98 ZARB SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Frank G. Zarb Students should consult the Class Schedule for specifc offerings School of Business before registering for their programs. Offce: Third Floor, Weller Hall. Telephone: (516) 463-5678 ity of managers toward all stakeholders in a diverse global Fax: (516) 463-5268 workplace. Ralph S. Polimeni, Dean The academic organization is designed to foster stu- Robert E. Brockway, Special Assistant to the Dean Anil Mathur, Associate Dean dent learning through close student/faculty interaction. Patricia E. Green, Senior Assistant Dean for Faculty are primarily concerned with excellence in teach- Undergraduate Programs ing and are strongly committed to research and scholar- Rose Anne Manfredi, Senior Assistant Dean for ship. They are also committed to service to the School and Administration, Curriculum and Personnel to the community at large. Stuart L. Bass, Director of Graduate Programs The vision of the Zarb School of Business is to expand The Frank G. Zarb School of Business offers day and its national and international reputation for excellence by evening undergraduate and graduate study leading to the building on its strong regional reputation as a leading Bachelor of Business Administration, the Master of Busi- school of business. ness Administration/Juris Doctor, the Master of Business Administration, the Executive Master of Business Admin- Educational Philosophy to Achieve Mission: The Zarb School istration, and the Master of Science degrees, as well as of Business is committed to maintaining and increasing minors in business subjects. Combined B.B.A./M.S. pro- the quality of its educational programs through: grams, undergraduate certifcates and advanced graduate 1. Viewing the Mission Statement as a living document to certifcates in business are also offered. be reviewed regularly and revised as warranted. During the summer, the Zarb School of Business offers 2. Assessing its programs on a continuing basis by com- Hofstra students the opportunity to study at Erasmus municating with all of the School’s stakeholders. University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and at 3. Providing an environment of fellowship among faculty, Hong-Ik University in Seoul, South Korea. For further students, and administrators, that encourages collegi- information, contact the Dean’sOffce, Frank G. Zarb ality and interaction through which a diversity of School of Business. (See International Study, page 17.) contributions are welcomed. Student advisement is an The following departments comprise the School: important component of this close association among faculty, students, and administrators. Accounting, Taxation, and Business Law Business Computer Information Systems and 4. Maintaining as its priority the recognition and reward Quantitative Methods of faculty achievements in teaching excellence. Recog- Finance nizing and rewarding faculty achievements in research Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business and scholarship is deemed critical. A balance among Marketing and International Business basic scholarship, applied scholarship, and instruc- tional development is essential. Encouraging and rec- ognizing University and community service is empha- Statement of Mission sized as well. 5. Attracting and retaining students with a strong com- The Frank G. Zarb School of Business at Hofstra Univer- mitment to learning, a sense of responsibility and the sity provides a quality education to future leaders in the skills and academic preparation necessary to pursue a proft, not-for-proft and public sectors. The School offers rigorous academic program. an in-depth education within a framework that includes a 6. Developing in both undergraduate and graduate stu- major feld of specialization and a focus on decision dents a sense of the special responsibilities incumbent making and management in a culturally, politically, so- upon them as future business leaders by stressing the cially, and demographically diverse environment. A major value of ethical behavior and diversity in all of its forms objective of the curricula is to provide students with a in the global workplace. perspective on the integration of the functional areas of 7. Promoting and encouraging the professional and per- business, while maximizing the use of analytical skills and sonal development of students through sponsorship of knowledge for decision making in a contemporary global a broad variety of student organizations providing business environment. students with opportunities for formal and informal Within a University dedicated to the liberal arts and interaction with business practitioners and organiza- sciences as the foundation of education, the Zarb School tions. The School utilizes its proximity to New York City is committed to developing in its undergraduate students to better implement these interactions. an appreciation for those disciplines. The Zarb School 8. Seeking active linkages with local, national, and inter- emphasizes to all its students the importance of lifelong national business organizations, agencies, and other learning and a sense of the social and ethical responsibil- appropriate partners to provide service to a variety of ZARB SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 99 communities and constituents, and to afford opportu- Objectives of the M.B.A./J.D. Program nities to others to beneft from participation in Hof- ● Offer qualifed students a joint program leading to both stra’s academic community. M.B.A. and J.D. degrees. ● Educational Objectives to Achieve Mission Give people with legal backgrounds a knowledge of General Objectives business practice, the economic ramifcations of the At both the baccalaureate and master’s levels, the Frank law, and a foundation in business problem solving. G. Zarb School of Business is committed to promoting Areas of law and business that especially beneft from quality teaching that requires rigor, relevance, and a such an approach include tax law, corporation law, real thorough exploration of the application of business estate law, and antitrust law. knowledge in an ever-changing business environment. Simultaneously, the School must impart to its students: Objectives of the Executive M.B.A. Program 1. Strong functional knowledge integrated across busi- ● Provide a graduate management education leading to ness disciplines. the M.B.A. degree for those qualifed students who 2. Profciency in oral and written communications. possess at least seven years of managerial (or equiva- 3. Analytical and critical thinking skills for effective deci- lent) experience and for whom a more appropriate sion making. venue for pursuit of the M.B.A. would be the structure 4. Appreciation for the sociopolitical, demographic, eco- and environment of the executive mode of delivery. nomic, and environmental issues that characterize the ● Provide an appropriate professional perspective, broad contemporary global business environment. exposure to the functional areas of business, specialized 5. An understanding of information systems and other instruction in the leadership aspects of business, inte- technologies and their use in both domestic and global grative capstone courses, and an international resi- environments. dency component to foster global skills. 6. Understanding of ethical principles and social respon- ● sibility. Serve the particular needs of E.M.B.A. students through a lockstep program that encourages interac- Beyond service to traditional students, the Frank G. tion among students. Zarb School seeks to increase its base of service to the business and not-for-proft communities through a variety Objectives of the Master of Science Programs of delivery systems such as certifcate programs, consult- ● Provide qualifed students who already hold baccalau- ing services, conferences, workshops, research, and new reate degrees with a professional perspective and an course/program development for working executives, among others. opportunity to gain expertise in a specifc feld of business. These programs are targeted at those who Specific Objectives of Each Program: In addition to the seek to develop expanded bases of knowledge in a general education objectives listed above, each program particular area of business, as well as those who may in the Zarb School of Business has the following specifc seek career change from one business discipline to objectives: another. ● Objectives of the Bachelor of Business Administration Serve individuals with a strong commitment to mana- Program gerial careers in business, government, or the not-for- ● Offer curricula that are grounded in both the princi- proft sector who exhibit the potential for leadership in ples of a general, yet challenging, liberal arts curricu- the global business community. lum and the fundamentals of business in contemporary ● Offer M.S. degrees in several functional areas of busi- practice. ness. ● Serve qualifed students who enter into the program directly from secondary schools, other four-year institu- Objectives of the Undergraduate Certificate Programs tions, and two-year community colleges. ● Enable qualifed individuals holding baccalaureate de- ● Offer a wide range of B.B.A. concentrations. grees (in any feld) to have the opportunity to earn certifcates of achievement by completing 18-19 addi- Objectives of the Master of Business Administration Pro- gram tional credits of undergraduate work in business. ● ● Provide qualifed students (who already hold baccalau- Offer these certifcates in several specialized areas. ● reate degrees) with a professional perspective,
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