Instructional Recipe How Did Texas Grow One City at a Time? Online research and information resources available through a partnership between Case Study: Austin the Texas State Library and Archives Grade 7, Texas History Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 http://web.esc20.net/k12databases TEKS: Step 1 – Ask (7.8 B) analyze and interpret geographic distributions and patterns in Texas during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Objectives: (7.9 A) locate the Mountains and Basins, Students will analyze the impact of geographic, political, social Great Plains, North Central Plains, and and economic factors that contributed to the growth of Austin, Coastal Plains regions and places of th th Texas. importance in Texas during the 19 , 20 , and 21st centuries such as major cities, rivers, natural and historic landmarks, Introduction: political and cultural regions, and local points of interest. (7.12 A) explain economic factors that led to the urbanization of Texas. (7.21 A) differentiate between, locate, and use primary and secondary sources such as computer software, databases, media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information about Texas. (7.21B) analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions. (7.21C) organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps. (7.21D) identify points of view from the historical context surrounding an event and Bird’s Eye View of Austin, Texas, before 1910. Prints and the frame of reference that influenced the Photographs Collection, Texas State Library and Archives. 1946/1- participants. 207 (7.21E) support a point of view on a social studies issue or event. Ask: What are your first impressions of the photo above? Does it seem as if there is room for urbanization? Why or why not? What landforms are visible in the picture? Vocabulary: urbanization – growth of cities rural – in the country (outside of the city) urban – in the city Created by Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer, Education Service Center, Region 20 1 Technology Application TEKS: Step 2 – Investigate Texas State Library and Archives Resources: (6A) Determine and employ methods to evaluate the electronic information for Austin, State Capitol of Texas/1887. Texas State accuracy and validity Archives Map Number 2341. Publisher: Whitley (6B) Resolve information conflicts and Company, printers. Reproduction, issued by Friends of validate information through accessing, the Austin Public Library, 1974. Cartographer: Koch, researching, and comparing data Augustus, 1887. http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/cgi- (6C) Demonstrate the ability to identify the source, location, media type, bin/aris/maps/maplookup.php?mapnum=2341 relevancy, and content validity of The City of Austin and Suburbs/1925. Texas State available information Archives Map Number 4015. Pblisher: Copyright by (7A) Plan, create, and edit documents Dixon B. Penick, Civil Engineer, Austin, Texas, 1925. created with a word processor using readable fonts, alignment, page setup, Cartographer: Penick, Dixon B., 1925. tabs, and ruler settings http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/cgi- (7E) Create a document using desktop bin/aris/maps/maplookup.php?mapnum=4015 publishing techniques including, but not limited to, the creation of multi-column EBSCO Resources: or multi-section documents with a variety of text-wrapped frame formats "Austin, Texas, 2007." World Almanac & Book of Facts (10A) Use productivity tools to create (2009): 295. Primary Search. EBSCO. Web. 28 Nov. effective document files for defined 2010. audiences such as slide shows, posters, http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=p multimedia presentations, newsletters, brochures, or reports rh&AN=44742825&site=srck5-live (10D) Demonstrate appropriate use of fonts, styles, and sizes, as well as Additional Websites: effective use of graphics and page Urbanization: design to effectively communicate http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/hyunw (11A) Publish information in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, Austin, TX: printed copy, monitor display, Internet http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/hda03 documents, and video Austin History Center: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/library/ahc/briefhistory.htm Use the above resources to record information on the concept map on the next page. Think about the following when using the primary sources above: What message is the source trying to communicate? Who is the intended audience for this source? What parts of the source informs you about the topic of the lesson? Which sources support or refute your original thoughts about the topic? Created by Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer, Education Service Center, Region 20 2 Step 3 – Create Students can work individually or with partners to create a concept map that organizes the information they learned about Texas. Here are some suggested topics that could be included: Technology Link – Students may use graphic organizer software such as Inspiration, draw a table in a word processor, or use an online graphic organizer, such as http://bubbl.us. Allow students to share their information with another group or as a whole class. Geographic Reasons (immigration, migration, land use, population distribution, etc.) Economic Reasons Political Reasons for Reasons (trade, industry, City Growth (regulation, business, etc.) in the early elections, laws, 1900s etc.) Social Reasons (points of interest, culture, etc.) Created by Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer, Education Service Center, Region 20 3 Step 4 – Discuss Students may choose one of the following projects to complete: Design and create a mural that reflects the reasons why the city grew in the early 1900s. Be sure to include pictures and ideas that reflect the major reasons for the city’s growth. Design and write a newspaper that includes articles about the political, social, economic or geographic reasons why the city grew. Be sure to include pictures and ideas that reflect the city’s growth. Design a website that explains the political, social, economic, or geographic reasons why the city grew. Be sure to include graphics, articles, and links to places to get more information. Technology Link - Students can use Microsoft Word or Publisher to develop their products. Use the EBSCO image collection to help you find images of Texas. Step 5 – Reflect Allow students to present their projects to the rest of the class. Use the following suggested rubric to assess the students’ work. Make sure that the students are familiar with the rubric before they begin creating their project. They should refer to the rubric repeatedly to monitor their progress in creating their project. Technology Link: You can also create your own rubric with your students at http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php. Created by Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer, Education Service Center, Region 20 4 Teacher Name:___________________________________________________ Student(s) Name(s): ___________________________________________________ Mural : Texas Cities Grow CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Thematic The student's portion The student's portion The student's portion The student's portion Accuracy of the mural fits the of the mural fits the of the mural fits the of the mural does not theme of the theme of the theme of the fit the theme of the assignment and all of assignment and most assignment. assignment. the team's items are of the team's items accurately placed on are accurately placed the background. on the background. Example: Student has drawn a dwarf palm and has placed it in the understory layer in a rainforest mural. Planning/ Student can describe Student has carefully Student has planned Leaps into action organization the intent and plan of planned his/her part his/her part of the without any evidence complete mural and of the mural and can mural and can of planning or focus. how his/her part will describe how s/he describe how s/he contribute to the will get the work will get the work whole. Works with done and a vision for done and a vision for team to come up with his/her part. Gets his/her part. Does not general plan of what team input on plan solicit much group will be done before for his/her input when making beginning. contribution before plan. beginning. Drawings Drawings are Drawings are Drawings are Drawn objects are recognizable, recognizable and recognizable and difficult to recognize detailed and colored colored accurately. reasonably accurate. AND/OR not accurately. Overall, Overall, the drawings They are copied, accurate the drawing are are original and done printed or traced original and skillful. with some skill. rather than original. Content Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Accuracy explain with 90- explain with 80-90% explain with 70-80% explain less than 70% 100% the geographic, the geographic, the geographic, of the geographic, political, social or political, social or political, social or political, social or economic reasons economic reasons economic reasons economic reasons why the city grew. why the city grew. why the city grew. why the city grew. Created by Ravae Villafranca Shaeffer, Education Service Center, Region 20 5 Teacher Name:___________________________________________________ Student(s) Name(s): ___________________________________________________ Newspaper : Texas Cities Grow CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Knowledge All students in the All students in the Most students in the Several students in Gained group can accurately group can accurately group can accurately the group appear to answer all questions answer most answer most have little knowledge related to a) stories in questions related to questions related to about the facts and the newspaper and b) a) stories in the a) stories in the the technical technical processes newspaper and b) newspaper and b) processes used for used to create the technical processes technical processes the newspaper. newspaper. used to create the used to create the newspaper.
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