriasole Pukuriasole-43 10 43 Pirakata Ranja Ranja Ranja Hartora Hartora-130 10 Range Total : 25 10 GRAND TOTAL 218 177.5 Estimation Average Carriage cost of Forest Produce for the year 2019-20 SAL CFC Plnt. CFC Sl. 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Range No. Expenditure in Expenditure in Expenditure in Expenditure in Expenditure in Expenditure in Area Area Area Area Area Area c/w carriage c/w carriage c/w carriage c/w carriage c/w carriage c/w carriage 1 Nayabasat 52 12,67,135.00 80.5 14,00,471.00 30 3,06,516.00 15 2,93,339.00 0 - 2 Chandrakona 10 2,36,133.00 20 3,66,911.00 15 1,31,140.00 60 25,29,641.00 0 - 30 2,51,743.00 3 Chandra 30 7,57,316.00 35 8,65,128.00 55 10,41,581.00 23 4,50,784.00 7 43,991.00 20 1,65,840.00 4 Midnapore 0 - 0 - 20 4,04,528.00 55 25,11,607.00 40 9,16,296.00 5 Godapiasal 10 2,86,581.00 25 3,82,847.00 23.5 3,76,351.00 6 72,122.00 0 - 6 Bhadutala 60 14,04,072.00 40 13,26,802.00 25 3,92,087.00 20 4,57,371.00 35 2,41,354.00 7 Pirakata 85 28,76,614.00 33 12,62,949.00 50 11,21,916.00 15 71,240.00 0 - 10 97,416.00 8 Lalgarh 40 13,99,067.00 5 1,00,001.00 39 9,90,278.00 20 2,38,146.00 0 - 5 92,574.00 9 Arabari 0 - 8 1,38,044.00 7 1,09,801.00 10 1,18,445.00 0 - TOTAL :: 287 82,26,918.00 247 58,43,153.00 220 40,77,583.00 194 45,70,332.00 82 30,12,969.00 140 17,65,223.00 Average Expenditure for Carriage of 28,665.22 23,704.47 18,576.69 23,558.41 36,743.52 12,608.74 Forest Produce per Ha :: Average of 3 Year's Expenditure for 23,648.79 24,303.56 Carriage of Forest Produce per Ha :: Add increase rate & 1351.00 696.00 other factors Total :: 25,000.00 25,000.00 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial :: http://www.docudesk.com Estimate/Rate Chart Carriage Rate for Harvested CFC Produce during 2019-20 Distance from Sl.
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