Vol. VI. No. 9 ~ 25 RADIO STATION KWTO, SPBINGFIELD, MISSOUBI APRIL, 1947 BLACK IS BACK FIRST SINGING BEE WINNERS KORN'S-A-KRACKIN' WINNING AT OLD STAND FRIENDS FOR OZARK REGION IN NEW JO,B THROUGHOUT U.S. CONTINENT 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[:J The kid from Calico Rock has Six Little Wo,rds Springfield Businessman Finds retur ned to KWTO. "Lou" Hometown Well-Known Black , after a sever al months so­ Wins Cash Prize Coast-To-Coast journ in the t all corn of I owa during which he was homesick Fifty dollars for .six words is That "Korns-A-Krackin' " is the for t he sweet corn of Missouri, very profitable authorship; just Ozarks best spokesman, chamber has r eturned to the Ozarks fa­ a bit more than eight dollars a of commerce, salesman of good vorite radio station as manager word. And there's many a strug- will, and chief ballyhoo artist, gling writer sweating for one is being proved everyday in of t he artist's bureau. cent a word. But fifty dollars is plenty of ways. Just recently, just exactly what six words net- Mr. C. I. Stafford, of the Stafford t ed Mrs. Mattie M. Barrett, 320 Operation Company at Spring­ Nichols Street, Springfield, Mis- field's Union Stockyards, returned In t he center smiles t he Hundreds of inquiries and _ap­ souri, in the Dial's March Lim- from a six-week tour of 24 eas­ "m arrying parson of t he Ozarks", plications have been received for erick Contest. Congratulations, tern and southern st at es. M r. the Reverend Gabriel Newman, the Greater Ozark Gospel Singing Mrs. Barrett. Stand by for your Stafford r eports that · in almost director of KWTO's Gospel Sing­ Bee and large crowds jam into chance to win the $125.00 Bluova 100 per cent of t he places he r e­ ing Bee broadcast from the stage the Shrine .Mosque to watch the wrist watch at the end of the gistered or showed his credentials of Springfield's Shrine Mosque contestants broadcast their wares. year. with his home-town listed, per- every Saturday night from 9 :00 No definite time limit has been One year subscriptions to the sons immediately recognized to 9 :30 p. rrt., just befor e "Korn's­ set for the Singing Bee but Dial went to the following for the Springfield, Missouri. Mr. Staf-­ A-Krackin' ." Surrounding him KWTO plans to continue it as ten next best last lines in the ford said he discovered the reason are t he happy winners of the first long as public interest justifies. March contest: L. E. Newton, for this immediate recognition Saturday night session of the Ent ries in the first session wer e Springfield; Mrs. Carl Weaver, was that they all listen to the Singing Bee, t he Melody Four t he Str afford Trio, the Bellview Oronogo; Mrs. Lucille Barr ett, coast to coast broadcast of Quartet from Harrison, Arkan­ T rio, t he Uzell Duo, the Woodrum Ash Grove; Mrs. Arie Watson, "Korn's-A-Krackin'" over the sas. · Each Saturday's winners Duo from F air Grove, the More­ Lebanon; Mrs. Emma Chalmers; Mutual Broadcasting System. are awarded $5©.00 in cash to be lock Quar tet from F air Grove, Springfield; Roa Davis, Lebanon; Mr. Stafford said that when he used by t he chur ch, organization the Stevers Mixed Quartet, and Dr. Jesse Sargent, Springfield; was transacting some business in or community r epresented by the the winners, the Melody Four Mrs. Lester Sisney, Pontiac; a bank in Canada that required from Harrison, Arkansas. winner. Freda Francis, Republic; and Mrs. him to give his address, the ban­ Hugh Monger, Gr een Forest, kers enthusiastically told him Manes· Hot Shots Arknsas. they listened to the KWTO net- Breakfast Club There's another Dial Limerick work show every Saturday night. Score Another Win in this issue of the Dial with a Similar -incidents occured in Old Visits Big Town chance for you to win $50.00 in Mexico, Mr. Stafford reported. The whirling, twirling, heel­ cash and an opportunity to become "Korn's-A-Krackin'" further On Two-Week Tour the proud owner of a $125.00 affable "Lou" kickiryg Wright Cou'nty Hotshots spread the fame of the Ozarks in from Manes, Missouri, proved Bulova wrist watch at the end of a recent issue of Variety Maga­ they were true champion~ when the year. So be sure to enter the zine, the most important publica­ "Lou," of course, will be right Toastmaster Don McNeil and they outdanced the prancing, Dial Limerick Contest. tion in the radio, stage and screen at home with KWTO and he will the entire star cast of the Amer- dancing square-dance eight from world. Under "Radio Reviews", , be right in his element managing ican Broadcasting Company's Lebanon, Missouri, on the stage Oueen City Queen Variety listed "Korn's-A -Krack­ the whirligig activities of Breakfast Club will entrain for of Springfield's Shrine Mosque in'" with the names of all mem­ their annual two-weeks, gala in­ KWTO's large talent staff. "Lou" Saturday, March 22, just before bers of the cast and production vasion of New York and probably the coast to coast broadcast of staff, and then published the fol­ has probably played every school several other eastern cities, be­ "Korn's-A-Krackin' ." lowing review: house, meeting place and theater ginning Monday, April 21, and ex­ The Lebanon team, 1946 win­ "Title of.this show ain't a-foolin'. in the Ozarks area and has won tending through Friday, May 2. thousands upon thousands of ners of the Greater Ozarks Poured straight out of the cider friends for his smiling affability McNeill will be accompanied by Square Dance Championship, dis­ jug, this half-hour session of and homespun humor. '"Lou's" songstress Patsy Lee, Aunt Fanny played superior performance and Ozark mountain culture has a new duties will be many and (Fran Allison), Cruising Crooner smooth professional ability; but genuine flavor of the backwoods varied but they · will r,esolve Jack Owens, Sam (Almanac the Hotshots, buoyed up and ex­ which, to the natives, should chiefly around that complex hu­ Man) Cowling, Maestro Ed Bal­ uberant over their recent winning sound as natural as a Saturday man element - temperament. lantine, and Producer Cliff Peter­ of the 1947 crown, really set the night social. Pace of this show is terrific with more than a dozen "Lou" first entered radio in sen. stage afire with their enthusiasm. performers wheeling up to the 1926 when the broadcasting bus­ The Breakfast Clubber's annual Both teams were truly 9f cham­ mike in a succession of fancy iness was yet a baby. He has eastern tour is one of the most pionship calibre but the audience fiddling, yodeling, crooning, har­ grown up with the industry and celebrated of radio junkets. In­ gave the nod most emphatically When one of America's "big monicaing and harmonizing. An­ knows all its ins and outs. ~n variably, the crowds that turn to the Hotshots and they waltzed name" bands appears in Spring­ other positive feature is the min­ those early days "Lou" gained out for every broadcast far ex­ away with the winner-take-all field's Shrine Mosque on Thurs­ ceeds the capacity of any studio $100 award. day night, April 17, it will be imal gabbing between numbers. (Continued on PAGE SIX) On the reviewed session (25), in existence. Last year to ac­ home-coming for a local girl. commodate clamoring New Yo:r­ The band scheduled for the typical fare was Ann Ryan's kers, the program originated in IMPORTANT NOTICE Mosque is Russ Carlyle's, and vo­ warbling of "Don't Let It Bother H AP P Y B IR TH'DAY _Madison Square Garden. The calist for Russ' famous orchestra You," a hillbilly quartet version of "California, H ere I Com e," a 17,000 fans , who packed that Don't miss an issue! If the is Mary Mae Morgan. Mary Mae cidered-up rendition of "A Tisket­ April 16, 1947 arena witnessed spectacular cir­ numbers 4-47 appear after was in high school in Springfield this time last year. Since, she's A Tasket'' by a vocal trio, instru­ Major Gillett cus stunts without precedent in your name on the address "made good" with a fine orches­ mental number s by a fiddle quin­ r adio. label at the top of page 8, tra and has been heard on every tet, mandolin players and the like. your subscription to t he Dial April 25. 1947 Several unique broadcasts are coast-to-coast net work broadcast Bill Ring handles the emcee job expires with this issue. Renew Ralph Foster planned for New Yorkers on the feat uring the Carlyle band since with a clipped and t wangy now! (Continued on PAGE SIX) last November. humor." ~H'Tv;e;zo~ PAGE TWO = = === ============~DI· ,,,:!!~, __ e,J;., ==============~~~APRIL, 1947 Edi torial room is Office of t he P r ogr am Director, 508 St. Louis T he Spotlight swings around, Street, Springfield, M issouri. changed his life. We mean t he leave of Smoky, and headed back a nd picks up for the April edition, bow belonging to Cupid. The my­ hom e to the Ozarks. H e didn't The subscri ption price is 75c per year, payable in advance. one Buster F ellows,· a fast-fid­ t hical creatur e aimed an arrow quite m ak e it to the fa rm near dlin', r ed-headed r ambler who's a straight at Buster's heart, and Bolivar.
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