
Musical works of Karlheinz Stockhausen (b. 1928) [Information taken from www.stockhausen.org.] Nr. Chöre für Doris for choir a capella, 1950 Drei Lieder for chorus and chamber orchestra, 1950 Chorale for four-part choir a capella, 1950 Sonatine for violin and piano, 1951 Kreuzspiel (“Cross-play”) for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, percussion, 1951 Formel (“Formula”) for orchestra, 1951 Etüde, musique concrète, 1952 Spiel (“Play”) for orchestra, 1952 Schlagtrio (percussion trio), for piano and 3x2 timpani, 1952 Punkte (“Points”) for orchestra, 1952 (revised, 1962) 1 Kontra-Punkte (“Counter-points”) for 10 instruments, 1952-3 2 Klavierstücke I-IV (Piano pieces I-IV), 1952-3 (Klavierstück IV revised 1961) 3/I Studie I, electronic music, 1954 3/II Studie II, electronic music, 1954 4 Klavierstücke V-X, (Piano pieces V-X), 1954-5 (Klavierstück X revised 1961) 5 Zeitmasze (“Tempi”) for woodwind quintet, 1955-6 6 Gruppen (“Groups”) for three orchestras, 1955-57 7 Klavierstück XI (Piano piece XI), 1956 8 Gesang der Jünglinge (“Song of the Youths”), electronic music, 1955-6 9 Zyklus (“Cycle”) for one percussionist, 1959 10 Carré for four orchestras and choruses, 1959-60 11 Refrain for three players, 1959 12 Kontakte (“Contacts”) for electronic sounds, 1959-60 Kontakte for electronic sounds, piano and percussion, 1959-60 Originale (“Originals”), musical theater with Kontakte, 1961 13 Momente (“Moments”) for soprano, four choral groups and 13 instruments, 1962-4 (Revised 1965, 1998) 14 Plus/Minus 2 x 7 pages for elaboration, 1963 15 Mikrophonie I (“Microphony I”) for tam-tam, 2 microphones, 2 filters and potentiometers (6 players), 1964 16 Mixtur (“Mixture”) for orchestra, sine-wave generators, ring modulators and loudspeakers, 1964 (revised 1967) 17 Mikrophonie II (“Microphonie II”) for chorus, Hammond organ and four ring modulators, 1965 18 Stop for orchestra, 1965 (revised as “Paris version”, 1969) 19 Solo for melody instrument and tape recorder, 1965-66 20 Telemusik (“Telemusic”), electronic music, 1966 21 Adieu für Wolfgang Sebastian Mayer for wind quintet, 1966 22 Hymnen (“Anthems”), electronic music/musique concrète, 1967 version with orchestra, 1969 23 Prozession (“Procession”) for tam-tam, viola, electronium, piano, microphones, filters and potentiometers, 1967 24 Stimmung (“Attuning”) for vocal sextet, 1968 Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen Page 2 25 Kurzwellen (“Short-waves”) for six players, 1968 (“Kurzwellen mit Beethoven”, 1970) 26 Aus den sieben tage (“From the seven days”), 15 compositions for intuitive music, 1968 27 Spiral for one soloist and short-wave receiver, 1968 28 Spiral for a soloist with short-wave receiver, 1968 29 Fresco for four groups (Wall-sounds for meditation), 1969 30 Pole for two, 1969-70 31 Expo for three, 1969-70 32 Mantra for two pianists, 1970 33 Für kommende Zeiten (“For times to come”), seventeen texts for intuitive music, 1969- 70 34 Sternklang (“Star-sound”), park music, 1971 35 Trans for orchestra, 1971 36 Alphabet for Liège, thirteen musical pictures for soloists and duos, 1972 36-1/2 Am Himmel wandre ich (“In the sky I am walking”), Indian songs for two voices, 1972 37 Ylem, scenic music for thirteen players or singers, 1972 38 Inori, adorations for dancer-mimes and orchestra, 1973-4 38-1/2 Vortrag über HU (“Lecture on HU”) for a singer, musical analysis of Inori, 1974 39 Atmen gibt das Leben (“Breath gives life”), choir-opera with orchestra (or tape), 1974-7 40 Herbstmusik (“Winter music”) for four players, 1974 40-1/2 Laub und Regen (“Leaves and rain”), closing duet for clarinet and viola, 1974 41 Musik im Bauch (“Music in the belly”) for six percussionists and music boxes, 1975 41-1/2 Tierkreis (“Zodiac”), twelve melodies for the signs of the zodiac for a melody and/or chord instrument, 1975-76 42 Harlekin (“Harlequin”) for a dancing clarinettist, 1975 43 Sirius, electronic music with four soloists, 1975-77 43-1/2 Aries for trumpet and electronic music, 1977-80 43-2/3 Libra for bass clarinet and electronic music, 1977 43-3/4 Capricorn for bass and electronic music, 1977 44 Amour, five pieces for clarinet, 1976 45 Jubiläum (“Jubilee”) for orchestra, 1977 46 Im Freundschaft (“In friendship”) for solo player, 1977 (14 individual works) Kadenzen (“Cadenzas”) for Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto Licht (Die sieben Tage der Woche) (“Light - the seven Days of the Week”), 1977-2003 47 Jahreslauf (“Course of the Years”), Act I from Tuesday from Light, for ballet, actor, orchestra and tape or orchestra alone,1977 48-50 Donnerstag aus Light (“Thursday from Light”), opera in three acts, a greeting and a farewell for 14 performers, choir, orchestra and tapes, 1978-81 (circa 4 hours) Donnerstags Gruss (“Thursday Greeting”) 49 Act I: Michaels Jugend (“Michael’s Youth”) Kindheit (“Childhood”) Mondeva Examen (“Examination”) Act II: Michaels Reise um die Erde (“Michael’s Journey Round the Earth”) 50 Act III: Michaels Heimkehr (“Michael’s return home”) Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen Page 3 Festival Vision Donnerstags-Abschied (“Thursday’s parting”) Individual pieces from Donnerstag aus Light for concert performance: 48 Michaels Reise um die Erde, Act II, 1977-8 1. Ex 48 Eingang und Formel (“Entry and Formula”) for solo trumpet 2. Ex 48 Halt for trumpet and double-bass 3. Ex 48 Kreuzigung (“Crucifixion”) for brass instruments and electronic organ 4. Ex 48 Mission and Himmelfahrt (“Mission and ascension”) for trumpet and basset-horn 48-1/2 Donnerstags-Gruss for brass, piano and percussion 1. Ex 48-1/2 Michaels Ruf (“Michael’s Cry”) for variable ensemble Ex. 49 Unsichtbare Chöre (“Invisible Choir”) for 16-track tape 49-1/2 Kindheit, Scene I 1. Ex 49-1/2 Tanze Luceva! For basset-horn or bass clarinet 2. Ex 49-1/2 Bijou for alto flute and bass clarinet 49-2/3 Mondeva (“Moon-Eve”) for tenor and basset-horn 49-3/4 Examen, Scene 3 ex 49-3/4 Klavierstück XII (Examen) for solo piano 50 Michaels Heimkehr, Act III, 1980 50-1/2 Festival, scene of Act III 1. Ex 50-1/2 Draschenkampf (“Dragonfight”) 2. Ex 50-1/2 Knabenduett (“Boy’s duet”) 3 ex. 50-1/2 Argument for tenor, bass, organ or synthesizer 50-2/3 Vision for tenor, trumpeter, dancer 50-3/4 Donnerstags-Abschied 51-54 Samstag aus Light (“Saturday from Light”), opera in a greeting and four scenes, for 13 musical performers, wind orchestra, ballet or mimes, male voice choir, organ, 1981-84 (circa 3 hours) Samstags-Gruss (Luzifer-Gruss) (“Saturday greeting”) 51 Scene 1: Luzifers Traum (“Lucifer’s Dream”) 52 Scene 2: Kathinkas Gesang als Luzifers Requiem (“Kathinka’s song at Lucifer’s Requiem”) 53 Scene 3: Luzifers Tanz (“Lucifer’s Dance”) 54 Scene 4: Luzifers Abschied (“Lucifer’s farewell”) Individual pieces from Samstag aus Light for concert performance: Luzifers Traum, scene 1, 1981 Klavierstück XIII for solo piano Traum Formel for basset-horn Luzifers Abschied, scene 4, 1982 Kathinkas Gesang als Luzifers Requiem, scene 2, 1982-3 Luzifers Tanz, scene 3, 1983 Linker Augenbtauentanz (“Left eyebrow dance”) Rechter Augenbtauentanz (“Right eyebrow dance”) Linker Backentanz (“Left cheek dance”) Rechter Backentanz (“Right cheek dance”) Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen Page 4 Nasenflügeltanz (“Wings of the nose dance”) Oberlippentanz (“Upper lip dance”) (“Protest” from Lucifer’s dance) Zungenspitzentanz (“Tip of the tongue dance”) Samstags-Gruss (“Saturday’s greeting”), 1984 55-59 Montag aus Light (“Monday from Light”), opera in three acts, a greeting and a farewell, for 21 musical performers, modern orchestra (including electronic keyboard instruments and tape playback), 1984-88 (circa 4 hours) 55 Montags-Gruss (“Monday greeting:) 56 Act I: Evas Erstgeburt (Eva’s first birth”) 57 Act II: Evas Zweitegeburt (“Eva’s second birth”) 58 Act III: Evas Zauber (“Eva’s magic”) 59 Montags Abschied (“Monday’s parting”) Individual pieces from Samstag aus Light for concert performance: Klavierstück XIV for solo piano, 1984 Evas-Spiegel (“Eva’s mirror”) Susani Botschaft (“News”), 1984-5 AVE Evas Zauber, Act III, 1984-6 Befruchtung mit Klavierstück (“Conception with Piano piece”), 1984-7 Evas Zweitegeburt, Act II, 1984-7 Montags-Gruss, 1984-8 Susanis Echo (“Susani’s echo”) Evas Lied (“Eva’s song”), 1986 Wochenkreis (“Die sieben Lieder der Tage”) (“Weekly circle, the seven songs of the days”) Der Kinderfänger (“The child catcher”) Entführung (“Abduction”) Xi Evas Erstgeburt, Act I, 1987 Mädchenprozession (“Girl’s procession”) Montags-Abscheid, 1988 47/60-61 Dienstag aus Licht (“Tuesday from Light”), opera in two acts, 1988-92 (ca. 156') 60 Dienstags-Gruss (“Tuesday Greeting”) Act I: Course of the Years 61 Act II: Invasion-Explosion mit Abschied (“Invasion-Explosion with Farewell”) Octophony, electronic music of Tuesday from Light, 1994 Invasion - Explosion, octophonic music, 1990 Pietà for flugelhorn, soprano, octophonic electronic music, 1990 Synthi-Fou for synthesizer and electronic music (Klavierstück XV), 1992 62-64 Freitag aus Licht (“Friday from Light”) 62 Freitags-Gruss (“Friday Greeting”), 1991-2 63 Paare vom Freitag (“Couples of Friday”) Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen Page 5 64 Freitag-Versuchung (“Friday Temptation”), 1991-4 65-71 Mittwoch aus Licht (“Wednesday from Light”) , 1995-97 65 Mittwochs-Gruss (“Wednesday Greeting”), 1998 66 Welt-Parlament (“World Parliament”), 1st scene, 1995 67 Licht-Ruf (“Call from Light”), 1995 68 Orchester-Finalisten (“Orchestra-Finalists”), 2nd scene, 1995-6 69 Helicopter String Quartet, 3rd scene, 1992-93 70 Michaelion, 4th scene of Wednesday from Light, 1997 71 Mittewochs-Abschied (“Wednesday Farewell”), 1996 72 Europa-Gruss (“Europe Greeting”), 1992-2002 73 Trumpetent, 1995 74 Litanei 97 for choir and conductor, 1997 75-80 Sunday from Light, Opera in six scenes and a farewell (4 hours 38 min, 1998-2003) 75 Lichter-Wasser (“Lights-Waters”) for soprano, tenor & orchestra with synthesizer, 1998-9 76 Engel Prozessionen (“Angel Processions”), 2000 77 Licht-Bilder (“Light Pictures”), 2002 78 Düfte-Zeichen (“Scents-Signs”), 2002 79 Hoch-Zeiten (“High Times”), 2001-2 80 Sunday Farewell, 2001-3 11-1/2 3 x Refrain 2000, piano with 3 wood blocks, 2000 16-2/3 Mixtur 2003, 1967-2003 18-2/3 Stop and Start, 2001.
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