VOL. LI. LIBERTY, MISSISSIPPI, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1916. NO. 19. problems in the defense of navnrdis-trlct- s. SHE IS AN ThOLD LANDLUBBERS TO The disembarkation win titQ ENGINEER REINS SEVERAL YEARS place September 12. THINKS INDIANS REAL FLAG CONTENDERS Bunch of Landlubbers. McGraw and Mack Have Piloted Re- BE TRAINED FOR Some of the men enlisted for the spective Team Longer Than Any cruise are the veriest landlubbers. Other Leaders. There are bankers, brokers, lawyers, ministers, mechanical, and civil During the last ten years in base- NAVAL SERVICE mining ball engineers, business men of various every team in the National and American sorts, artists and several bona flde leagues, with the exception of the newspaper men In the New York de- Philadelphia Athletics and the ''' New York Giants, have had two or Wndreds of Civilians to Be Giv- tachment ' Readers of salt water Action know en Chance to Learn the that the first thing a newcomer aboard ' :u. Sailor's Life. ship has to do is to holystone the decks, In land parlance, scrub the floor. '. But not this time. There will be WILL HAVE MONTH AT SEA no menial labor for the rookies. They aren't above it They have promised and ore willing to do anything they are do. Amateurs Will Be Taken Aboard Nine ordered to But Assistant Sec- of the Franklin D. Roose- Battleships and Given Course of retary Navy velt, who has the cruise under his Training No Menial Labor par- ticular wing, has decided it would be the Sec- for Rookie, Says a waste of time. Roosevelt retary He decided the men going on the cruise, mostly above the average in i New York. Ye, ho I My lads I For Intelligence, training and education, kbe I naval Plattsburg need no lessons in pealing potatoes Aboard nine United States battle-fshlp- s and shoveling coal. Instead, they will many hundred enthusiastic get work just as hard, but more Infor- (young landlubbers will learn some-pin-g mative. They will be trained Inten- about the gay sailor's life off sively, as the naval officers say, to take (the Atlantic coast next month. jobs as petty or commissioned officers Like their brothers in the military In time of crisis. training camps for citizens, they will In general, according to Mr. Roose- Miss Antoinette Vanasek, one of the partly fit themselves to volunteer for velt, they will be organized, messed few womnn stationary englners In this Service in Uncle Sam's defense when and berthed after the methods em- country, has quit engineering for a iwar conies. ployed with the midshipmen of Annap- while to become chief matron of the And from all olis Naval on public baths of Island Li incidentally, signs, they academy practice Long City. 11 have a Jolly good time, a brac cruises. When she's engineering she wears the ing vacation and a month of exercise The object will be to get them Into duds of nn engineer, overalls and all. Miss and salt air which will put them back the habits of ship life and to drill Vanasek, who Is twenty-thre- Is Into civil and a life ready for almost any- instruct them at the lighter guns taking vacation from the Intense There is at least one manager In the American lengue who doesn't believe) thing that comes along. of the ship batteries. They will bo heat of tending a stationary engine. the Cleveland Indians are going to "blow" and he is "Bill" Donovan. The The amateur tars at this point will taught signaling, boating of all kinds, Indians have impressed the Yankee lender as one of the clubs) John McGraw. being strongest 'assemble and go aboard the Maine, fire control and torpedo defense sta- that ever represented that city and Donovan it is the most team ever, at the end of the cruise the re- says dangerous at the New York tion work, quartermaster's duties and in the league. pow receiving ship cruit will have a chance to announce more managers. Ten years ago John and the on st marine electrical Includ- When It comes to in runs the navy yard, Kentucky engineering, his intention to McGraw was managing the Giants and batting other members of the Indians must volunteer for service "kow-tow- " hard-hittin- 15. ing radio work. to the Elmer Smith-Rot- h in the In Connie Mack was leading the Athletics. right fielder, Robert or Robert navy case of war occurring Roth-Smit- On the same day the will There will also be frequent emer- These two men Elmer whichever way you prefer, the combination right gardener Virginia within the next four years, and most are still piloting those lck Its gency drills, such as Are and having driven in 42 runs for the Indians this season, which Is one-thir- d up contingent at Portland, quarters of the men will do this. teams and bid fair to do so for many only e. ; the at ; 1111- - general quarters. Besides this to gone at this writing. The Smith half of the firm has sent 20 runs white Kearsage Boston the they To years come. across, Be Given Certificates. s the will have field artillery and naval McGraw started his career with the Roth half has accounted for 28. At the end of the course a recruit drills on shore to give them a rudi- Giants in 1009. Under him the New "Chic" Gandil, however, is the Individual leader, having driven In 36 runs. will a certificate mentary knowledge of the handling of get signed by the Yorkers won the National "Trls" Speaker, though, Is giving him a merry battle, having chased 31 of bis officer of his league pen- arms. commanding ship specify- nants In 1004 and 1805, and the world's team mates ocross the rubber. "This," however, is batting some 100 points ing the nature of the duties he has per- better "Chic." the field Lectures will also be a feature of title In 1905. They lost the National than After passing by right firm, we find "Jack" Gt'tmey formed, the efficiency he has has in 24 an lend-of- f the end of the cruise. Between Au displayed league championship in VMH because driven men, unusually large number for a man, who la and the he Is best gust 20 and September B some of the rating qualified to of Merklu's famous "boner" mid forced to follow weak butters. In fact, all the Iudlans are hitting and this com- fill. have to Dest schoolmasters In the navy and third In 1009. In 1010 the Gi bined with the splendid pitching they had date has kept them well on The of army and navy life is expenses the cruise are very nuts finished second, and were first in top. mostly teaching small. The school In some manner or other will recruit must pay his own 1911, 19U and 1613. The Giants losl to and from the talk to the volunteers on' subjects transportation points the world's series with the Athletic of embarkation. Once aboard the bearing on the navy's work. ship in 1911, and in 1913 were again beaten PATIENCE OF BILL SULLIVAN he must make a deposit of $30 to cove? Limit by the Athletics for the big honors, the Volunteers. board and but of this will clothes, part jln 1914 the Giants were nosed out In BASEBALL Incident Secretary Roosevelt also be returned to him Is Illustrating Determination promised if it not all used the pennant tight by the Bravest, after to cut down the number of and Tenaciousness of Veteran volunteers up. the latter had made a whirlwind fin- allowed on different so Coach. ships that there Each man must take with him two ish. In 1915, for the first time In Tiger will be no or discomfort of black STORIES overcrowding pairs shoes, underclothes, McGruw's innniigeiuit.it, they finished in the way of hammock room, or delay toilet articles and other necessaries. in the cellar. Outfielder "GrenBy" Neale Is playing A little Storv is told nf tho nntloneo in food. Cincinnati. nnd determination of serving Washable uniforms will be handed out Connie Mack organized the Athletics xensatlonally for Billy Sullivan, As nt the tne veteran army training camps, there aboard ship. in 1001. They won the American catcher and Tigers' coach. will be courses Sox don't miss The were in Sun Antnnin optional lasting a por- The recruits can't spend much league championship In 1902, 1905 The Red Speaker Tigers tion of each day. The subjects will money on the cruise. However, there uny more than an uuto would miss a Tex., this spring for a couple of ex. Include navigation, signaling, radio Is a ship's store, where they can pur- spark plug. nimtton games. The morning of the work, steam and electrical engineer chase soap, tobacco, stationery, toilet first day Sullivan started to clean an of old ing. accessories and a few other things. Ping Bodle, with an average 365, pipe. He shoved a match In the bat- Franklin D. Roosevelt The cruise will have several lmpor The motor boat mobilization is stir, is leading the Pacific Coast league stem, and the wood was caught In tho tant advantages over No ring up much interest in this and ters in hitting. curve of the amber, where It stuck. at Newport, R the Rhode Plattsburg. city jols L; mosquitoes, no on the wet more men will take In it than to Sullivan worked on the pipe all morn island at Alabama sleeping part Philadelphia; the no I have learned Ing.
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