Jan., 1908 PUBLJCATIONS REVIEWED 53 iSt in any one field of natural history without ceived August 24) =Bulletin U. S. N. M. No. at the same time knowing something of the 50, Part IV, I pp I-XXII, I-974, pll. I-XXXIV. general problems, laws and theories of biology. In the four volumes of this great work now No student of birds should pursue his narrow published there have, ;been described 1,675 line of study, oblivious of the main results of species and subspecies, or somewhat more than work with the other classes of animals. The half the total number of North and Middle all-important facts and processes of organic American Birds.” The amount of work repre- evolution are as essential a feature of ornitho- sented in the 4000 closely printed pages already logical knowledge, as of a knowledge of in- issued is marvelous, when we bear in mind that sects, or fishes, or of plants. it means the labor of one man. The synonym- In their new book, titled as above, Jordan ies alone constitute an undertaking of great and Kellogg present a well-selected series of magnitude. There is not the least doubt in facts bearing on the subject of evolution, de- our minds but that Mr. Ridgways’ work is not rived from the latest work in both Europe and only the greatest in point of size, but the most America. The early theories and argumeuts of thoro, of all the systematic treatises on Amer- Darwin, Lamarck and others, and the recent ican birds ever issued. laws and theories of Mendel. Galton, DeVries, The title, above quoted, indicates the scope and Burbank, are succinctly presented. And of Part IV. We will simply call attention to a the views of the authors themselves appear to few of the points of interest in regard to us to reflect the very sanest of recent opinions Western species. on the many disputed points discussed. The Mr. Ridgway enters in full standing both treatment is popular, in the sense of being the Monterey Hermit Thrush (Hylocichla gut- clear and easily understandable by the lay tata slevini) and the Sierra Hermit Thrush (H. reader. The abundant illustrations are lessons g. sequoie%sis) while the alleged HyZocichZa in themselves. ustulata edica is included under N. zlsf~hta In fine, we would recommend the book as ustz4Zata. lxorieus ncevius meruloides, a sup- the very best and most up-to-date on the sub- posed northern form of the Varied Thrush, is ject of evolution, a book thatevery bird student considered inseparable from Ixoreus nevius should read and study, in order to have a proper. Planesticus is introduced as the genus broad foundation-knowledge upon which to name for the Robin. The range of the San build his ornithology. Pedro Bluebird (Sialia mexicana anabel@) is We regret to note not a few typographical extended to include the “mountains of San or perhaps chirographical slips, such as doubt- Diego and southern Los Angeles counties, less resulted from hurried proof-reading. A California, and along the eastern slope of the few minor errors are noticeable; such as the SierraNevada as far as Mount Lassen,” The nest of “Rufous hummingbird” photographed Pasadena Thrasher ( Toxostoma redivivum pap- at Stanford University, (Fig. 274) very improb- adenense) is not considered separable from the ably that species, but the Allen hummingbird California Thrasher (T. r. redivivum). The (Selasphorus alleni). Nor have we everseen Horned Larks are entered practically as worked any species of “Aythya” marked like those in out by Oberholser. A sort of dichromatism is Fig. 276. The composition in places could ascribed to certain Empidonaces, as hammondi, have been smoothed over a bit. wrightii and griseus. This discovery is of ex- But the subject-matter and mode of presen- treme interest; yet it still more complicates the tation of the book cannot be criticized, as far differential characterization of these difficult as we are concerned. We urge those of our species. The genus ConZopus, for the Wood readers who wish to acquire a familiarity with Pewees, becomes Myiochanes. the latest evolutionary views, to make use of In lack of the long-delaying new A. 0. U. this, the best exposition of the entire subject check-list, it seems to us that students can do as it now stands to be obtained.-J. G. no better than follow Ridgways’ lead implicit- ly in matters of nomenclature. In fact we do The BIRDS 1OF 1NORTH AND MIDD~.E not know but what the check-list had better AMERICA: 1 A Descriptive Catalogue 1 [etc. 7 give way for the present to the “Birds of North lines]. ( By 1 ROBERT RIDGWAY 1Curator. Div- and Middle America,” leaving the latter as the ision of Birds ( - 1PART IV. 1Family Tur- only recognized authority.-J. G. dida -Thrushes. Family ZeZedoniidE 1 Wren- Thrushes. Family Mimide-Mockingbirds. Family Stuy&de-Starlings. Family Ploceide RESEARCH IN CHINA 1Expedition of 1903- 1 Weaver Birds. Family Alaudida-Larks. 04, under the direction of Bailey Willis 1- Family Oyxruncidar-Sharp-bills. Family 1 REPORT ON ZOOLOGY 1by I ELIOT BI.ACK- Tyraflrnidca-Tyrant Flycatchers. Family WELDER ( [extracted from Carnegie Institution Pipvi&-Manakins. Family Cotingide-- of Washington Publication No. 54, 1 Research Chatterers. j - I Washington: 1Govern- in China, Volume I, Part 11, pages 481-508, 6 ment Printing Office. 1 1907. (our Copy re- plates, [vignette] I Washington, D. C.: I Pu . .
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