vf X > ; >'t * H^ V, , , W, t"! !&' \**A- iS»s b'M1' ..i-XMiM; :&&&&V SS % EVENING EDITION. \ GRAND FORKS HERALD; FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1921. PAGE THYRTBgN* "Vrf'rtu'i ''•i?' sfe iv r I F % t 7 ALEXA STIRUNG, CHAMP COLFER, TRIES SKILL AT BANKING^GAME BOWLIN ' , ^ Senior fjcsg^. ' On the opening shttt ' the Laundry kept their lead of tt»e league by winning all * three' games from Arman's Sweet/Shop team. Sibell of the laundry teann won -the weekly Willi Open Season^ Play prize for"1 single \game by knocking Tonight1 With Eg^and w i • over 247 in his last same. ONLY IS, BUT The Hotel Dacotah flve took two out of three from the Trepanier Phar­ i ® DOCTORS SAY 120 DRAFT IS CHIEF macy gang and kept second place in • • ' ' ,^'^r - . • < •, league standing. £>I R. Bruce made A* New York, Dctii if.—Tm white 248 in his last game.' Coach Fridjon Thorie: >|i and .hid T)n the second shift Johnson's team haired men engaged In a ISSUEATMEEI squad of Model high' t£all war-' toning contest about their won all three games from Wilde's out­ fit. The former rolled three good riors departed last ev. daring the meeting ot the games, getting 2,689 for their set, land, where they will'clfwj<,%lthwill 'cJi the league baseball cians. Quintet , Has Score4 280 Major League Osiers Vot­ Tom McGoey of the. same team made;hjg)l school traln of thftv*)ita» thie Said Jn^Ce Kensaw H. Points to 35 For Oppon- ^.baseball's .supreme court: ed to Re-esiablish Seven high total of the even ng for three evening in their first itOJnS'ov "I am 55 yep-s old.'but mj doc­ games, making 651-for the set and j The Model high athiet4|-J|<^e^Men cutting him in the lead of the league j pj.acticing during tW>* — •••"•" ents Already.. tors after an. exhaustive examina- hard Game World Seri<&. for high Individual average. I weeks and are expected to tion have told me that I have the International Harvester No. 1 »•»=.e tropg Egelan physical make-up of a boy of i ,py • StropgR Kgeiand team a reeU battfe on 84." took all three games from Co. "M." in i thelr home ^oor this evening. Cap • - v Crookston, Minn., Dec. 18.—With (By The Associated. Press,) • three close games. ttain Campbell wijl lead tiie Univerwity . "But listpn!" commanded Col­ As a result of last night's play, th<- the best basketball team ever repre­ onel George Hamof Montreal, of- New York, Dec. 16.—Several plans prep school basket-shooters and wiTl «#*• for a restoration of the draft under Trepanier Pharmacy team, iliough probably be accompanied by X»<tnd. senting. Crookston, •. hoop, fans have ' fictal of the Canadian Paclllc rail­ conditions satisfactory to. twUi .minor losing two games moved from fourth 1 way,'"Iiisten! I am 75 yean old.' Martel. Griffith and Wild to start the wmc first class games in store for and major leagues were bqj|t)f consid­ to third place and the Wilde team contest. ' them next .month, according to the I have had more doctoring than ered by the baseball adviapfy council third to fourth, the other teams re- ! % "any other man on the continent. The ISgeland team is composed of a incomplete schedule of Manager John today. ' x •' • maining the same in stand'ng as last st(fIiar squad of players aAd Is con- Vgi . Heldstab. Preliminary games being At least I have hadsjnore doctors One of the plans provided that in week. than 907- man I know. And they sidered unusually ktrong .'.title , year Played this month are merely practice the event of a class A A cjub losing a n Wilde Alleys. with a number of veterans back in games for the hot scraps to come, he tell me that I am 120 years old. player via draft, the major, league Wilde .\. 201 ISO uniform. Coach H. 1. Clark 1| hand- declares. Who are your physicians any­ club receiving the player,' after pay­ J 57 way!" O'Connell 146 1"" ling the squad and gives promise of Trie local team already has its eye ing. $5,000 as provided in the present Filteau .. 125 133 163 producing some healthy competition on the Red River valley championship Then Judge Landis sat down. arrangement would (send a player to Stewart .. m 146 14 and before the season is over expects J ! for opposing teams. The leading can- •the A.A. club in place of Ahe drafted Parish .. .y. .120 174 143 to extend its championship to larger man), Another proposed that the : didates for the Egeiand team are territory. So far vallejr teams, have draft price be raised $7.5p0 and that —'— ' 1 Wild. Howell. Eakright.'Putnam, WU- heen no match for Crookston and of Totals . 76J6 760 794 -320|]jat]1 Howell and Shively. CHAMP BUFF in case * the drafted player did not I Thi> Egcland team recently return- the four games played this seawn. measure up to major league stand­ Johnson's. ^eJ from a victorious trip in whieh it Captain Ben Sampson's teant has ards he should be returned to the club , .171 ISO '150 I * scored' 220 points to 3-5 for the op- front which he was taken at half the Stanton defeated the Omemee quintet by a ", ponenta or an average score of 54 Dummy , .139 177 163 score of 87 to 16, the State FOPeibT IS DEFEATED draft price. ( „ Johnson. C. .. , .175 124 129 • normal by a snore of 24 to l^. and • to' 8 for Crookston. One of these propositions may be Brohman . .199 171 160 : the Bottineau high school teant fi]r ^ Indeed there is so much difference 'used by the advisory council in reach­ : ; between Crookston and teams in this ing ad agreement to be submitted to McGoey, Tpm . .204 233 214 j 17 to 14 count. ^ . section that Manager Heldstab in­ Critics Give Memphis Bat­ the minors concerned for a>cti6n. tends to let the second team play re­ Seven-team Series. Totals .938 885 816—2639 1 Herald Want Ads Bring Retold. turn games promised Fertile and Fish­ tler Best of Bout With er. Next Tuesday night the locals • (By The Associated Press.) ifotel iDacotob. •will play Hendrum-at. the armory. Buff New York, Dec. lb.:—Major league Bruce, D. R. .156 ISfi 243 Hendrum beat- Crookston early in the baseball owners in joint meeting today Nichols , .161 145 195 LEGAL NOTICES Mason last year and although Hen- Sherman , .17-5 14'j 176 voted to re-establish the seven-game TOUEVSEM XITOBT drum is again said tcr^have a good McGowan . • . .169 166 173 N Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 14.—Pal world series, instead of the nine-game Report of treasurer of t»arinior» team this year, Sampson's teammates series in effect for the • last" three Bacon . .178 140 147 School District No. Ill, Coupty of G»nd •will try to hand the. visitor* a severe Moore, of Memphis, defeated Johnny years/ Forks. State of North DaJreta. fer year trouncing. Buff,' bantamweight champion of the American league club owners were Totals .842 735 934—2511 beginning July IV 1JJ0. and, ending Jane The first away from home game world, in a ten round, no-declsion unanimous for the change, while Na­ 30, 1921. and what is expected to be the stlffest oontest here tonight, according to tional league magnates voted 7 to 1 yropanicr Pharmacy. RECEIPTS " . game thus far, will take place next newspaper critics. .139 148 154 Cash on hand, including sinking Moore piled up such a commanding against it. Inasmuch as under ia joint A. new studio portrait of Miss Alexa Stirling and (inset) a glimpse of ber Met calf fund, at beginning of school. Wednesday when Crookston goes. to agreement each league hu only one Uorvath. , . .157 .153 154 year, July 1, 1920 • 566.21 Bemidji to play the national guard lead that the result ,was not in doubt as golf enthusiasts know her. Moore's peculiar jumping style of vote, Commissioner L&pdis. who* is Goldberg .. .179 161 186 Total amount re- .tfeata. '• authorized to cast the deciding ballot Miss Alexa Stirling, several times woman's golf champipn, id now plan­ Brislan . , ..201 165 157 ceived during year ;. , J .. ' Iii January the Two Harbors quintet boxing bothered the champion lrom in. case of a tie. voted in favor of the ning to match her skill against that of men and women in another field. Bolton . .. .136 148 149 front apportion- •"'r' • * and ..the Cambridge five will apipear the .start and Buff could not get the seven-game series. • " She has entered the banking business, having joined the bond department ment of State •<%, here for the "tiest two out of . three range f6r a knockout punch. Moore of the S. W. Straus & Co. of New York. Miss Stirling, daughter < of a Tuition Fund 67.85 : / scored with rights and lefts almost The Chicago Cubs alone of the Na­ Totals . .812 775 8^0- -2381 Total amount re- ' games., Crookston will- "play Two tional league clubs voted in favor of prominent, physician of Atlanta, Ga„ won the national championship three <;eived during year Harbors January 10 and 11 and if a as he pleased but the champion kept the shorter series. years in succession and several othir sectional titles. boring in for more punishment. In ( International Harvester No. 1. from a p p o r t ion- third game is necessary it will be Discuss Draft Restoration. McGowan 125 142 190 men t of County MS -'• played January 14 after Two Harbops two or three rounds Moore landed ~T 1 Tuition Fund ...
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