CURRENT FOCUS VOLUME 7, NUMBER 1 A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF EMMANUEL COLLEGE SEPTEMBER 1996 Meet the New Dean of Students SEP 231996 Rebecca A. Consentino September is a hectic time Emmanuel ·;:i ------. tion and a Making Changes }) on college campuses. There are students as philosophy Before school started, many new classes, new homework, much as similar to improvements were made to the new policies, and new faces. possible. Emmanuel's. St. Joseph Hall, the domi"in which most on-campus Amidst the many new faces on "It is clear Prior to that, Emmanuel students live. The campus this fall is Dr. Patricia to me that she was walls of all the rooms were Rissmeyer, Emmanuel College's the stu- Residence painted, and the lighting in the Dean of Students. dents want Director of hallways was greatly improved. Dr. Rissmeyer comes to the Dean Crampton at Because of Dr. Rissmeyer's Emmanuel College with a of Students UMass experience in Residence Life, strong background in both to listen to Amherst. "I Sr. Janet and Sr. Pat Johnson Student Life and Residence their con- liked it there, asked her opinion on the condi­ Life. For the past eight years, cerns and contrary to tion of the Residence Halls. "My opinion was that we defi­ she was Dean of Students at to represent all the stereo­ nitely needed to do some work," Canisius College in Buffalo, their interests and.needs," she types of it being 'Zoo Mass,'" Dr. Rissmeyer says. "Students where she was in charge of the says. "I consider that a big part she says. had "complained to me about the student center, multi-cultural of my job." And Dr. Rissmeyer is glad lighting in particular -- and I programs, judicial systems, and Before her experience at that she has so much Residence could see for myself that the helping students. She explains Canisius College, Dr. Life experience. She says, painting needed to be done. In with a smile, "I was probably Rissmeyer was Director of - "According to Sr. Janet response to [Sr. Janet and Sr. the first person students thought Residence Life and Housing at [Eisner], one of the reasons I Pat's] question, I suggested about seeing when they needed St. Mary's College in Notre was hired here at Emmanuel is improvements in that area; and Sr. Janet was kind enough to help." Dame, a Catholic women's col­ because I have a strong back­ find the money to do so. We set She is ready to help lege with a big resident popula- ground in Residenc.e Life." Please see Rissmeyer, page 3 Sparse student turnout at Convocation Erica LaFreniere Convocation is traditionally she remembered more people During his speech, Dr. a time for the college to stol? its attending the event her fresh­ Crandall made an interesting daily routine and gather togeth­ man year, during the 75th statement: he compared the er as a community to officially anniversary of the college, when metamorphosis of a butterfly to open the new academic year. it was held outside. the Emmanuel women. "As a Students are given this time off Despite the lack of student caterpillar emerges into a but­ from classes in order to make representation in the audience, terfly, Emmanuel women their participation possible. the event still progressed emerge as educated women." This year, Convocation was smoothly. The event opened Sister Janet Eisner, SND, held on Thursday, September 5, with the academic procession of President of Emmanuel College, in the auditorium. The faculty faculty and administration recognized the Presidential and administration were pre­ dressed in their colorful acade­ Scholarship recipients, Melissa sent, but very few students mic attire. Eckhardt, Christina Haeussler, attended. Where Hillary Johnston, and Natalia were all the stu­ Piller. dents during The class colors were pre­ Convocation? sented by Dr. Patricia Students who Rissmeyer, Dean of Students, were asked why and representatives from each they did not attend class carried in their banners. gave very vague The ceremony closed with the answers. They singing of the Alma Mater, led were "at work," by Louise Cash. they "went to Convocation, though it was lunch ... " or they brief and disappointingly unat­ simply had no tended, was a good attempt to interest in attending. The main speaker was Dr. carryon a tradition of opening Daria Perreault, a junior, G. Douglas Crandall, the most the start of a new academic did attend Convocation. She recent recipient of the Faculty year. Next year, perhaps, stu­ said, "I went to support my Excellence Award. He made dents will recognize the imp or- - roommate, Linda Cleary, who reference to his own first convo­ tance of taking more pride ,in was speaking on behalf of the cation in 1959, and spoke of the the Emmanuel College tradi­ Student Government importance of school prid~ and tion. Association." She stated that of setting and achieving goals. PAGE 2 THE CURRENT FOCUS - SEPTEMBER 1996 OPINION The disadvantages of being a commuter Tahisha Pascascio .. When I was first accepted one room and watch 90210, or being a resident. I was hoping for myself and other com­ to Emmanuel College, I was Melrose Place (a form of to still have the floor parties, muters, taking the "T" at those looking forward to experiencing female bonding). I felt like I movie showings, and aerobic times, especially on Halloween college life: parties, campus belonged at Emmanuel. classes. Now, I see that com­ night, is not safe at all. This is clubs, living in the dorm, basi­ Believe it or not, I actually did­ muters have to settle for pump­ not the first time I wanted to cally everything. I was pre­ n't want to go home for summer kin 'carvings in the commuter ·attend an event and couldn't go, pared to take advantage of break. We had just as much fun lounge, and watching a televi­ and I'm sure it will not be the everything college had to offer. as it appeared the orphan~ sion with lines across the last. In the spring semester of sometimes had in the musical screen. I also discovered the Having been a resident and 1993, I was officially an Annie (instead of Miss commuter's way to get a good a now being commuter, I can Emmanuel student. Living in Hannigan, we had R.A.'s). aerobic workout: jumping up understand even more the views St. Joseph's dormitory was Nonetheless, I had to go home, and down while dodging the commuters have about this exciting. There was no activity but I was looking forward to mice in the commuter lounge. issue. As a resident, I felt I I couldn't get involved in. I coming back. So it seems that Emmanuel belonged; as a commuter, I feel was able to get involved in Due to some financial residents have more access to like an outsider. When I first clubs (because most of the problems, I could no longer live events. ·Commuters do not came to Emmanuel, I wanted to meetings were conveniently on campus during the fall seem to be noticed or even get a dose of college life. Now held in the foyer of St. Joe's), semester of 1993. It bothered cared about when events are it seems the good campus life is floor parties, movie showings, me at first, but I thought that being planned. There are hard­ just for residents. As a com­ and aerobic classes. I especial­ maybe'my campus fun would ly any events that commuters muter, I feel like I'm at ly liked the times when a group still be the same. can go to because of schedul­ Emmanuel just to attend classes of us girls would get together in BOY WAS I WRONG! ing. For instance, Emmanuel and nothing else. Commuters Now, the events I can get had a Haunted House on cam­ need to have the full college involved in are limited, because pus last Halloween from 9 pm experience just as well as resi­ most are held too late. Such to 12 am. I really wanted to dents. Commuters are missing events include class meetings, attend, as did other commuters, out on the fun and excitement I the annual international hospi.­ but the scheduled times made it know Emmanuel can offer. It's tality night, and midnight break­ impossible. It's much more too bad that some students fast. There is barely anythi ng convenient for re ident to appear to be getting more col­ going on for commuters, com­ attend because it's just across lege offerings than others. pared to what I experienced the campus from the dorm. But Editorial: So long, farewell! In this issue of The Current Emmanuel, we thought we'd very interested in publishing. Focus, we welcome three new take thi s opportunity to thank So she is taking advantage of a fac ulty members to the her for all her help. good opportu nity and will work Emmanuel College Community. Rhonda is the college's for Addison-Wesley, a publish­ They are.Dr . Patricia Rissmeyer, Public Relations Specialist. She ing company, as a marketing Dean of Students; Father graduated from Emmanuel in assistant. Her last day at Richard Clancy, our chaplain; 1993, and has been working Emmanuel is September 20; she and John Haeussler, director of here the past three years. In starts her new job on September the Emmanuel Singers and of addition to all her P.R. responsi­ 23, and hopes that in a couple the Fall Production, The Sound bilities, Rhonda has always of years, she will be involved in of Music.
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