L.v.vjhur*t. Public Library. V*’. !«jr B ook Ar*. , Lyndhur*t. tt. J. C e n t s r o t i *>« A vacation I rove tfyat doesn't w t you a p«*nny i* T il > the local library. Shelve* are loaded wilh hook* lhat 7 can take you to any spot in- the hemiaphere in ^he /ERY W E E K matter of minute*. Parents interested in the Welfare of their children are taking up the library>going hahit to pa** the habit along to their children. It ia one of the smartest ideas we've heard of in a long time. Lyndhurst’s Babe Ruthers W in Their Dump Permit Is W ay To N ational Sem i-Finals By 2-1 High School Will Is Held Up, Folks Not Reopen W?tb Register Protests Rest Of System I Lawyer Diacia Ask ) Payment Of Hit S600 roa«|. a road mi which li.IMHl Matt Wait ’Till Sept. , J ' team* from aii over the 1 nil- ed Slate* once tra\eled, Lyndhuntt got t‘* the • aeitv final's Tuesday by sending Si* loyal .rodters mtu delerium* by whipping iii.* All Starts from S h e rm a n O a k s. C a lif- 2 t<*' 1 1 th e le a n i w in s F r id a y it v. i»i ♦•liter the finals en Saturday. Il v \ t f r i l l e i all tin- w‘t> TheCalifornuihs went into th* lead when Monahan, the sharp hitting • baseman wha.ked a home too. Joe Tita. the Lynd hurst hurler. just stared w:tb (old eyed c almness i:s the-Cali Just before the Habe Ruth baseball team r« trained for Detroit, on Ita wa* to Ann \rb«o Mt. I. fornian loped around- the bases i*an. to take part in thr national tournainent Rill llit kr\ took thrlr photograph In the huh whtwl p a r k i . ' That was only one of four hits Tita allowed, while striking out but jitn :.v, - w • . x ! ■ the last half W'raf tip w a a V- * s e ig h t Luckily our youngster* aren't of the -<\«n!h, in land, by. a tun *t*nd«»..t peitortwst *11 >»..>■, |i« P e n s a c o la g o t to tlie &e.mi fi the same They re a» tuiK like a .you • old •-= them line Ufi and >. no »'■: • <-» h mill a nals in the earlier game by de l-i.n. m o! seaaoncd^'yeteprep* eet ready i«.i th« takst ;- ajao atngted. i. > ••• u,«t feffting Nord-Maiaon Blanche' They handle themselves welt.' s <-u could tell they were about' hope* w«eve binning high . t"|. League Ail-Stars from New -Or T h ey i .. i.- ’ a ll \r.<t you could *iepa y d Wa , .. leans, La., fl to 1. have the innate akill that make, ■ u*ll th -.- u.m nt I., ed- - yet ei, vlu* ik ww*wh»t v*:- ?• Lyndhurst fan# are. confident. J Kard trt tJeat tean Out I . i - .< iti k lie aid d • - . IgSt'higaa l n?vec»-i v • gfonMda tiful kuot, h.» m m .-i m ♦•- .< • ive a it«.jvnift*eT»t settma to tht* treat game • I'iin* th-\ <-,«.> ; e a I hasebal)' Now th . baa** ‘ are. ’loaded Property Sale Scandia Company Changes nfultb.d * t Continued on Page IQ) Is Authorized Executives At Top Level Top executive changes Ml the [:ngton from \ la n t s u p e r uyten To Broadcast Frathaian Candidates Scandia Manufacturing Co. of dent t«> director ot matiufactut N orth Arlington, m ak e rs o f " p a c k - ■ mg: Andrew W Andci-hn Nut Play-by-play For Football Matt tying :machinery, were a n n o u n c : ley from chief efu. 'iieet i-. di «•< •*d to d a y b y th e b o a r d 'o f d i r e r - ! tb r of cngineeli/ijj, 6'iui Kdv. ui N In B. R. Tourney Tara Oat For Examt j I hy su ai i »im nn < tii-n* r< i Lyi tharst reatdents w i l l h* dldatea b.tgH 1 ■ 1 a b l t » hr.tr < |tlacbt play ar I'1 H1 1 : ■ I' ! 4 .n a n fm d l.a ji *t « tc « iJJ. I» < r n a n t of the Rat*- Ituih tunr. Sr ..,;i |'i i i< i , V;^^ r u e a d a y a t j . «V ' nunrlil tl tt»r tm rri »« l.e h t alH w i lo ek fr r»>o'n it ‘ fio.t hutiditig "« W ru.ter ave today by Kr«o- H 1 nue ktarllni at ?.’# I mt*> af t.T IM l il l ^ a t e r {^fitur •'Hawk' fte v vT- . to J -U v .tt ss;.u I' m e w lt| rail tn Ii* trlrph«.n th at W ill b i hfukrri up II I ; l»iid>pt iU i svvtrni at lla i^lion llont Ihr tiriMdra»i Visiting In Indiana I m m ' V i r g i n i a H a n m i'M * u r ,|»« Op# r I >*, • ■ufut and Ihr |)t»» lium Mbit Ih>I Ijian khootd be Ihr wm r All ' local re»idrnt<t wiiw a t«k b> J ( if i f t a . i i t r p i m f i ‘ » o f t h r came* r<4n bear lhr«n al «*•• i hatgr at the I i*|i«n tt<>mr Cn«tMO. p m rie ..f tf.e -ar f ,k. Hone From Vacation I • Mi . and Mf* Halt* VIr* K«**«d Nitwtit. ot •« WILHELM II BI()NANt)i:R JK art and d-.ufhtet* Ai ln>, ! i M( * ^ h. ■ .'I New President of Krandia t * V •! k \ ' • ia <>f tbr Ttwhplr‘<m» .M anufacturing ('#. i rftoMao&htci t y to i i a w d ibi-'»*t ti. p v * r 3*» >•»•• , LESLIE L VANDERBILT ( h.ttrmon. Board o t D irector* ihe 3#_year-old c<fmpany, which iivtv th< tobaccd. drug, -food, andy and other indualnet in thi,- ountry and abroad> L nrfw I* Vanderbilt. Newaik lawyer, was named ehatnnan of the board and W 11 Bronander • r o i tJpjer MoiHclatr, a w>n of the founder, v/us elevated fron Leaves For Arizona xo-or ve viee president to presf- U u \ .Mr' Gabriei S Aiebo J t of Verona, former neer'etary and the founder’s dakighter, becanir - ee re t a r y -11 ea s u r e r. Three veteran departmental 'vend* were eletted- vie* pre.-.t r n l h t A i d«*r»t> and given new title*, an »n u» n u ak e i follows EJric Allen Sr . df Ar The EMitiys * • ek ago, the i W ater Shortage In A rea Is N ow m H X IRENE M MENNf.lt AknUtant -»erretard, of 41 I*ton Avenue. North Arlington B ecom ing A C ritical Situation Brook* of MontviBe. from «w'« tu dire. f..i »if -.m ■ i >n id her way* As a resu lt la w n a an d g a r d e n - ’ (Continued on Page 2) thin year have »utTer«d badly v Howev«*r Ob lands warning wa* this "The conditi«»n t* becoming more serious every day W hen A ll ta in r« a.di'>« • » •' reserve* rea<h ivu percent of t a o ual fam ily j>»: >»»• ■ i i .parity, we re in t r o u b l e S A w tu w Rej.uhl* a*i t w ill be held tKt# So rut. the hour* of I p n a n Gallagher, Polito Are the Bertf+n County P b a d »d Vglliry Hr m,V. Named To Board huge ten mom her h rad e d by i ‘bn *fcrt.ter T he of Cam(m>iM t m n arranmd a full o.«n. Mor>4»j *M * ptetl th* re»ighati«r beef, bam'bur ;et». h-A of piitimiatoner Jaah C Garde < n the . on. ». t*m-> if>» N*»rth Arlington Lynd X ‘ ' h.ur*i J-.mt Meeting- to atterid Th* Board then toted to af/ point Mayor WJitftm Gaialgber .'Ir . ; »•- *«d Co«n#n<m.<>ner Haipa* A P<< LKAndrea. <h.> Ut* to represent the borough C a»iiiwi; Am b.vn) Garde n a letter, tatd he was . retiring from. the p**| o n tb e • ov-ietion < ( f?.« }<jtn1 saw-er c.igit4 uctioi. ' COMMERCIAL I-feADER AND SOI TH. nrnCEN RITIEW ’ r THt’RSDAY. U T .t ST 22. 1937 PAGE n r o Karly Lynn RuZika. daughter i of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth R uZika, (of Fourth Street, entertained a ; h-w l i f t • ■ fro nds at her hom e on Friday afternoon in celebration «>f hrr fourth bithday T h e n th e | family went cut to dinner and vi- F; ed Teufel t nf Valley Brook | ? :te d K id d y I -ind n n R oute 41i. A, veil w w .lm st'H.;»;n**d lu ju n '-. (n th. en.tri{ ^heir. v. y■, d fa- m a fall at the hum? of his son. mrly : athermo a* li i home in I.\« n g Branch- recently, is now pi:<u:i;«--''-xu;* a t th e A m e r ic a n L " gion Ho: J ital, Newark.
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