104 SWAFFHAM BULBECK. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. [POST OPFI.CE Cattell George, baker Harradine Sarah (Mrs.), school Read John, farmer, Fen Clark Charles, Crown Hawkins John, farmer Read Thomas,jun. farmel", Fen Clark Wm. blacksmith & beer retailer Hinson J oseph, grocer &: news agent Read Thomas, sen. farmel", Pea Darby Charles, jun. dairyman Hopkins Henry, cheese maker Read William, farmer Dempsey J sph. saddler & harness maker Hopkins John, beer retailer Roberts George, poulterer Drake Richard, ironmonger &coal mer Hopkins William, Fish Robinson John, farmer Eccleston &: Morris, grocers & drapers Hutchinson Mary (Mrs.), tailor Robinson Thomas, farmer EUwood Charles, shopkeeper Ibberson George, faI-mer Sawyer Samuel, beer retailer Ellwood Ephraim, faimer & beer retailr Knightall Thomas, AX8 ~ Cleaver, & Setchell Adam, miller & baker Peary Neville, farmer blacksmith Smith John, Windmill Peast John, machine owner Linton Joseph Lyon, coach builder, & Stimpson Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Se Feast Lutt, market gardener temperance hotel beer retailer Finch Henry Dennis, plumber& paintr Lioton Mark, farmer SuttonHannah(Mrs.),beerrtlr.&Shpkpr­ Giddens John, beer retailer MerlinWm. Jas.L.R.C.P.EDIN.surg-eon Taylor Burdett, plumber 'Giddens Samuel, Ship, & butcher Musk Charles, market gardener Vipan George, farmer Gimbert J ames, beer retailer Nunn William, agent to G. E. Railway Warth John, farmer Gimbert James, farmer & grocer Osborne Mary (Mrs.), grocer & draper Webb Thomas, joiner Greene Edward & Son, brewers; & at Palmer Benjamin, farmer Whiting Matthew, farmer Bury St. Edmunds Papworth William, miller, The Engine Whiting Matthew, jon. farmer Griffin David, grocer &: draper Parker Ebenezer, saddler & harness ma Worsnop Louisa (1\1rs.), grocer &: dra- Hadder Maunder, farmer Parker Frederick, butcher per, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey,wine Hadder Thomas, tailor & beer retailer Patti80n John, beer retailer & spirit merchants Haddock Benjamin, farmer Prior J oseph, wheelwright & beer retlr Wright James, station master Haddock John, faamer Prior J osiah, wheelwri!!ht Wright John, boot & shoe maker Hamence Anthony, wheelwright Prior Uriah, carpenter Young James, beer retailer Hamence Custance, post office, & rate Randall John, brewer, wine, spirit & collector & insurance agent coal merchant, Royal Arms hotel - SWAFFHAM BULBECK (or LITTLE SwA"FFHAM) Parker Hamond esq. is the lord ofthe one, and Alfred Kent is a parish 5! miles north-west from Six Mile Bottom sta- esq. is the lord of the other. The principal landowners are­ tion, and 61 west from Newmarket, in the hundred of W. Parker Hamond esq. the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,. Staine, l\tewmarket union and county court district, rural and Downing College. The soil is clay; subsoil, chalk_ deanery of North Camps, archdeaconry and diocese of The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area Ely. The church of St. Mary is an old Gothic stone build- is 3,000 acres; rateable value, £7,104; the population in ing, and has chancel, nave, aisles, tower with 6 6ne·toned 1871 was 912. bells, porch, and a handsome west arch supporting the ParilJh Clerk, William Hiner. tower: the west window has been opened, throwing a con- POST OPFICE.-Charles Stevens, receiver. Lettersreceived- siderable body of light into the churcp: the chancel was from Cambridge at 6.40 !I..m.; dispatched at 6.50 p.m. restored by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1876-7. The nearest money order office is at Bottisham The register CGmmences in the early part of the reign of The National school has an endowment of £20 yearly: Queen Elizabeth. The living is a vicarage, yearly value Alfred Henry Walker, master; Mrs. L. Walker, mistress-­ about .£300, with residence. in the Rift of the Bishop of INSURANCE AGENT.-Phamix Fire, R. Ellis Ely and held by the Rev. William Fleetwood LL.B. of St. Collector of TaxeJl, Robert R. Ellam Catharine's College, Cambridge. Charities producin~ £96 CARRIERS TO &: PROM CAHBRIDGE.-Edward Fordham yearly are distributed. Here are two manors; William &Nathan Fordham, wednesday &: saturday Fleetwood Rev. William LL.B. [vicar] Ellis Richard, farmer IsaacsonJohn, boot maker Livermore Thomas Fordham Edward, Camel' KentJhn.farmr. &: landownr.Burghhall Wilkin80n Isaac Herbert .T.P., D.L. Fordham Ephraim, White Swan King Charles, farmer, Chalk farm Upper Hare park; & Junior Carlton Fordham Wm. beer retailer& shopkeepr Selby George, grocer Club. [Letters through Bottisham] Giblin Benjamin Grainger, farmer, SpaJding James, farmer COMMERCIAL. Mitchell hall StevelJS Charles, builder, wheelwright Adams George, Horae ~ Groom Green Thomas, harness maker & smith, drill & machine maker &.. Blayden NOM, The Oak Hancock Asher, farmer, Fen lime burner ButlerNathan, mealman Hancock Charles, farmer Stevens Henry! carpenter &: builder Crisp George, farmer Hancock James, carpenter Stonebridge JOhn, grocer Ellam Robert Reynolds, beer retailer & Hart Robert, mealman TottmanLewis,merchllnt,miller& farmr collector oftaxes Howard John, beer retailer & farmer Watson William, boot maker - SWAFFHAM PRIOR (or GREAT SWAPPHAM) isa living from 16~5 to 1631. A Congregational chapel was village and parish 5 miles west from Newmarket, in the built in 1862. There is a Reading-room, erected in memory­ hundred of Staine, Newmarket union and county court of Miss Marianne Allix. Charities, producing- £100 yearly, district, rural deanery of North Camps, archdeaconry are appropriated partlyto the school and partly to the poor. and diocese of Ely: it is remarkable for its two churches, The principal landowners are Charles Peter Allix esq. the both standing in one churchyard. The church of St. Mary Dean and Chapter of Ely, and Qneens' College, Cambridge. 1Ias long been in ruins, but is now in process of restora­ The80il is loamy ; subsoil, chalk. The chief cropsarewheat~ tion; it forms an exceedingly picturesque object, and the barley, turnips and mustard seed. The area is 5,297 acres; octagonal tower is an interesting relic of Norman and Early rateable value, £7,869; the population in 1871 was 1,369, English architecture. The church of St. Cyriac is a plain, including part of the 81'1cient Saxon hamlet of REACH, at" substantial modern building, and has a chancel- '"lav'l, tran­ the western end ofthe Devil's Dyke. sept, and an ancient tower with 6 bells: it wih L.'l .lemo­ Parish Clerk, George Gill80n. lished, with the exception of the tower, when the other church is completed. The re~ister dates from the year POST OPPICE.-Frederick Clarke, receiver. Letters arrive- 1559. The living- consists of the consolidated vicarages of through Cambridge at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 6.40 p.m. St. Mary and St. Cyriac, yearly value .£500, with -residence, Burwell is the nearest money order office in the gift of the Bishop and the Dean and Chapter of.Bly INSURANCE AGEJIT.-NorthernFire ~ Life, F.P. Hawkes­ alternately, and has been held since 1856 by the Rev. National Sc1wol, Edwin PoIson Reed, master Thomas Preston M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The CARRIERS TO CAMBRIDGE.-Mrs. Hannah Lane, wed. & famous Puritan, Dr. Edmund Calamy the elder, held the sat.; James Chapman, wed. & sat. Mrs. Sarah Wells, sat. Allix Chas. Peter J.P. Swaffham house Ambrose William, farmer, Queens' Clark Jonas, tailor & beer retailer Palmby Francis Danby Colleg-e farm Clark Matthew, watch maker Palmby Frederick Asbee Georg-e Edward, ~er & draper Crisp George, sen. farmer, Fen Palmby Peter Francis Aves Eliza (Ml'tI.), Red Lion Crisp WiIliam, farmer Preston Rev. Thomas M.A. Vicarage Briggs John, Rose ~ Crown Danby Stephen Francis, farmer COMMERCIAL. Butcher William, blacksmith Danby William, farmer .Adams Phiiip, bricklayer Carter Joseph, shoe maker Danby William, wheelwright Aldhouse .Arthur, veterinary surgeon Chambers George, farmer Day Samuel, shoe maker Jimbrose Charles Cole, farmer Clark Edward, watch maker Fuller John, butcher.
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