P: +61 7 3346 645• E: [email protected] AUGUST 2017 • ISSUE 41 SPOTLIGHT ON R2P High Level Advisory Panel on the Responsibility to Protect Public Seminars in Southeast Asian Capitals Overview The HLAP Report crimes against humanity, the four In its Report on Mainstreaming the In the context of ASEAN member crimes covered by R2P. Dr. Surin Responsibility to Protect in South- states’ commitment to establish Pitsuwan, Chair of the HLAP and for- east Asia, the High-Level Advisory a peaceful, just, democratic, peo- mer Secretary-General of ASEAN, Panel on R2P in Southeast Asia ple-centred and caring community, stresses that the principle is not an (HLAP)1 sets forth the importance the HLAP Report’s primary purpose alien concept or contrary to ASEAN for ASEAN member states to imple- is to underscore the importance of norms. Anchored in existing inter- ment the Responsibility to Protect mainstreaming the R2P principle national law, it is not in conflict with in their effort to building a commu- in the region. On their pathway to- but instead complements traditional nity of caring societies. Since the wards this vision, R2P can con- norms of sovereignty and non-inter- Report’s presentation at the UN in tribute to promoting shared values ference, as it recognizes the primary September 2013, a series of public related to the protection of human responsibility of governments within seminars have taken place in vari- lives, adopting measures to end states. It is in symbiosis with ASEAN ous capitals in the region to promote human suffering, and in building in- values, its institutional mechanisms, awareness of the principle and im- stitutions to protect human beings and already a fundamental aspect plement the Report’s recommen- from violence and from genocide, of its mandate. As an analytical tool, dations in their individual contexts. war crimes, ethnic cleansing and R2P can further make the existing 1 The Panel consists of a small group of eminent persons. It is chaired by Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, who served as Secretary-General of ASEAN from 2008 until 2013, as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs in Thailand (1997-2001) and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (1995-1997). Other members of the Panel are Hung Nguyen Duy, who has served as the Representative of Vietnam in the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission for Human Rights, Dr. Makarim Wibisono, who was Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation from 2011-2013, Marina Mahathir, a prominent social activist and leader in many NGOs, such as the Malaysian AIDS Foundation, and Dr. Alberto Romulo, who served as Chairman of ASEAN in 2007 during his term as Foreign Secretary of the Philippines AP R2P / Building 39A / School of Political Science and International Studies / The University of Queensland / St Lucia Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia P1 mechanisms more effective, such • Promotion of young leaders’ di- Post. Dr. Pranee Thiparat, Assistant as carrying out the human protection alogue on atrocity prevention in Professor at the Department of Inter- mandates of the ASEAN Internation- the region. national Relations, Faculty of Politi- al Governmental Commission on cal Science, Chulalongkorn Univer- Human Rights (AICHR), the ASEAN Contextualizing R2P sity and Thailand country program Commission on the Promotion of The question of how the Report’s coordinator of the Centre, chaired Protection of Women and Children recommendations can be operation- the seminar. Dr. Noel M. Morada, (ACWC), and the ASEAN Institute alized in the national and regional the Centre’s Director for Regional for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR). contexts is at the heart of the series Diplomacy, delivered the welcome remarks on behalf of the Centre. However, R2P needs to be contex- of public seminars that conducted tualized and properly understood in the region since the Report was In his presentation, Dr. Surin stated through dialogue, building public launched in the UN in New York in that in the context of Thailand, R2P awareness and deeper knowledge, September 2014. The series was may be applied if small conflicts — and engaging various stakeholders organized by the Asia Pacific Cen- particularly ethnic or identity-based at the national and regional levels in tre for the Responsibility with the — are not resolved and escalate order to promote and implement the support of local institutional partners into crises. He added that R2P also principle. The Report therefore con- in Southeast Asia. It serves the pur- speaks to the issue of extending hu- tains a set of recommendations that pose of continuing the promotion of man rights protection for refugees could contribute to advancing the prin- public awareness and regional diplo- who are non-citizens in the country. ciple in the Southeast Asian context: macy by bringing together relevant stakeholders and fostering dialogue At a national level the norm has At the regional level: on the question of how the norm rarely been discussed, while the concept is in line with human rights • The importance of early warn- can be implemented. In what ways protection. Although Thailand has no ing mechanisms to develop and can the individual ASEAN member objection to the concept, it has not strength the capacity of ASEAN states contribute to advancing the been active in promoting the norm for atrocity prevention and man- norm and building capacities on the at home. Among the salient points agement; regional and national levels to pre- vent atrocities? What role can vari- raised by the discussants were: • Regional consultations and ex- ous local actors play in raising pub- • The need to have a better un- change of knowledge and infor- lic awareness and create a shared derstanding of the concept and mation; understanding of the norm among respond to certain misconcep- • Incorporation of atrocity preven- stakeholders, but also civil society? tions about it (e.g., that R2P is tion in the agenda of ASEAN; Bangkok, 30 October 2014 all about military intervention); • Support of the work of civil soci- The first public seminar on the • The continuing tension within ety groups in the region in pro- HLAP Report was organized in co- ASEAN on promoting human moting human rights protection operation with the Department of rights protection, specifically and advancing the principles of International Relations, Faculty of between member states that atrocities prevention. Political Science at Chulalongkorn adhere to universal values and those that believe in diversity of At the national level: University in Bangkok on 30 October 2014. The seminar was conducted values. Accordingly, even the • Signing, ratification, and imple- in Thai and was attended by some concept of human security was mentation of relevant treaties, 70 participants from academe, gov- not fully adopted within ASEAN. conventions and international ernment, civil society, media, and • In the context of Thailand, R2P is law by ASEAN member states; officials from the military and police, important in that it is about pro- • Support of national dialogues on Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Min- tection of all people, including atrocity prevention by engaging istry of Justice. Discussants were the protection of human rights of relevant stakeholders; Dr. Amara Pongsapich, chairperson those who are non-citizens. of the National Commission of Hu- • Coordination of national efforts • A change in the mindset of those man Rights in Thailand, Dr. Srip- by appointing a national focal working in the security sector is rapah Petcharamesree, Institute of point therefore necessary in order to Human Rights and Peace Studies, implement the principle in the Partnership with the UN: Mahidol University and first Thai country especially in protecting Representative to AICHR, Dr. Janji- • Strengthening of regular dia- refugees and other non-Thai na- ra Sombatpoonsiri, from the Facul- logues between ASEAN and the tionals. UN, including training and ex- ty of Political Science, Thammasat change of best practices; University, and Ms. Achara Ashay- • R2P can also be advanced agachat, a journalist from Bangkok through its inclusion in Thai- AP R2P / Building 39A / School of Political Science and International Studies / The University of Queensland / St Lucia Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia P2 land’s education curriculum Report, specifically in identifying tive Director of CICP, gave their wel- even as the issue of its origin (or judicial and non-judicial options come remarks during the seminar. its inherently not being a Thai in dealing with past atrocity idea) should not matter. It should crimes, but also contemporary in fact be incorporated into both crimes in the region relevant to The seminar was a significant fol- educational institutions and the R2P that should be addressed, low-up activity after the R2P at 10 media that play a significant role including the protection of mi- Conference that was held in Phnom in raising public awareness of grant workers and children, Penh on 26 and 27 February 2015, R2P. stateless children and slavery. featuring members of the HLAP in These issues are continually be- its second plenary session. The con- Jakarta, 27 January 2015 ing ignored in the region but are ference was attended by 51 invited On 27 January 2015, the Centre, clearly linked to crimes against speakers and over 200 delegates in- in cooperation with Human Rights humanity. cluding UN and governmental lead- ers, R2P Focal Points, diplomats and Working Group (HRWG)-Indonesia • The role of the ASEAN Commis- officials from the Asia Pacific region, and the Embassy of The Nether- sion on the Promotion and Pro- R2P experts, and representatives of lands, organized the second public tection of Women and Children civil society. Key points drawn from seminar on the HLAP Report at the (ACWC), specifically in the con- the session were the endorsement Erasmus Huis in Jakarta. Some 50 text of prevention of sexual vio- of R2P by the UN and its conformity participants from various sectors at- lence in the region should also with ASEAN values.
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