> The Inside Story SNOW HOLIDAY—A group of township youngsters enjoy BURGLARIES CONTINUE— Break-ins again plague the sledding in T a y lo r P ark d u r ­ township after a lull in crim e following-the holiday season. One in­ ing an unexpected holiday. truder surprised a woman as she was talking on her telephone. Schools were^ closed here Fo r details see V a g e 3. Monday after a northeastern torm dumped about five in­ LENT BEGI NS—Obser­ C la s s ifie d ........... 14,15 ches of snow in the township vances of Shrove Tuesday Coming events.. ..........6 beginning Sunday afternoon. and Ash Wednesday will E d ito ria l............. ..........6 Roads were cleared by Tues­ mark the beginning of pre- M o v ie s ................. ........7 day and classes resumed. E a ste r a ctiv itie s in township O bituaries ......... 9 Fourteen minor traffic ac­ Ch ristian congregations. In­ Religion ..........9 cidents were recorded here form ation on se rvices and S o cia l................... ..........8 Sunday night and Monday pancake suppers will be S ports................... .12,13 m orning. found on Pages 8 and 9. ITEM OF MILLBURN AND SHORT HILLS v Thursday. Xafentsryie; F o u n d e d I HUB V 0l. 94 NO. 6 • > - • ■». ; . p ef < <>p\ .Sit |>w Y e a r b> M a it to t o u r I tout ^ Member. Audit Bureno of A'.imiluli' Serving the township for 95 years Court plans April hearing on South Mountain law suit The Board of Education and opponents to tion the suit lists as piauituts Raimie. Road and Lenore Roster of 50 Mountainvie.w sthuol dosing action and failure to provide the closing of South Mountain School will Schwartzstein of 18 Oval Road, association Road, The suit charges the board with acceptable alternative uses for closed face each other in court the week of April 11 president; Stephen Greenberg of 7 Kahwav failure to adhere to its own criteria in -Jhe buildings The hearing date was set last Thursday at The suit vita's'hot the first legal procedure a pre-hearing conference held in the initiated by the South Mountain group chambers of the Division of Administrative P re v io i^ g t had sought an injunction to Law in Newark. prevent the school closing vote from ever Attorney Allan Dzwilewski of East being taken, but its request was denied by Orange, representing the South Mountain Romero quits post the same administrative court judge who Civic Association and three neighborhood scheduled the April hearing residents, said the complaint does not op­ Asked to comment on thfe turn of events in pose the closing of South Mountain School the school closing battle school superinten­ "per se” but challenges the claim that any dent Paul W, Rossey likened it to events township school need be closed for "finan­ as rec director which preceded the closing of Washington cial or educational” reasons. He said the For the second time in two years the local mend a new director to the Township Cdm-' School seven years ago. He noted that the court Tight will not be a “neighborhood b at­ board of recreation commissioners is adver­ mittee before April since Mr. Romero is tak­ court decided in favor of the Board of tle” but a townwide confrontation with the tising for a new recreation director. ing vacation time beginning April l Education in that instance. board. , _ -surprise resignation of Richard At the February 2 recreation meeting Mr Dr. Rossey said the restraint on, sale According to the directive handed down Romero who began in "that position Romero said he had planned to stay as would not prove a burden to the board by the court last week the board may not September 1, 1981 was announced at the recreation director here at least three because it is not likely to have made a deci take any steps to sell the South Mountain board's meeting last week. The resignation years, but "a career opportunity came that suin' on disposition of South Mountain or building before the April hearing. Mr. is effective April 28 when Mr. Romero will 1 couldn't pass up." He said he was proud of Short Hills Schools before April He noted Dzwilewski said he intends to monitor the join Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune, his achievements in the township, especially 'hat the advisory committee to suggest uses board's actions closely and if it appears as administrator of a life style management the capital improvements including (tie. for these buildings has. not been formed. plans are in the offering to lease the building center. fitness trails and new backboards m the Though announcement of these commit or alter it in any way to prohibit its use as a According to chairman Mary Downs, the parks. He cited the "tremendous coopera tee member's is not an item on the Board of school in 1983-84 he will seek an injunction to entire board is serving as a search commit tion" on these projects which he had receiv­ fediication;.agenda for Monday’s meeting, restrain the board’s action. tee with the opening being advertised in ed from the Township Committee and the board secretary Ronald Brennan said it is a Representing the board in the legal pro­ trade journals and through “ word of recreation board—saying, "You lewgap do P0SS1,t l I r^ e committee will be cedure is Roslyn Harrison of the Newark mouth.” Other commissioners are George it.” designated a' rha» time The board announc law firm McCarter & English. Mrs. Har Bernstein, Jeffiey Ruddy, Mary Swanson. Mr Romero, who recently received a 14 ed previously fts members will represent rison noted that the period until the hearing Thomas Wilcock, Jacqueline Wolf and M.D per cent salary increase, was being paid the ‘fownship Committee. Planning Board. date will be used for “ pre-trial Woodring. $28,300 a year. Board of Adjustment, residents of South discovery"—a compilation of documents Mr. Romero, 27, succeeded the late In other board business. Robert Hogan, Mountain' and Short Hills School and evidence supporting each side of the George Bauer who retired in December 1981 assistant director, announced three new neighborhoods and the Board of Education KEEPING FIT— Last Thursday's balmy temperatures brought Chuck Cfiotcoversy which will he presented to the after 40 years as rsercation superintendent progiams for spring. They are borsenaCR Agenda items listed include announce- Ktena of Norwood Terraceanrfson j.c.,3, nrmenewiymsfarred Fitness judge. She declined further comment on the here.' Unlike the superintendent's position riding, aerobics for high school girls: and ment of the school calendar for 1983-84 and trail in Taylor P ark . The chinning b a rs are part of a 16-station exercise case at this time. the director’s slot is non-civil service. Friday night ballroom dancing instruction approvals^ salary -contract with the custOr trail for cardio-vascular conditioning, In addition to the South Mountain Associa­ The recreation board hopes to recom- at Bauer Community Center, djans' association Police job action report due The success'—or lack of success—of ef­ back to the Township Committee within one During the first two and one-half weeks of forts to break what has been described by week.1' the month, township police were issuing on­ the Township Committee as a job action on The plan to which Mayor Cryer referred ly an average of three moving violations a the part of members of the Millbum Police in his statement apparently centers about day. During the third week of the month, the Department were to be the subject of a clos­ Chief Tighe and the two department cap­ week before last week's Committee session ed door session of the governing body late tains donning uniforms and riding in patrol with Chief Tighe and a period in which the last night. cars to insure motorists violating the laws of chief was already spending a portion of his Last night's session was to feature a the road are ticketed. Continued on Page 6 report by Police Chief W. Paul Tighe on a plan he had devised to insure that motorists violating laws on township streets were be­ ing ticketed. The plan was outlined by Chief Tighe at a Planning Board biting previous closed door session of the Commit­ tee held February 2. No details, other than a prepared state­ ment issued by Mayor Earl W. Cryer, were into fast food question available to the public following last week’s closed session which did not adjourn until l Planning Board hearings on the applica­ the former Mr. E building at 318 Millburn a.m. tion of Bagel Chateau to move from its pre­ Avenue was first put before the Planning The statement issued by Mayor Cryer sent Millburn Avenue location to a larger Board in December by Martin Wayne, consisted of only four sentences: building across the street will be continued Bagel Chateau proprietor. Since that time “The full Township Committee met and Wednesday night. Mr. Wayne, who has purchased the Mr. E talked with Police Chief Tighe in its continu­ If board approval is given to the move, the building, has revised his original plans to ing effort to end the police job action. firm will continue its retail counter and meet many of the concerns "expressed by “Chief Tighe agreed that there is a cur­ cafeteria operation which it now offers, but board members at the December meeting. rent job action.
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