ROUND ABOUT THE COUNTY OF LIMERICK: BY REV. JAMES DOW'D, A.B., AUTHOR OF "LIMERICK AXD ITS SIEGES." Zfnterick : G. McKERN & SONS, PUBLISHERS. PREFACE. INasking my readers to accompany me on an Historical and Archzological Tour Round About the County of L~merick,I have consulted their convenience by grouping events around the places brought under notice. The arrangement may lead to occasional repetition, and the narrative may sometimes be left incomplete, to bf resumed and finished elsewhere. But, on the o ?r hand, it possesses the undoubted advantage of fixlng the % FRINTED BY attention of the reader upon the events and occur- e. W'KERN AND SONS, LINERICK. rences which render the places visited memorable. This little work 1s intended to be, as far as possible, a history of those places in the County of Limerick about which there is something to be told. The length of time covered ranges from the pre-historic period almost up to the present. Around the hill of Knockainy linger memories of the last remnants , of an extinct race. The waters of Lough Gur and the adjacent swamps y~eldup remains of animals no longer to be found in th~scountry. The same district preserves the rude memorials of men of the Stone Age whose cromlechs, circles and pillar stones have survived all the changes and chances of the inter- vening centuries. The vigorous heathenism of the early Celts has bequeathed the names of its last heroes to several of the more noticeable physical features of the county, To them succeeded the VI. PREFACE. Christian saints, whose names at least are pre- served in connexion with the numerous churches with wh~chthey.occupied even the remotest parts. CONTENTS. To the cell of the saint succeeded the stately abbey, and domestic architecture is now first represented -+ by the castles of the Anglo-Norman settlers who CHAPTER I. were soon to become more Irish than the Irish KILNALLOCK :- PAGE th-mselves. The Celt, the Dane, and the Norman Church of St. Xocheallog; Foundation of Kilmal- have made history in this County of Limerick. It lock ; Earliest references ; Sacked by Fitzmaurice ; is my object to present their doings to the reader Submission of Fitzmzurice ; Revolt of the Earl of in as complete and as interesting a manner as in Desmond ; the Sugan Earl ; the Queen's Earl ; the Fenim Rising; Kilmallook in l775 ; Present me Iies. Matters of importance, which could not Condition ; the Castle; the RTallsand Gates ; the be easily woven into the texture of the narrative, CHURCH OP ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL; Ancient have been reserved as notes at the end of the chapters Tombs; the DOMINICAN ABBEY, its foundation; the to which they belong. White Knights; Tomb of the last White Knight ; It is my duty to thank the Council of the Royal Capture of the Sugan Earl ; the Burgate Inscrip- Society of Antiquaries (Ireland), for permission to tion ; Description of the Abbey. NOTES:-Charters of Kilmdlock, 1584, 1594; reprint the first chapter, that on Kilmallock, from Dues of the Earl of Desmond ; KilmalIock the~rJournal, in which it first appeared. My thanks Tokens; the Fitzgerdd Monument, ,.. 1 are also duet$&? Board of Trinity College, Dublin, for permission tohprint Lady Dowdall's narrative in CHAP TEE II. Chapter XIV, and to make use of Sir Hardress KNOCKLONG :- Waller's deposition, both of which are to be found Seat of the O'Hurleys; Origin of Name ; the Siege in the MS. depositions preserved in the College of Dram D~mhghaire,A.D. 220; Tobermore; the Territory of the White Knights; the Xilfinane t~brary. I have also to acknowledge my obligations Fort; Galbally ; Tomb of 01io11 01um ; Duntry- to Lord Dunraven's Memorials of Adare for infor- league. mation used in the portion of Chapter VII. dealing NOTES:--Hurley ~vonumentin Emly Cathedral, 33 with the progress of that picturesque village in the present century. CHAPTER 111. ARDPATRICK :- JAMES DOWD. Position of Ardpatrick ; Earliest References ; the Red Gap ; the Ancient Feni; Visit of St. Patrick; LI~IERICK, Legend of Tirnanoqe ; the Monastery ; Legend of 8th December, I 896. the Bells, .., a.. ..o ... ... 42 VIII. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. IX. CHAPTER Iv. PAGE CHAPTEE VIZ. PAGE ADAEE :- THZ STORY OF THE ROYAL FORT:- Origin of the name : Legend of tbe Fire-breathing Bull; Naurice Fitzgerald, Lord JustTce; Charters, Ui Conall Gabhra ; Position of Brutee ; the Chiefs Description of by Carnden ; John Wesley; VILLAGE of the Ui Fidhgeinte; Alliance with the Danes; OF ADARI; ADABEM ANOR ; CASTLE OF ADARE,the Defeat of Danes at Sulcoit ; Sulmission of Donovan; Earls of Kildare, the Garrison and the Irish, Earl Murder of Nnhon ; Brian's Lament ; Brian becomes of Essex, Acquired by the Quins, Description of the King; Defeats Donovan and Molloy ; Site of the Parish Church ; the Bridge ; the FRAN~ISCAN Royal Fort ; the Norman Castles; Tnmulus, ... 51 B ABBEY, its Foundation and Benefactors, Lands Leased to Wallop, Description of; the AU~U~T~NIAN CHAPTER B. ABBEY, its Foundation and Restoration; the LOUGH GUR :-- T~NITARIANABB EY, its Foundation, Decay and Restoration ; the pigeon House. Characterlsrics ; Area ; Legend of the Earl of Desmond; the GRANNOUS;the ISLANDFORTRESS; NOTES :-Lease of Abbeys 1582, 1595, ... 102 Fortified by Urian Boru ; Fortified by the Gerald- ines ; Black Castle ; Lough Uur Castle ;Description CIIAPTER VIIL by Dineley ; Raid in 1599 ; Inspected by Carew GROOM AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD :- 1600 ; Betrayal to the English; Paam A%TIQUST~ES Situation, Arrival of Anglo-Normans, the Verdons ; -The Stone Circles, their sitnation, origin and Earls of Kildare; CHURCE OF DPSERT; Aenghus design ; Pillar Stones, Cromlech-Ancient Nunnery, the Culdee ; ROITNDTQWER os DYSER~; Origin Wew Church,Tullyhrackey; ROUTE FROM LTNERICK and Use of Round Towers; Tower of Donaman ; TO LOUOB Gas-Donaghmore, Ballynegrtrd~, ABBEY OF MANISTFR,Foundation by Turlogh Rochestovn. Cahirell~ Church and Csstle, O'Brien ; Battle of 1365 ; Battle of 1579: Legend Raleighbtown Court. t of the Monks; Results of the Battle; NOTES.--Geology of Lough Gur ; Fossil Sir Warham St. Leger; Description of remains ; Brian Uoru's Fort ; the O'Hea the Abbey, Castle of Rathmore, Castle of Gleuogra, Monument, ... .. ... ... 65 Croker Monument at Fedamore. NOTES :-From Archdall's Monasticon ; Batble CHAPTER BI. of Manister ; Verdon Family, .., ... 131 KNOCKAINY AND BRUFF :- CHAPTER 1X. The Dedanaans, Their Monuments, Hunting THE FASTNESS OF CONNELLO :- Grounds of the Peni, Cuchullin and his Charioteer ; Some Ancient Hunts, Reference in the "Four March of Captain Warde; Expedition of 1580; BIasters ;" Fort erected by Brian Boru, Desmond Expedition of the Earl of Essex ; Carew's Estimate Castle, BruE; Pierce Lacy and the Garrison of the Fifteenth Earl of Desmond ; O'Neill's Revolt ; the Sugan Earl ; Plot of Dermod O'Conor ; Capture Kilmallock ; the Lacys, ... ... ... es CONTENTS. XI. X. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. CHAPTEEIX-Camtinued. PAGE PAGE f NEWCASTLE-WEST :- of the Sngan Earl, his Release; Carew's March Clonglais; Castle of the Templars; Early Refer- thro,~gh Connello; Capture of Sugan Earl; ences to Newcastle; Thoma8-an-dppa,h; De,zth of Ballingarry and its Castles ; Cloncagh ; Rathkede ; the Eighth Earl of Desmond here; Possessions of Assassination of Earl of Desmond there; Abbey Thomas-an-Appagh; the Fitzgibbons of Mzhoon- and Castle ; the Palatines ; Riddlestown ; C~pp~g'a agh; the First White Knight ; the Sept of the Old Castle ; Ballycshane ; Killulta ; Pallas. Knight ; the Lands of MacGibbon of Mahoonagh ; Xo~~ls:-Grants in Connello to Robert Collam, Castle of Meine ; Gort-na-Tiobrad; Battle of 1579 ; 1595 ; Grants to T. C. D. ; Land Ne~sure- F the Great Wood; Killeedy and St. Ida; Abbey- ments ; John Wesley and the Palatines, .. 133 feale ; Purt Castle ; the Disinherited Desmond.. NOTES :-Lands of Thomas 1298 and 1300; CHAPTER X. Grants to Hunqerford and Sir H. Ught~ed; IKEATOX :- Possessions of Thomas Cawne, 1596, ,.. 211 Foundation of Castle; Refuge of the Earls of CHAPTER XIII. Desmond; Captnre by Sir Henry Pelham ;Re~overy THE ARDlGH CUP:- by the Supn Earl ; Relief by the Earl of Essex ; Its Discovery, Description of, Inscription on; Early -Snlwnder -. -. to Irish Confederation 1642 ; Description Chalices ; Most Rev. Doctor Realy on the Cup, his of Castle ; Foundation of Abbey ; Attempted Resto~ation; Description of Abbey ; Hticuse of identification with cup presented to Clonmacnois by King Turlogh O'Conor ; References from the Knights Templars ; &Ionaster-na-Galliagh. Chronicon Scotorunz and Annals of the Four Masters; NOTES:- Grants to Sir E. Berkeley hy Sir A. Legend of St. Patrick ; Glenastar, 232 St. Leger ; Chalice ; Stephenson Monu- ... ... merit, ... ... ... 158 ... CHAPTER XIP. LADY DOWDALL'S DEFENCE OF KILFINNY CHAPTER XI. CASTLE, 1642 :- THE KSIGHTS 01' GLIN :- Beginning of the Insurrection ; Resources of the Origin of the Knights; Sir William Bethsm on the Confederates ; Castletown besieged ; Surrender of Titles ; the Knight of the Valley; Importa~ceof Castles; Position of Kilfinny Castle ; Defended by Knight of the Valley; the Knights during the Lady Domdall ; Lady Dowdall's narrative ; List of Deamond Wars ; Siege of Glin by Carew in 16 10 ; the Resiegers, ... ... ... ... 340 Description of Glin Castle; Castle of Shanid, descri- XT. ption of; Conflicts with the Danes in the neigh- CHAPTER A COUNTY GENTLEMAN OF THE SEVEN- bourhood ; Knockpatrick. TEENTH CENTURY :- ; XOTES:- Lands of the Knights of Glia Grants The Waller Famlly ; Anecdote of Sir Hardress ; of the Knight's Possessions l587 ; Grant Siege of Castletown ; Deposition of Sir Hardress ; to william Carter ; Abstract of Names of Inventory of Cattle and Crops ; the Furnishing of Undertakers ; Castles forsaken 1598 ; the Dwelling-rooms, ... ... Pelham's March to Glin, 1580. ... ... l€ ... ... 253 CONTENTS. XIII. XII. CONTENTS. -- - APPENDICES : PACT$ CHAPTER XVI. PAQ E Taxations of the Diocese of Limerick and Emly, 1302-6, ... ... ... ... 291 CASTLECONNELL & THE BURKE COUNTY :- ..
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