II' 1 'V r F i : ' I Si i! HONOLULU, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1849. (No. 31. .POLYNESIAN, rilE BUSINESS CARDS. THE THREE FRIENDS OF BRUSSELS. the same grave with his parents,' thus clear Theodore, which consent Emily had strong nest de St. Maure, as obstacles to bio way. reasons for entreating from -- reklv el Oahu, II. Some rears airo. there resided nt Ttmaoela ing his memory, as tar as they could, trora them. When Ernest fell first into bin power. Thin victim J,'L lloll POLYlfESIAlf v, PRINTING OFFICE. ' Theodore had been absent seven months, his to . three young men, named Charles Daran-cour-t, the dreadful charge of being a parricide. came the house of Darancourt to be initi- t; ESKOttUOS llorKlNS, EDITOR. Plain anb Theodore de Valmont'and Ernest de The arguments of Charles Darancourt were wife gave birth to a son, for whom Charles ated into the mysteries of masonry. I'nJrr ianrrj Book airt Job printina a a . chiefly instrumental in procuring this justice Daracoiirt stood sponsor at the font. Daran- pretence of performing these, Daranrc-ut- t SCtH Ak-- oi. Aiaure, whose fnendshm for each othdr TERMS. raaapklrts. ' was his departed friend. young advocate court, on this occasion, after pledging, to the had contrived to bind the man no sHvaac, - 00 Skop Bills, of so ardent a nature, that they were The young that is Catalsvaes, warmth of sor- mother and child, called on the guests pres- he could stir neither hand aud T r. .Mibv m advance a to Bills of Exchange. generally known by the title of The Insepara- displayed in this cause all the nor foot, had 12ft Clrralara, Bills of Lading, bles. The first link that bound these youths rowing affection, and all the powers of foren- ent to join him in drinking, 'To the happy then opened the victim's dress, ami thrust a Hand bill. return of the absent father, and may in- knitting-needl- e Rttn r AterlUI. Rill CoasalarBlaaks. together was the remarkable circumstance sic genius. .. his between the ribs into the l,OH,rack con- - Heads, . 14 lier finl irrtH, VISITING, uiaak ueeds. of their having been all No further light was thrown on the fate ol nocence soon be established!' Strange to centre of the heart! Ernest dr St. Maure born on one -- a fc.l square t noes i, or i BUSINESS AND ADDRESS CARDS three a at a at ja, .a . 1 . say, this wish seemed in some measure ful died instantly, almost without a Tak- L . 14 4a kji. ucroeu who neatneaa and despatch, on liberal terms. day, and, being all of good families, they had the bt. Maures, until some weeks alter tne groan. , . N dis- kUluMl AIL.. been constant playfellows in childhood, and tragic event. Several papers were then filled, not many days after its utterance, in a ing a key, by which the deceased let himself - -- - aar . 1 H. 8u studied covered in an escritoire by the late count's manner that deeply affected him who uttered into his own house at nights, from Ernest 'a ijf iU.(Wj not esrecdint ou 8. WILLIAMS GO. at the same academy as schoolboys, a, ,U calama. and brother, which threw a dark suspicion on it. A cart was stopped one night at the city pockets, and also a penknife, Darancourt J ,.. Ytstly aJverUwnj Uauled lo Iho ad-- Jmporttra $z Commission illcrrijants, had become members of the same uni- one the most intimate friends of the de barrier by one of the collector of the imposts. then carried the body by a back road to a HONOLULU, OAUU, versity in their more advanced years. Thro' of J Twniy f per liar, for au Theodore de Valmont! It ap- No contraband goods were found in the cart, neighboring well, and threw it in. He then e--r1 k 8. 11. Williams, 1 toese stages of their existence, thev had ceasedon tlt,u in of small box fell off, J. P. B. Masshall, I exhibited the same unvarying affection for peared by these documents that de Valmont but the act search, a hurried to the Count de St. Maure's house, Sandwich Islaxos. was crushed by one the wheels. Z Uwt ire rUad to puj in advance. one another, and had displayed simila- had fixed his affections on Emily Duplessis, and of The let himself in, and murdered the maotrr of III B. K. Snow. j great assisted in its rity in their tastes, feelings and pursuits. a beautiful young lady, who returned his collector gathering up contents, the house, his wife, and their two domestics, long-standi- ng and, while doing so, picked up. a brilliant while sleeping in their beds. - w. jarves t. Canvas, On reaching manhood, circum- passion in spite of a quarrel The principal H a lum,- n. a o. Proinwi, brad, Natal Stores, &c., and deal however, .! diamond brooch. The collector had been motive for Darancourt's a. r f at4tana. Poller. in every variei of Shio Chaiwilor aui Kw.ii. rr stances led them, as might be expected, to between their families. Ernest de St. Maure entering the house whaleahipa. de Val- once in the service of the Count de St. Maure, was the desire to gain Uml adopt different courses of life. Daran-coor-t, and Charles Darancourt had been poesMun of a . Bills of Exchange on tha United Ktntra ami Rm. and instantly recognized the. brooch, which for five thousand whir mont 's only confidants, and had assisted him francs, h, out of Ins I MONTGOMERY, mpa wanted. the son of an eminent physician, se- H great value, as having , belonged to slender the uuc lected the profession of the law as the road in procuring interviews with the object or his was of means, count had lent the young tiKNKIlAL MERCHAN- - . into was , taken to his ifORR. W 2TVSHETT & OO, to eminence and respectability in the world. affections. Being thus occasionally brought that nobleman. Tbe carter lawyer prosecute studies. The mur- I... .11 L.n HI kind tod for mU. a reneral CTnirral into contact with the young lady, Ernest de custody, and, on examination, stated that he der of the servants and, indeed, of the other French and American Dry eommfsston iUrrtijanto. St. Maure, whose father was a nobleman of ef . had been employed by a gentleman to carry victims also, was committed lest they should iaarfnww ba .11 aril decayed fortunes, chose army most SL Maure bad himself been inspired with a i4l El' ..L.t .lurk ' Asr"jEJ"?BT: ( HONOLULU, OAHU, H. L the as and various articles furniture to a disturd him in J suitable to his birth and pretensions. De deep and unhappy passion for Emily Duples- trunks of the robbery of the house, V Money advanced house about mile distant from Brus- which proved a too .. kui aad h camataatlv receiving a on favorable terms for Bills of Valmont, on the other hand, preferred the sis. He had confessed this to Darancourt, country a temptation stiong to be wbick will Mil Kichange on tke United &ates, England and France. sels. Being asked the gentleman's name, overcome when the murderer found U.mvt .f.ffTMrrwf salt, ha captivating study letters and the fine arts and had at the same time declared his reso tho VJTwUri.r.'Ni term. of it as 'Monsieur Daran- chance in his and r.tMkU THOU At to pursuit v positive profession: lution to root it out of his mind, and to die the man readily gaye Power. Family jewels V, UASSS, AH 00,. the of an ' cash considerable dk rather than injure de Valmont. But the pas- court, the younger, residing , in the Grand to a amount were the , - - j .rX.r aa kaBil KM lor SAM. ConiBiissioB Herchaats Shia Ckaadlers. and the circumstances of his father, a retired sion had not been so easily and de Square. v , w ,., - price of his guilt. By leaving the penknife, f -- auk Mlack kJ Hawaiian Pro. HONOLULU, OAHU, H. I. colonel of engineers, enabled the young man. evercOie, lJ Jambs Makbb, 2 length became aware the truth'. Charles Darancourt was ere long, as his Darancourt hoped to throw suspicion on tho LvT-- ft MM. lorM market ftiem. for tbe time at least, to indulge his tastes in Valmont at i. A. Akthox, Hawaiiah Islakds. to series between him friend de Volmont had been before him, con- son of the count, and this really turned out Cnas. Bbbwbs 3d. ) this respect. This led a of letters Ships auuplird with &c.. and St. Maure,' which letters were now dis signed to a prison on the charge of murder- as he had anticipated, though the unexpected I W 1 TV Refreshments. Provisions. Ernest de SL Maure, at the period whence ItKAEL II. It It; IT, st the snuneat noijce, on reaseDalile strange fate which opening of the old well terms. this narrative takes its date, had not yet covered. In some passages of these,' de ing the St. Maures. The haJ subverted that ,UVTt:it AN1 CL.IZIKII, oflert for N. B. Wanted enveraincat or whalers bills on the U. with bro- had. thus caused suspicion to fall on the very part of the expected issue. Darancourt had S. or Earope. for which money will be advanced fav joined mandate Valmont reasoned with Ernest as a a etil on the army, but the imperial nW m nimmU Imm fMral orable terms. ther on the subject of his misplaced passion, dearest friends of the deceased, made the doomed de Valmonito death at the first op- -iiar (for Brussels was then within the dominions ' had i4 ap .
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