
V , .'Js, r ; .\ " ■ V. -* \ r - . /• ■ .' 1' ■- ■ -• ‘ f + ■ ; ‘ • \ . AT • y I iff: ■ ' ' X i SATURDAY. FEBRTJABY S. 1984 ifiatujli^ieibr 4/' • •.V ■’ . f '-V ATorsKo DsUy Nib.Prow Ron Far"iba'-Weak Haded' • ( February 5.'1954 ■ ' ■ ♦ ia town, aondtatt ada aad prodded .M in a'eeeskxn^ic wwwnwe'Vx-ieeav: m e m tkiiKkwik '“FhaiietifsAinbrose^^^^'l^^ M in - _ was married and Member ef tbe Audit Iww 8D-i9. tseufly,. Moved to Omaha. Neb., and Ruteau el OreulattoUa ran a column in the' madbqi Tallow and rust chryssnthe-J H is \ Htm$eh«$tet*§ Side Street*, Too there. Later the News N. X. ■aa\ 4 mums and pompcHis tot-med the ) Maruhetter— A City of VUUi/ie Chorin tinned publishtag a papery aatttag at S t Jamea* Church at i :o o ^ s M ii i N M ’Tniy^ vTteopIe f meet Just what a wonder- Mary Taylor, who ia atm on The One Suffers B ^ en lUg D(^ -.a a . the I*abBeUo 10 o’clock this moriUng for the' 1[YOL.LXXIILNO.109 w*** (Ctaaeiftad Advertielag en Page 14) » fnl place Palmetto is. Y 6u know," Herald staff la additleta^o other wedding of Allas Jean Arylene ■ MANCHESTEIL CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 19S4 «tto ;n a .K he said. *'we Just don’t have any­ duties, took over tho'^um a for a Ai Auto LeRFOk Road (SIXTEEN PAGES) I MTvloa, Ainbroae, daughter of Mr. and: FRICB.PtYll^ where near the friendliness on the number Of yearpT Mrs. H. H. Mrs. John Ambrose, 135 Branford To Avoid Hitting Dog _____ m th« Mr. and Mra. L. C MkhaUea. of West Coast that you people have Longaker, who Jives in the South, i 4M R. 33nd Street, Oakland. Calif., shown us." '> Mrs. Harold BUrr, now o f Albany. St, and Bugana ItayiBond Pbane-; Nmrmt«v'9f Oi came afoul of the law .W odaea^ N uf. 95 torch St., ion of the lets I Swerving to S'vold hitting a dog \Pope Pius B K««ney 8t.^ Y., andJw high school teach- morning whan they were caught in New Dead Lstter Dept. precqdM Mrs. Btabrek. Mr. and Mra. Peter Phaneuf. ■ in the highway, a South Coventry 2,000 Place Names M inisters Patatettoh HoapitaUty Speed Trap The double ring ceremony waa driver loat control of hia egr, ran Police Chief A ' L. Reidmon and There is a new department at - lAtlirop, tkkat . Manchester Memorial HoeplM:' It Milk vs. Oettoa performed by the Rev. George i ^ tlM Bka ValmtiiM trotman J. B. Sutton. Hughes. off the road aariy this momlas <• proved. S waa organised out of neceastty. V may all be grlptag about the Manafleld and andiild ta an acci­ Discussing ■QMUd that aU d k a _____ Hailed into '"Judge Bob Mar- not out of desira. , Since it is the Presentsd ta marriage by her vi^ n r kilira tlMir ratuma in by ’a Court o f Welcome." they It of a cup of coffee in certain fkther. the bride had aa her maid dent which sent two Manehfiter On School Petitions same as the one ybu and in tostauraats being 15 cents but how ed honor, Misa Carol Ann Robin- An DMiBbm bhvlnr tlck- aolemnly charged eHth drlv- offices, they have labeled it about n ^ drinxersT men, paaaengers ta the car, to Sits Erect ' will not b* uaad are S-mllee>an-hour In a SS-mile eon. 4t Foster. St Brldeemalds * ^ ___ Asia Issue the same name, "Dead One of the boys is a milk drink­ Windham' Cbrnmunity Uemorid^ to extend the ..deadline on their _ ^ Mail - tfeett. back er to <Mra. Miohailea axpnMaed the Dept." w an n a r y l 4Mt Willard, 45 Staap Alrfikdjf sigfied by from 2 that it waa an unuaual er, consigning half a quart daily Hollow Lane, and Mrs. Blaine Heapttal where one was admitted 7’V*ti<isn City, Feb. 8 (JP)— OOp to 2,500 voters, two peti­ original bid. I a coatrtbutlon to tbe’bulldiac Too many pieces of ir ^ are ar- during hia hmeh period. While in Berlin, Feb. 8 Big ‘ la eara «( Mr. lAthrop. Juatice being foisted on Schults, 54 Btrch St. with a broken right leg. A Vatican Prem Office bulle- tions to get General Manager Tbe Directors could peu That rivlag at the h o s p l^ with no another town last night, he or­ Best man was Stanley Mirucki. Four Foreign Miiitstsm de­ old be made out to velera throuih Palmetto. Mr. .liame on the envejo^ Names Herbert F t ^ l , 30, e l 71 Wad-! ||n, issued by Pope Rua' pri­ ‘ordiflance if Ufey chose. If not ____ he gueeeed he waa dered a sandwich and milk. The 165 Oak and ushers were I^ il ^ RicHsrd Martin to Award A it would go to theyotera Yor their cided today in secret: session . i i I L o ig t o f EQca No. are often mis-spe)!^ too. smaU glass of milk was 15 cents, dell Rd., received the leg fracture vate physician, said today about'^at aad might juat Sekulta, 81 Birch S t. and Harold cqntriiGt for the Keeney to invite Austria for 1|m L'Sla^z- - Ir ie a d g ^ y . For exampld/W were’ shown the same price as coGeor Haberern. Tl-Lockwoiad St.~ aad minor tajuriea. Joaeifii Sals, that the Pontiff wgfi-able to Street School, on the baaia of what happensd to two places of A quart of milk today is 35 43. of 365 Olcott St., was treated Rottner said the peOtione, which opening____ „ of the-Austrian In- ----------- nilipM.IIoaa,VBlalB^ ■s» .- hall sentenced the astound- .Her wsJita. l « « 1h ffpw n Of Cbaan.. .erwt in an arnjehair After, .AznokL. Lawraoita’a j^na, bSOilifbrniadald ttdaiTto Palmoi- Hkndnrrtttog tMots,' wKttheiro itae four tllly lace over satin waa made with ' tcY Mtaor tajurlto and released.*"’’" leaving his bed—the first dcpcndcncE Troity discus _ .r ^ the BueUntbam Oonfrera- li^ wm ^ The only writing en es ta a quart. A t 15 cents a glass, were being called in thia are... K.Lbeing called in to save time gjong Ihia jUoaal Church, win take fo r hie to. ^ t h lunch to be berved at the a fitted bodice and a bouffant Driver of the ear waa Conrad time he has done this for any Blnca the petition for enactment Friday at the Trails Restaurant, dlniMr at the the Mvelopea were "Manchester that’s 60 cents on a quart, for a skirt of lace and tulle. It had a KovtaUkl. 47, ot South Coventry morning—one of them for latrat. !.^ ld lgaet-.a t-th a .ll a n . aKKwing MenWrial HospHsl.' Haynes "St., profit of 35 cents:....... , .^siderkbJie period since Jan, re- Zion*8 One Million Dollar Blaze Tovm' Hotliae, a car Ivaah ABtf iubrl'- nULtCHlng coCktair jacket with who Wkl driving north en Rt. S3- tomor. rfS S ’i . l 't e wenhlp aervlce tomorrow, "The T o identify them, the CMn’t you Just hear them cows 25. ' pedlcated Peraon." The church catlon\by Woodie’a Shell long sleevea aad « mandarin col­ ta Mansfield when he ebt sharply row. The stghaturea were picked up iracy and F ra y 's Drive-In Car'Wash, envelopes were held to the light mooing! ^ 2^. According to the bulletin, the ' Berlin, Feb. 8 (/P)—The ndMol aaedon wUl be held at 9:45 lar. Her marquieettc fingertip vail to avoid the dog. Kowalski waa not And at prera time' today Atty. Saturday and yesterday. candy from thp Sea Hone, which -revealed they wore con­ of Ulusioa was attached to. a small injured. Pontlffa health is improving and John 8. G. Rottner, leaderrof a cltl- Big''Four foreign ministers an . In the afternoon the Touac and flowers from Jack iSra' gratulatory cards. Frayer am Appetlaer crown with rhinestoaea. Her flow­ baa been advised by doctors to From the administrative vlew- ^aople’a Feuowmp will leave The accident, which occurred aen'a group backing the petitions, polnt,' the Keeney Street project met in their first secret ses* Fruit Mkrket aiul overnight lOLe^ Next step was to take them Have you ever haled a guy so ers were a cascade of white or- ftaava about some within his waa arranging for tomorrow’s, Indictments fim i the church ht S:45 for Hart« ^rough the maternity ward and about 8;16 am . today la atiU chiunbers." Vatican sources said v^as at a standetiU today. Sion of the Berlin Conference tag at the palmetto Court. In addi- much that the mere thought of chide with satin atreamers. under investigation and no arrest meeting to hand over onr of the Ibrd; for the purpon of iaapectiaa .tku), tl^ .couple were to he...conT. them around, . .,Qm new him. made you g a g on your- feoAT- ., The_jnatd..QC:..Jionor.. and.. toa Pope.,diA .tbiin. He atan.. took ..petitiona- _ ~ ™ — ----- v.,. -,,.>taVtta.H4d.today thatXe„Town tbday to see whether th '^oraw r a»ip«taiidiiiaMobae. i » ducted on\a tour of the town and m btte distingulahed the hand­ Tiai bewnmade. accordtnr'lo'fltatr ipUd food -r- ble first in - many Counsel Charles N. Crockett and cotlTd figree oh steps lb pii^ Just add his name to those, you in­ brMesmaida were attired ta simi­ Policeman Thomaa O. Smith. That one merely requests that IftemieB St, that dty. They win arch by W- T. Jordan, o f Jordan writing as that of a friend. When clude in your prayers and you’ll lar gowaa, that of the maid of days.
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