PEOCEEDINGS SOCIET F ANTIQUARIEO Y F SCOTLANDO S . HUNDRE SEVENTD DAN H SESSION, 1886-7. ANNIVERSARY MEETING, 30th November 1886. r ARTHUD R MITCHELL, C.B. "thn i , e Chair. A Ballot -having been taken, the following Gentlemen were July elected Fellows :— JAMES ANDERSON, Westside, Brechin. ALEXANDER J. S. BROOK, 5 Lanriston Park. Rev. THOMAS BURNS, Lady Glenorchy's Church. JAMES A CAMERON, M.D., Firhall, Nairn. JOHN COWAN, W.S. GreenhilV , l Gardens. WILLIAM DICKSON Yor8 3 , k Place. WILLIAM STEWART IRVINE, M.D., Pitlochry. W. IVISON MACADAM, Lecturer on Chemistry, Surgeon's Hall. JOHN JAMES MOWBRAT of Naemoor, Dollar. Rev. ANDREW MELDRUM, Minister of Logierait. JOHN MURRAY, Ph.D.e Challengeth f o , r Expedition. SMALLJ . W , M.A., Solicitor, Dundee. W. J. T0RNBDLL, 26 Grange Road. VOL. XXI. A 2 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , NOVEMBE , 188630 R . e Office-BearerTh e ensuinth r fo sg year were electe follows da s :— Patron. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. President. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. K.T., LL.D. Vice-Presidents. Sir WILLIAM FEMES DOUGLAS, LL.D., P.R.S.A. Professor NORMAN MACPHERSON, LL.D., Sheriff of Dumfries, &c. Right Hon EARe STAIRth . F LO , K.T., LL.D. Councillors. NOEL-PATONJ r Si , Kt., -\ Representing ARTHUR MITCHELL, C.B., M.D., LL.D. LL.D., R.S.A., L the Board DAVID CHRISTISON, M.D. FRANCIS ABBOTT, f Trustees.o ) Sir H. E. MAXWELL, Bart, M.P. ROBERT HERDMAN, R.S.A. Professo . MASSOND r , LL.D. Professor DDNS, D.D. THOMAS GRAVES LAW. Secretaries. JOHN RITCHIE FINDLAY. R. W. COCHRAN-PATEICK, LL.D. JOSEPH ANDERSON, LL.D., Assistant Secretary. WILLIAM FORBES, ) Secretaries r Foreignfo THOMAS DICKSON, LL.D., Register House, J Correspondence. Treasurer. GILBERT GOUDIE, 39 Northumberland Street. Curators Museum.the of ROBERT CARFRAE. JOH . NREIDJ , B.A. Curator Coins.of GEORGE SIM. Librarian. JOHN TAYLOR BROWN. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. 3 e followinTh e namegth lis f f Honoraro o st y Member Fellowd san s who have died since the date of the last Annual Meeting was read by Secretary:e th — HONORARY MEMBER. Elected Sir SAMUEL FERGUSON, Q.O., LL.D., President of the Royal Irish Academy, ........ 1874 FELLOWS. EDWARD BURNS Londo3 , n Street, ...... 1874 . .182 . 6. JAME . GIBSON-CRAIGST . , THOMAS CHAPMAN, Jr., 1 Dundas Street, . 1877 DAVID DICKSON, Osborne Bank, . .1862 ALEXANDER FAIRWEATHER, Brechin, ..... 1874 JAMES FERSUSSON, D.C.L. Langha0 2 , m Place . 187, 3. ,. WILLIAM GRAHAM, M.A., LL.D. Eildo1 1 , . 185n Street 1. , JOHN GRIGOR, M.D., Nairn, ....... 1863 JOHN JEFFREY, of Balsusney, ....... 1877 WILLIAM KERR, Solicitor, Dundee, ...... 1878 DAVID LANG, LL.B., Advocate, ...... 1882 ALEXANDER LEITH, of Freefleld, Glenkindie, .... 1873 DUNCAN MACLAREN, of Newington House, .... 1864 Rev. THOMAS MACLAUCHLAN, M.A., LL.D., .... 1856 GRAEME REID MERCER, of Gorthy, ...... 1853 GEORGE MILLER, C.A., Acre Valley, ..... 1883 Rev. JOHN MONTEITH, Glencairn, ...... 1885 Rev. JAMES PETER Deerd Ol , , ....... 1874 Rev. W. ROBERTSON . B . 188 0. ,. D.D. Irvine f . o , . , JAMES A. SIDEY, M.D., 20 Heriot Row, ..... 1878 JOHN SMALL, M.A., LL.D., Librarian to the University, . 1873 JAMES MELISS STUART, of Eriska, ...... 1885 Rev. JOHN TULLOCH, D.D., . LL.D.188 t Andrews2. S , . , The meeting resolved to record their sense of the loss the Society has sustaine e deatth f thesn hdo i e members. r SAMUESi L FERGUSON, Q.C., LL.D., Presiden e Eoyath f o lt Irish Academy, well known for his numerous contributions to science and literature during the past forty years, was elected an Honorary Fellow of this Society in 1874, and was appointed to the Rhind Lectureship n 1884i , whe e delivereh n x Lecturea dserieSi e Ogha th f o sn mo s 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 30, 1886. Inscriptions of Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. The Lectures have since been published. EDWAHD Busjra, an accomplished Numismatist, who had long devoted himsel o thet f . stud ye Scottis oth f h coinages e ,hi tim wasth f o et a , death, engaged in the preparation of an extensive work on this subject, entitled e CoinageTh , f Scotland,o Illustrated from e Cabinete th th f o late Mr Thomas Coats of Ferguslie, and other Collections. The work has since been issued under the supervision of Mr George Sim, the Society's Curator of Coins. Mr Burns contributed papers to the Society's Proceedings n subjecto s connecte df grea o wit e s coinagetth hwa d an , service in connection with the examination 'of the Montraive Hoard, to which he devoted much time, and on the results of which he has founded largely in his published work. JAMES T. GIBSON-CRAIG was the oldest Fellow of the Society, having complete s sixtietdhi h yea f membershipo r e too H activn ka . e interest e Societye affairth th f o n si , and n conjunctioi , n wit s frienhi hr M d David Laing, was instrumental in bringing the Society safely through e mosth t critica r manl fo period s s existenceyit yearwa f o se a sH . membe mads e Councilth wa ef d o Yice-Presidenr an , n 1860i t . From e representativeth f o e e Boaron th 187f s f o do so wa 188t 0 e h 0 Trustees on the Council of the Society. He had formed an extensive general antiquitiesd collectioan t ar f no , from whic gave hh e many dona- tions to the Museum; and his library was one of the largest and most important private collection bookf so manuscriptd san Scotlandn si . JAMBS FEIK^USSON, D.C.L. e well-knowth , n autho f Theo r History,f o Architecture, TreeSerpentand Worship, Ancient Stone Monumentsof 'all Countries, &c., becam Felloa e wn 1873 i e tooH kgrea.a t interes• t in the subject of structural antiquities, and wrote a pamphlet on The Brochs f Scotland,o a supplementa s a l chapte s Historyhi o t rf Archi- o tecture, subsequently contributing a paper to the Proceedings in continua- tion of the same subject. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. 5 . Kev. THOMAS MACLAUCHLAN, M.A., LL.D., ministe t Cohunba'S f o r s Free Church, Edinburgh, and author of several contributions to the Proceedings Celtin o c manuscript d othean s r antiquities membea s wa , r e Councioth f l from 187 1878o 5t Vice-Presidend an , t from 187o t 9 1882 n 185I e .issue h 7 volumda f Celticeo Gleanings^ e substancth e of Four Lectures delivere studento dt e Historth n Literatured so yan f o ' e Gaele subsequentlth H . y transcribe edited Deand e an Booke th dth f o of Lismore, collectioa f Gaelino c poetry issue n 1862di , wit hvaluabla e introduction by W. F. Skene, LL.D. In 1865 he published his Early Scottish Church,—a sketch of the ecclesiastical history of Scotland from e twelft th e firs o th t th century. Eev. JAMES PETER, Ministe d DeerOl f ,o rtook a kee n interesn i t the antiquities of his district, and was author of a pamphlet on the peat deposits of' Aberdeenshire, containing much valuable information with reference to the antiquities found in bogs and morasses. He contributed to the last volume of the Proceedings an excellent article on e Ston"Th e Circle d sDeer, .oOl f " illustrated from pland an s drawings prepare himselfy db . JOHN SMALL, M.A., LL.D., Librarian of the University of Edinburgh for nearly forty years, becam a Felloe Societ th f wo n 1873i y d an , contributed occasional s paperProceedings,it o t s chiefl f historicao y l interest, amon e mosgth t valuabl f whico e h wer n "a e Accoun e th f o t Original Protese Bohemiath f o t n Nobles agains e Burninth t f Joho g n Huss "seriea • f "o s Note Scottisn so h Alchemist notica a sd "f eo an ; document narrating the incidents of " Queen Mary's Visit to Jedburgh in 1566." Kev. JOHN TULLOCH, D.D., LL.D., Principal t Mary''oS f s College, St Andrews, and author of many well-known works in theological and ecclesiastical literature, although but a short time connected with the Society, took much s interesprosperitys it objectit d n i an o ts H . contributed a paper on some "Old Silver Plate, the property of St Mary's College t Andrews,S , " whic s printee Proceeding's,th wa h n i d with illustrations. 6 PEOCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 30, 1886. e TreasureTh r submitte e Auditeth d d Accounts, wit a hgenera l Abstrac e Society'th f o t s Funds, whic s ordere printee hwa b o d dt dan circulated among the Fellows. The Secretary read the Annual Eeport of the Society to the Board of Trustees, approve e Councilth y ordereb d transmittee an , b o dt o dt the Lords of H.M. Treasury, as follows :— ANNUAL BEPORT of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, to the Honourable the Board of Trustees for Manufactures in Scotland, yeae foth r r ending 30th September 1886 :— Museue Th m durin e pasgth t yeabees ha r n ope s formerlya n , except durin e montth g f Novembero h ,closes whewa usua s t da ni l for clean ing and rearrangement. The following table shows the number of visitors for each month during the year, distinguishing between day visitors and visitors on the Saturday evenings, viz.:— DAV SATDKDAY MONTHS. VISITOHS. EVENINGS. TOTAL. October, . 4,285 452 4,737 December, 4,449 294 4,741 January, .
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