FOGHORSan Francisco N UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO VOLUME 89, NUMBER 15 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1993 Resident advisor selection process underway Homecoming 1993 Kristy Scott ^ Foghorn Staff Writer The first round of interviews for Resident Advisors is currently underway. Resident advisor selection began this month with applications due on Feb. 15. Applicants were notified if they had been invited to the first phase of the interviews which began on the 16 of the month. Those interviews will continue to be conducted through Feb. 28. They consist of both a one-on-one individual interview with two current R.A.sand then agroup interview with other applicants, R. A.s, and an Office of Residence Life (ORL) central staff member present. The central staff and the present R.A.s will then place the candidates into two groups: recommend and do not recommend. Those being recommended for next year's positions will be sent letters asking them to return for the final interviewing process on March 8. The interviews will be held from March 10 through 16, and will consist of an interview with a hall director. Applicants being accepted for the 1993-1994 residential advi­ sor program will be notified on March 19. Last year, ORL's central staff input was the main determination point for selection of the candidates. However, this year both R.A. 's and central staff members felt that the previous interview­ ing process did not allow applicants a fair chance of performing in both group and individual meetings. "We're trying to provide another layer of interviews to benefit both the applicant, who will now have two chances at dealing with situations presented to them and also to give both the staff and Homecoming Saturday events include: former R.A.'s more criteria to base their selection on," Lisa 2:00 p.m. Cable car parade 7:30 p.m. Bonfire and rally Landreman, assistant resident life director said. 4:00 p.m. Homecoming Mass 8:00 p.m. Dons game This past Sunday, a training session was held for the present 4:45 p.m. Lady Dons game 10:00 p.m. Postgame party R.A.'s to familiarize them with a more professional and unbiased 6:00 p.m. Tailgate and BBQ method of interviewing and writing evaluations. 'The voting should be more fair this year," Jason Magee, a Phelan 6th floor R.A. said. "We had to attend a training session Another difference in this year's process is the require- T • j # that tried to teach us how to keep our own personal preferences out ment for candidates to have two years of college experi­ of our voting." ence, including transfer students. Fraternity unites to make a difference in the Features A look at the Erasmus lives of the physically challenged Penthouse (Page 6) Rosela Balinbin in Harney Plaza. The scaffold, donated Taormina said that the scaffold will Forum News Editor by Action Construction Rentals, con­ be manned 24 hours per day until the USFers, get ready to be PUSHed. structed of wood and steel is approxi­ final minute. Each fraternity member The quest for "P.U.S.H. America Week" is coming to mately ten to 15 feet high, 8 feet long and will be sponsored for his time on the multiculturalism the hilltop March 1 to 5. four to five feet wide. It will sport ban­ scaffold by means of private donation. P.U.S.H. America week, which stands ners of local sponsors and the P.U.S.H. Sign-ups for scaffold donations will be (Page 8) and Victims for People Understanding the Severly America logo. held during the lunch hour in front of the Still by Prof. Elias Handicapped will be a series of Mainstreet Market through Feb. (Page 9) events, sponsored by Pi Kappa 26. Phi fraternity to heighten the "It is our hope that USF stu­ USFcommunity's awareness of dents will also contribute to Entertainment the physically challenged and to P.U.S.H. America," Taormina King Missle rocks raise funds for the organization. said. Brothers will begin the week Another event, "Date for Char­ (Page 11) and some scary by attending classes in wheel­ ity", a dinner auction will be held pictures of some semi- chairs, in order to increase on March 2 from 12:30 to 1:30 awareness and also to provide p.m. in the Crossroads. scary people (Page 12) publicity for the "scaffold mara­ He said, several Bay Area res­ thon". taurants have donated dinners for Sports "One time I broke my foot the purpose of raising money that and since then I have always will in turn be used for P.U.S.H. A looks at the past and appreciated that I can walk," America activities. Those who present week in Sports, Taormina said. "It's a gift to bid the highest amount for the walk." dinners will be accompanied by a including the Church In addition, a "scaffold mara­ date. Although, Delta Phi Epsi­ Bowl (Page 15-16) thon" will be held from 10 a.m. lon and Delta Zeta sororities have March 3 through 2 p.m. March 5 PI Kapp brothers gather at the Bridge Please see PUSH, page 4 [jj]ews SELECTED SYNOPS S I I I <!-N i NI-.WS [ROM A KOI INI ) CHE WORLD Pretty experienced crank callers Enrollment in the 176 AB A-approved institutions went were sentenced to different terms of imprisonment have been down to 128,210 this year, a 1.1-percent decrease from released," the agency said. Karen A. Lewis was watching television one afternoon last year. Western analysts said the official statement was phrased in recently when the phone rang and she heard, "Will you Julia D. Hanrahan, a data specialist for the ABA said the a way that made it difficult to contradict. please hold for a call from the White House?" decrease might have been due in part of the tight job But human rights groups, including Amnesty International, A 35-year-old senior at Virginia Wesleyan, Ms. Lewis is market. "Word on the street is that kids are getting out of said many more "prisoners of conscience," including stu­ majoring in elementary education. ShesentPresidentClinton law school are having trouble getting jobs," she said. dents, still were behind bars in China, although they might a brief note and a copy of the book Savage Inequalities by Association officials were encouraged, however, by technically not be classified as students or political prisoners. Jonathan Kozol after being struck by its bleak portrayal of the enrollment figures for members of minority groups. public schools. Ms. Lewis was surprised when the person on The number attending law school jumped 9.6 per cent "Restricting enthusiasm" the line was Hillary Rodham Clinton wanting to talk about from last year, to 21,266. education. In the 10-minute conversation, Mrs. Clinton asked Ms. Trash Talking in college sports may be headed right where Lewis about her desire to teach elementary school and how The sorry state of education in many athletic officials think it belongs: in the trash. she felt Virginia Wesleyan prepared her for the task. Ms. America The NCAA men's basketball rules panel this season asked Lewis said she was a little worried about the job market game officials to crack down on taunting and obscenities by players and coaches. since she is a non-traditional student, but that she's proud of The College Board hopes a combination of rap music the school's "mentor" program. and jive talk will persuade middle school students to Further, the panel decided that unsportsmanlike technical Ms. Lewis said of Mrs. Clinton: "She was warm and a prepare for college. fouls will count toward a player's five-foul limit for disquali­ fication. caring person. I felt good that someone was looking through Using a 5500,000 grant from Coca-Cola Foundation, the letters they got." the board has produced a video series called "Widen Your Last month the NCAA's football-rules panel voted to add Choices." The series focuses on why students should go the use of "vulgar and abusive" language to its list of unsports­ Why didn't this guy go to USF? to college and gives high-schoolers a brief introduction to manlike acts, and to update sections of its rules manual about financial aid. talking to opponents. "We have strengthened the language in the rule book about A $10-million gift from a Cleveland foundation to John The Southern Educational Communication Associa­ tion will distribute the series this spring through satellite as much as we can without restricting enthusiasm," says Carroll University came as a '"wonderful surprise," says the Douglas A. Dickey, head of the football committee and institution's president, Father Michael J. Lavelle. and public and instructional-television stations. The series also will be broadcast every Wednesday in March athletics director at the University of Tennessee. The gift, the largest ever for the Jesuit institution, came as "It ultimately falls to coaches, athletics administrators, and an unrestricted donation from the F. J. O'Neill Charitable through Mind Extension University, which reaches 20 million cable subscribers. officials to insure that players treat their opponents with Corporation, in Cleveland. The fund supports causes that mutual respect. were important to its late founder, Mr. O'Neill. Mr.. O'Neill attended Jesuit high schools before amassing a fortune A "most-favored" nation? through a Cleveland truck-hauling company he started with No bench-clearing brawls, why go? his brothers. At one time he owned the Cleveland Indians China recently freed three imprisoned dissidents, in­ Two colleges took an unusual step to combat another baseball team.
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