|na!)am VOL. XLVI. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. NO. 52 WEWS IX UKIKK Found—A pocket-book at Alaiodoii Interesting Exercises. 5«2S5®5iSSSSSSSSSS&;^'5SSSS3SSSS&SSSSSSS$^ .TQ Center. Now al this olTice. The exercises at llie high aehnol ®^ I 1005 (ilarles lU Kliiiiviel's, * Christmaa trees and festivities al tlie room last Friday afteriiooii were very EiUureclallliu I'oalollluo.Murton, [ The Miclil(,'aii Re|iiiLlluiui News­ several churches were heartily enjoyed inlereslliig but not aa largely utteiidi'd iiHdocouil-oliiBHiniiltcir paper A.'isoolulioii JHin aeasioii at Luna- oy all. ua lliey aliould have betu by the bllHhod Evory'L'liursdiiy liy iiiR toflay and tomorrow, Judge oi Probate H, M. Gardner patrons of the school. ! Cliarli?s E Derlliric nf roiiia, grand moved to tills city yesterday. He will The portrait 'of Charles Noble, the A. JL._ROSE. seuretiiry (if UiB Ri.val Arouiiiun, died occupy the Kimmel house on C street. founder of our city, which was present­ JEWELER AND ©PTieifllV IHHI friday at hlH lioine, after a sliorl ed to the city by ihe grand dauglilera, yiir, (1.00 ; six monthi, 00 oantt lhr*« illllHSM. Rev. Will. A. Taylor of Belleviie lius (who reside In Detroit) was placed up­ been made chairman of tlie State Cen­ MASON. UrtlCH. monthi, 35 oonti—inadvinoo The Doiuieily Hniise will chniige on the wall with due ceremoiii. tral committee of tlie prohibition The exerciaea following were of a ADVERTISINa RATES. prnprielnr.H.Tan 1, JSdward ^[(!Mlllatl liarty. juriavorllHlnurttloH iiiado Unownalomoe of [jaiiHJiig having bought out Grunt pioneer character, and letters describ­ r.mlnOHHOiirdHSl aline por year. Carter'H iiilereat. The committee of supervisors to set­ ing Incidents in the early days in our Defective Eyes Examined Free of Charge BuslaoHHlooalBllvnnontBPerllno eaobanU tle withthe county treasure and clerk City were read by students of the liigli ;ery Insortlou, Arthur J, Tiittle lias hiieti elected —Messrs, Mclntyre, Hammond Hud­ school. vlarrlaKe,birth,and death notloeafroe, preaideiit of tlie village of Leslie, to • iltiiary notloBH, roHOlutlonH of respool son and Stroud are ut work In th'e The letters were contributed by R, CORRECTION GUARANTEED fill the vaeancy cau.netl by the reaigiia- new court house. l'\ Grilliii, "Early Bfason," and Mrs. • (« nri.hanltB etc'lvfinontHallne, (ion of 15. M, Gould. Lust Friday Afiaa Mary Brockway Mary Hammond," "A Pioneer School 5««$S$iSS--SSS«S&«SS5-:S55«.«S®?S®S^^ With our 2-5c tea (hist wo are giving received her diploma from the Com­ Girl," and Hon, L T. Hemans con­ Biisiiioss Curds. a nice pilelier, three flidttrunt alylcs. mercial Cnrresiiondeiiee Schools of tributed a biographical sketch of Hon. VANDHHCOOK. Rochester, N. Y , she huviiig graduat­ Charles Noble. Holt. Obituary. ATTOUNKTH. Tlio young ladies of the gymnasiuin ed from the course in bookkeeping. We expect next week to furniali our class at the high school building last readers un article containing llie Lottie Aldrlch of Vermontville wus Mary Phillips was born in Somerset, Following the custom of previous a guest nf ftfrs. H. J, Bond Chrlalniaa. England, in ISIM, came Ki Michigan in , rrOKNKV AND COUNSELOR AT Friday afternoon pre.sented their in­ letters in full, also a cut of the portrait structor,' Miss IMullenliauen, with u years and commenciug new years' day of Hon. Coarles Noble. Asa and Mill! Pryor are home from 187S and departed tliis life Dec. 20th, v. law. omoo over FlrHt State and 8av- Albion college for the liolidays. is(HbftQk, Allison, Mlob book, and all enjoyed a tally sjiread. the dry good stores will close ut six 190-1. ,Slie had been a widow 31 years, o'clock standard, also Culver's Kim- Leu Parker has been visiting rela­ was the inntlier of three children who I!. MOAKTHUII, Attorney at Law, Ma- Dr. 0. R. Austin was presented with mel's, Ketchum's, the Racketstore und Where The Chickens Went. tives in Itliaca the past two weeka. survive her—Henry, who lives in Eng­ L . •ion, Mloli, a beautiful gold watch chain,and fob D. D. Dayton's. Suturdays excepted. Last week Tuesday night Mrs. Ger­ • Mrs, Louisa Parker entertained rela­ land, and Albert and William, wlio KNaMOIlE, E. A. attorney at law. Omae as a Ciirlstnnia gift froiri tlie high trude Bush, living just west of the old tives from Ithaca and Breckenridge lived witli and cared for her here. O Willi L. li. MoArlluir, over Farrnern' acliool fool ball team, The doctor was The infant child of .Mr, and Mrs. fair grounds in'Vevuy, lost GO clilck- tlie past week. Slie was a christian, was always in Einnk^ ____ completely Hurprlsed, and couldn't Nelaon Johnson of Owoaso was eiia and two bugs of oats. She ut once Stella DeCump of Hasneria, Oceana sympatliy with the church and her A. BERGMAN, ATTOimiCY AN'DCOUN- even "auy tlianka," brought here for burial In Maple made complaint before Justice Sher­ county, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. trust was llrm in the Savior till the A, SELOK AT LAW, .MaHOii, Mleli. Bherlfl-eiejt Steele has selected Grove last; Thursday. He died from wood and a search warrant was issued Dennis DeCamp Christmas, congestion of brain. The nioilier will last. Though she is dead, her mem­ LFIIKU ALLEN, Lawyer, Ollloe wltli George H. Caiilleld as his Lansing for the premisesof Wilbur Buali, living Tlie annual meeting of the Preaby- ory will live. Funeral services were .. County Ulerk, MaHon. deputy, and the appointnienl meets be remembered aa Miss Mamie Pariah, south of Etchell's corners, who was • erian church will be held at the a high school student. licid at her home In Aurellus Tuesday S. .WEUY, attorney at law, Olllcuop- with general favor in that city, as does suspected of the theft. Constable church Friday afternoon of this week. forenoon, conducted by Rev, 0. A. HI, pOHlte Ifiiddon HouBO, Lansing, Mloh. also the selection nf Albert L. Steele of Hunter Hammond was surprised by Ganaley was given cliurge of the cuse, Jennie Rice and fumily of loniu ure Norcross. that eity for under alierid. Ilia claasmatea in the eightli grade la.st und ussisted by Deputy Sherifl Rouse, visiting relulives in Holt. PlIYNUilANN. A stay of proceedings for 20 days has Friday night at his borne on Ash tlie two ollleera seurehed the premises Will Slid und fumily spent Ciirist- street. Vurious games were played al­ of Bush und found the property und a Real Estate Transfers. lieen granted in the case of Mrs. Frank maa with their duughter at Leslie, The following transfers haye been O. H.FREELAND. M. D. Witter against thecity of MuSon. Tlie ter which light refreshments were large amonnt of other sloleu goods Sophia Guenther of Lansing spent PHY.SICIAN ANIJ HUUGEON, Hours 8lo served. He wus presented with a such us robes, blankets, harness, whips recorded in the office of the register of K. m., 1 to :i, and 7 to S p. m. plaintiff recently secured a judgment Christmas with her brother, Will, uud deeds for Iiiirham coutitv. for the week of .$1,000 for injuries claimed" lo have miiiiulure printing press by his young etc , some of which huve already been fumily. DRS, MANN & AUSTIN. friends. Hunter la a general favorite Identified Bush, who is u cousin of ending Dec. 28, 1901, w'here conaiaer- been received by failing on a defective Will Pryor und family and Mrs. ation is $,S00 or over: OMEOl'ATllIO ril J'.SlUIANrtANl) SUK- sidewalk. with his class und ail regret hia de- Mrs, Bush's late husband, was arrest­ Churlotle Hoyt ate Cliriatmus dinner H GEONS. .Special attention Klvon to llie purture from Muson. ed Tuesday evening and brought to with Mr. und Mra. Albert Hoyt of Chiu'les Ohlstopher and wf to John W. B ye. ear, uose, and throat; alHo dlseaaeH of The Rev. Auguatu J. Chapin D. D., jail, where lie will rest until a further and Agues A. Allen, pel In w 14 of Be)i IV omen and ohlldren, and rect»l dlHoarteB. Of- of New York, who ex|)ecls lo leave Frunk McCourl o( Lansing pitched Muson. of SCO 17, Lansing { soo U 00 Near block, lluurB 8 lo lU a. in,,2 to 5 and complaint can be,made, charging u cir­ Louis McCready und family of Di- Kon/.la E. liourinaHn and wf lo Sarah A. r to 1) p. m, early in February for another lour of heudlong from the scenery loft ut cuit court ofl'ense. Huntington, pel in Clavpool's sub of a the Orient, is spending tlie holiday aea- Bttird's opera house in lliat city last mondaie and Thomas Black and wife ',j of new ofHcol?. Lnnsing 1200 3ERTRU0E D. CAO/IPBELL. M. D son ut the old homestead, where the Saturday evening, and wus instuntly of Jackson ale Cliristmaa diuner at Wm. T, OlMippeii to Hugh Campboll, 21 UYtilCtAN AND SUUaEUN. OFFICK boys and girls are all ul home from killed. He fell u distance of about 2'1 Two More Escapes. Abe Blaok'a. aolnso }.Vof seon, Muson 2172 at rortldeuoe, north .Main street, MaHon. Mr and Mrs, Floyd Springer of Hugh Oampboll to Mary A. Campbell, 21 JllloP e houra 8 u. lu. to 9 a. tii, '2 to i and 7 to S school and colle;,e. feet to the stage lloor, crushing his Lust week Wednesday night two aclnan !-,(ofsec5. Mason 2172 head and shoulder. No one knew he more priaonera escaped from the coun­ Lansing spent Christmas wilh Mr. James M. VanCainp aud wfto Amanda .in. Oouulry and town oallB promptly at- The Keystone people find it pays und Mrs.
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